Bonds of Iron and Fire

By Erza_Dragneel_

70.3K 891 269

Little by little Natsu's starting to lose control. A dark side resides within him, but Erza will stand by his... More

The Darkside of the Flame
S-Class Lessons
Halloween Havoc
Acting Their Age
Rampaging Little Monsters
Hormonal Years
A Brother and Sister Relationship
Team Natsu Back in Action
Explosive Tendencies
New Addition to the Family
A Little Fun and a Little Training
Meeting the guild and Family Vacation
Battle at the sea part 1 (1/3)
Battle at the Sea part 2 (2/3)
Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)
House Guest
Happy Days and Uncertain Futures
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p1
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2
Let The Hunt Begins
To Each Their Own Messes
Jailhouse Rock Part 1

A Fairy Hunter's New Beginning

1.1K 18 0
By Erza_Dragneel_


That was easily the word that described the atmosphere between Natsu and Knightwalker. Erza had stepped out to get groceries and had taken Hisako with her. It had been a week since Erza had her talk with Knightwalker and things were progressing rather well between the two.


But well.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be the said for Natsu and Knightwalker. So, Erza decided to give them some alone time. She knew Natsu could only hold out for so long until he decided to tackle the issue head on, which she thought it was time for such an approach.

So the two sat in the living room, neither saying a word. After a few minutes of growing tension and awkwardness, Natsu decided to unknowingly go along with Erza's plan.

"Ahhhhh! I can't take this anymore!" Natsu shouted as he pulled his hair. "I'm Natsu Dragneel! I don't do awkward!"

"Hey! It's not like I'm enjoying the situation either!" Knightwalker quickly snapped back. "It's just. . . .every time I look at you I get all these mixed feelings." Knightwalker admitted. "I know you're not him but you're so similar, and not just in looks."

"Really?" Natsu questioned. "I met him once and he seemed a lot like the opposite of me."

"He changed a lot after he met you. In fact I think you were his hero." Knightwalker commented with a sad chuckle. "But you're right. Even with his changes you're still a lot more rougher and childish then he was."

"Jeez. Thanks." Natsu sarcastically replied.

"The point is, you're similar to him in many ways, and I can't stop myself from linking you two together." Knightwalker sighed.

She really wanted to get past this. Knightwalker already accepted the fact that she would be staying with them, most likely for a very long time, and for that to happen she and Natsu had to get past the awkwardness.

But how?




"Wanna fight?" Natsu asked. "Whenever I need to clear my mind a good fight always helps."

"Doubt it would take a lot of clearing in the first place."

"Hey!" Natsu shouted in defense of his intelligence.

"I speak my mind. Deal with it." Knightwalker shrugged. "Besides aren't you the same way?"


He was the same way!


That meant he couldn't get mad at her for telling it like it is.


"Still, cheap shot." Natsu pouted.

"Fair enough." Knightwalker conceded.

"So. . .fight?" Natsu re-questioned.

". . . .No magic?" Knightwalker still feared of falling to the allure of power, but she figured a fight without her spear should be fine.

". . .Deal." Natsu answered after a few seconds of thought.

'Damn, she's tough.' Natsu thought as he ducked under a straight punch that hit the tree behind him.

'The magic in my body must have raised my physical capabilities automatically.' Knightwalker observed as she watched the tree she hit, crack, and break in half.

She couldn't help the smile that made its way on her face.

"Hey! Don't get too comfortable!" Knightwalker's head snapped to the right just in time to receive a punch to the face. As she flew through the air, Knightwalker flipped, righted herself in the air, placed her feet on the ground, and slid to a stop.

'Looks like being a woman doesn't earn you any special treatment in a fight with this guy.' Knightwalker mused before her grin widened. 'Good.' she brought up her hand and wiped the trickle of blood running down her lip.

"Is that all you got?!" Knightwalker teased in an attempt to anger Natsu.

"Don't take me so lightly!" it worked. With a roar Natsu lunged and punched forward, Knightwalker just smirked as she raised her arm to brush the punch aside before she kneed him in the stomach.

