Bonds of Iron and Fire

By Erza_Dragneel_

70.3K 891 267

Little by little Natsu's starting to lose control. A dark side resides within him, but Erza will stand by his... More

The Darkside of the Flame
S-Class Lessons
Halloween Havoc
Acting Their Age
Rampaging Little Monsters
Hormonal Years
A Brother and Sister Relationship
Team Natsu Back in Action
Explosive Tendencies
New Addition to the Family
A Little Fun and a Little Training
Meeting the guild and Family Vacation
Battle at the sea part 1 (1/3)
Battle at the Sea part 2 (2/3)
Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)
House Guest
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p1
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2
A Fairy Hunter's New Beginning
Let The Hunt Begins
To Each Their Own Messes
Jailhouse Rock Part 1

Happy Days and Uncertain Futures

3.4K 35 13
By Erza_Dragneel_

Erza ducked then moved in to strike, only to have her sword blocked; locking the two in a stalemate. But she was more of a diverse fighter then her opponent; which she showed by throwing a quick jab at her challengers face. Her challenger quickly moved her head to the side dodging the punch, but the jab was just a quick distraction. Erza then dropped down and swept her challengers legs from underneath her.

Her challenger reacted quickly by sticking out her hand, and pushing herself away the instant it hit the ground; sending her twisting in the, and across the clearing.

"Smart move." Erza complemented. "If you had tried to mount a counter attack I would've been on you in an instant."

"I thought as much." Kagura panted as she tried to find an opening in Erza stance. 'None. As expected.'

"You've definitely grown stronger, but you need to learn two things." Erza stated as she walked closer to Kagura.

"Care to explain?"

"Of course. You need to know how to fight off of your sword and without it." just as Erza finished talking she was bolting towards Kagura, and swinging her sword down on her. Kagura quickly blocked the attack, brought her knee up to the side to block a kick to said side, and wrapped an arm around Erza's leg.

Unfortunately for Kagura, Erza was far better at combining swordplay with hand to hand combat; which was showed when Erza jumped with her one free foot and kicked Kagura in the gut. Soaring through the air, Kagura flipped and pushed off a tree and flew through the air straight towards Erza, who readied herself for Kagura's counterattack. Kagura swung her sword and Erza parried it to the side causing sparks to fly, Kagura had to roll in the air to avoid Erza's fist, but as Kagura dodged the punch Erza quickly changed her target. Her hand continued its path and caught Kagura's foot.

'Damn.' Kagura inwardly muttered as she felt Erza grip tighten; before she was hurled through a tree and stopped when she hit another. 'She really is something.' Kagura slowly stood up, and walked back into the clearing. The two wizards gave hard looks, and prepared to do battle once again.

That was until their stomachs began to growl.

Their eyes widened and cheeks turned red. Natsu's laughter broke out from the side causing the two to turn even more red. They forgot that Natsu and Ultear were watching; while Meredy was at the house looking after Hisako. They figured she wouldn't like seeing Erza and Kagura fight, even if it's a friendly spar.

"Looks like the only thing that can stop two monsters is hunger." Natsu smirked.

"You're one to talk." Ultear commented.

"Whatever. We should probably get going, who knows what Meredy put Hisako through." Natsu suggested.

"Good point." Erza agreed. They started to make their way back, and the group paired off into separate conversations.

"What I suggest you do is train in hand to hand combat, then slowly assimilate it into your swordplay." Erza suggested.

"Is my hand to hand skills that bad?"

"No. It's definitely not bad. It's far above average but-"

"Far above average isn't good enough." Kagura cut Erza off.

"Exactly. You have so much potential, I would hate for you not to reach its peak."

"Do you have any suggestions?"

"Let's see...You're fast and agile, but lack the physical strength for my fighting style. I suggest you learn something that focuses on the bodies weak points and using your opponents strength against them."

"I understand Erza-sama. I'll get on it as soon as I get home."

"I told you already that would kill him!" Ultear's voice interrupted their conversation.

"And I told you it might kill him!" Natsu retorted. Kagura looked at Erza with a confused look and a raised eyebrow.

"You don't want to know." Erza sighed.

"No." Ultear firmly stated to Natsu.

"Come on." Natsu begged.

"I said no."

"Please." Natsu shot her with puppy dog eyes.

"...No." Ultear replied after a few seconds of weaknesses. 'That was a close one.' Ultear exhaled in relief.

"Damn. I thought that would've worked."

"Only works on me sweetie." Erza called out from the front.

"I'm not gonna lie, I almost fell for it. If you were ten years younger who knows what I would do for those puppy dog eyes." Ultear smirked.

"Not really sure how I should feel about that Ultear. Kinda sounded like you were hitting on my man." Erza tone was playful, but Ultear heard the slight edge in her voice.

"Calm down. Calm down. I was just joking." Ultear lazily said.

"Good." Erza stated. "You know what I'm in a good mood, so I think I'll make lunch today." the three women continued walking. All three oblivious to the fact that Natsu stopped dead in his tracks looking like a stone statue.


The three women (who were still oblivious to Natsu's absence) entered the house and went their separate ways. Erza went to start lunch, Ultear checked on Meredy and Hisako, and Kagura elected to go to the basement and have a look at some of Erza's armors and swords. Eventually, all the girls converged to the kitchen, where they talked about various things.

While this was happening Natsu was just starting to pulling himself out of his stupor. And when he did, alarm bells started ringing in his head.

'Gotta hurry!' Natsu took off in a dead sprint, hoping he could make it in time. Natsu slammed the door open, and was hit with the smell of food cooking.

'Am I too late? Maybe someone else is cooking.' Natsu took a deep breath and slowly made his way to the kitchen. As he slowly approached the kitchen Natsu broke out into a cold sweat. He could feel his heart beating against his chest as he inched closer. He entered the kitchen and saw exactly what he was hoping not to see.

There was Erza.

In the kitchen.


The alarm bells went into overdrive. He shot everyone a look that said 'What the hell are you doing? You're at death's door and you don't even know it! Run!'. But they all looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Papa!" Hisako happily shouted.

"Huh? Oh hey Hisako." Natsu replied.

"Natsu is something wrong?" Erza questioned noticing how stressed Natsu was.

"No! Of course not!" Natsu denied while shaking his hands out in front of him.

"If you say so." Erza shrugged.

"Well...I gotta something...that's...not here...with everyone else." Natsu quickly dragged everyone (except Erza) out of the kitchen and into the living room.
"Not good. Not good. Not good." Natsu whispered as he nervously paced back and forth.

"What's wrong with you?" Ultear put a hand on Natsu's shoulder stopping his pacing.

"This is not good." Natsu shook his head.

"What's not good?" Kagura questioned.

"Shhhhh. Keep your voice's down, we can't let her hear us. "

"Why? What's going on?" Meredy spoke up.

Natsu took a couple of deep breaths in an effort to compose himself, and by this point the girls started to get worried. You couldn't really blame them, after all, Natsu wasn't one to get worried for no reason. And he was worried.


"Mama's what papa?" asked a concerned Hisako.


"Is Erza-sama sick Natsu-sama?" Kagura worryingly questioned.

"Is she pregnant?" Ultear quirked an eyebrow.

"What's pregnant?" Hisako asked.

"Damn it." Ultear cursed under her breath for setting up such an awkward question. "I-It's nothing. Grown up stuff."

"Can we get back on topic?" Meredy redirected everyone's attention back to Natsu.

"...Well?" they all spoke up at once.

"She's cooking." Natsu was smacked three times by the three wizards. At least Kagura was polite enough to apologize before she hit him.

"You had me worried idiot!" Ultear shouted.

"Not funny Natsu-sama." Kagura shook her head.

"I wasn't joking!" Natsu defended. "This is serious!"

"Stop joking around, you got us all worked up for nothing." Meredy sighed.

"I'm not. I'm telling you were in serious trouble." Natsu's said in an ominous tone.

"Ok, now you're kinda freaking me out." Ultear admitted.

"Good. Have you ever wondered why I do all the cooking?"

"Now that you mention it Erza hasn't cooked once. And when she offered the other day you flipped out a little." Meredy recalled.

"Because she can't cook. At. all."

"She can't be that bad." Kagura defended her mentor.

"Oh she's bad." Natsu confirmed. "I love Erza with all my heart, but that can't cook."

"Is it really that bad?" Hisako questioned.

"It's worse."

"Then what do we do?" asked a flustered Ultear.

"Nothing. We're just gonna have to suck it up and take it."

"But why didn't you just tell her she's not good at cooking?" Meredy voiced everyone's thought.

