Bonds of Iron and Fire

By Erza_Dragneel_

70.3K 891 269

Little by little Natsu's starting to lose control. A dark side resides within him, but Erza will stand by his... More

The Darkside of the Flame
S-Class Lessons
Halloween Havoc
Acting Their Age
Rampaging Little Monsters
Hormonal Years
A Brother and Sister Relationship
Team Natsu Back in Action
Explosive Tendencies
New Addition to the Family
A Little Fun and a Little Training
Meeting the guild and Family Vacation
Battle at the sea part 1 (1/3)
Battle at the Sea part 2 (2/3)
Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)
Happy Days and Uncertain Futures
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p1
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2
A Fairy Hunter's New Beginning
Let The Hunt Begins
To Each Their Own Messes
Jailhouse Rock Part 1

House Guest

2.3K 31 4
By Erza_Dragneel_

Natsu was happy; that much was obvious by the way he was bouncing (from his sitting position) on the bed. There was a few reason for such happiness. One was that he was able to convince Erza to push back their talk to after Fairy Tail's induction/evaluation ceremony which was five days away. The induction/evaluation ceremony was another reason Natsu was happy. He couldn't wait to see the new wizards, and he reallycouldn't wait to see their faces when they see their first Fairy Tail party. Because where there was a Fairy Tail party there was the party brawl, and those were the best brawls.

But what really had Natsu so giddy was that right at that moment Erza was in their bathroom getting ready to give him his reward. And since Hisako was asleep there would be no interruptions from her.

A flash of light appeared from the bathroom and died down a second later. 'Here she comes.' Natsu grinned.

The door opened and revealed Erza wearing something Natsu wasn't expecting. 'Flight Armor?(without the metal armored parts and swords) Why is she wearing tha-' Natsu began to question, but cut himself off when she began to crawl on the bed like the cheetah pattern top she was wearing. Of course this let Natsu get a good view of Erza's cleavage.

'Wow. I never knew she looked so sexy in this armor.' in his defense when Erza wore the armor either one, or both of them were fighting for their lives. So he never really gave the armor a good look. Of course now he's seen the error of his ways.

"You know it's not polite to stare." Erza's seductive voice brought Natsu out of his thoughts as she straddled him.

"Wow." Natsu whispered while not taking his eyes off of her chest

"Are just going to stare, or are you going to do something with them?" Erza teased as she draped her arms around Natsu's neck. Erza had to break Natsu from his stupor by giving him a long and passionate kiss that eventually led to some tongue. And then came the hands. Yes, those hands that traced the lines of his chest and stomach muscles. After a few minutes of kissing Erza pushed Natsu down on the bed as she continued to straddle him. She then reached up to her top and wrapped a finger around the piece connecting the front and slowly pulled it down.

Her breasts bounced as they popped out of her top, leaving Natsu wide eyed and red in the face. Suddenly reality hit and his instincts took over. Natsu latched onto one of her breasts with his mouth and started sucking, licking, and pinching her nipple. Erza couldn't help but moan at Natsu's actions. She was another step closer to giving herself to Natsu, and he was one step closer to having his way with her.

(Ding. Dong) The sound of their doorbell ringing stopped them in their tracks. And they were not pleased.

"Who the-"

"Hell is that!?" surprisingly enough it was Erza who furiously interrupted Natsu, and not the other way around. She had her reasons though for being so pissed. After all just because she was still working her way to getting ready for sex it didn't mean she didn't have desires. Also those dirty novels were doing a number on her sexual restraint, and she needed some type of relief. Erza got up, pulled her top back up, and stomped off to kill whoever interrupted her fun with Natsu.

'This is could end very badly.' Natsu nervously followed behind her. Erza threw the door open with every intent to scream her head off, but was cut off by the two hooded figures at the door.

"Finally we found this place." the taller of the two said. "You know you could've told us you moved. It took us an hour to find you guys." Erza blinked then asked.

"Who the hell are you?" she was a little taken aback by how comfortably the figure talked to them.

