Bonds of Iron and Fire

By Erza_Dragneel_

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Little by little Natsu's starting to lose control. A dark side resides within him, but Erza will stand by his... More

The Darkside of the Flame
S-Class Lessons
Halloween Havoc
Acting Their Age
Rampaging Little Monsters
Hormonal Years
A Brother and Sister Relationship
Team Natsu Back in Action
Explosive Tendencies
New Addition to the Family
A Little Fun and a Little Training
Meeting the guild and Family Vacation
Battle at the sea part 1 (1/3)
Battle at the Sea part 2 (2/3)
House Guest
Happy Days and Uncertain Futures
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p1
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2
A Fairy Hunter's New Beginning
Let The Hunt Begins
To Each Their Own Messes
Jailhouse Rock Part 1

Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)

1.4K 30 4
By Erza_Dragneel_

"Hahahahahahaha!" Natsu's dark and distorted laugh echoed through the ocean as his magic energy began to rise and black markings began to appear from his feet and slowly climbed to his shins. "Seems like the fool bit off more then he can chew! Not that I'm complaining!" blue steam began to rise from Natsu'sbody until a large burst of blue flames erupted from Natsu's body completely destroying the tentacle that was wrapped around him.

"Let's see how you handle me!" Natsu roared as he used his blue flames to jet towards The Kraken and unleash a barrage of flaming blue punches.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu shouted as he launched the attack, the only difference was the blue flames and size and power of the flames that engulfed his fist. The Kraken was launched a few meters out of the water and made a giant splash as it fell back into the water. Natsu jetted up out of the water and hovered above The Kraken giving a crazy grin.

"Time to fry some squid! Fire Dragon's Roar!" just like the last attack this one was on another level, it was hotter, stronger, and massive. A huge amount of smoke and wind exploded outward when the attack hit its target. "Hahahahaha! See!? That's the difference between me and that little boy!" as the smoke cleared it revealed the disfigured form of The Kraken. About half of its body was melted away showing its insides and its still beating heart. Slowly but surely The Kraken started to heal even from its horrible wounds.

"As expected from a being that can stand as an equal to a dragon." Natsu grinned. "I wouldn't have it any other way!" The Kraken fully healed and started swinging its tentacles at Natsu like there was no tomorrow. But of course none of the attacks hit, as Natsu flew around dodging the tentacles.

"My turn." Natsu smirked as he caught one of the tentacles and used his tremendous strength to swing The Kraken over his head and slammed it on a rock formation. "Fire Dragon's Talon!" Natsu flipped in the air and dropped a flaming heel kick on The Kraken causing the rock under it to break. The Kraken fell off of the rock and into the water. "Don't think I'm done yet!" Natsu boosted down towards The Kraken, but was smacked by a tentacle sending him flying through the air.

"Haha! Good hit!" Natsu stabilized himself using flames then darted towards The Kraken. As he was flying towards The Kraken he put his hands in front of him, ignited his hands, and threw them apart causing fireballs to rain down on The Kraken. He then raised his hands above him and created a giant fireball. "Now let's see if you can take mine!" Natsu shouted before he threw it causing a huge explosion.

Erza ducked under a stab from Ren's trident and swung her sword horizontally at her stomach. Ren quickly flipped over Erza and while still in the air she spun sending a kick to the back of Erza's head. Without even turning around Erza raised her right arm and blocked the kick, she then grabbed Ren's ankle with said arm and pulled her closer and delivered a very powerful elbow to Ren's chin, sending her flying a good twenty feet away. Erza let out a sigh of relief as she watched Ren splash into the ocean. She has been on the defensive for a while and that she was glad she put a stop to Ren's offensive attacks.

After she took a few seconds to catch her breath she launched her own offensive assault. As Erza dashed towards the kneeling Ren she swung her sword sending a few sharp arcs of water at Ren. As Ren blocked the attacks Erza came swooping in from the right swinging her sword diagonally upwards. Ren brought up her trident to block the attack but was knocked off balance, seeing this Erza pulled back her hand and landed a punch right in Ren's face, sending her skidding across the water. Erza then jumped in the air, gathered water around her sword, and swung it down launching hundreds of tiny water needles.

Ren raised her trident in front of her and started spinning it around rapidly creating a circular shield of water. But the shield only held up for a few seconds until the needles started making their way through the shield little by little. Ren gritted her teeth as the needles struck her in several places. Erza fell down towards Ren swinging her sword at her head, but Ren dipped the tip of her trident into the water and pulled it up causing a blast of water to blow Erza backwards. Ren exhaled loudly as she pulled out the water needles, which lost their form when they were pulled out.