Natsu gasped while he felt the air leave his lungs; that knee hurt like hell. Unfortunately for Natsu, Knightwalker wasn't finished yet. She followed up by wrapping her arms around the hunched over Natsu's waist and lifted him up. Natsu (who was now sitting on Knightwalker's shoulder) was finally getting air into his lungs, only to have it forced out when Knightwalker slammed Natsu back first onto the ground.

But she wasn't done yet.

Knightwalker had a saying.

"If your opponent can't stop what you're doing, then don't stop what you're doing. Instead, shove it down their throats."

She followed that saying by gripping Natsu's hips harder and lifting him back up before slamming him back down. She repeated the process half a dozen times causing Natsu's head to become extremely dizzy (due to the lack of air) and the ground to crack underneath him.

'Gotta get out of this.' Natsu thought as he gritted his teeth.

He made his move when Knightwalker pulled him back up, by slamming his elbow on the top of her head forcing Knightwalker to drop him. The moment Natsu hit the ground he scurried away for some time and space to catch his breath, while Knightwalker waited for the pain in her head to go away.

Despite the pain the two were going through they couldn't help but grin at each other. Knightwalker hated to admit it, but she loved fighting and that scared the hell out of her. It was becoming painfully obvious to Knightwalker that she could never undo a lifetime of fighting.

It was in her D.N.A.

Her blood.

Her being.

She was a fighter and she could never change that.

"Alright!" Natsu shouted. "I'm all fired up!" Natsu dashed forward before sending a roundhouse kick to the side of Knightwalker's head.

'Too obvious.' Knightwalker thought as she brought up an arm to block the kick. She then used said arm to wrap around Natsu's leg and then grabbed Natsu by his scarf with her other hand, before she swung him around and threw him towards a large tree.

"Haha! This is great!" Natsu screamed as he righted himself in the air and pushed off the tree, sending him flying towards Knightwalker. Once he was close enough Natsu threw a punch only to have Knightwalker catch it in the palm of her hand. She pulled down on the hand and delivered an uppercut with her other hand sending Natsu skywards.

"Still having fun?" Knightwalker teased as she delivered her uppercut.

"You bet." Natsu replied as he wrapped his hand around Knightwalker's wrist and pulled himself down towards her and then delivered a punch of his own. Knightwalker took the punch with a grunt and countered with a headbutt straight to Natsu's face.

This was ok, right?

She loved fighting that fact was undeniable; along with the fear of becoming a monster.

But, it was ok if she didn't use magic right?

As long as she didn't use her Ten Commandments she didn't have to worry about getting drunk with power and going on a rampage.


And fighting seemed to be a good way for her to get over her awkwardness with Natsu. She was already starting to differentiate the two based on their fighting style. It might not be much but it was a start.

Natsu, her Natsu, didn't have much love for fighting and his style showed it. Her Natsu's style of fighting was defend then counter. But this Natsu was the complete opposite. He loved to fight and he seemed like the type to throw the first punch.

So this should be fine. There was nothing wrong with a friendly spar. A spar that ended when their stomachs began to growl.

"Hehehe. I guess we should cut it short here and get something to eat, huh?" Natsu chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. He received a nod in response. "Just don't let it get cold like last time." Natsu said with a creepy smile before he turned and began to walk away.

Knightwalker had to stifle a shiver in remembrance of what would happen if Natsu's food was neglected.

He was a monster.

Shaking her head from such thoughts, Knightwalker immediately followed behind the dragon slayer.

A week would pass and Natsu's and Knightwalker's relationship would make some progress. Sparing not only helped clear Knightwalker's mind it also helped her get used to Natsu's company. They also began to share their past fights and adventures, something that she and her Natsu used to do; which made it tough for Knightwalker at first but after hearing how Natsu handled situations helped separate him from her Natsu in her mind even more.

On a side note Knightwalker loooooved Natsu's cooking.

"Hey red." Natsu called out, making Knightwalker stop in her tracks and face him with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you just call me?"

"Red." Natsu nonchalantly answered.

". . . .Why?"

"Well, Knightwalker's a cool name and all, but it's kinda long." Natsu shrugged. "And calling you Erza would just be confusing. So we're going with red."

