Guinevere (Book 1)

By FaerieFaye27

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**Re-editing in progress: Chapters 1-7 re-edited as of 21st June 2024** A story about one of the most famous... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

184 6 3
By FaerieFaye27

I shall never forget yesterday evening. We finally emerged from the never-ending forest to behold the setting sun, which turned the sky a stunning array of pinks, oranges and yellows. Golden clouds lazily made their way across the sky above us in the slow breeze. Before us lay a small valley, which sloped up to a steep hill, atop which was Camelot. I remember my mouth dropping open at the beautiful scene; the sunset, the landscape but most of all the sight of the magnificent castle atop that green hill. It's fortified external walls and taller central structure with corner towers, all constructed of pale stone which reflected the colours of the sky. It was too far away to make out much more detail, but already I could see why Camelot had such a reputation. 

Arthur had given the order to stop and make camp close to where we had exited the tree line. For the whole evening, until the light faded, I just stared at the castle on the hill. I couldn't take my eyes from it. It was so much larger, grander and impressive than Cameliard and that alone made me feel overwhelmed. Our humble Keep was plenty large enough, but I supposed that Camelot had many more residents and a greater court than ourselves. It is also the greatest city in the kingdom and has been the site of many battles, so it was only to be expected to see such a formidable structure. Still, the magnitude of the place, even from this distance, was certainly something. And that something was going to be my home. I didn't know if I was more excited or afraid. 

The following morning, we head out early so that we would reach our destination within the day. The weather is fair; sun shining and above us nothing but clear blue skies. Nature itself seemed to be welcoming us to this part of the country. We set off at a quick pace and maintain this until we reach the bottom of the valley. It is there we have stopped to water the horses and take some rest for an hour before we attempt the gentle but long climb up the hill to the castle. The men are in excellent spirits, which brings a smile to my own face. They are all laughing and smiling, telling each other about the first things they shall be doing once they get within the city. Many talk about their families, lovers and even their favourite taverns. It had been six months or more since most had seen home, so I am so happy for them now that we are so close.  

I look over towards one group of knights, which includes Lancelot, Gawaine and Percival, and they are laughing heartily at something one of the younger men I am not familiar with has just said. The younger man is flushed with embarrassment but is chuckling too. He hides his face by dropping his head into his hands, sending the rest of the men howling. I wonder what on Earth they are talking about. Arthur appears from somewhere behind the group, obviously privy to the conversation. He bear-hugs the young man from behind and says something to him that I am too far away to hear, creating more hilarity. Percival has tears of laughter streaming down his face and Gawaine is led on the ground clutching his ribs. Lancelot has his hands over his face, his shoulder shaking from giggling. I cannot help the corners of my mouth from curling upwards, observing this endearing and fun display of friendship. They all have such a wonderful bond.  

After a little while, we get back underway for the last time. My nervousness from looking at the castle on the hill last night is now outstripped by the jovial atmosphere in our group. Excitement, for the time being, is winning out. It has all been such an amazing and terrifying adventure getting this far, but now I am eager to see what is at the end of it. Warmed by the exchange in the groups of knights, I just want to get there and experience the same connection with Arthur and his men. It seems like such a wonderful family and I cannot wait to be part of it. The few knights I have become acquainted with have already made me feel welcomed into their group, for which I am so grateful. I don't have any siblings so I wonder whether these men will become like brothers to me, as they appear as brothers to one another.  

We cannot be more than a few hours away now and the building looms above us in an imposing and magnificent way. As I gaze in that direction, out of the corner of my eye I see Lancelot look up towards it and smile. His dark hair obscures his eyes from me, but I can see them in my mind's eye vividly. I watch him for a while and find myself wondering what or who he will be coming back home to. I never asked him about whether he had family in Camelot, nor did he ever mention anything on the subject. It occurred to me that a high ranking, handsome man and knight such as him may have someone special waiting for him, children even. If not, surely many admirers hoping to win his affections. These thoughts hurt to think about, but I know realistically it's not out of the realms of possibility. I feel the toxicity of jealousy and envy creep into my heart and I tear my eyes from him. He would have told me surely...we are too close for him to have omitted such details. At the same time, what concern was it of mine? Yes, we'd shared such beautiful moments together, but we both knew where we each stood and I know very little about his life here in Camelot.  

Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I refocus on the road ahead. We are reaching the top of the hill and the path widens into a Roman road. It's a straight road at the end of which is the castle of Camelot in all of its majesty. Now I can see it in much more detail. The walls are constructed out of huge stone blocks, some almost as large as a person. Along the tops of the outer defence, walls are crenellated parapets; the first line of defence. At the base of the wall are set of doors or gates, a bit like the ones in Cameliard, but these look to be twice the size, made of thick oak and strengthened with great iron studs. They are flanked by banners in the colours of Camelot, rippling in the breeze. Directly above the doors, the wall overhangs marginally at the bottom of which are large ominous holes. Past the shining pale stone of the outer walls, I can now see part of the Keep within. It looks to be two storeys higher than the defensive wall, but just as fortified. Square in shape as far as I can see, each visible corner has a slightly extended tower section that is half a storey higher than the main keep. The windows are large and round-headed throughout. The whole keep had the same parapets as the outer walls, to double up on defences I assume.

With every step, the walls get larger and more imposing. Although designed to achieve that very impression, it instils further anxiety and excitement within me. The realisation that this is the place where my new life is to start and where I will be living from today onward begins to sink in fully. My hands clench the reins tighter and I feel suddenly quite small. The doors in the outer wall begin to swing open and for a few moments, I contemplate stopping and galloping back to Cameliard. This is it. This is the culmination of events and decisions made over the better part of a year. Part of me never thought I would have had such an opportunity as this, that I would always be in Cameliard or perhaps a smaller, nearer kingdom. I never dared to imagine that I would be marrying a King of such a prestigious part of the country and with such a reputation. Taking a shuddering breath inward I know it's too late to have second thoughts now; we are already trotting through the threshold and into the courtyard.

I have arrived.

Still clutching the reins tightly, I timidly look at my surroundings. I was correct in my earlier observations of the Keep; there are corner towers higher than the central structure, all with crenellations atop them and the whole building is just over three storeys high. It looks more like a fortress than a keep. There are also carvings above the doors and windows that I cannot quite make out from here. Stained glass adorns many of the round-headed windows on the ground floor, clear glass in the rest above. A large double door in the same shape as the windows stands imposingly above a small series of steps in the centre-facing wall; the entrance to the structure. And the size of it; at least twice that of Cameliard's Keep! My eyes are wide and unblinking, my mouth open in amazement of it as we approach.

My attention then turns to the large crowd that has amassed around the edges of the courtyard. Some are lavishly dressed, which I take to be nobles and courtiers, while many others are in plain work clothes. It seems that the entire household has been invited to witness the arrival of their King and their unfamiliar future Queen. I am glad of this, being on speaking terms with many of the household members at home - they were a bit like extended family. I hope that it would be the same here. I also notice the most of the knights and some of the soldiers who returned home earlier are also in attendance, dressed in shining mail and smart uniforms. It's so good to see them at ease and fully healed.

"My Lady?" I hear a voice from below me.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I see it's Arthur beckoning me to dismount. Swallowing the fear as much as possible, I release the reins and put my hands on the King's shoulders. He takes my waist and I hop down from Ivor onto slightly shaking knees. A twittering of whispers echoes around the courtyard.

Taking my hand, Arthur says; "Welcome to Camelot, Princess Guinevere."

I manage some semblance of a smile; "Thank you, Your Grace. It's very impressive if a little imposing...but worthy of the great tales I have heard."

"It is imposing from out here, I agree, but I promise the interior is much more homely. It was built as a fortress before it became a home."

"That does explain it. I am intrigued to see inside."

Arthur relaxes his face a little; "I hope you will grow fond of your new home. I'm looking forward to showing you around, but before I do, there are a few people I am eager to introduce you to."