As Erza flew through the air she flipped backwards to put herself in a less awkward position and the second she landed she bolted towards Ren. Ren anticipated Erza's desire to keep on the offensive and sent multiple razor sharp ice like saucers at her.

'These again.' Erza's mind raced as she saw the ice saucers coming her way. The way they were spread out and the speed she was going she couldn't dodge to the left, right, or up. She contemplated going underwater but she noticed a few circular silhouettes.

'Underwater too!' running out of time Erza quickly reacted and slid on her knees and leaned back so her back was nearly touching the water. As Erza slid under the ice saucers Ren charged at her with her trident pointed forward, ready to impale her while she was vulnerable. But this was Erza she was fighting and Erza wasn't one to be taken out so easily. As Erza slid, she spun on her knees and in one fluid motion got back on her feet and swung her sword using the momentum of the swung to knock Ren's trident to the side.

After she parried aside Ren's trident, Erza flipped her blade to strike at her, but she brought to block her face when Ren spit out her own water needles from her mouth.

'Disgusting.' Erza thought before she was kicked in her gut and sent sliding across the water. The second Erza came to a stop she had to spin to dodge Ren who was thrusting her trident to Erza midsection. As Erza spin she hit Ren in the back of the head with the hilt of her sword, causing her to lose balance. Erza attempted to continue her attack, but had to jump back when Ren lashed out with her trident. Judging by the slight stinging from her stomach, Erza could tell that attack hit. Of course it was only a slight cut nothing life threatening, but that cut along with her other injuries, were starting to pile up.

Erza leaned her head to the side to dodge Ren's trident, but she couldn't dodge the knee that rammed into her stomach, causing Erza to spit out some blood and bend over in pain. Ren continued with her attack by jabbing the blunt side of the trident into Erza's back, then flipped the trident and attempted to stab her in the back. But Erza sensed the finishing blow and immediately took action, by punching Ren in the thigh muscle, causing her attack to stop from the pain that ran through her leg. Erza then gave a quick elbow to Ren's side and followed up with a knee of her own to her stomach and elbow to the back of Ren's head. Erza then gripped her sword with both hands and swung it down at Ren who was hunched over, but said bitch rolled forward and dodged the strike, then jumped away to create space.

Both combatants glared at each other, while taking in the others condition. Ren's yukata was ripped, torn, and shredded at multiple places. Blood from her injuries stained her yukata. While Erza's armor was cracked, broken, and missing her headpiece all together. Both were reaching their limit but neither were willing to give in.

So they set their feet and launched themselves into battle once again.

"Too slow!" Natsu taunted as he lazily flew around dodging a couple of flying torrents of water. Natsustuck out his hands and caught the torrents of water in his hands. The torrents of water continued to press against the palm of his hands, but Natsu'sstrength was too much. He eventually got bored and decided he had enough of his little test of strength. So he directed the torrents of water so they slammed into each other right in front of him, destroying themselves.

'How unfortunate. Even though it's a T.M.B it's not as strong as it could be. (sigh) I guess it's to be expected. The Kraken is one of the weakest of the T.M.B's.' everything Natsu thought was true. The Kraken was known more for its advanced healing ability, then fighting power. Of course that didn't mean it was a push over either. But even so it should still be stronger. The only reason he could come up for The Kraken's shortcoming of strength is peace.

"Peace can even stagnate the strongest of beings."Natsu sneered in disgust. "Come on! Prove to me that you're not weak!" The Kraken responded by sending hundreds of water bullets from the water, but Natsuswung his arm creating a wave of blue fire. The fire not only stopped all of the bullets but disrupted the magic circle.

"Hahahahaha! Not enough!" Natsu's crazy laugh filled the air. He then stuck his hands out and a giant fireball started to form in each hand. An evil grin spread across his face before he launched his attack, causing a huge explosion. "Oh, it's so good to be out."

'Where am I?' Natsu groggily questioned as he floated in a sea of darkness. 'Why do I feel so tired?' Natsu continued to float in the darkness, oblivious to what was happening with his body. 'It's so cold. So quiet. So lonely. Why am I here? Where is here?'

Eventually Natsu stopped moving and came to a halt. A light in the darkness caught his attention causing him to look up. 'What's that?' Natsu was too out of it to notice that the light was like a window to what was happening outside of his body. So he failed to recognized "himself", or at least his body, fighting and winning against The Kraken. The Kraken launched all kinds of attacks at "him" only to have them dodged or blocked. And the very few that hit were easily shrugged off. After a few minutes Natsu started to gather some awareness.