"I don't. . . .'We're'?"

"Hey red."

"Hi aunty red!" Knightwalker blinked, looked at Erza, then Hisako (both just came from downstairs) before she spoke up.

"What did you three have a meeting about this or something?" three nods was her answer. "No." she simply stated before she walked downstairs.

"You don't like it?" Natsu questioned as he, Erza, and Hisako followed her.


"Why not?" Natsu continued his questioning. "I mean, I know it's not the greatest nickname-"

"(snort) Definitely not as good as Titania or Salamander." Erza commented as she put up her hand for a high five.

"Got that right." Natsu agreed as he smacked Erza's hand. "-but it gets the job done."

"I'm starting to think that my opinion means nothing to you three on this matter." Knightwalker deadpanned as she came to a halt.

"Well you'd think right, red!" Natsu answered with a smile causing Knightwalker to sigh.

"Whatever. Is there anything else or can I go?"

"Actually, master was wondering if you're feeling up for joining the guild." Erza stated causing Knightwalker to freeze. She honestly forgot about joining Fairy Tail. She knew when she arrived that, that offer would arise but it slipped her mind during the last couple of weeks.

Trying to get over your lost love and dealing with a person who looked just like said lost love would do that to a person.

"Soooooo.." an unsure Erza, who noticed Knightwalker freeze. "..what do you think?"

She didn't know what to think.

Scratch that she knew exactly what to think.

How could someone like her, who hunted fairies back in Edolas, become one herself? Sure it wasn't the same guild but still. . . .it just didn't seem right.

Or maybe she was just scared.

Maybe she was finally finding a place to belong. A family she would venture. Sure she still had her issues but she was working on them, and she was getting along better with the Dragneels, something Scarlet like to call them, even though the two weren't married yet, but apparently engaged to be engaged was good enough. She was getting along best with Scarlet and quickly learned they both had a fancy for a certain genre of literature. . . . . .who was she kidding it was smut.

High quality smut but smut nonetheless.

Knightwalker was also getting along fairly well with Hisako who, as much as it amused Knightwalker to think it, was sort of a hero to her. It was a hard concept to understand, her, Erza Knightwalker, former Royal Army Captain of the 2nd Magic War Division, Fairy Hunter, and woman who struck fear in her enemies hearts, was looking up to a little girl.

But it was the truth.

Whenever Knightwalker would wake up from a nightmare and found it hard to breath, the walls were closing in, and her sanity slowly leaving she would say to herself "If that child could get through her hardships and loss then so will I" and it helped.

Of course it didn't help all the time and that particular time is where Natsu came in. Despite the fact that things were still awkward (less awkward then before) the relationship between the two was vital in Knightwalker's recovery. That was made evident when her little mantra didn't work and she found herself slamming open Natsu's and Erza's bedroom door, scaring the hell out of them.

In retrospective their reactions was rather funny.

Natsu jumped out of bed, his cheeks lightly puffed out with fire filling his mouth; while Scarlet summoned dozens of sword and had them float in the air ready to attack. It took them a few seconds, along with multiple blinks, to realize it was Knightwalker who slammed their door open. It took them less time to recognize Knightwalker's condition.

She would admit, she didn't look to attractive. But in her defense not too many people looked attractive when they had wild and unruly hair, wide haunted eyes, clenched teeth, and was shaking.

Knightwalker didn't let them ask what was wrong before she practically pleaded for Natsu to fight her. It dumbfounded Natsu but he quickly caught on and rushed with her outside to fight her. They fought all night until they passed out from exhaustion but it worked, Knightwalker was able to fight until she was plainly too exhausted to think about anything.

All in all, she was making a home there. She may have to scratch and claw here way to make that home (once again she had issues) but she was used to such things.

So why was she scared of joining Fairy Tail?

She knew why.

She knew how much Fairy Tail meant to Natsu and Scarlet, enough to fight tooth and nail to save them back in Edolas. So what if Fairy Tail didn't accept her? What if they hated her? Would Scarlet and Natsu cast her aside if the guild didn't accept her?

It didn't help that she attempted to kill Earthland's counterpart of that blonde bitch.

