Princess of the Rogues

By ChloePJ

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Jennifer's life has never been easy. She has never had a childhood to call her own. Her father is a vile, evi... More

Princess of the Rogues
Chapter 1: Giving Up
Scarred for Life
Just Another Day
My Worst Nightmare
What Have I Done
If things couldn't get any worse!
A Twist of Fate
Taking a Risk
Here goes Nothing
Meeting the Alpha
When others decide your Future
Revealing the Truth
Just Another Eventful Day
It was bound to Happen
A Different Light?
The Message
A Dream or Reality
This is my Life
Things can Never be Simple
Sorting out my Problems
Going Back to Hell
I didn't see that Coming
Two Sides to a Story
History is Written by the Victors
The Aftermath
Seeing the Light
Starting to Recover
The Beginning Of Recovery
Author Note
A Similar Situation
Not A Happy Ending
Leaving the ones you Love
Another Point Of View
Living Life Alone?
Life's Purpose
Getting Back Up
Perfect Christmas
Waiting to be Judged
Guilty or not-guilty?
Taking Responsibility
Author Note
Question and Answer


13.9K 591 41
By ChloePJ

Hey everyone.

100,000 reads!!! Omg. That is fricking awesome. i can't believe it. it is so amazing that you all happened to stumble upon my book to read.

Thank you so much. 

Shout out and dedication to xXcowgirl11Xx who made me a new cover. It is amazing. Thank you. 

Vote, Comment, Follow,


Chloe x

Fact ? (I can't remember)- i am a massive Rugby Union fan. So of course i support England!!! Woop! Woop! And i am a Saracens supporter which is an English Rugby Team.

Chapter 41

Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

                Time. You never realise just how precious time is until it is about to be taken away from you. In that room, through those double doors, people were talking about me. People were making a decision as to whether I should live or die. This could be my last hour to live. What makes things worse is that if I get executed, Xander will die as a result? I just hoped I had said enough. I had revealed every dark little secret that I had wanted to remain hidden.

                The bench I was sat on was cold and desolate, the only bit of warmth I had was Xander who I was leaning next to, my head rested gently upon his shoulder. We were silent. We didn’t speak. We just enjoyed the time we had right now. This could be our last time together. I fiddled with my hands nervously in my lap which Xander soon placed his own over the top of mine, squeezing them in reassurance.

                I looked through the corridor which we were in. Xander and I were alone at the top. Everyone was accepting our privacy right now. The rest of our group were just further down from us keeping anyone that did want to speak away from us which I appreciated. Rebecca and Michael were holding each other close but they both looked nervous.

                All the other representatives of the other packs were further down the corridor. They were talking to one another and occasionally looking around at me which only increased my nerves and made me more self-conscious than I already was right now. The door opened to the chamber and everyone was called back in.

                Xander and I remained where we were and let the others pass first. Michael, Rebecca and Xander’s parents entered in silently but with respect. I kept my head down and looked into Xander as everyone else walked by. Now was our time to go in. I stood up and Xander did too. He pulled me to him by my waist and pressed his lips against mine urgently and lovingly.

                I responded just as quickly knowing this could be my last moment with him like this. His last touch. His last words to me. The whiff of his scent. The last feeling of him next to me. I tried to memorise this as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We broke away eventually as we caught our breath.

                “I love you,” I spoke as tears formed in my eyes.

                “I love you more, Jennifer,” Xander spoke, narrowly holding it together.

                I couldn’t take this anymore without breaking out into tears. I moved away and walked past Xander into the courtroom. I held the tears at bay which were trying to fight their way through. I sat at the desk in the middle of the room which I was at before as I awaited my punishment. Xander sat back in his chair but I didn’t turn to look. I kept my vision straight ahead and focussed.

                Alpha Tom stood at the front and called the room to order. I felt sick. I felt physically sick. How could I do this? What if they go to execute me? Will Xander do something stupid? No, he can’t. He mustn’t. At least if I do get executed and Xander dies as a result, Michael will take over the pack. He is good and kind and will do the pack well in their future.

                “The Council and Jury have analysed all evidence and testimonies. We have come to a unanimous decision,” Alpha Tom spoke.

                The room was totally silent. You could hear a pin drop but all I could hear was the pounding of my heart against my chest. Death, life. Guilty, not guilty.