"What forgot about us already?" the figures took of their hoods revealing a smirking Ultear and smiling Meredy.

"What are you two doing here? The ceremony doesn't start for a few more days."

"Yeah, well we just finished destroying a dark guild near here and decided just to wait here until it started. If that's ok with you of course." Ultear explained.

"Of course it is!" Natsu shouted as he wrapped his arms around their shoulders, and led the two inside. "After all you're family even if you're not in the guild. Right Erza?" Natsu beamed as he spoke.

"Of course." Erza replied.

It really wasn't surprising to have the two former Kins of Purgatory on such friendly terms with Fairy Tail wizards. The two became quite friendly with the guild during the tournament. It actually surprised the two former dark wizards how quickly they were accepted within the group. Of course they weren't complaining about being accepted. The two liked Jellal and all, but he was a workaholic, and frankly a little gloomy. It wasn't really a surprise when Ultear and Meredy bonded more to a certain fire-breathing-sword-slashing-couple. Natsu was after all the one who sniffed them down and dragged them to the hotel the guild was staying at during the tournament. And then he forced them to party with the guild.

The rest was history for the two. Lost history. Why? Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. One can't forget the party brawl either. Of course with the party brawl came a lot of swinging limbs, and being hit (in the head specifically). The two weren't things you did (especially together) if you wanted to remember what happened the next day. Which of course no one did. No one except Natsu since he couldn't get drunk. He remembers that day perfectly. Oh those two pairs of glowing red eyes. How truly frightful. Those two were a powerful duo when pissed (specifically beer-spilled-all-over-you-pissed).

Natsu shuddered as he remembered that day. He then took out a notebook and began writing in it. 'Not just Erza? All women scary when mad? And why do they always have scary red eyes? Must do more research.'

"Natsu?" Ultear broke Natsu from his thoughts.

"Yeah?" Natsu looked up.

"We're still on with that whole Gray thing?" Ultear asked, and Erza could've sworn she seen a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Hell yeah." Natsu grinned. "And I can make it even better if Meredy helps out, but let's save that for later." the grin widened. She was almost scared to ask.

"What are you two planning?" oh there was definitely a glint there.

"You'll see." they both smirked. Now she was scared.

"Wait. Where's Jellal?" Erza asked, as she just realized the last member of Crime Sorciere was not there.

"Ah when we destroyed that dark guild a few wizards got away. So Jellal is hunting the rest down. He sent us here saying he could handle it on his own." Meredy explained.

"Thank goodness for that." Ultear took off her cloak, and Meredy did the same. "I mean taking down dark wizards is fun in all, but it gets really tiring. Always traveling; never having a place to come home to." the fire-breathing-sword-slashing-couple could see a small hint of sadness in their eyes.

"Nonsense." Erza firmly stated. "You'll always have a place here and in Fairy Tail." Erza smiled at the two.

"You got that right." Natsu smiled with her.

"Thank you. That means a lot." Ultear and Meredy smiled back.

"Mama? Papa?" a voice called out.

'Mama? Papa?...Huh?' Ultear and Meredy looked at each other confusion clearly written all over their faces.

Their attention was drawn to a black, haired little girl who was hiding around a corner.

"Hisako? What are you doing up?" Erza asked, as she picked up Hisako.

"Your screaming woke me up." she replied eying their visitors.

"Oh. Sorry." Erza blushed.

"Who is that little girl, and why did she call you two mama and papa?" Meredy asked as she tried to see the resemblance between the two and the kid.

"Oh yeah you two probably didn't hear." Natsu grabbed Hisako, and sat her on his shoulders. "This is our daughter, Hisako." Natsu and Erza smiled proudly, while, Hisako looked flustered at being the center of attention.




"That can't be possible! We saw you two just a couple months ago!" Ultear pointed out before Meredy pulled her to the side.

"Maybe they had a secret child?" Meredy whispered.

"Not possible. With the time skip the kid would be at least seven years old." Ultear stated.

"Then what do you think?" Meredy questioned.