"Don't over think things." Scarlet said taking Knightwalker out of her own head. Apparently Scarlet was able to read her like a book. "You're family and we love you; I'm sure everyone else will too." Erza finished with a smile.

". . .You're so cheesy." Knightwalker replied with a smirk causing Scarlet's eye to twitch and Natsu and Hisako to snicker. Teasing Scarlet was something Knightwalker came to enjoy.

"So how does tomorrow sound?" Scarlet questioned through gritted teeth. "Quiet you two!" Scarlet shouted causing Natsu and Hisako to stiffen up and quiet down.

'Might as well get this over with.' Knightwalker mused. "Tomorrow will be fine."

"They're still not here?" asked Gray. He was seriously getting bored without that stupid pinkette around to fight with.

"No.." Mira shook her head while she cleaned a glass. "..and they haven't taken any jobs either."

"Maybe they're having some kind of sex marathon." Cana suggested with a mischievous grin.

"Ha!" Gray scoffed with a laugh. "There's no way that bastard is getting some before me."

"Too bad he already got his." a slightly jealous Gajeel interjected.

"WHAT?!" the entire guild shouted.

"You're lying!?" Gray denied.

"I wish." Gajeel huffed as he crossed his arms. "Trust me I know." Gajeel then proceeded to tap his nose.

". . .Damn." Gray cursed.

"Way to go, Erza." Levy, Cana, and Mira commented.

"Quiet brats!" everyone's head turned to the second floor to see Makarov standing on the railing. "I have an announcement to make!"

Ok, she could do this. It's not like she was doing anything hard. She's just. . .trying to be accepted into something she spent most of her life trying to destroy.

A guild.

God, she was turning into such a baby.

This was nothing.


"Alright. Let's get this over with." Knightwalker sighed.

"Quiet brats!" Knightwalker couldn't help but smirk. "I have an announcement to make!" it was kind of funny listening to an old midget lord over a group of people.

"Does it have to do with where Erza and her dumbass for a boyfriend have been?" Gray asked.

"What'd you call me?!" Natsu shouted as he rushed towards the railing and slammed his hands on it; causing Makarov to fall off and crash down to the first floor. Knightwalker let out chuckle while the entire guild bursted out in laughter.

"Very nice. Laughing at an old man's pain." Makarov groaned as he stood up.

"Maybe I should continue for you master." Erza, with Hisako in her arms, suggested as she leaned over the railing.

"I think that would be best." Makarov agreed which prompted Erza to hand Hisako over to Natsu. "Mira! I need alcohol!"

'Alcohol?' Knightwalker inwardly questioned. 'This early? Maybe this won't be so bad.'

"SILENCE!" Scarlet fiercely demanded causing everyone to go quiet.

'Not bad.' Knightwalker thought.

"As master was saying, we have a new addition to our Fairy Tail family today." Scarlet began. "She, like many others that have joined our guild, has come here for a fresh start, a new beginning, and I trust you will treat her like everyone else." as Scarlet finished she motioned for Knightwalker to step forward.

She hesitated.

Oh, Knightwalker couldn't believe she was hesitating.

'What a little bitch.' she inwardly scolded herself. She didn't have much more time to scold herself since a cheerful Natsu wrapped an arm around her shoulder and dragged her to the railing.

A collective gasp resounded throughout the guild at the site of another Erza. Only Gray, Gajeel, Pantherlily, Wendy, Carla, and Lucy were aware of who Knightwalker really was and what she tried to do.

"Erza!" Gray shouted. "What the he-"

"Two Erza!?" a random guild member cut Gray off.

"It's the end of the world!" with that said the guild started running around like a group of headless chickens.

Erza couldn't help but grin at the chaos that was caused.

'Dance my puppets. Dance.' Erza couldn't help but let out a evil chuckle.

'What the hell?' Knightwalker thought as she watched Scarlet chuckle and move her hands around as if she was handling a marionette. "Is this normal?" Knightwalker questioned Natsu.

"Mama's scary." Hisako whimpered in Natsu's arms.

"Y-yeah." Natsu agreed.

"I guess it isn't." Knightwalker muttered.