"You'll see." Natsu responded.

"Foods done!" Erza yelled out from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Natsu yelled back then turned to the girls. "Just smile and complement her food. No matter what." they all nodded and gulped before they made their way into the kitchen.

When they got to the kitchen they were a little let down. The soup she made looked normal. It wasn't a strange color like purple or green. It wasn't bubbling with strange items floating around. It looked...normal. As they all sat down the girls gave Natsu skeptical looks as they wondered if he was just playing with them. He returned those looks with wide eyes and a slowing shaking head. '

'It's a trap' Natsu mouthed to the girls.

"Eat up." Erza cheerfully said after she finished serving them.

"A-Aye." they all muttered; before they dipped their spoons into the soup and took a sip.

'Oh god.' Ultear bit the inside of her cheek in an attempt to use the pain to distract her from the taste.

'So Erza-sama can't do everything.' it pained Kagura to think it, but Erza could not cook.

'I wonder if I can use my magic to switch my sense of taste with...that bug over there.' Meredy thought. 'Damn. I can't.'

'Mama can't cook.' Hisako grimaced.

'Poor bastards.' Natsu pitied them. At least he knew what he was in for. They had no experience at all.

"So how is it?" they all turned and looked at Erza, who had a cheerful and hopeful smile on her face.

'So that's why he can't tell her.' the girls thought, when they saw Erza's face. That was no longer Erza who was feared far and wide. No, it was a woman who hoped they enjoyed her cooking. No one had the heart to tell her the truth.

"Great." Ultear spoke first.

"Very delicious." Kagura went next.

"I love it." Meredy supplied.

Erza attention shifted to Hisako who hadn't said anything yet. She honestly couldn't open her mouth in fear of throwing up, so she thought on her feet. Using the advantages of being a kid Hisako smiled at Erza, rubbed her belly, and made a 'mmmmmm' noise.

'That was close.' Natsu let out a breath of relief.

"Do you like it Natsu?" Erza asked her beloved.

"Of course! I love everything you cook!" Natsu gave her his trademark smile.

'He's good.' the girls all muttered inwardly.

"I'm glad you like it." Erza smiled as she sat on Natsu's lap, and leaned against his chest. "Well eat up." she told the everyone.

'Oh dear god is she going to watch us eat until we're finished? I gotta get out of here.' Ultear began to rack her brain for an excuse to save herself. She needed something good. Something brilliant. She did infiltrate The Magic Council. She could do this.

"You know what? This is so good that, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, and watch myself in the mirror while I enjoy it." Ultear got up and left the kitchen. 'Genius.'

"I think I'm going to enjoy this outside while looking at the scenery." Meredy also got up. "Would you like to join me Hisako?" Hisako eagerly nodded her head; still not able to open her mouth.

"I-I-I'm going..." inwardly Kagura was panicking. She couldn't come up with anything. Since she's such a straight forward person, Kagura never needed to lie. And now she couldn't think of one.

"...Going to the guild to let everyone try Erza's cooking?" Natsu blurted out saving Kagura.

"Yes, that." Kagura quickly agreed as she got up. 'Thank you Natsu-sama.' once again Kagura owed Natsu her life.

'She so owes me.'

"Everyone seems to like it." Erza joyfully stated. "Can I ha-" Erza cut off her question when she saw Natsu down the bowl instantly.

"You say something?" Natsu asked.

"Never mind. I'll just get myself a bowl."

"No! Mine!" Natsu panicked. Surprisingly enough, Erza never tasted her own cooking, and Natsu wasn't planning on letting her anytime soon. So he quickly picked up the pot and drank the soup in one go. At this point Ultear walked in an witnessed the feat.

'Poor bastard.' Ultear began to ponder what she would wear to Natsu's funeral.

"D-Delicious." Natsu muttered as she gasped for air.

"I'm glad you enjoy my cooking Natsu, but what am I going to eat?" Erza's voice was caught between being happy that Natsu liked her cooking, and being mad that now she had nothing to eat. If only she knew how bad her cooking was.

"S-Sorry. It was just so good." Natsu responded.

'He's a real trooper.' Ultear was impressed with Natsu's ability to hold down the food.

"Why don't you take a bath to and I'll make you something to eat." Natsu suggested.

"That's a good idea. I could use the relaxation." Erza gave Natsu a kiss on the cheek and left to their bathroom.

"You ok?" Ultear asked after she was certain Erza was upstairs.

"It taste like feet!" Natsu exclaimed as he grabbed a fish from the fridge and started rubbing his tongue against it.

"How do you know what feet taste like?" Ultear asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Erza's kinky." Natsu answered while still licking the fish.

"I knew it." Ultear smirked.

"Knew what?" Kagura, who just walked into the kitchen, questioned.

"Oh, nothing."

"What are you doing Natsu-sama?" Kagura looked at Natsu like he was crazy.

"He downed all the soup." Ultear answered for him.

"Oh. Will you be ok?" she was more then a little worried. He truly was amazing to be able to take such punishment.

"I'll be fine. What did you two do with yours?" Natsu stopped licking the fish and ate it whole.

"Flushed it down the toilet."

"Dumped it into some bushes."

"We did the bushes too." Meredy spoke up as she and Hisako walked in.

"Papa, I'm hungry." Hisako looked up at Natsu with her big, blue, eyes.

"Well you're in luck because Erza's taking a bath, which means I can make lunch." he was immediately glomped by everyone in the room even Kagura (who was dragged in by Ultear because she was too shy).

"Alright. Alright. I get it." Natsu chuckled at their display. "You're gonna have to finish it before Erza gets out of the bath though."

"Aye sir!"

"Didn't think anybody outside of Fairy Tail said that." Natsu commented while he got the ingredients to make lunch.

"It's contagious." Ultear shrugged.

The girls sat around and chatted as they eagerly waited for some real food, and they were not disappointed. It truly was the best food they ever had.

"Where are you going?" Natsu questioned Ultear as she stood up and put on her cloak.

"I need to pick up the forms of the wizards that are trying to join Fairy Tail."


"So I can use this." Ultear pulled out a lacrima. "This holds all the information I was able to download from the Magic Council's database before I...destroyed the place." Ultear nervously chuckled while everyone else sweat dropped. "Anyways, it means it has the profiles of known dark wizards, official wizards, and anyone who works for the council."

"But that was over seven years ago. Wouldn't that information be outdated." Kagura pointed out.

"And I thought Meredy was going to check to see if anyone was going to spy on the guild?" Natsu asked.

"Well you're both right, but you could never be too careful right? You never know one of us can miss something and the other may catch it. And this also holds information we've collected over the years." Ultear shrugged, before she turned and left.

"I guess that makes sense." Natsu got and cleaned his and Hisako's plate. "Make sure you clean you plates. We don't want Erza seeing them and getting suspicious."

"Right." they all said in unison as they did their task.

"I should probably get Erza. She can get too relaxed when she's in the bath." with that said Natsu walked upstairs into their room. As he reached for the knob to the bathroom door it opened and revealed Erza with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Uh. T-The food's d-done." Natsu stuttered while gaping at her amazing cleavage.

"See something you like?" Erza smirked as she walked up to Natsu, who walked back until he fell on the bed. Erza seamlessly fell with Natsu, and landed on his chest still smirking seductively. "Because I know I do." just as Erza started slipping her tongue down his throat there was a knock on the door.

"Mama? Papa?" Erza had to bite her quivering lip to keep herself from yelling in anger. She would not yell at her daughter.

"One minute." Erza called out before she slumped her head against Natsu's chest with a whimper. "Why do we always keep getting interrupted?"

"I don't know, but look on the bright side." Erza looked up at Natsu with a questioning look.

"And that would be?"

"The ceremony's tomorrow, so that means we could go on that job soon."

"(sigh) I guess you're right." Erza stood up and requipped into her black, long sleeved, turtle neck sweater. Along with her black and orange checkered skirt; which was accompanied by black leggings and black boots. She then tied her hair into a high pony tail with an orange hair tie, before she walked towards the door. "Oh, just so you know the second the ceremony ends we're going on that job."

"Aye sir!"
"Natsu wake up!" Erza shouted from the bathroom while putting lipstick on.

"What?" Natsu groggily responded as he curled up in the blanket.

"Today's the day of the ceremony you need to get ready." Erza replied as she moved on to putting on mascara.

"Ugh. Fine." Natsu sat up, rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and made his way to the bathroom. "I don't need to dress all fancy do I?" Natsu questioned while he turned on the shower.

"Of course not. What would make you think that you needed to?"

"Well, you're wearing make up, and you never wear make up."