"I'm not sure." Ultear put a hand to her chin, and began to think.

"You ever think about letting us tell you-"

"Instead of turning into some kinda detective duo." Natsu started, and Erza finished.

"But that's no fun." Meredy pouted earning a pat on the head from Ultear.

"So who is she?" Ultear asked.

"As I said before her name is Hisako. We found her in our hotel after one of our jobs. She had nowhere to go, so we decided to take her in." Erza explained.

"Oh." they both muttered.

"Anyways, Hisako you should say hello to our guests. You don't want to be rude do you?" Erza grabbed Hisako and put her down.

"Ok." Hisako cautiously walked up to Ultear and Meredy. "H-H." Hisako shyly looked back at Natsu and Erza who gave her a reassuring nod. "Hello. My name's Hisako."

"I'm Ultear. Nice to meet you." said person squatted down and tousled the little girls hair.

"She's adorable!" Meredy tried, but couldn't hold it in anymore. Hisako was instantly scooped up and hugged. "I'm your big sister, Meredy!" Meredy started rubbing her cheeks against Hisako's.

"What the hell just happened?" Natsu asked Ultear as they all watched Meredy completely flip out.

"She likes kids...a lot."

"You're so cute!" Meredy squealed.

"I get that a lot." Hisako deadpanned as she hung limply in Meredy's arms. Hisako turned to Erza and gave her a 'Please save me! You're my mother aren't you?! It's your job to protect me!' look.

'Ah the "please save me! You're my mother aren't you?! It's your job to protect me!" look. She's been doing that a lot lately.' Erza sighed before she walked up to the two.

"I think it's about time for Hisako to go to bed; you can hug her to death tomorrow." it took Erza a few seconds to rip Hisako from Meredy's arms, but Hisako was freed, and sent to her room.

"Sorry." Ultear blurted out confusing Natsu and Erza.

"For what?"

"For interrupting your fun." Ultear smirked as she stared at the couple. Natsu and Erza furrowed their brows as they gave each other confused looks.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Natsu asked.

"I'm talking about Ms. Cleavage over here." Ultear pointed at Erza.

The couple blinked for a few seconds, then looked down at Erza's appearance, and yes Erza was still wearing her Flight Armor (showing a good amount of cleavage). "Isn't too hard to figure out what you two were doing." Natsu, Erza, and Meredy blushed at the implications while Ultear's smirk widened.

"We weren't doing anything!" Erza yelled, as she requipped into her pajamas.

"Sure you weren't."

"Anyways, back to the plan!" a red faced Natsu grabbed Ultear's arm and dragged her away to the kitchen.



"Want to tell embarrassing stories about Jellal?" Erza asked Meredy.

"Ok." Meredy nodded her head happily.

'Preparing for the ceremony is a lot more work then I thought.' Erza sighed as she and Hisako made their way home for lunch. 'Although if Natsu wasn't such a child at times I wouldn't be so tired.'

Less then an hour after Natsu and Erza got to the guild to prepare for the ceremony, Natsu got into a brawl with not only Gray, but Gajeel too. They were promptly punished by Erza for making a mess. But of course they weren't quick learners, and got into another fight; which, resulted in them getting sent home. At least Natsu could be there to entertain Ultear and Meredy while they waited for the day of the ceremony.

Once Erza and Hisako got home, Hisako was immediately scooped up and taken away by Meredy. Shaking her head at Meredy's love of kids, Erza made her way to her room. As she got to her room, she could hear voices coming from it.

"Natsu that would kill Gray." Erza identified the voice as Ultear.

"It might kill him." Natsu responded.

"We're not doing that."

"Awwwww man." Natsu whined. "You're no fun."

"One of us has to be the responsible one, and draw the line; can't really see you doing that, so I am." Erza rolled her eyes and walked into the room.

"What are you two doing?" Erza asked, as she raised her eyebrows at the two. Natsu and Ultear were both sitting on the bed cross-legged facing each other. There were papers, pictures, maps, and a bunch of other things that seemed out-of-place.