                “We have decided that Jennifer Holly Turner, on the charges of her assistance with the ruling of the Rogue Pack, we have decided that Jennifer is… not guilty of all charges laid upon her,” Alpha Tom spoke.

                I froze. Not guilty. NOT GUILTY. I am free. My old life is finally over. I felt the tears flow then. The tears of joy, happiness and relief. I am free. I free of every shackle of my title, the Princess of the Rogues, I am free of my horror and my father. I can live. Alpha Tom was still talking which I barely picked out. It was something about me being just as much of a victim.

                I stood up and Xander rushed over to me. He pulled me into his arms as I saw the threat of tears in his smiling eyes. His head was on my shoulder just hugging me close.

                “I have got you Jennifer. You are free. You don’t have to go through any of this ever again,” he whispered into my ear.

                “I am free, Xander. It’s done. We are done with this. It’s over,” I whispered back to him.

                “I am never going to let you go,” He whispered.

                “Me neither,” I replied.

                Michael and Rebecca rushed over happily and joined in on the group hug making me laugh lightly.

Somehow we made out into the main lobby of the building. Our little group were sat in a corner. I was curled up next to Xander who was just holding me closely. He hadn’t let go of we since the result had come in. I could feel how happy he was which was really nice. I was going to live. I was finally going to get the life I so dearly crave.

People would come over from other packs and wish me well for the future and apologized for my past. I told them that I was fine and it was ok. It was nice to finally not be judged for everything that I had done. I just wanted a life and I had that. I couldn’t really resent anyone because of that.

“Um. Excuse me,” Someone asked and I looked into the eyes of an old version of my father.

I looked away as nerves and fear over took me. That wasn’t my father.

“Yes?” Xander asked.

“I want to speak and get to know my granddaughter,” the heavy French accent spoke.

I stood up from where I was sitting but Xander was nervous knowing which side of the family this was from. I walked over nervous and unsure what to say.

“My name is Benjamin. Your father was my son… I… I am so sorry for what my son put you through. I just wish to be there and I want you to know that there is family here for you and we really wish to get to know you more,” Benjamin spoke.

“Don’t apologize for your son. We don’t always turn out like our parents,” I replied, “I would love to get to know you. You are my family after all,” I smiled as confident as I could.

“I will give you time. I don’t want to overwhelm you and I probably look too much like your father. Xander has our contacts so whenever you are ready we will meet you. I wish you a good life and we really want to be there for you,” Benjamin spoke before leaving us and back to his pack members.

I saw others that were my family too and I smiled at them receiving a smile in response. I was about to turn and sit back with Xander when a woman came up and I gasped. She looked so similar to my mother. Her hair was lighter but the features were there. She looked just like my mum every way.

“Jennifer. I am Megan. I am your mum’s twin. I am your aunt and I am so sorry for everything you went through. You look so much like your mum. Your hair, your eyes. You are a beautiful and strong young woman. I am so sorry for everything you have been through. You have family here in England and we really want to know you. Please let us in,” Megan spoke with tears brimming her eyes.

“I would love to get to know you. I really would. You remind me of the images I have seen of my mum. I wish I got to know h-her. I r-really do. I would like some space for a few weeks to collect myself together but I really want to get to know you all. You are my mother’s family and I like to think I have done her proud,” I spoke, my voice getting shaky as I spoke of my mum.

“We will wait. We just want to know that we want you as part of our family,” Megan explained before pulling me into a hug which I responded to.

Eventually I sat back next to Xander and he hugged me close kissing me lightly on my head. He didn’t say anything, he just let me remain lost in my thoughts as I thought about the prospect of me having a huge family of people who wanted to get to know me. That was crazy. I had gone from having no family to having aunts, uncles and grandparents. I didn’t quite know what to believe or think. I was still an orphan but at least I had a larger family now.

“Let’s go home,” Xander whispered and I nodded suddenly feeling exhausted.

The group of us grabbed our things, deciding not to stay the night and just head home. We wanted peace, quiet and comfort. We made it into our group of cars and I curled up into the back with Xander. He hugged me close and our hands held each other’s closely and delicately. I fell asleep in Xander’s arms in total ease.

I was free. The shackles of my past life had totally disappeared. I was free. I was no longer the Princess of the Rogues. I was no longer tarnished by the reputation of my father. I was Jennifer Holly Turner. I was no one else other than the happy girl who was going to spend the rest of her life and future with her mate. I couldn’t wait. 

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