"Today's a special occasion." Erza smiled.

"I guess. Just don't make it a habit ok?" Natsu took off his shirt.


"Cause you look better without it." Natsu gave her his trademark smile.

"Oh, you sweet talker you." Erza walked up to Natsu and pressed her body against his. "Just so you know the ceremony isn't the only reason why today is special." Erza whispered seductively into his ear as her hands roamed his bare chest.

"You don't mean...?" the surprise was evident in his voice and face.

"I do." she answered as she nibbled on his ear. "But that's after the ceremony." Erza pulled away much to Natsu's chagrin.

"Hell yeah!" Natsu shouted as Erza walked out of the bathroom.

'Can't wait.' Erza shivered in anticipation. 'I should get Hisako ready.' Erza walked out of the room with a hop to her step and made her way to wake up Hisako.

"Someone's in a good mood." Erza turned around and saw Ultear smirking at her. "I wonder why?"

"Today's the ceremony." Erza lied. She did not want Ultear to know the real reason to why she was so happy. Ultear was much to mischievous for such information. "Shouldn't you and Meredy be at the guild before everyone starts showing up?" Erza asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"We're leaving right now." Ultear answered. "But let's get back to why you're so happy."

'Damn.' Erza cursed inwardly. "I told you today's the ceremony." Erza reiterated

"That's a lie. The smile on your face is a smile of a woman." Ultear stepped closer to Erza and spoke in a hushed tone. "Now, why don't you tell me the real reason, Erza Scarlet."

"I-I-I-It's n-n-n-nothing." a red faced Erza stuttered as the real reason was playing in her head.

"Then why are you turning red?"

"It's hot."

"What's going on?" Erza and Ultear turned to see Kagura and Meredy coming down the hall.

"Oh, nothing. Just that Erza seems to be hiding something. Just look at her face." their curiosity was peaked when they saw how red Erza face was.

"Ooooooo~. You're definitely hiding something." Meredy smirked. "Something juicy. Spill it."

"Yes, I'm curious as well." Kagura said. The three woman encircled Erza leaving her no room to escape.

"It's nothing really."

"Then why did your face get redder?" Ultear questioned.

"You're thinking about it right now aren't you?" Meredy pressed. "Are you thinking about Natsu?"

"Her face got even redder." Ultear pointed out.

"I don't think it can get any redder." Kagura stated.

"Is it something dirty?" Meredy kept pressing refusing to let Erza collect her thoughts.

"I stand corrected. Her face can get redder."

"Spill it Erza. We won't stop until you do." Ultear said as she put her hands on her hips. Erza stared at them for a few seconds and then sighed. They weren't lying. They would keep bugging her until she told.

"Fine. Follow me." Erza led them downstairs and into the kitchen. They sat down at the table and stared at the red faced, red head. "Well, the reason why I'm...excited is because Natsu and myself are going to take a job when the ceremony is done."

"That's it?" asked a disappointed Meredy.

"It's not the job. It's what the job provides."

"Which is?" Kagura questioned.

"Privacy." Erza replied as a knowing smirk grew on Ultear's face.

"I see. You're planning on doing it aren't you?" Ultear's smirked widened.

'It?' Kagura and Meredy wondered as they looked back and forth between the two. It took a few seconds but it eventually hit the two what 'it' meant, and they responded by blushing madly.

"A-Are you serious?" Meredy stuttered.

"Yes. Natsu's been very patient with me, and I feel I'm ready."

"Well, good for you. I'm sure Natsu will be raring to go."

"U-Ultear?!" Meredy looked incredulously at the time wizard.

"What? It's true." Ultear shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't need to be hearing this." a blushing Kagura muttered as she shook her head slowly. Even though they were about the same age (thanks to the time skip) she still saw Erza and Natsu as older siblings/mentors, and knowing they were going to do 'that'...well it was weird.

And awkward.

And gross.

They were brother and sister for goodness sake!

'Wait. What?' Kagura just ended up confusing herself. Unfortunately, her confusion was over shadowed by dirty thoughts.

"Now that, that's over shouldn't you two be leaving for the guild?" Erza looked at Ultear and Meredy.

"She's right, we need to get going." Ultear agreed. The two said their goodbye's and left for the guild. Once the two were gone Erza turned her attention to a blushing Kagura, who had her head down with her eyes closed.

'Please leave my mind.' Kagura pleaded as she attempted to clear her thoughts of what Natsu and Erza were going to do to each other. As Erza stared at her she wondered if all female wizards were perverted. She then sweat dropped as realized she just called herself a pervert.

"I'm going to go wake up Hisako and get her ready. You should do the same." Erza suggested and began to leave. "Oh. I might have a few books that might interest you. I'll let you borrow one before you leave."

"R-Right." answered a confused Kagura.

Erza opened Hisako's door and immediately began to worry when she saw Hisako tossing and turning while letting out small whimpers.

'Is she having a nightmare?' Erza didn't give it much thought before she sat on the bed and gently shook Hisako awake. Hisako's eyes shot open and immediately sat up right. Her breathing was erratic and her head was whipping left to right.

"It's ok, Hisako. You're safe. You're not on the streets anymore." Erza pulled Hisako into a hug and rubbed her back tenderly. Hisako let Erza's warmth engulf her as she slowly calmed down. "Feeling better?" Erza asked as she pulled back from Hisako to get a look at her,

"Yes." Hisako nodded her head. She smiled when Erza patted her head and stood up.

"Well that's good." Erza gave Hisako a smile. "Do you know what day it is today?"

"No." Hisako answered with a confused look on her face.

"Today is the day you become an official Fairy Tail wizard." Hisako's face immediately light up.

"Really?" Hisako asked her voice full of excitement.

"Yes really, but you need to get ready first." Erza turned and opened Hisako's closet. "I'll get the water started and you pick out something to wear." Hisako picked out purple sundress with frills at the bottom.

"Is that the dress you picked?" Erza questioned.

"Yep." Hisako chirped.

"Good choice. Now let's get you clean." Hisako walked into the bathroom took off her pajamas and got into the bath. "So you excited?"

"Yep! I wanna be a strong wizard like mama and papa!" Hisako smiled as Erza dumped a cup of water on her head.

"Oh really now? That's a pretty hefty goal you set for yourself. But if you work hard I'm sure you'll become a splendid wizard." Erza smiled warmly at her.

"Really?" Hisako looked up at her mama with hopeful eyes.

"Of course. Now come on we don't want to be late for the ceremony."

"Ok!" Hisako began washing herself with a bar of soap.

Once Hisako finished her bath she put on her dress and then white sandals, and her hair was tied into a high ponytail with a purple ribbon.

"You're adorable." Erza complemented causing Hisako to blush.

"Thank you. You're really pretty too."

"Why thank you." Erza leaned forward and patted her on the head. "Let's go see if your papa is ready." the two walked down the hall and into Erza's and Natsu's room to see Natsu wearing his standard closed shirt, waist coat, and pants. The only difference was the color. Instead of black, the shirt and waist coat were purple and the orange trimmings were white, and for pants they were a light gray.

"Fancy." Erza complemented. "Why the change?"

"Felt like today called for it." Natsu shrugged his shoulders.

"Well you look very handsome." Erza said causing Natsu to blush slightly. "But I think someone over here outshines you." Erza gestured her head towards Hisako; who was blushing while looking down.

"I think so too." Natsu grinned as he picked Hisako and held her in the air. "You look cuter then Happy when he was a kitten." Natsu cringed slightly when he saw Hisako glare when he mentioned Happy. "Still don't like him yet do ya?" Hisako answered by shaking her head.

"Give her time. They'll be best friends before you know it." Erza sighed. "But let's get back to how cute and handsome you two are." Erza pinched both of their cheeks causing them both to whine. Erza on the other hand just laughed at the two.

"She's seems excited." Kagura stated as she watched Hisako skip through the town.

"Of course she is. She's going to officially become a wizard." Erza replied. "I'm sure you felt the same way when you joined your guild."

"That's true."

"Man people really are really going nuts because of this ceremony. I mean seriously look at tha- What the hell! Are they selling Natsu dolls?!" Natsu shouted as he pointed at a store.

"Where?!" the three girls of the group snapped their heads in the direction he was pointing at. "Move!" the three then proceeded to stamped over Natsu as they bolted to the store

"They made new ones!" Erza gleefully shouted as she held two dolls in her hand. One was of a chibby Natsu shooting a stream of fire out of his mouth, and the other had fire engulfing its hands. "I'll take them! Hisako get yours too because I'm not sharing!"