"Nothing." the two plotters smirked.

"You two scheming together scares me." Erza said. "But, right now; I'm more hungry then scared." Erza sighed.

"Gotcha." Natsu hopped off the bed, and made his way to the kitchen.

"He's making lunch?" Ultear excitedly asked.

"He's the cook of the house." Erza chuckled as Ultear broke in a wide grin at the knowledge that Natsu would be the one making all the meals for the remainder of their stay. She along with Meredy had learned that morning that Natsu should give up being a wizard and be a chief.

"You're a lucky woman Erza Scarlet. Not too many men out there that can cook like him."

"You think breakfast was good? You should taste his...Natsu! You still owe me a strawberry cake!" Natsu wasn't the only one promised a reward when they were on that cruise trip. Erza inwardly cursed herself for nearly forgetting as she raced to the kitchen.

"Huh?" before Natsu could pull his head out of the refrigerator, he was tackled (like a line-backer would a quarterback on the blitz) from the side completely knocking him out.

"I think he's out cold." Meredy stated as she, and Hisako walked into the kitchen.

"Huh? Natsu? Natsu?" Erza sat up, and began poking Natsu (who she was sitting upon) on the cheek. 'Damn it! Now I'll have to wait even longer for my cake!...Unless.'

"Hisako. Wake up your papa." Erza stood up, and turned to her daughter.

"O-Ok." Hisako stuttered somewhat caught off guard by the request. Hisako walked over to Natsu, bent over so her mouth was next to his ear, then took a deep breath.


"Ahhhhhh!" Natsu screamed as he jumped up. "What?! What?!"

"My strawberry cake." Erza deadpanned.

"Wait a minute. You tackle me, knock me out, have our daughter scream my ear off, and now you ask me to make your cake?" Natsu asked incredulously.

"Yes." Erza said as she stared at him blankly.

"...Fine." Natsu grumbled.

"Strawberry cake?" Meredy and Hisako questioned.

"All mine." Erza growled.

"I'll make one for you three since Erza's so crazy for her cake."

"Am not." Erza pouted.

"Yeah. You kinda are." Ultear stated.
"Best. Cake. Ever." the four girls said as they finished their pieces (or entire cake in Erza's case).

"Thanks." Natsu blushed as he sheepishly scratched the back of his head,

"(sigh) I should get back to the guild. Hisako? Do you want to come with me to the guild or stay here?" Erza questioned as she got up to leave.

"I wanna stay with papa." Hisako said after a few seconds of thinking.

"That's my girl." Natsu beamed as he grabbed Hisako, and threw her up in the air causing her to giggle.

"Alright. You four have fun. Don't get into trouble."

"We wont." they all waved as Erza left. Erza walked to the guild with a smile on her face. Once she got to the guild she immediately turned into strict Erza.

"Elfman you are NOT putting that poster up!"

"But the new members, and visitors need to know the requirements to be a man." Elfman pleaded. In a manly way of course. "This needs to stay up!" the poster was basically a list of things to do. Do three and (according to Elfman) you were a man.

"Take it down now!" Erza glared causing Elfman to comply immediately. She then spent an hour correcting the rest of the guild.

"Sheesh. They could be such children." Erza sighed.

"Erza. I need to see you in my office." Makarov called out from the second floor.

"Ok." Erza nodded as she made her way upstairs. "Is there something wrong master?" Erza questioned as she closed the door to his office.

"No. Everything's fine. I just wanted to know how your guests were doing."

"They seem to have settled in quite well. Meredy has taking a liking to Hisako, and Ultear and Natsu seem to be plotting something against Gray. What they're planning I have no idea, but I feel bad for Gray." Erza informed Makarov with a smile on her face.

"Poor bastard." Makarov chuckled.

"Is there anything else master?"

"Yes actually. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind having one more guest."


"Kagura Mikazuchi." Makarov stated.

"Of course. Kagura is always welcomed. I can even see how much she's grown since I last saw her." Erza smiled as she stood up and walked to the door.