Taking Arthur's hand, I am led to a well dressed, slender lady, with long raven hair and the same green eyes as the King. Next to her is a male about my age, with brown hair, bright hazel eyes and dressed in formal garb.

We stop before them and Arthur makes the introductions; "My love, may I present my sister, Morgan le Fay and our nephew Mordred, son of King Lot of Orkney and Lady Morgawse."

They each bow and curtsy.

Morgan approaches me first, her thin lips turned up at the corners as she does; "Princess Guinevere, it is so nice to finally meet you in person. My dear brother has written often about your beauty and grace, and I see he does not exaggerate. Welcome to Camelot."

There is a tone in her speech that makes me inexplicably on edge, but I reciprocate her pleasant greeting; "I am very glad to meet you, Lady Morgan. Your brother is too kind, I am sure. He has spoken of you also and I hope to get to know you better, as we are soon to be sisters."

Morgan glides towards me and drapes her long-fingered hands over my shoulders, from which I conceal a shudder; "I should like that very much."

Kissing me on each cheek, she embraces Arthur to welcome him back home and stands back next to Mordred.

The young man, who has a slightly surprised expression on his face, steps forward and clears his throat; "My Lady, welcome to Camelot. We are all glad to have you here at last; may I congratulate you on your engagement to our King and your future marriage."

I smile at Mordred, his words are practised but are sincere; "Thank you, Mordred. Arthur tells me that you are soon to be one of the great knights of Camelot. A great honour!"

The man blushes; "Soon, my Lady. It has long been a dream of mine to become one of the knights and I am grateful to my Uncle for the opportunity to prove myself."

"I have no doubt your dream will soon be a reality, Mordred. I wish you every success."

"Thank you, my Lady," he bows and steps back, his innocent face now relaxed and glowing with pride.

Arthur speaks with them for a moment or two, before we head towards the Keep.

Walking through the open doors, the hall within is much darker than the bright daylight outside, so it takes me a moment for my eyes to adjust. Once they do I can see that we are stood in a long corridor, stretching out to both left and right. Ahead of me is a much shorter, wider hall, with large doors at its end. The walls are all clad in wood and hung upon them are elaborate tapestries depicting both religious and battle scenes. Smaller doors were at each end of the hall in which we stood, as well as two doors to rooms in the walls leading up the halls. The ceilings are high and from them hang black iron candle chandeliers.

I forget that Arthur is still beside me, holding my hand until he speaks; "So this is the main entrance to the Keep. The stairwells to the upper floors are at each end of this corridor, then there are rooms for holding guests until called into the throne room. They also lead to the terraces in both the throne room and banquet hall. The others are for storing furniture, really, for when we have large banquets and the like. Would you like to see the throne room?"

"I'd love to," I squeaked, already in awe and this was just the hallway!

The King releases my hand and walks towards the large set of doors. With a click, they are unlatched and swung open. Walking forward tentatively, I can see shafts of light beaming in from the left, brightening the room before me. Once inside, I am amazed at how magnificent and how huge it is. The height of the throne room is two storeys to allow for the terrace halfway up the left wall. Behind which are four enormous glass windows that come down to almost the floor. This accounts for the shafts of light I could see from just outside the door. At the back of the room is a low stage area with two large wooden thrones. Behind them and to their sides are huge crimson banners hanging from the ceiling displaying the golden lion of the Pendragons. In each corner of this wall is a small door. Chairs line the sides of the room, creating a walkway to the stage area.

"So, what do you think, my love?" asks Arthur softly.

"I...I think the whole of Cameliard's Keep could fit in this one room! It's enormous!" I exclaim.

Arthur laughs; "I'm not sure about that... I've always felt it's too ostentatious. Father would disagree; the grander the throne room, the more power you show as a monarch was his opinion."

I watch as he looks around the room he should be so familiar with; "Maybe once we become settled together, we might make a few changes. If it pleases you, of course."

"Yes, I'd like that," he smiles at me.