"Ok mama!" Hisako grabbed a pair of Natsu plushies and made her way towards Erza, but stopped when something caught her eye. "Mama! They have a doll of you too!"

"What!? Where?!" Erza was there in a flash. And surely enough there was a Erza plushy wearing her Heart Kreuz Armor. "Wow. You can even change its armor." Erza stated as she inspected the pieces of cloth made to look like her armors.

"Can we buy these too mama?"

"Already on it." Erza answered as she got two of everything. Natsu groaned as he watched the two buy the plushies.

"I can't believe you two bought those things." Natsu complained as the two walked towards him with bags in their hands. "At least Kagura isn't buyi-"

"That will be 200 jewels."

"Keep the change." Kagura turned away from the counter only to see Natsu giving her an incredulous look, Erza a smirk, and Hisako a smile.

"Not you too." Natsu face palmed.

"What? Was I not suppose to buy these?" Kagura questioned as her face turned slightly red.

"Oh, don't listen to him. There's nothing wrong with having a girly side." Erza stated. "Let's see what you bought." Erza snatched the bag out of her hands leaving a blinking Kagura.

"Hmmmm...Natsu and myself. Nice choices." Erza handed the bag back. "All right, it's time for us to get going; we wasted too much time."

"Whose fault is that?" Natsu rolled his eyes.

"What was that?" Erza glared.

"Nothing!" Natsu jumped and hid behind Kagura.


To say Fairy Tail was packed and busy would be an understatement. The guild was filled with Fairy Tail wizards (obviously), wizards from other guilds, (that they were friendly with) and friends and family of the wizards who were waiting to become Fairy Tail members.

"Wow. This is a lot of people." Natsu commented as they stood at Fairy Tail's entrance.

"You're right. I didn't think this many...Elfman's a dead man!" Erza growled as she glared at Elfman's 'How to be a Man' poster, that was posted on the wall.

"Whoa." Elfman shivered.

"You ok man?" Gray asked.

"I just felt a manly shiver go down my manly spine."

"There are a lot of families here." Kagura stated.

"True. They must like the family motto Fairy Tail has." Erza responded and Natsu just nodded his head in agreement, but stopped when he noticed Hisako growing more and more nervous.

'Still shy huh?' Natsu thought as he grabbed Hisako and put her on his shoulders. 'Well, we're going to have to work on that.'

"Come on, let's go find the others." Natsu suggested.

"They should be on the second floor." Erza replied.

"Then let's go!" with that said the group made their way up to the second floor. The second they arrived Erza scooped up Hisako and took her to a group of girls, which consisted of Lucy, Juvia, Mira, Meredy, Bisca, and Asuka.

"Come on Hisako. Let's show everyone our Little Natsu's." Natsu growled when he heard Erza say that.

"Why the long face?" Natsu turned to see a cloaked Ultear.

"Erza, Hisako, and Kagura bought those stupid dolls." Natsu grumbled as Kagura winced beside him.

"Dolls?" Ultear tilted her head slightly. "Oh. Do you mean...these dolls?" Ultear smirked as she pulled out a Natsu and Erza doll from under her cloak. Natsu just stared at her with his mouth wide open.

"Y-You too?"

"And Meredy. Look. Look." Ultear squeezed the doll causing it to talk. "You want a piece of me ice cube!" the Natsu plushy shouted.

"Bring it flame brain!"

"Wha-" Natsu was cut off when Gray tackled him to the ground. "It was the stupid doll idiot!" Natsu yelled before he headbutted Gray.

"I don't think Erza-sama would appreciate you two fighting with the ceremony so close to starting." Kagura warned.

"Judging by how Erza's giving you the death stare I'm inclined to agree." Ultear announced. Both Natsu and Gray's head snapped to Erza direction and saw her glaring at them. They both stuttered while trying to come up with an excuse for their fighting. They stopped when they saw Erza kneel down and tell Hisako something, who then skipped up to them.

"Mama says you're both in trouble." Hisako then skipped back while clutching her Natsu doll to her chest causing a 'I'm all fired up.' to come from said doll.

"I hate those dolls." Natsu muttered.

"At least you have a doll." Gray grumbled back.

"You want one?" Natsu gave Gray an incredulous look.

"Of course I do! How hell do you and Erza get one and not me?!"

"Because me and Erza are awesome! Right Erza?!" Natsu called out to her.

"Obviously! Gray jealously is an ugly thing!. . . . . .Natsu you're still in trouble."


"As fun as this has been, I need to speak to Master Makarov." as Ultear walked away she squeezed her Natsu plushy.

"Gray you pervert!" Ultear smirked as she listened to Gray start another fight with Natsu because of the plushy again. She walked down a hall, turned a corner, and stopped in front of Makarov's office door and knocked.

"Enter." Ultear walked in and removed her hood when she heard the door close behind her. "Ah, Ultear it's good to see you. How has your stay with Fairy Tail's favorite couple?" Makarov questioned from his desk.

"It was quite entertaining." Ultear smiled.

"I'm sure it was." Makarov chuckled. "But enough of the pleasantries, let's get down to business."

"Of course." Ultear pulled out two sheets of paper from under her cloak and set them on the table. The papers were the application sheets of two wizards trying to become Fairy Tail wizards. "Jiro Sato and Gin Ito. Both are dark guild members. Jiro Sato is a member of Laughing Coffin (A/N:Yes, I took this name from Sword Art Online), and Gin Ito is a member of Deep Blood."

"I've never heard of these dark guilds before." Makarov muttered as his face took a serious look.

"That's understandable. They're new, but they are not to be taken likely." the playful Ultear was obviously long gone and replaced with a stern and powerful woman. "We've been trying to get a good lead on them for almost a year now, but we're either too late or it was false information."

"How dangerous are they?"

"VERY dangerous." Ultear sighed. "I'll start with Laughing Coffin. In all honestly it makes me sick just thinking about them." she admitted.

"That bad?" Makarov was not looking forward to what Ultear had to say. You couldn't really blame him. If their actions were bad enough to make Ultear (who was a former dark guild member) sick from just thinking about it, well it couldn't be good.

"Yes." Ultear sighed once again as she crossed her arms. "They're sick to put it simply. Their name Laughing Coffin derives from the fact that they take enjoyment when they kill. It's a guild full of sick psychopaths. They take pleasure from the pain of others. They don't discriminate; anyone is fair game...And their most prominent form of 'entertainment'..." Ultear started to explain as her voice took a tone of disgust. "is...burying their victims alive."

Makarov stared at her in shock. From what she was telling him Laughing Coffin was one of (if not the sickest) dark guild that has been established.

"I've seen dark guilds that are full of psychopaths before..." Ultear started "...but they've never lasted long."

"By the look on your face, I assume they won't be disappearing anytime soon."

"Unfortunately. What really makes Laughing Coffin dangerous is the fact that their smart and organized. Most dark guilds are just a collection of dark wizards; their not cohesive. Their individuals bunched together; instead, of an organized group. But laughing coffin is different; it's organized yet wild." Makarov took this all in with his eyes closed and a grim expression on his face.

"So it has the unstable and chaotic members of an average dark guild, but the organization and brains of a dark guild like the former Grimoire Heart." Makarov summarized.

"Yes." Makarov slumped back into his chair as he massaged his head. He was getting too old for this.

"I'm not sure if I even want to hear about Deep Blood." Makarov sighed. "Like I have a choice. All right let's get this over with."

"To be honest, we don't know much about Deep Blood. All we know is whenever they move it's always a blood bath; hence the name Deep Blood."

"Is that all?"

"We heard rumors that said the guild has Blood Magic users." Ultear stated.

"Blood Magic? I've never heard of such a magic before."

"Neither has anyone or place we've went to for answers. I assume it's a form of lost magic, and judging by the aftermath it leaves, it's very powerful. But the real question is, why are there guild members from these dark guilds trying to infiltrate Fairy Tail? And are they working together?"

"Great." Makarov groaned. "Can Fairy Tail ever get a break?"

"Elfman! I thought I told you to not put that stupid poster up!" Erza's voice boomed throughout the guild. "I'll going make you scream like a girl!" Makarov and Ultear cringed as they heard Elfman's scream (like a man in his opinion).

"I don't see that happening anytime soon." Ultear deadpanned.

"Me neither."

"So what will you do about those two?" Ultear asked referring to the dark wizards.

"Can you get bring me Freed and Levy?" Makarov questioned. "I'm also going to need your help as well, if you don't mind."

"Of course. I'm happy to help."

"You're an idiot Elfman." surprisingly it was Natsu who was speaking. "When Erza says don't do something, you don't do it."

