Maxerica: That One Bullet

By Baesies

141K 1.7K 510

During the Selection, America is pregnant with Maxon's child. Just as Maxon announces his future wife, rebels... More

Who Knew?
Time Flies
Secrets Must Be Kept Secret
Choices, Choices
Bullets Hurt
Cancels Out
Where to?
Friends Help
My Right
Bloody Hell
Never Forget
Baby Steps
It's Time
Lying Is a Bad Habit
Bright Ideas, Bad Execution
Soon, So Soon
Her Voice, Her Reality
The Part, Where I Say "I Don't Want It"
Sacrifices Mean Something
Accepting, Accepted
This is Me (Epilogue)
Wise Words
Truth or Truth
Was It The Truth?
My Part, My Doing
Faults Of One Another
Fire Away
I'll Pretend
And I'll Suffer


6.2K 78 16
By Baesies

"I choose...." I started. "America," I said with confidence. I lost her once before, I will never make the same mistake again.

"As for the twins...." I hesitated. "I choose twin "B"," I said. 

"Twin "B"?" Question Doctor Ashlar.

"Yes," I replied, not knowing why she questioned me. "Is something wrong?"I asked.

"No, Your Majesty, It's just, twin "A" is far more stable........and you need an heir don't you?" She caught on.

"I know, it's terrible. I feel like someone from the olden days would do that." I admitted.

"Okay, but just know, if an accident were to occur, our full attention will turn to twin "B". Leaving twin "A" to her death." She explained.

"I know," I whispered. "Don't you have more nurses and doctors?" I asked.

"Many of them were killed in the fight." She said sadly.

"Oh." I said back, Worrying again.

"If the bullet were to pierce America in the stomach, we MUST take the twins out, no matter the condition of them. If this were to happen, they will outside the womb and live with wires all around them. Once they are out, I will perform surgery on America, ensuring that the bullets are out." She explained.

"Okay, but how will that affect the twins," I asked.

"They have a 25% survival rate, being so young and out of the womb." She said.

"25%?!" I said, scared. "No that can't be right!" I yelled trying to change the fact that America was close to death. 

"What about America?" I asked more questions.

"America has a much higher rate of 75%, but if they bullet were to pierce her, not to mention the surgery of getting the twins out, it could drop to as low as 15%." She said, but I could tell she didn't want to tell me.

"No..." I said. Breaking inside. 

"Shall I tell the King and Queen still?" She asked again, maybe thinking I would change my mind.

"No. I want to be the one to tell them" I said with confidence.

"Alright. I will ask you if there are any changes. Right now, my plan starts today by giving her many nutrients that will feed the children. She explained.

Aspen, you are so dead. 

"Aspen! Aspen Leger!" I yelled as I called for him again.

"Ugh, what now?" I heard an officer complain. 

"Oh umm, I'm sorry Your Majesty." He quickly apologised after seeing it was me.

"It's alright, wheres Leger?" I asked. 

"With Lucy." He responded.

"Lucy??" I said confusedly.

"Lucy, Lady America's Maid?" He said.

"Right," I said running up the stairs.

What the hell was he doing in America's room?

I didn't even bother knocking, I just walked right in, hoping to catch whatever he was doing there. 

"There you are," I said to him.

"Your Majesty."He said, bowing.

"Ugh stop that, you never answered my question fully." I snapped.

"I told you, I never hooked up with America!"I screamed at him.

"Then why is she pregnant with twins, and lying on a gurney unconscious." I countered. 

"Wait for what?" One of her maids said. 

"America's pregnant with twins," I explained. 

"How far along is she?" Lucy asked.

"4? 5? months. Doesn't matter, He was the cause of this." I accused pointing a finger at him.

"It wasn't me Maxon! I have told you countless times already. I am a gentleman. I would never try and take advantage of America like that. You know that!" He said angrily. 

"Do I know you? You're a stranger to me. Hell, you're an enemy to me." I shot back.

"Prince Maxon, I hate to break it to you, but could it be possible that those are your kids?" Anne said.

Wait a minute.... 4? 5? months ago? Uh no. I wanted to get back at Aspen. To cane him for taking America. I was so desperate to help her, but I didn't realise that I was the cause of this. She would be standing on her own two feet, she would still participate.

"Was it me?" I asked a rhetorical question.

"Maxon. Those are your kids. America explained to us, and made us promise not to tell a soul." Mary said. 

"How's America anyway?." Lucy asked.

"She's unconscious," I said. "For two months." I hesitate to say it, but they deserve to know. 

"Why? That seems way too much time for someone to be unconscious." Anne said. 

"She's pregnant with 4.5 months year old. The doctor told me to let her stay that way. If she's hydrated and relaxed. The babies can grow more, which then can be taken out to grow." I explained most of what the doctor told me.

"If the bullet pierces her intestines. She's done for." I said crying. I wasn't the only one.


"Maxon!  What have you done?! I've just received a message that you sent Kriss home! Where is America! What did she say to you?" He questioned.

"America didn't say anything to me," I explained. "In my heart, I knew she was the one. I wouldn't be able to have a life without her." I tried to make my father understand. 

"Maxon. Let me talk to America. Talk some sense into that Five." Said, father.

"No. That won't be necessary." I said.

"Why not?" Father asked sceptically.

"She's unconscious," I said.

"Bloody hell. Why would you choose her then!? How long?" He asked.

"Two months" I answered.

"Maxon. You can talk to me after you come to your senses." He replied harshly.


"Mother?" I asked for her

"Yes, son?" She replied.

"I made a mistake," I admitted.

"Choosing America was never a mistake, to begin with. She made you happy, and know look where you are, you're about to get married like you supposed to from the start." She said happily.

"I know choosing America wasn't a mistake, but It does have something to do with America," I said, not ready for how this will play off.

"America's pregnant. With twins. She's unconscious, because of me." I started crying.

"What?" My mother said.

"Who's the father?" She asked.

"Me," I said. Not wanting to admit it. 

"Maxon......" She said worrying.

"I know, but she's close to death. I can feel it. It's like I'm losing her all over again. I can't. The twins are barely 5 months and we can't take them out, but if we don't! America has a chance of death. All because of us. I couldn't wait." I corrected.

"Twins?" She asked.

"Yes, one girl, one boy," I answered as she smiled. 

"I'm a grandmother?" She asked.

"Yes," I smiled.

"News from Doctor Ashlar."A guard told us.

I ran up the stairs again and raced to her office. When I got there, America was bleeding out of her stomach. No, the twins... 

"Nurse? whats wrong" I asked.

"America's stitch from her bullet wounds were undone. She is bleeding profusely. We are trying to pack her, and make sure she doesn't lose too much blood." She said as she left.

"Doctor Ashlar called you in for your final decision. She felt that you weren't' ready that first time she discussed this."

"Save America. Save America." I said crying again.

America. Why did I do this to you? How could I have been so selfish?

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