"SILENCE. . . .AGAIN!" Erza once again commanded. "I'm sure some of you are probably curious as to what's going on."

"She's kidding right?" Knightwalker asked Natsu. Of course they would have questions, who wouldn't? Why was she stating something so obvious?

"I don't think so." Natsu responded.

"Wow." Knightwalker was starting to see Scarlet in a much dumber light.

"All you need to know is that her name is Knightwalker and she is my sister. Her past is irrelevant." Erza firmly stated. "Now does anyone have any questions?"

"Yeah." Cana put her barrel of beer down. "So, when you two disappear for weeks should we just assume that you're going to come back with a new member to your growing family along with a new member for the guild?"

". . .That would probably be wise." Erza replied.

Cana had a point.

"Alright." Cana shrugged before the guild broke out into cheers due to a new guild member.

"Gray, Gajeel, Pantherlily, Wendy, Carla, and Lucy! Meet me in my office!" with that Erza turned around and walked into "her" office.

"Your office?!" Makarov spit out his beer.

"Quiet old man and drink your beer!" Erza ordered with a powerful glare.

"Y-yes ma'am." Makarov squeaked before he went back to his drink. "Erza's scary." Makarov stated and the rest of the guild nodded their head in agreement.

'Have some pride old man.' Knightwalker shook her head at such a submissive display.

The door closed as the group Erza called for walked into her (Makarov's) office.

"You wanna explain what the hell's she doing here?!" Gray harshly questioned.

"I believe I already explained that." Erza answered from Makarov's chair.

"Don't give me that cra-"

"Gray!" Erza stood up as she cut him off. "You must be under the assumption that I called you all here to talk. That is not why you are here. This is not a debate, nor a discussion. She is here and she is not going anywhere, so you will treat here like you would any other guild member- Gray I swear if you speak while I am talking I will rip your tongue from your mouth!" Gray immediately shut his mouth shut while everyone just stared at Erza in shock. They were used to how scary Erza could be but they've never seen her like this before.

She wasn't ashamed by her forceful attitude. Usually she took her friends opinion and let them speak but this time was different. She was protecting her sister. Erza couldn't let what Knightwalker was attempting to do when they were sent to Edolas get out to the rest of the guild. She couldn't risk the chance of everyone ostracizing her. Knightwalker needed the opposite of that. So, she would force the ones that knew of her past deeds to keep silent.

Or else.

"No one and I mean NO ONE, is to speak of her past." Erza said menacingly as she sat back down. "As far as your all concerned, this is your first time meeting her." everyone, even Gajeel, gulped as they felt the weight behind Erza's glare and words.

'Shit! This chick is crazy!' Gajeel mentally screamed.'Salamander must have it tough.'

"Natsu has it perfectly fine, believe me." Erza responded.

'Oh shit! She read my mind!'

"That is all. You may leave, except for you Lucy. I would like to speak to you further." with that everyone but Lucy left the office. "I won't beat around the bush Lucy. . . .she frightens you." it wasn't a question but a statement.

"N-No!" a statement Lucy pathetically denied. "W-What would make y-you s-say that?"

"Well, the stuttering is one thing..." Erza deadpanned. "...but the main reason is because you haven't stopped shaking since the moment you saw her."


"Listen." Erza began. "I know you won't get over your fear of her anytime soon but I will tell you she's changed, and she'll be joining Team Natsu."

"S-She will?"

"Yes." Erza nodded. "That is why I think it would be best for you to join Team Shadow Gear until you get used to Knightwalker." Erza suggested and honestly, to Lucy, that didn't seem like a bad idea.

"Sure." Lucy slowly answered. Although she would miss being on Team Natsu she would rather not be anywhere near Knightwalker, and it didn't hurt that she was best friends with Levy; so being on Team Shadow Gear seemed to brighten her spirits.

Erza sighed as she watched Lucy walk out of her (Makarov's) office. 'I'm getting to old for this.' Erza thought before she looked at the stack of papers on the desk. With another sigh Erza began to read through the stacks of paper.

After about five minutes of reading Erza couldn't hold back the scowl that appeared on her face.