"Firecracker's right." Gray agreed. "It was the second lesson in 'Dealing with Erza 101' right after 'Don't Mess with her Strawberry Cake'."

"I just wanted to the new members to know how to be a man. Is that so wrong?" Elfman defended.

"When you're defying Erza it is." Levy replied as Ultear came walked up to the group.

"You and you." Ultear pointed to Freed and Levy. "Master Makarov needs you." the two nodded and headed off to Makarov's office.

"What's going on?" Erza asked the question everyone else wanted to ask, if their faces were any indication. Ultear sighed and debated whether she should tell them or not.

'Meh.' Ultear inwardly shrugged before she gathered them in a small group. "Fine. I'll tell you." she said in a whisper. "Just don't freak out because Master Makarov has a plan."

"Ok." Erza answered.

"Two wizards that are trying to join the guild are actually dark wizards." everyone who was listening let out small gasps. Well, everyone except for Natsu he was more boisterous.

"What?! Who are they?! I'll rip them a ne-" he was cut short when he was smacked to the ground. From who some may ask? The love of his life of course.

"Idiot." Erza muttered while shaking her head. "An adorable loveable one but still an idiot."

"Anyways, there's a plan so no worries. Just be on alert just in case." Ultear turned and walked away "Oops. Sorry Natsu." but not before apologizing to Natsu, who she stepped on.

Makarov sighed as he sat on a barrel in Fairy Tail's basement. With him was Freed, (who just finished setting up his runes around the room) Levy, and Ultear.

"Three." Ultear began as she looked into lacrima. The lacrima showed the wizards (who were waiting to become Fairy Tail members) walking through one of the guild's halls that led to the stage. In the back of the group were the targets.

"Two." Ultear's magic circle began to form. "One. Zero" the wood ceiling began to form holes due to Ultear's Time Magic, and suddenly their targets fell through the holes.

"Restrict!" Levy generated two words that each spelled 'restrict' and then wrapped their targets with said words.

"Just so you're aware..." Freed began when they started shouting curses. " runes prevent all noise from exiting and entering this area, so screaming won't get you anywhere."

"Let's gets this over with." Makarov said as he jumped off the barrel. "Now, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" he was answered with swears and with his shoes getting spit on. "(sigh) Hard way it is. Have fun Ultear."

"Oh, I will." Ultear replied as Makarov, Levy, and Freed left the room. "Now, let's have some fun boys." a shiver went down the two captives spine when they saw the smirk Ultear was giving them.

"So, what did you find out?" Makarov asked as Ultear walked into his office.

"Not much. What I can tell you is that Deep Blood and Laughing Coffin aren't working together."

"That's a relief." Makarov exhaled. "Do you know the reason they were sent here?"

"No. All they were told was to join the guild and wait for orders. And before you ask, I wasn't able to get anything about their guilds. They seem to have runes on them preventing them from saying anything about their guilds."

"Runes?" Makarov raised an eyebrow. "Then we should have Freed and Levy see to them."

"Way ahead of you. Their seeing to them right now."

"Good. And here I was hoping today would go smoothly."

"You want a piece of me you stripping fairy?!" Natsu's voice boomed through the hall.

"How do you feel about being Fairy Tail's next master?" Makarov asked in a hopeful voice.

"Bring it you walking oven!" Gray shouted back.

"Knock it off you idiots!" Erza's voice joined in and then was followed by smashing noises.

"No way in hell." Ultear quickly replied.

"Damn." Makarov cursed before he took a deep breath and pepped up. "We'll deal with those two later. Right now I have ceremony to start."

"What's wrong?" Erza asked as she sat next to Natsu, intentionally giving him a little bump.

"You know what's wrong." Natsu grumbled. "We have two dark wizards in our guild and I can't even get a chance to punch them."

"You really want a fight that bad?" Erza questioned.

"It's not just that." Natsu defended.

"Oh? Then what else could it be?" Erza asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm just pissed that these bastards had the nerve to come into our guild! This is our home! They have no right to be here!" Natsu growled.

"(sigh) Well, I can't disagree with you on that, but let's let master deal with the issue."


"You really want to ruin today for Hisako?" Erza asked as she directed his attention to said girl, who was talking to Asuka, who was also going to be inducted as an official Fairy Tail wizard. "Today's a very special day for her."

"Ok, I give." Natsu slumped in defeat. "You're right I'm wrong, happy?"

"Very." Erza smiled as Natsu started to talk again.

"You know I was thinking-"

"That can't be good." Erza joked giving Natsu a coy smile.

"Like I was saying." Natsu huffed. "I was thinking that since Hisako is going to be an official wizard, shouldn't we start training her?"

"I don't know, she's still young." Erza replied. "I wouldn't want her to get hurt, or ruin her childhood because she's so focused on getting stronger." Erza explained causing Natsu to mull over what she said.

"Then why don't we keep it simple then?"

"How so?" Erza questioned.

"Laps around the house, a few squats, sit ups, and push ups." Natsu shrugged. "She can't get hurt doing those can she?"

"Hmmmmm. I don't see the harm in that." Erza agreed. "You know...I was a little worried when we took Hisako in, but we're doing damn good job as parents."

"I know right!" Natsu agreed. "I mean, look at her. She's doing freaking great."

"High five for great parenting." Erza said as she put her hand out, which Natsu smacked with his. They continued to talk for a few more minutes until Makarov announced that the ceremony would be beginning soon, and that everyone should get seated.

"Mama! Papa!" Hisako screamed as she ran to the couple. "It's starting!" they both smiled at their little girl, who was bouncing out of excitement.

"Why, yes it is." Erza said as she squatted down to her eye level. "We should get going." Erza reached out and grabbed Hisako's hand. "We wouldn't want to miss the ceremony, now would we?"

"Ok." Natsu and Erza walked Hisako to the back stage and handed her over to Makarov. They then found a seat close to the front of the guild and waited for the curtains to open. Eventually, they were joined by their house guests.

"So, what happened?" Natsu asked a hooded Ultear.

"Not much. Master Makarov has them trapped in the basement. Said he would deal with them after." Ultear shrugged.

"How bad is it?" Erza questioned. It was never good when two dark guilds attempted to infiltrate your guild. The question was, how much of a threat are their infiltrators?

"Bad." Ultear seriously stated.

"It looks like Fairy Tail will have more hard times in the future." Erza sighed.

"Those bastards go anywhere near Hisako I burn them to ash." Natsu stated to Erza.

"Agreed, but that's after I cut them to pieces."


"Can I get in on that?" Ultear questioned.

"Me too." Meredy joined in.

"I would like to be in this as well." Kagura also spoke up.

"Alright, but me and Erza get first dibs." Natsu answered.

"Deal." the three girls said. It's a beautiful thing when you and your friends can come together and . . . .plan to kill people if they hurt your daughter.

True friendship.

After they finished talking the curtains opened up and revealed Makarov standing in front of rows of eager soon-to-be Fairy Tail wizards. In the front row was Hisako, who was looking extremely nervous, that is until she saw Natsu and Erza and their small group. She waved enthusiastically at them and they reciprocated the act, with smiles on their faces.

Everyone sat and listened as Makarov gave a speech stating Fairy Tail's belief of family and how even the families of Fairy Tail wizard's were under Fairy Tail's protection. That earned a cheer from the crowd.

"So, did you find anything Meredy?" Erza whispered.

"Nothing. All the recruits seem legit." a hooded Meredy replied.

"Well that's good. We don't need more wizards joining Fairy Tail for nefarious reasons."

Everyone started clapping and cheering when Makarov finished his speech and announced the newest Fairy Tail members, which earned even more cheering and hollering. Once everyone calmed down, the newest Fairy Tail members were allowed off stage, and were greeted by their loved ones.

"Mama! Papa!" Hisako screamed as she ran to them.

"Hey! Nice mark!" Natsu grinned as he eyed Hisako's guild mark. Her mark was half red and half pink and it was placed on her left shoulder.

"So, how does it feel to be an official Fairy Tail wizard?" Erza asked.

"It's awesome!" Hisako gleefully responded.

"Congratulations kid." Ultear said as she patted Hisako on the head. Kagura and Meredy weren't far behind offering their own congratulations.

"So, now that you're an official wizard what are you going to do?" Ultear questioned.

"I wanna be strong like mama and papa!"

"That's my girl." Natsu grinned as he picked her up and handed her to Erza.

"You really can't hold back any longer can you?" Erza questioned as she eyed a bouncing Natsu.

"Nope." Natsu continued to grin.

"Fine. Just let us get out of the way first." Erza sighed.