"If you get lazy she could pass you up." Makarov teased.

"I have no intention of letting that happen." Erza smirked over her shoulder before she closed the door behind her. Erza's smirked widened at the thought of sparing against another sword user. Not too many wizards used swords, so the opportunity to test her swordsmenship against another swordsman (or woman) excited her. 'Show me a good time Kagura.'

Erza then walked downstairs to help with the rest of the preparations. They all worked feverishly for a few hours. People were running around about trying to finish their tasks while Erza directed them. The guild doors suddenly opened to reveal a certain blue haired dragon slayer and a blue and white cat.

'Oh crap Happy.' Erza eyes widened. 'He doesn't know about Hisako. When he founds out he's one of the last people to know about her he's going to be pissed...Meh. He's Natsu's surrogate son not mine.' Erza shrugged her shoulders as she went to greet the three. The two wizards exchanged pleasantries, and made small talk until Wendy asked where Natsu was.

"Oh he's at home with Hisako." Erza answered.

"Who's Hisako?" Wendy asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"Our daughter." Erza simply stated as if it wouldn't be big news to someone who didn't know. She then turned to scold a random guild member before turning back. "So Wendy how was you'r-...Wendy? Happy? Carla? Where did they go?" where the three once stood a outline of their figures now remained.

"Where do you think? They leave for a job only to come back to find out you two have a daughter." Cana answered.

"Oh. Good point...Cana stop drinking and help out!"

"And then Erza kicked him right in the crotch!" Natsu said as he, Ultear, and Meredy broke out laughing.

"What did you do next?!" Ultear managed to ask between fits of laughter.

"We got the hell out of there!"

"Natsuuuuuuuu!" a shout was heard from outside causing the three to stop laughing.

"What's that?" Meredy questioned.

"I think that was Happy." Natsu answered as he got up and opened the front door.

"Max speed attack!" was all Ultear and Meredy heard, before Natsu was headbutted in the gut and sent flying into the house.

"I think he's out." Meredy said as she poked him.

"That's twice that happened since we've been here." Ultear noted.

"Natsu-san are you ok?!" Wendy shouted as she kneeled next to him.

"You might want to use that magic of yours kid." Ultear suggested.

"Uh right." Wendy nodded.

"Ugh. What happened?" Natsu groggily asked after about a minute of Wendy's magic.

"I happened!" Happy shouted as he stomped on Natsu's stomach.

"Why are you so mad?" Natsu asked as he sat up

"You didn't tell me you had a daughter! I thought we were friends." Happy finished as he became teary eyed at the end.

"Of course were friends! You just can't keep a secret."

"Yes I can!" Happy protested.

"No you can't." everyone (except Hisako) deadpanned.

"You're all me-" Happy was cut short when he was punted across the room.

"Don't yell at my papa!" Hisako screamed as she kicked Happy.

"Wow! What a kick!" Ultear yelled while Happy flew across the living room, and bounced off a wall.

"Are you alright Happy?!" Wendy ran over to the dazed cat.

"W-What happened?" Happy asked with stars in his eyes.

"Sorry about that Happy." Natsu nervously chuckled. "That was Hisako."

"Where?" Wendy snapped her head left to right searching the room. Eventually her eyes fell on Hisako who was giving a pretty mean glare to Happy.

"Wa! She's scary!" Happy cried as he hid behind a chair.

"Hi. I'm Wendy." Wendy squatted down and introduced herself which Hisako responded by running and hiding behind Natsu. "Did I say something wrong?" asked a blinking Wendy.

"Nah. She's just a little shy." Natsu answered as he picked up Hisako. "Hisako. This is Wendy; she's a Fairy Tail wizards."

"She is?" Hisako questioned as she held onto Natsu.

"Yep. Wendy show her your guild mark." Wendy nodded, and did what she was told. "See? She's family."

"Family?" Hisako looked up at Natsu and received a nod from him as he put her down. Hisako walked up to Wendy, took a deep breath, and stuck out her hand. "Hello. My name's Hisako."