"Damn brats! Can't they learn to control themselves?!" Erza yelled. She then proceeded to pick up a pen and moved it towards a piece of paper to write her signature. . . .until she realized something.

"What am I doing?!" the chair she was seating on was thrown back as she stood up forcefully. "I'm not the master! This isn't my job!" with a tick on her head, Erza stomped out of the office.

Somehow she got it into her head that the master tricked her to doing his job, and he was going to pay, for something he didn't due, dearly.

"Can you believe her?" an incredulous Gray huffed as the door closed behind them. "She wants us to just act like nothing happened."

"I couldn't care less." Gajeel shrugged.

"What?! How come?!" Gray questioned.

"You do remember I'm the guy that helped destroy the guild and beat up the girl I'm now dating, right?" Gajeel deadpanned. "Pantherlily was helping Knightwalker too back in Edolas."

"Right. Forgot about that." Gray chuckled nervously. "Wait! You're going out with Levy?"

"Yeah. You didn't know that?"

"No! Did any of you?" Gray questioned the rest of their group.

"I did." Wendy answered.

"What? How?" Carla who had been quiet up until that point asked.

"Nose." Wendy and Gajeel said dryly as they tapped their noses.


"You Dragon Slayers sure take pride in your noses don't you?" Gray asked.

"Damn straight." Gajeel replied as Wendy nodded her head.

"But still how can she just expect us to act like everything is alright?" sighed Gray.

"I think she's trying to protect her." Pantherlily spoke up catching everyone's attention.

"Protect her? From what?"

"I'm not sure." Pantherlily shook his head. "But from what I can see, Knightwalker doesn't seem to be the same person who struck fear into her enemies hearts. That fire that drove her seems to have dulled." Pantherlily finished while the other two exceeds and Wendy nodded their heads in agreement.

"Could you see that too?" Gray looked to Gajeel.

"Hell no. It's probably a chick and animal thing." Gajeel shrugged before his eyes lit up in inspiration. 'I could have something there! Gi Hi!' and with that Gajeel took off to write a song about chicks and animals.

It would become a smash hit.

"Now what?" Knightwalker questioned as Scarlet and the group she called walked passed them.

"We should probably get you your guild mark." Natsu shrugged as he placed Hisako on his shoulders and began walking down to the stairs to the first floor.

"It's that simple? I'm just in?" Knightwalker asked from behind him.

"Yup." Natsu chirped. "What'd you expect? A fight to the death?. . . .That would be awesome! We should start doing that!" Natsu cheered.

"That's mean papa!" Hisako chided with puffed cheeks as she bopped him on the head.

"It is?" Natsu looked up and saw Hisako give him a cute glare, even though being cute wasn't her intention. "Awww man. Fine. No fights to the death." he sighed in disappointment.

"Good papa!" Hisako smiled.

"Hey! What's with you treating me like the kid, huh?" Natsu reached up and began tickling Hisako's side earning a series of giggles from said girl. Knightwalker couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of her.

'I wonder if. . .' she then shook her head trying to clear her head of the "what ifs" that were beginning to invade it. 'He's gone. You have to get over it.'

"Hey Mira." Natsu greeted as they came up to the bar. "We need a guild mark for red here."

"That better not catch on." Knightwalker threatened as she sat on a bar stool.

"So, how do you like living with Fairy Tail's favorite couple?" Mira asked as she took out the guild mark stamper.

"I wouldn't know. Who are they?" Mira giggled at Knightwalker's sarcasm while Natsu rolled his eyes.

"Ha. Ha." Natsu said dryly. "Just give her the dang mark."

"Where and which color?" Mira questioned.

"Black and. . .on my knuckles." Knightwalker decided after a few seconds of consideration.

After Knightwalker received her guild mark, she ordered a drink to help her relax.

It was so strange being in a guild. It was almost unsettling how quickly they accepted her. She was introduced, they cheered, and that was it. In less then an instant, she was one of their comrades.

It was insane.

It was foolish.

It was naïve.

It was...

'Fairy Tail.' realization dawned on her. 'Just like he described it.'

"What'd you saw you cigar smoking bastard!?" Macao shouted drawing Knightwalker's and everyone else's attention.