"Thirty seconds." Natsu gave her.

"Are you three coming, or are you going to join him?" Erza asked.

"Nah. I like not having concussions." Ultear answered. "Get me when you want to start the plan."

"I'm with them." Meredy followed.

"What about you Kagura?" Erza turned to the last of their house guests.

"Uh. I was actually..." the sheepish looking Kagura was cut off when Natsu wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah! She wants in on it too! She ain't a loser like you three!" Natsu had to hide behind Kagura when said three girls gave him a death glare. "I mean, have a nice day."

"Better." the three women muttered before they walked to the side of the guild. Once they got there they found seats at the bar, and were quickly joined by Makarov; who was followed by a number of new guild members and the people they brought to see them.

"Master? Is there a reason you brought us here?" one of the new members asked.

"Yes. A very good one at that." Makarov answered.

"Which is?" as a response Makarov and Erza put up a hand and began to count down from five to zero.

"..." Five.

"..." Four.

"..." Three.

"..." Two.

"..." One.

"..." Zero.

"PARTY BRAWL!" Natsu's voice rang through the guild and was followed by complete chaos.

"That's why." Makarov and Erza deadpanned.

"What's papa doing?!" asked a confused and scared Hisako.

"He's bonding with his fellow guild members sweety." Erza answered

"But he's fighting them." Hisako stated looking for some kind of explanation.

"Yes, he is." she got none. Ignoring the look on Hisako's face (which screamed for Erza to continue) Erza struck up a conversation with Makarov about the large number of guild members with kids. They then contemplated the idea of adding a daycare to the guild.

"A daycare is a splendid idea master." Mira said as she manned the bar.

"That reminds me. Mira can you do me a favor?" Erza questioned.

"You ready?" Natsu asked Kagura as they stood in the middle of the guild.

"Yes. You?" Kagura questioned as she stretched her arms. She really was looking forward to this. Fairy Tail's brawls were well known, and she wanted to experience at least once.

"I'm always ready." Natsu grinned. "Now, you're new to this so I'll give you some pointers." Natsu said and Kagura nodded. "First, find a target." Natsu looked around muttering 'Gray. Gray. Gray.'

"Found him!" Natsu's grin grew wider. "Now, you found yours."

"Right." Kagura gave him a nod before she scanned the guild.


Wiping the remains of a sneeze that some random guild member was, dumb and gross enough, to hit her on the side of the face with; Kagura turned to the departing guild member and narrowed her eyes at said guild member.

"Found him." Kagura seethed.

"G-Good." Natsu stuttered as he saw the look Kagura was giving the guy who sneezed on her. Judging by the look, the guy was going down. "This is where it gets tricky."

"How so? Don't I just hit him?"

"You do, but you wanna get things going with that hit. Look. When I hit Gray, I'm gonna punch him into Elfman and Elfman's gonna land on that table and spill everyone's food."

"So you plan to anger as many people as possible." Kagura summarized.

"Yes! And fast too!" Natsu yelled in excitement. "You know what?"


"Since this is your very first Fairy Tail Guild brawl, why don't you get it started?" Natsu offered.

"Really?" Kagura questioned with a sparkle in her eye which really was cute for such a serious person. She always wanted to be in a Fairy Tail brawl since she first heard of them, but to be able to begin it was too good to be true.

"Sure." Natsu grinned.

"Thank you for the honor Natsu-sama." Kagura bowed.

"Uhhhhh. Honor? I don't know about all that. I mean it's just a brawl nothing special, so don't worry about it."

"I will not disappoint you." Kagura said with a strong conviction.

'Did she just ignore me?' Natsu inwardly questioned.

"Here I go." Kagura said as she took off in a dead sprint.

'He's gonna die.' Natsu thought as he watched Kagura blur across the guild. 'Here it comes.' Natsu started to cringe when he saw Kagura plant her foot, cock back her fist, and let it loose.

"PARTY BRAWL!" Natsu shouted just as the fist hit.

The poor bastard was sent flying forward and smacked into a crowd of people, who were knocked over like bowling pins.

'Gotta hurry.' Natsu thought as he darted toward Gray. He didn't want the brawl to get to Gray before he got to him first. Their brawls are like a wave. Once it got started it would spread to the rest of the guild, and Natsu was trying to beat that wave. 'Gonna have to boost.' Gray never saw it coming. He never saw that pink rocket, led by a tight fist, but he damn sure felt it.

"Ha! Ha! Got you!" Natsu shouted before he went to see how Kagura was doing. He found her standing in the middle of the guild, admiring her work. "You're a natural! Look at all of this!" Natsu grinned as they watched the chaos.

"This was fun." Kagura commented as a warm smile graced her face although Natsu could pick up a hint of sadness.

"What do you mean this was fun? This is fun! As in right now." Natsu reached out and grabbed her arm. "Come one. We're going in!" and with that the two disappeared into a sea of people.

'Hmmmmmm. Which job should we take?' Erza inwardly questioned as she flipped through the guild's Log Book. The Log Book, was a book that had all the jobs that were posted at Fairy Tail, and whenever someone took a job said person or person's name was written down. It was a simple, yet efficient way to keep track of who took what job. 'Exterminating Vulcans in a forest? It wouldn't take too long to complete it, not with Natsu's nose. And maybe when we finish we could be in the forest when we...' Erza trailed off as she began to blush madly.

"Thinking dirty thoughts?" Erza flinched before she turned and faced a smirking Ultear.

"W-What?! Of course not!"

"Your red face says otherwise." Meredy also joined in on the teasing.

"And drooling doesn't help your case Erza." Mira pointed out.

"I wasn't drooling!" Erza denied as she wiped said drool.

"Sure you weren't." Ultear rolled her eyes. "But let's get back to the fact that you can't stop thinking about getting into Natsu's pants."

"Oooooooooo!" Mira grinned. "This I have to hear."

"There's nothing to hear!" Erza protested. Good thing Hisako was off with Asuka and her parents.

"She's right. If you call asking you to watch Hisako for the night, so the happy couple could take a job to get some 'alone time' nothing." Ultear shrugged.

"~So that's why you want me to watch her~. Talk. Now." Mira said as she placed a whole strawberry cake in front of Erza. Gulping, Erza slowly reached out for the delicious treat, only to have it pulled out of her reach. "No talk. No cake." Mira wagged her finger at Erza.

"You bitch." Erza said under her breath while glaring at the smiling demon. "...Fine! I'll talk." Erza sighed in defeat.

"Oh my." a blushing Mira said as she placed her hands on her cheeks. "Our Natsu and Erza are growing up."

"I'm going to get Natsu." Erza stood up.

"Can't hold it in any longer can you?" Ultear teased.

'No.' Erza thought but said something else. "Shut up!" Erza shouted as she began her search for Natsu within the mess called a party brawl.

Smacking a few guild members out of her way, Erza came to a stop when she saw Natsu, she then raised an eyebrow when Natsu punched someone up into the air. Her eyebrow raised even higher when she saw Kagura waiting in the rafters. She knew what was coming next. Once the person Natsu punched got high enough in the air, Kagura jumped down and pile-drived the guy into the ground

"Combo!" Natsu shouted as he high-fived Kagura. "Hey Erza, you see that?!" asked an excited Natsu.

"Kind of hard not too." Erza answered. "Are ready to go? I want to get going as soon as possible." Erza really wanted to go.

"What?! We're leaving now?! But we still haven't done the plan yet!" Natsu whined.

"Then hurry up." Erza ordered.

"Aye sir." Natsu saluted before he sprinted off.

". . . . . .Make sure to use protection." a blushing Kagura advised as she stood by Erza's side.

". . . . . .Of course." Erza answered.


"So, how long do you plan on staying?" Erza questioned trying to change the awkward mood.

"I don't want to overstay my welcome, so I'll most likely leave when you do." Kagura replied.

"You haven't overstayed your welcome. You can to stay over at our place anytime you want."

"I appreciate the offer, but still I've been away from Mermaid Heel for too long." Kagura said. "And to be perfectly honest they get into trouble when I'm not there."

"I feel your pain." Erza nodded as the guild continued to brawl all around them. "Well, if you plan to leave when we do you can tag along. We're heading past Mermaid Heel anyway." Erza offered.

"Thank you for the offer Erza-sama." Kagura gave a slight bow with her head.

"You're still doing that, huh?"

"Yes, I am."

"Don't plan on stopping anytime soon?"

"No, I do not."

"Meh." Erza shrugged her shoulders.

It was growing on her.

"Ultear." said person turned around when she heard her name.

"What is it, Natsu?"