In Wendy's defense Hisako was just too damn cute. Seriously how many four-year old's stick out their hand for a handshake. So instead of shaking her hand Wendy engulfed Hisako in a hug.

'Not again.' Hisako sighed as she was swung back and forth.

'So cute!' Wendy mentally shouted.

After prying his daughter away from his fellow dragon slayer Natsu attempted to introduce Hisako to Happy. It didn't go well. Hisako glared and Happy ran away. Natsu decided to let Happy go and let things calm down between the two, and try again later.
"So did Hisako and Happy meet?" Erza asked wearing nothing, but one of Natsu's plain, black shirts that had a Fairy Tail symbol on the front.

"You could say that." Natsu chuckled.

"What happened?"

"Hisako...kinda...kicked Happy."

"What?! Why?!"

"Well Happy head butted me, and I guess that pissed Hisako off enough to kick him across the room, and now she scares the crap out of Happy." Natsu explained. Erza stood there in silence for a few seconds until she broke out in laughter.

"Someone's protective of her father." Erza giggled as she crawled into bed. "Kinda cute don't you think?"

"A little. I don't think Happy feels the same way." Natsu chuckled again.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Erza assured. "By the way Kagura's going to be staying here until the ceremony." Erza smiled.

"You look happy."

"Of course. I'm sure she's grown stronger since the last time we saw her."

"You two gonna fight?" Natsu eagerly asked.

"I wouldn't mind a friendly spar."

"Alright. Sword fight." Natsu grinned. He was always willing to watch a good fight. "Why the change of clothes?" Natsu asked, just noticing Erza wasn't wearing her normal pajamas.

"I thought it would be more comfortable. Why does it look weird?" Erza questioned, as she got up to give him a better view.

"No, it looks great actually. Just not sure why; I mean it's just a shirt." Natsu eyebrows furrowed, as he tilted his head to the side.

"Maybe it's because beside this shirt." Erza began, as she crawled up to Natsu, and whispered in his ear. "The only thing I'm wearing is my panties."

"Maybe." Natsu gulped when Erza started to nibble on his ear. "Are you sure? I mean Ultear and Meredy are here."

"All that means is we need to be quiet." Natsu instantly pounced on Erza, and started to ravage her neck. "Someone's eager." Erza giggled in between muffled moans.

"Can you blame me?" Natsu replied.

"No I can't." Erza just as quickly flipped their positions, so she was straddling him, and let her hands roam his body. "Excited aren't we?" Erza asked as she felt his member poke her. She then started to move her hips around; causing him to stiffen even more.

"Stop teasing."

"You know you like it."

"Alright. Two can play this game." Natsu smirked before he grabbed her breasts, and started groping them. Erza was having a hard time suppressing her moans, but that problem was solved when they were once again interrupted.

(Ding. Dong.)

"MOTHER FUCKER!" Natsu just stared wide-eyed at the cursing Erza; before she got up and stomped out of the room.

"I hope Hisako didn't hear that." Natsu sighed as he followed Erza, but stopped and looked down. "Should probably wait a minute." Natsu mumbled while he waited for his pants to feel a little less tight.

Once Natsu felt comfortable enough; he made his way downstairs to see who interrupted his fun. 'I swear if it's Gray I'll kill him.' On his way he saw Ultear, Meredy, and Hisako open theirs doors with a sleepy look in their eyes.

"Is someone here?" Meredy mumbled.

"Yeah. It smells like Kagura." Natsu sniffed the air for confirmation.

"Pervert." Ultear teased.

"Shut up!" a red-faced Natsu shouted.

"Kagura?" they all looked down, and saw Hisako giving them questioning looks.

"She's someone me and Erza met a long time ago. She's pretty cool. Come one let's go meet her." Hisako took a hold of Natsu's outstretched hand, and they both went downstairs; followed by their two house guests. They found the two sitting on the couch; having a friendly chat about what they've been up to since they last saw each other.