We continue on our tour, with every room more impressive than the last. From the even more magnificent banquet hall adjacent to the throne room to the kitchens, private dining halls, studies and the armoury. The Keep was a labyrinth of endless rooms and corridors on both the first two floors and as we head up to the third I see it was going to no different. Here are all the royal bedchambers for the King and his family, Merlin, distinguished guests and some of the King's Guard. The two of us come to a halt outside one of the many doors.

Looking at Arthur, he rubs the back of his neck and says; "These are your chambers, my love... I hope they are to your liking."

I hadn't even thought about where I'd be staying! All my focus was on just getting to Camelot, not the finer details of what happened after we'd reached that goal. I follow him into the room and my jaw physically drops open. It's a massive room, three times larger than my chambers at home and much more lavishly decorated.

There are two large windows on the opposite wall, which both have plush window seats. A great stone fireplace sits at the far end of the room, sheepskin rugs and furs at its base and around these sits a decent sized table and four chairs. Along the wall nearest us is a series of large oak wardrobes and cupboards, with a room divider for dressing behind. To our right side a cosy area with two armchairs, a smaller side table atop another sheepskin. Next to this was the most humongous four-post bed I'd ever seen. The posts themselves were carved in the shape of vines, with grapes and leaves defined in the surface of the wood. On the inside of these posts were tied drapes of deep red that hung down from the same coloured canopy. Hanging from the upper frame is also a more delicate fabric; cream lace with gold thread embroidered in flower motifs, which glittered in the soft light. The bed linen is of the highest quality, all the blankets in rich creams, reds and golds in sumptuous fabrics and there are more cushions than I can count.

Looking at Arthur, whose face is a picture of nervous expectation.

"This is the most beautiful room I've ever seen..." I gush; "Are you sure this is not too much? I am happy to have more modest..."

He walks towards me and puts a finger on my lips to silence me; "Nothing is too much where you are concerned, Guinevere. This is the best room in the Keep and it is yours."

I feel myself turning red as the drapes; "You are so kind to me, Arthur. I love it, thank you."

"This is your home now and I want it to be perfect for you."

"It is more than perfect," I say, putting my arms around his waist; "You have gone to such lengths to make me feel at home. It's more than I could ever have dreamt."

The edges of Arthur's mouth curls upwards; "You are soon to be my wife and I am already smitten with you. Whatever you dream up, I will do my best to provide it for you; all you need to do is ask."

His fingers are stroking my cheek and it sends a tingle up my spine; "I'll remember you said that. But for now, I think I have all that I could possibly ever need."

Drawing me into him further he whispers; "I'm not entirely sure that you do..."

I get as far as raising my eyebrows questioningly at his words when he bends and crashes his mouth against mine. As he pulls back from me a little, I catch his lips with my own before he can escape. I feel him hesitate for a moment before he wraps his arms around my body and presses me into him. Clutching the back of his clothing, I feel his hand running through my hair. Our kiss deepens and becomes more urgent. Our breath mingles and our hearts thump against one another's where our chests are pushed together. An urge within me takes over and I try and pull him closer still, hearing him gasp between our kisses as I do so.

Then as quickly as it started it stops. I stand in his arms dazed then stumble forward a step as he steps back a little. We are both flushed and breathless, wearing expressions of both longing and uncertainty. There is certainly something between us; whenever it's the two of us together like this there is something about him that completely attracts me. Something I find very hard to resist. Holding the gaze of his green eyes, obstructed by loose waves of golden hair, my heart stirs and I think maybe I am starting to fall for this man.

Arthur steps backwards; "I should leave you to settle into your prepare for the banquet tonight. I shall come for you in a few hours and we can arrive together if you like?"

"That would be lovely! I shall see you in a little while then... Oh, please could you send for Enid after you leave? I would like her assistance in getting ready for tonight."

"Of course," Arthur bows; "Until later, then?"

I smile at his boyish face, full of hope; "Until later, my love."

That's the first time I've called him that; it sort of just fell out of my mouth. But it felt effortless and meaningful. Arthur's face brightens and his eyes fill with joy. He kisses me on the forehead, holds my face in his hands for a moment before leaving me to myself. I stand there dazed, smiling like an idiot until Enid arrives to help me dress for the evening. 

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