"It's time." Natsu said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Finally." the same glint filled Ultear's eyes as the two gave an evil chuckle.

At the same time, Gray felt a shiver go down his spine.

"Was that really necessary?" Erza asked as she (along with Natsu and Kagura) sat in their train compartment.

"Hell yeah, it was!" Natsu shouted. "It was awesome! You didn't like it?"

"Of course, I didn't like it! I can't get the image out of my mind! Look what you did to poor Kagura!" They both turned to Kagura, who was rubbing her eyes and muttering 'Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out.'

"She can't get it out of her mind either!" Erza smacked Natsu upside his head.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Sheesh." Natsu apologized as he rubbed his head. "I still think it was funny."

"Well, I don't." Erza huffed. Why would he think that? Who would want to see Gray completely naked?

That's right. Natsu and Ultear's plan was that. It started out with Natsu picking a fight with Gray in front of the whole guild. All the while, Meredy gave a dirty magazine to Gildarts to get him excited, and when he did get excited, Meredy used her magic on Gray and Gildarts. After that Ultear used her magic to cause Gray's pants and boxers (which was all he was wearing) to turn to dust. Of course, this resulted in the entire guild getting a view of an excited 'little Gray'. It only got better from there. Because once Juvia got over her initial shock; she proceeded to blast Gray with a powerful stream of water, sending him flying out of the guild. And much to Natsu's endless amusement, Juvia's water blast hit 'little Gray' dead on.

'That had to hurt.' Natsu chuckled.

'Why isn't he jealous?' Erza inwardly questioned. 'I just saw Gray's. . . . .Gray's. . . . .Ewww. I saw 'it'. Shouldn't he be mad or something. Unless...' from that point Erza's perverted side took over. 'Unless, he doesn't have anything to be jealous of.' Erza's line of sight began to slowly direct itself to Natsu's crotch.

"Erza-sama." Erza's head snapped up and faced Kagura.

"W-What is it? Can't you see I'm doing something?" a blushing Erza asked.

"You're drooling." Kagura deadpanned.

"Not again." Erza hissed under her breath. 'Patience Erza. Patience. You will get yours.' Erza took another glance at Natsu's crotch. 'Come hell or high water.'

"You're drooling again, Erza-sama."

"Damn it!"

"This is my stop." Kagura said as she stood up from her seat. "Thank you for your hospitality." Kagura thanked the two with a bow.

"Think nothing of it." Erza brushed it off. "You're always welcomed."

"Yeah! It was kick ass having you over!" Natsu grinned. "You were great in the brawl."

"Fairy Tail's brawls certainly live up to their reputation." Kagura smiled.

"Damn straight!"

"Oh! I almost forgot." Erza perked up and pushed Natsu out of the compartment, so she and Kagura would have some privacy. "Here take this." Erza handed her a book she just summoned.

"What is it about?" Kagura questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You'll see." Erza said. She then placed a hand on Kagura's shoulder and gave her a thumbs up with a perverted smile. "Have fun."

"Ok?" Erza's smile was really unnerving her, but Kagura shrugged it off. She figured the book was just really good.

She had no idea.

As Erza watched Natsu start a campfire she mentally prepared herself to get things going.

But how should she do it? Should it be slow and romantic, or rough and buck wild. Or maybe a combination of the two? Start out slow and romantic, then go buck wild.


She liked the sound of that.

Buck wild.

Like animals.

A pair of sex starved animals.

"Erza, you're drooling again."

"Damn it!" Erza yelled as she wiped the drool from her lips. "Ah screw it." Erza muttered as she jumped on Natsu and began to kiss him hungrily. Their tongues danced in a battle of dominance, as their hands roamed each others body. Eventually, Erza pulled away so they could catch their breath, and so she could summon a blanket to put on the forest floor. She then stood up and took a few steps away as she admired the setting sun, and savored the moment with a smile on her face.

Natsu watched as a bright light engulfed Erza and died out leaving her in all her glory. With wide eyes and a gaping mouth Natsu drank in her perfect body. Her skin was flawless. Not one scar even after all the battles she's been through. Her figure was amazing. It wasn't too muscular or flabby. It was also completely hairless. A certain smell suddenly hit Natsu's nose and he quickly recognized the smell.

Erza was wet.

He smelt if many times before, and it was one of the things that made it so hard for him to hold himself back.

And now he didn't have to

"Erza." said person turned around and had her feet pulled out from under her.

"Kya!" Erza yelled as she fell on the blanket. "Natsu! What are you do- Oh! Fuck!" Erza screamed as Natsu cut her off by using his tongue to play with her clit.

It was incredible. He was incredible. She couldn't even think straight. All she could think of was how good Natsu's tongue felt. And when he started sucking on her clit, she couldn't help but wrap her legs around his head.

"Natsu! Don't stop!" Erza screamed just before she let out another scream. Natsu then got (in Erza's opinion) the greatest idea ever. Natsu used his magic to warm up his tongue and went back to pleasuring Erza.

Letting out another scream of ecstasy, Erza grabbed Natsu's head and pushed it further into her womanhood. With the addition of his warmed up tongue, Erza couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Natsu! I'm Going to- I'm going to! Natsu!" Erza screamed as she reached her climax and released all over Natsu's face. Natsu pulled away from Erza with a look of astonishment, a look that turned into a predatory grin.

Erza on the other hand, just slumped her head back and panted heavily for air. She was already quivering in pleasure and that was just the foreplay.

Today was going to be a good day.

As Erza's breathing calmed down, she found Natsu's lips roughly pressed against hers. Of course, she reciprocated the kiss as her hands ripped off his shirt. Her nipples became hard, or harder, as she felt Natsu's pecs rub against them. She gasped into his mouth when she felt his fingers enter her womanhood and began to pleasure her once again. She found it hard to continue kissing Natsu when all she wanted to do was scream in pleasure. It only got better when Natsu's free hand began playing with her nipple. Twisting it, pinching it.

It was great.

'Has he really not done this before?' Erza inwardly questioned as she, for the second time in less then an hour, neared her climax. Once again Erza let out an ecstasy induced screamed as she climaxed all over Natsu's hand. After a few seconds of panting, Erza grabbed Natsu's hand and began sucking on his fingers. One by one Erza sucked her "love juice" from Natsu's hands leaving a string of saliva when she pulled away.

"Since you've been so generous..." Erza seductively began as she flipped them over, leaving Natsu on the bottom. "...why don't you just lay back and relax." Erza said as she slowly slid down towards his lower region.

Natsu felt Erza slowly removing the rest of his clothes, before she gently gripped his member. Slowly but surely, Erza began to slowly pump his member causing Natsu to gulp at the new sense of pleasure. Of course, the pleasure he felt paled in comparison when Erza's tongue slowly licked the head of his member.

'Oh, shit this is happening.' Natsu thought as he felt Erza becoming more confident in what she was doing.

'This taste a lot better than I thought.' Erza mused as she placed her tongue at the bottom of his member before slowly dragging it to the top. After a couple more licks (which was a mix between long slow licks and quick cute ones) Erza looked up at Natsu with a lustful hunger in her eyes, before her mouth engulfed Natsu's member.

Natsu gasped and his head snapped back as Erza began bobbing her head up and down as her hand pumped the rest of his member that wasn't in her mouth. Natsu had to fight the urge to buck as Erza nearly stuffed his entire member in her mouth.

It was amazing.

The feeling of her soft lips and wet tongue on his manhood was too much for words. Her warm saliva covering his member as she let it slowly drip from her tongue. Natsu always knew Erza had a freaky side ready to come out, and (much to his utter happiness) it was coming out.

'I love today.' Natsu thought just before Erza pulled away from his member leaving a string of saliva behind.

"Was it worth the wait?" Erza asked her voice as seductive as she looked. A furious nod of his head was Natsu's response. "Foreplay has been fun, but don't you think we should get on to the main event?" Erza then proceeded to climb on top of him and placed her womanhood at the tip of his manhood.

Really, she was killing two birds with one stone. First she was teasing Natsu with the little contact between their nether regions. Second she was mentally preparing herself because she knew it was going to hurt at first. Erza slowly lowered herself, the feeling of her inner walls hugging Natsu's member was something new to her. Taking a deep breath Erza sat completely down on it, causing her hymen to tear.

A small drop of blood dripped down Erza's lip as she bit it so she wouldn't yelp in pain. Seeing this, Natsu sat up and gave Erza a kiss to keep her mind off the pain, but after a few seconds the kiss became more and more heated. Soon the kissing was joined by the thrusting of Natsu's hips as Erza straddled him.

