Losing you

By Drenched_Lettuce

46.4K 1.7K 1.1K

Tord couldn't take it anymore. He regretted everything he has said to edd, and what he has done to Matt and T... More

Untitled Part 1
The Conversation
Help and Pain
Panic and Police
Status report
Crunches and Shadows
Familiar Faces
Black Conversations
What happened
Army to Lead
Knifes and Bullets
That's What the Doctor Said
Waking Up
Cuddles Into Nightmares
Welcome Back Red Leader!
A New Member
First Task
Im back! Kinda....
Red Army Solder
Army Uniform
Im having trouble
In A Few Hours, War Will Be Happening. (3K!!!)
200 votes!
Its Time
Not feeling well...
One more thing! Plz read :333
Rebel Army Base
Uh. Help???
If you have a virus like i did read this.
Was going to post today but...
Warning to everyone (not a chapter. Thats in progress)
Racing Missiles
....Losing You....
Info about sequal

Sprints and Tree Climbing

636 38 3
By Drenched_Lettuce

Tom's POV
I start to sprint through the forest. All is quiet around me except for my loud footsteps crunching on leaves. Out of nowhere, I hear gun shots and the bullets fly part me. I yelp in surprise and run even faster. I hear running footsteps behind me. I'm being chased?! Is this supposed to be part of the test?! I hear gunshots from behind me. That's when I start to use some of my other side to help me. But I don't let it show. I just make myself look like I'm sprinting for my life. I hear the footsteps become quieter. I'm losing them! And that's when I see the road up ahead. I start to slow down but regret it when I hear gunshots again as I speed up again. I make it on the road and  stop quickly ending up in the middle of the road. Out of nowhere, a car was coming towards me I had little time, so I jumped on its hood and did a front flip over the car as it was still moving. It doesn't stop going as I see it go away from view.
"Congratulations. You've made it to the road with record timing. And was able to jump over the car with no hesitation. All of this is a test. Remember that. Next task, is for you to climb the tallest tree you can find and jump off it to another tree below you and land, or keep your grip on the tree successfully. After that, find a birds nest with the adult bird on or in it. Go as close as you can to it, without scaring the bird away. Good luck."
I go to the other side of the forest, where there were trees that were around 40 feet high. I keep walking until I find a tree about 50-60 feet high. I start to climb it, trying not to scratch myself on the rough bark. I'm 7 feet up, when I lose my footing on some of the bark. Luckily, my hands were on a branch, so I didn't fall. The rest of the way up was surprisingly smooth. Exept for the misplacing of feet, and hands that happened once in a while. I look around from where I was. If I went any farther up, I would've broken it. I find a tree just close enough and tall enough for me to jump to. It may be a 10-12 foot drop, but compared to the other trees, this was my best option. I jump and miss my landing but am able to grab on to the branch that was closest to me. I noticed that I had a large cut going down my arm.  I pull myself up, and examine the cut. It's kinda deep, but not too deep to get it stitched up. I look around quietly, looking for birds nests with a bird on it. I found one. It was sleeping too. But it I had to jump tree trees. I quietly move towards my first jump towards a tree. I jump, and make it. I look towards the nest and see the bird still in its place. I move to jump to the next tree and jump. I was able to grip the branch, but it snapped under my weight. Making me fall on top of another branch. I caught myself before falling backwards off the branch. I look towards where the bird is to see that it is now awake. Great. Now this is going to be a lot harder. I jump from my branch to another branch on the same tree to make myself not visible to the bird. I jump towards another branch on a different tree and was able to easily climb from that branch to the branch that's under the nest. I quietly climb the trunk of the tree to see the bird still there, looking at me. I was now sitting on the same branch as the bird. I start to move forward. I was 2 feet away, when the bird took flight. I watch it fly away, wishing that it could've stayed for a bit longer.
"I'm impressed. Even for a guy who was in a army for one day, you seemed to be quicker than most of my solders, and quieter. Exept for the fact that you broke a branch, waking up the bird. You were also the closest out of all my men to get close to a bird. There is one more task I would like you to take. That is aim and noticing a difference in a gun. Once you climb down that tree, go back to the road. You will find 3 identical guns. But there's one difference between them. The bullets inside have a different drop rate. Your job is to figure out which one has the largest drop rate and which one has the smallest drop rate and which is in between. You can only shoot at the pine cones that are in the trees. Once you're sure which is which, place the guns from least to greatest drop rate on the ground. Left to right. Good luck."

/// Hey guys!!! I got one just before I'm going to leave! I was going to write more but.... yeah. Anyways, Have a great week and a half!!! ///

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