"Yo." Natsu greeted with his trademark smile.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Natsu-sama." Kagura bowed.

"Sama?" Natsu blinked in surprise. "Whoa. Waaaaaaay too formal. Just call me Natsu ok?"

"I'm sorry, but I must decline that offer, Natsu-sama."

'She even put emphasis on the sama.' everyone in the room sweat dropped at the woman's stubbornness.

"Don't bother Natsu, I've already tried; she won't budge on the matter." Erza sighed.

Kagura couldn't understand why they were against her calling them with (in her opinion) titles they deserved. After all, they are the reason why she was the person (and wizard) she was; instead, of a useless noble woman. So she would give them the respect they deserve. She was taken out of her thoughts; when a small voice spoke up.

"Hello. My name's Hisako." Kagura looked down, and saw a little girl with her hand stuck out.

"Hello." Kagura shook the little hand; with a raised eyebrow. "I'm Kagura." she politely introduced herself.

"What the hell?!" Ultear blurted out. "Why was she scared of us and not her?" Natsu and Erza gave her a shrug as an answer.

"Erza-sama? May I ask who is this little girl?" Kagura questioned.

"She's our daughter." Erza simply stated.

"...Y-You're...daughter?" Erza and Natsu gave a simple nod to the blinking Kagura. "Then that means you two..." Kagura's face started to grow red, at the thought of them doing what needed to be done to make a baby.

"No! We've never done that yet!" Erza, who was just as red faced, shouted understanding what Kagura was thinking. "She's adopted!"

"Oh. Ok then." Kagura shook her head; in an attempt to get the mental images out of her mind.

"How naughty of you thinking such thoughts." Ultear nudged Kagura with her elbow while giving her a sly look.

"I-I was not!" an even more red-faced Kagura denied.

"You really were." Meredy joined in.

"Done what?" they all turned, and looked at Hisako; who had a confused look on her face.

Complete silence.

Everyone's mind froze. They didn't know how to respond to such a questions since the answer was not an appropriate one for someone so young. Then the three house guests turned to the inwardly panicking parents.

"W-Why are you looking at us like that?" Erza stammered.

"You're the parents." Ultear pointed out.

"It's your job to answer these questions." Meredy added.

"I agree." Kagura nodded her head.

"Traitors!" the flustered couple shouted.

"What didn't mama and papa do?" Hisako asked as she looked up at them with her big, blue, eyes.

"A-A-A-" Erza stuttered, but luckily for her she was saved by her Natsu.

"Well look at the time. You should get to bed."

"B-B-But." Hisako was quickly pushed up the stairs and to her room.

"That was close." Erza sighed in relief. "Now. As for you traitors." they all couldn't help but flinch from the glare Erza was giving them.

After about thirty minutes of handing out punishment; Erza decided to give the three house guests the whole story about Hisako. To say Kagura's respect and admiration for the couple rose after she heard the story would be an understatement. Ultear and Erza had to keep Meredy from running up to Hisako's room, and hugging the little girl to death. Once the pink haired girl was calmed down; all four called it a night and went to their rooms.

"We keep on getting interrupted." Natsu's voice rang through the darkness that shrouded their room.

"Unfortunately." Erza sighed while she snuggled up against Natsu. "Maybe we should take a job so we could be alone." Erza whispered into his ear.

"(Gulp) What about Hisako?"

"We keep leave her with Mira. We'll only be gone for a day maybe two."

"I'm in." Natsu grinned.

"Of course this is after the introduction ceremony."

"Awww man. Way to get me excited."

"Yes, but the next time we won't be interrupted."

"Promise." Erza giggled at Natsu's pouting face.

"I promise." Erza kissed him on the cheek. 'You're not the only one looking forward to this, Mr. Dragneel.'

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After an intense encounter with a powerful dark mage, Team Natsu, along with the rest of the guild, are left battered and bruised. Although they may...
4.8K 100 28
Natsu and Erza (hint of Gruvia) 28 chapters Anime Romance/Drama