'Oh yeah. Definitely worth it.' Erza thought as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his midsection. Eventually, Natsu's thrusting became unneeded when Erza began bouncing herself up and down on his member. So Natsu decided to lay back an relax. A loud and repetitive clapping sound, along with moaning, filled the forest as Natsu and Erza continued to release their pent up sexual urges. Sweat began to drip down their bodies adding to the wetness of their nether regions, which just made things even more pleasurable.

'Let's change things up.' Natsu thought as he sat up, hooked his arms under Erza's legs and stoop up. Erza let out a small yelp, when she felt Natsu stand up. She had to wrap her arms around his neck so she wouldn't fall, while her legs hung over his arms.

"Natsu, what are doin-" Erza was cut off by Natsu, who began thrusting once again. "N-Never mind!" Erza barely managed to get out her words as she was bounced up and down. Her screams went to another level, due to their new position. Natsu had no idea what he was doing. He was just simply following his instincts. And judging by Erza's screams, moans, and the fact that she seems to have fallen in love with his name, (going by how she can't stop saying it) it seemed he was doing a good job.

"Oh, Natsu! Don't stop! Harder!"

A good job may have been an understatement.

"Natsu! I'm going to cu-!" Erza was cut off as she (once again) reached her climax.

'Damn. I'm good.' Natsu had the biggest grin he's ever had on his face. The grin fell when he felt his knees buckle and hit the ground. 'Guess, I'm more tired than I thought.' Natsu mused while he gently laid a panting Erza on the blanket.

"Wow." Erza managed to get out between pants.

"You're telling me." Natsu responded as he laid down beside her.

"Good thing we didn't do that at home." Erza stated. "Hisako did not need to hear that."

"You got that right." Natsu replied. They laid there in silence while gazing at the night sky. That only lasted about two minutes before Natsu got up, grabbed Erza, flipped her over, and placed her on her hands and knees.

'Going to be sore tomorrow.' Erza mused just before the thought of what was to come sent a delightful shiver down her spine. "Hurry up!" Erza ordered.

"Alright. Sheesh." Natsu said as he placed himself behind Erza. Natsu grunted and Erza moaned when Natsu's member entered Erza's womanhood. He then firmly grabbed her hips and began slowly thrusting back and forth. Erza moans eventually turned into screams once more as Natsu's thrusts became faster and stronger.

"Pull my hair!" Erza said surprising Natsu.

"W-What?" Natsu stuttered as he slowed his thrusting.

"Pull my hair!" Erza fiercely reiterated.

"O-Ok." Natsu did what he was told, and grabbed a fist full of her hair causing her head to pull back. 'She really is freaky.' Natsu thought before a grin appeared on his face. Erza screams intensified even more, as Natsu pulled her hair while pounding her even harder. He suddenly stopped and before Erza could yell at him for daring to stop; he pulled her head back, leaned forward, and began kissing her neck.

"We've should've done this a looooong time ago." Erza said as Natsu began moving to her jawline.

"Got that right." Natsu answered between kisses.

"Time to switch." Erza pushed back causing Natsu to fall on his ass. She then leaned back into him and began to twist her hips as she hopped up and down.

'A loooong time ago.' they both thought as they enjoyed themselves in their sexual desires.


Erza never really knew the true meaning of the word until today. She couldn't breath. She couldn't think. She couldn't even fell the lower half of her body.

And she loved it.

She lost count of how many orgasms she had. The only thing that irked her was the fact that Natsu hadn't had one yet. And she couldn't have that. It would hurt her pride as a woman. Not being able to completely satisfy Natsu was not gonna fly in her book.

"Natsu lay down." Erza ordered as she pulled Natsu's member out of her. Once Natsu did what he was told, Erza immediately grabbed his member and put it in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, then went as far along his member as possible. Once she reached her limit, she began to hum, and Natsu's head snapped back as his hands dug into the ground. And then much to his dismay, Erza pulled away. "Be patience, kay?" Erza asked in a very sexy voice when she saw his face.

"Sure." Natsu responded. Erza then scooted a little closer, cupped her breasts, and then moved them so they sandwiched his member. 'Hot damn.' was the only words that came to mind. The feeling of her large soft breasts engulfing his member as Erza moved them up and down. Erza could tell he was reaching his limit, by how he shut his eyes tightly, but she had a few more ticks up her sleeve.

"~Natsu~. I want you to look." Erza cooed. Natsu titled his head forward and looked at Erza and gulped. Erza knew exactly what she was doing (thanks to her dirty novels). She was stimulating three of his senses.

One was the obvious one. Touch.

The second was his sense of smell. She knew Natsu could easily smell her "juices" with his nose.

The third one was his sense of sight. And what a sight it was.

Erza never looked sexier. Her breasts squishing against his member, along with the look she was giving him as she did it. Natsu was really reaching his limit. But Erza wasn't done yet. She gave Natsu a coy look before she put the remainder of his member, that stuck out from her breasts, into her mouth. She used her tongue to rotate around his second head as she moved her breasts up and down the rest of his member even faster.

"Damn. Erza I can't hold it in any longer." Natsu's words only seemed to encourage Erza. Natsu let out everything he had on Erza, who pulled back slightly a second before he released.

Erza looked down at herself and couldn't help but blush. Her face and breasts were covered in Natsu's "juices" and some of it was beginning to drip down to her stomach. 'You could write your own novels after this girl.' Erza mused as she began use her fingers to collect the white substance. Once she collected all she could collect, she began to lick the white substance off her fingers seductively.

That was one way of making sure she didn't get pregnant.

"Salty." Erza mumbled just before something got in her eye.

That something was the sun.

The same sun that was setting when they began.

The sun that was now rising.

"Natsu are you sure this was your first time?" asked a dumbfounded Erza.

"Yeah. Why? Did I do it wrong?" a nervous Natsu questioned.

"There's definitely nothing wrong with what you did." Erza answered to quell his fears. "It's just that...well...the suns rising."

"Yeah. So?" he was confused. What the hell did the sun have to do with anything? Except mock him because he can't eat it.

Not yet at least.

"We started when the sun was setting."

"Again so?" what is this woman getting at?

"Well, it's not common to go literally all night espe-. . . . . .wow." Erza breathed out. They really went all night. 'Natsu's a sex machine.' Erza realized as she started to think about the things they can do in the future.

"Erza you're drooling again." Natsu deadpanned.

"Yes I am."

"...Ok. Can I get some clothes? You ripped mine."

"Huh? Oh. Sure." Erza summoned Natsu his standard clothes. A pair of black pants, boxers, and his old vest. She then summoned her black sweater and a pair of gray sweats; instead, of her usual skirt since it was cold.

"Alright!" Natsu shouted as he hopped up. "We should get going." Natsu began to walk, but stopped when he realized Erza wasn't following. "Erza?"

"I don't think I can walk." Erza admitted with a blush. "I'm too sore. Can you carry me?"

"Sure." Natsu said with his usual smile. 'I. Am. Amazing.' Natsu cockily thought as he squatted in front of Erza.

"Thank you." Erza climbed on his back, and rested her chin on his shoulder with a cute smile on her face.

'I've never knew Erza-sama was into such things.' a very tired and red faced Kagura thought as she recalled the story she just red. 'I must get the next volume.' Kagura resolved with a clenched fist as the sun rose in the background.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Natsu said as he laid Erza down on their bed.

"You do that." Erza responded as she made herself comfortable on the bed.

"What time do you wanna pick up Hisako?" Natsu shouted from behind the door.

"Noon should be fine." Erza answered. "I'm going to need to take a hot shower before I can touch her again." Erza mumbled.

"Why's that?"

"Kya!" Erza let out an uncommon girly scream as she fell off the side of the bed. "Ultear? Meredy? I thought you two left?" Erza asked as she slowly climbed back on the bed.

"We were going to, but I wanted to see how it went." Ultear replied as she sat down Indian Style on the foot of the bed. "So...How'd it go?" Ultear made zero attempt to conceal her excitement.

"I gotta go." a red faced Meredy rushed out of the room.

"Children." Ultear shrugged as she slowly shook her head. "Still so much to learn. But back to the topic at hand."

"It was. . . . .wow." Erza said as her eyes took on a reminiscent look.

"Really? That good?" Ultear scooted closer.

"I can't walk."

"Damn." Ultear was impressed. "Way to go Natsu."

"All night too." Erza proudly stated.

"You're a lucky woman, Scarlet."

"No. I mean ALL night." that caused Ultear to raise an eyebrow.

"ALL night?"

"From sunset to sunrise."




"Wow." they both breathed out.

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