"You heard me, you broom mustache!" Wakaba shouted back.

"Hahaha! Broom mustache! That's a good one." Natsu commented from Knightwalker's left side.

"Then prove it!" Macao challenged.

"Fine!" Wakaba agreed. "I'll be glad to embarrass you in front of your own son."

What was going on? She thought these people were all about family. But then why did those two old men look like they were going to kill each other?

"Hey, what's goin-"

"DRINKING CONTEST!" Knightwalker was cut off from questioning Natsu by the guilds shout.

'. . . Huh?'

Drinking contest?

It wasn't even noon.

It was one thing to have a drink or two but a drinking contest was another thing.

They couldn't be serious.

Could they?

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!"

'These people are insane.' Knightwalker thought before she turned her head to speak to Natsu, only to notice that he wasn't there anymore.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" he was with the rest of the guild cheering on the two drinkers with Hisako sitting on his shoulders.

She was also cheering the two on.

A true Fairy Tail member.

"How dare you trick me into doing your work old man!" everyone froze when Erza came storming down the stairs and began to beat Makarov half to death; all the while ignoring his pleas of innocent.

Which were all true.

Fairy Tail was crazy.

"Here. Hold her." Natsu said as he handed Hisako to Knightwalker. She took Hisako into her arms and watched as Natsu bolted across the guild and tackled Gray; who stumbled into a group of people.

Simply stated, a brawl broke out.

Knightwalker along with Hisako both stared at the scenes around them. A brawl in one part of the guild, a drinking contest in another, a betting pool for said drinking contest, and Scarlet beating the hell out of an old man in another part.

"What is this madness?" Knightwalker whispered to herself

"Madness?" Happy questioned as he floated by. "THIS IS FAIRY TAIL!"

But of course all good things must come to an end, and Fairy Tail had a lot of enemies waiting to strike down those happy times.

"We need help!" everyone in the guild snapped their head to the guild's entrance and gasped at the sight.

It was Team Shadow Gear.

And they were a mess.

Jet's face was smeared with blood, his bloody arm dangled lifelessly at his side. His clothes were torn, ripped, and bloody.

Droy was also in similar shape. The most noticeable thing were the long and deep cuts that were sprawled all over his body. It looked like a giant cat used him as a scratching post.

But what really caught everyone's attention was the unconscious Levy being held in Droy's arms. She was also a mess. The most noticeable wound was a deep stab wound located at her stomach.

"What the hell happened?!" Natsu along with Gajeel screamed with rage as they rushed to the three.

"That can wait!" Makarov seriously stated as he took control of the situation. "Pantherlily! Get Levy into the infirmary! Wendy do what you can to heal Levy! Happy! Go get Porlyusica! I don't care if you have to drag her here by her hair!" with that said everyone did what they were told.

The rest of the guild attempted to rush up the stairs to look after Levy only to be stopped by Makarov's giant hand.

"You'll just get in the way." Makarov explained with a sigh. "The only thing we can do now is pray for Levy's health, patch up these two, and figure out WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO MY CHILDERN!" Makarov finished with pure anger.

Knightwalker couldn't help but gulp at the power and rage that was pouring out of Makarov. She thought she was strong, but she could tell she was nothing compared to Fairy Tail's master. She then swept her eyes across the rest of the guild and realized that the fun, loving guild that was being displayed before her was no more.

Now before her stood a family that just had three very precious people hurt. And the looks on their faces made it fairly obvious that nothing short of divine intervention would stop them from getting their revenge.

'Now I see why I couldn't beat her.' Knightwalker thought. 'I never even stood a chance.' she had to admit it. The fire in the guild member's eyes was something that could never be put out.

"What's on your back?" Gray questioned as he walked all the way behind Droy to get a better look. Soon the rest of the guild was joining him. Knightwalker wanted to join but she felt that Hisako, who was still in her arms, didn't need to see anymore blood.

"What the hell?" Natsu seethed at what he saw.

Scratched into Droy's back were the words "Hahaha" and was followed by a thin rectangular shape with a smiley face carved in it.

It only took Erza a second to realize what the message meant and she was pissed.

"Laughing Coffin!"

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