'Hey I'm kicking that things ass.' clearly not enough. A disoriented Natsu continued to watch with half lidded eyes, as he (more accurately his body) unleashed a ferocious series of attacks. As he watched, Natsu failed to notice himself falling deeper into the darkness.

The window to the outside showed, Natsu looking down at The Kraken as he hovered with his blue flames. An evil smirked formed on his face as he watched The Kraken heal itself from practically nothing. As it finished healing itself, Natsu lowered himself so he was the same height. He then started to gather a huge amount of magical.

'That's a lot of magic.' Natsu observed. 'That thing doesn't know what's gonna hit it. Huh. A ship. I wonder what's that doing out here? If it doesn't move it's gonna get caught in this attack.' Natsu's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to remember something important.

Natsu's head titled back as he took a deep breath.

'There's something important about that ship, I can feel it. But why? Why would a ship be important?'

Fire started to escape from Natsu's mouth as he conjured up more fire.

'What am I forgetting?'

"Grand Fire Dragon's...

Suddenly images hit Natsu so hard and fast, it could've been compared to when, Gray dropped one of Erza's strawberry cake and she completely laid into him. It was brutal.



At the last second Natsu's head jerked to the side just as the Dragon's Roar come out of his mouth. But this one was nothing like a normal one. It was more like a giant blast instead of a fireball or a steady stream of fire like it usually is. It was faster, stronger, and was a continues attack for a least ten seconds Which was overkill considering how even an S-class wizard would be incinerated instantly.

And luckily for Hisako, everyone on the ship, and Natsu's conscience the blast barely missed. But even though it didn't directly hit the ship the heat from the roar was so hot that the metal started to melt slightly.

'That was too close.' Natsu let out a sigh of relief. 'But where am I? And what's going on? Why am I fighting if I'm-' Natsu stopped his train of thought when it finally hit him.

[Finally figured it out have you? A little late or maybe just in the nick of time, seeing how attached you seem to be to your "daughter".]

[Go to hell you bastard! You could've killed Hisako!]

[That little girl is of no concern of mine.]

[Fuck you! Give me back my body!]

[I think you my body now.]

[Like hell!] Natsu shouted. [This is just like that time that crazy bitch Daphne used me for my magic to power her fake dragon. Maybe I can overload him with my magic.] with that in mind Natsu started gathering up his magic.

[You really are a clueless fool aren't you?]

[What's that suppose to mean?]

[What it means is that this situation is nothing like being trapped in that fake dragon.]


[(sigh) How to explain this to an idiot. Think of this body like a car. Both of us are in the car, but you were driving, while I sat in the passenger seat. But now things changed. Now I'm driving and you're the one with no control! Hahahahaha! So sit back and enjoy the ride!]

Natsu's body then shot forward and restarted his assault on The Kraken.

[Fuck. That.] even against what his darker self said, Natsu gathered his magic and burst into flames.

'What a fool.' Natsu shook his head when he felt Natsu trying to use his magic to force his way out. Of course his attempt was easily stopped when his darker half completely engulfed him with his own magic, effectively suppressing Natsu's. [You're not ruining my fun, little boy.] he then threw a fireball that exploded and rained smaller fireballs down on The Kraken.

'Little boy?' Natsu blinked. [Who the hell are you calling a little boy?! I have a daughter you asshole! I'm a grown man!] he then once again tried to force control over his body. His dark side ignored his rambling and dodged a couple of tentacles.

For the next couple of minutes Natsu continued to toy with The Kraken, while the real Natsu struggled fruitlessly for control of his body. But eventually the combination of fighting The Kraken and releasing a huge amount of his magic in an attempt to regain control had left him exhausted and nearly out of magic.

'Damn it! This isn't working! What do I do?!' Natsu gritted his teeth in frustration, until he remembered what Erza told him years ago when they were kids.

"Listen Natsu, you need to learn that going in head-first and half-cocked will only work so many times. Now I know that's your style of fighting and you won't change that anytime soon, but remember whenever you're in a pinch, take a deep breath and assess your situation. You're smarter then you think and I know you'll make the right decision"

'What would I do without you Erza?' Natsu shook his head as he let out a chuckle. He then took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he tried to figure a way out of his current situation. 'Think, Natsu! Think!' Natsu stared into space more a few minutes until he noticed something from watching his darker halve's fight. 'He's getting stronger. But how? That's not possible is it?' Natsu continued to watch the fight and saw that slowly but surely he was getting stronger.

'...Maybe...Maybe he's getting stronger...because...he's been locked up for so long he can't call upon most of his magic? Or maybe he's not calling upon it all of it on purpose? Maybe my body won't be able to handle the change of magic if it's too much, too quickly? Then is he trying to slowly get my body use to it? Which means he still doesn't have full control yet. That has to be it. Ok, Natsu you got, what did Erza call it? A theory? Or was it a hypothesis? What the hell am I thinking about?! Now's not the time for that! I need to figure out a way to use this...screw it I'm going with idea, to get out!' Natsu's eyes narrowed as he began to think of a plan of escape.

Suddenly his eyes shot wide open as a smirk formed on his face.

"You make a good punching bag you know that?" Natsu teased as just finished raining a barrage of punches down on The Kraken. The Kraken responded by swinging a tentacle, which Natsu blocked by lifting his arm up. "Cute." Natsu grinned darkly before he gripped the tentacle and ripped it off, causing blood to gush out of the wound and splatter all over himself.

"Hahahahahahahahaha-" suddenly Natsu's laughter stopped as he felt the real Natsu come to the surface.[You! What are playing at?!] he clutched his head as he felt a sharp.

[What do you think?!] Natsu sneered. [I'm getting my body back!]

[Don't think just because you have some control back that, that means you can retake this body.] his grip on his (or their) head intensified as did the pain.

[We'll see about that.] Natsu let out a small puff of blue fire.

[See? That's my magic. That means I'm in control.]

[That's what I was counting on.] Natsu grinned as he began to gather all of his dark sides magic in his mouth.

[What are you doing?!] his dark side questioned frantically, as the fear of losing his freedom started to surface.

[Since you kept me from gaining control by pushing me down with your magic, I figured if I used up all your magic, I'll gain control again.] Natsu turned up to face the sky. "Fire Dragons Roar!" with that Natsu launched a dragon's roar that was even bigger then the one that his darker half used earlier. It was so big and powerful that it completely blew the storm clouds away for miles and caused the water's temperature to rise to almost boiling level.

[You bastard!] Natsu heard the fading scream of his dark half in his head while he continued the roar. Once the roar finished Natsu couldn't help but smile as he panted for air, while he fell into the now hot sea. 'Took more out of me then I thought.'

Unfortunately for Natsu he didn't have much time for rest, before he was smacked up into the air by a tentacle, causing him to let out a yelp of pain. He was then smashed between a pair of tentacles and then was wrapped up in one. It squeezed causing him to scream, he screamed so much that he started to lose his voice. The Kraken was toying with him. Making him suffer instead of killing him right away.

Natsu had to curse his luck. Wasn't he in this situation less then fifteen minutes ago? Only this time no dark, evil side was coming to save him. No nothing like that.

As everything started to go dim for Natsu he couldn't help but make a feeble attempt for freedom by biting the tentacle wrapped around him. 'Nasty.' Natsu cringed after he got a taste of the foul beast. Then suddenly a sound broke through the impending darkness. A sound he had only heard twice in his life. Not a second after he heard the screeching sound a blast hit The Kraken right in the eye, inflicting enough pain to make it let go of Natsu.

As Natsu fell towards the water once again he turned his head to the ship and saw his four year old savior. 'Thanks Hisako.' Natsu made a large splash as he landed in the water, he then struggled to make his way to the surface to keep himself from drowning.

Once Natsu made it to the surface he took a big breath of air and started gathering his remaining magic into his hands. As he did this he made sure to keep an eye on The Kraken. Natsu watched as The Kraken regenerated it's eye then set its sight on Natsu once again.

"Hurry up, dammit." Natsu whispered to himself as he continued to gather his remaining magic. He looked up and saw The Kraken slowly lift up a tentacle, the tentacle never looked as massive as it did at that moment. The shadow of the tentacle loomed over him as gallons of water fell from it smacking him in the face. It was only a few seconds, but to Natsu it felt like an eternity. He knew in his condition that if he got hit by the tentacle it would be all over for him. Even if he survived the hit he would surely drown, from either being unconscious or too broken to keep himself above the water.

'Finished.' just as he thought that The Kraken swung his tentacle down. Natsu used the magic he gathered in his hands to create a quick burst of fire sending him gliding across the water, just barely before the tentacle came crashing down on him. Natsu let out a sigh of relief as he glided away from The Kraken. He stopped after few hundred feet and floated there looking at the sky as he panted for air.

"That's it. (pant) That's all I got. (pant) Just gotta hope Erza breaks that trident in time." Natsu was putting all his faith in Erza. He dug as deep as he could and was only able to by less then a minute of time for himself. He was glad that beating The Kraken wasn't his job, because he had no chance of doing that. But that was ok, because he trusted Erza. He knew she would come through for him. She always did. So he wasn't scared.

Even as The Kraken resurfaced right in front of him and lifted another damn tentacle, he wasn't scared. Then it once again came down. But he still wasn't scared. Because he knew his scarlet knight would come through. She always did.

Erza and Ren clashed underwater as they used their magic to move at high speed. As they charged straight at each other (for what seemed for the hundredth time) Erza reached out and grabbed the trident then kicked Ren in the face. Erza was trying to separate Ren from the trident, but Ren held on tight, so Erza delivered another kick to the face. 'Try getting a man now.' Erza smirked.

Ren gritted her teeth and focused her magic into her trident, causing it to grow a bright golden color. Ren then released the magic in a quick burst sending Erza flying through the water. Ren didn't waist time and sent a barrage of ice spears at Erza, who gave one magic filled swing of her sword destroying all the spears.

They both bolted towards each other once again, only to stop midway when they felt a huge amount of magic move across the ocean like a freight train.

'Not again.' Erza recognized this magic. That dark twisted magic. It was a magic she prayed every night to never feel again. But it was back and stronger then she's ever felt before. 'I have to finish thi-' Erza was interrupted when she leaned back avoiding the trident that was aimed at her face, but was punched in the stomach.

She had to stop herself from giving in to the urge of inhaling to replace the air that was knocked out of her lungs. After all if she would've done that then she would be drowning herself and that wasn't something she wanted to try. Ren continued her attack by grabbing Erza's head then kneeing her in the face. Running out of the little air she managed to keep in her lungs Erza made a desperate attempt to get away from Ren. She gathered magic into her mouth along with water and molded them together.

'This is going to hurt.' Erza then blasted the water out in a makeshift dragon's roar. Ren was blasted back by the attack allowing Erza freedom to swim to the surface. "I was right. Hurt like hell." Erza mumbled as her mouth filled with blood. The reason behind her mouth becoming bloody was because Erza's armors allowed her to manipulate other elemental magics externally, but not internally. It takes years of practice to be able to manipulate magic internally and of course your magic has to be an elemental magic, which of course Erza's isn't. Normally a non-elemental user shouldn't even be able to do what Erza did, but she was Erza, but of course it had its drawbacks.

Said drawback was a jolt of pain that ran through Erza's mouth, causing her to cough up blood. As she was coughing up blood Erza's instincts suddenly kicked in, her body leaned back barely dodging Ren's trident that passed by Erza's face. But Ren came out of the water right behind her trident and punched Erza right under her chin sending her flying away. As Erza flew back she flipped and swung her sword sending a sharp arc of water, halting a charging Ren in her tracks.

'Fuck!' Erza cursed inwardly as she landed on the water. 'I don't have time for this. I need to get to Natsu.'Ren took a step forward preparing to attack again, until she looked behind Erza and stopped right in her tracks. That caused Erza to raise an eyebrow and when Ren took a step back with a look of fear on her face, Erza's curiosity got the better of her. Erza slowly turned her head making sure to take quick glances at Ren to make sure that Ren wasn't just tricking her.

Just as Erza turned around she was just in time to see Natsu block a tentacle with one arm and rip it off with no real effort. Then the blood came along with the dark evil smirk. And Erza couldn't help but take a step back herself as she began to tremble. Whether it was fear for Natsu or fear of what Natsu has become, she didn't know. But the sight she saw was a dark one.

Natsu hovered in the air with a evil smirk on his blood covered face as the storm raged around him. It really was a bone chilling sight. And then he started to laugh. What a chilling laugh it was. Erza couldn't believe that, that was her Natsu.

'No! That's not Natsu! It's not!' suddenly Erza sensed a fluctuation in Natsu's magic. Then she saw Natsu, her Natsu release a massive dragon's roar into the sky, completely quelling the storm and almost causing the sea around them to boil. After the attack finished Erza felt Natsu's magic return and that dark twisted magic disappear.

'Thank god.' Erza let out a sigh of relief. Her relief didn't last long as Natsu fell into the water and not ten seconds later was hit into the air and smashed between a pair on tentacles. Her heart ached as one of those tentacles squeezed him causing Natsu to scream in pain.

She made a dash to save him but was forced to jump back. as dozens of ice spears rained down in front of her. She turned and gave Ren a glare with so much killer intent that it made her take a step back. But the fear subsided and her confidence returned as did her smirk. Erza tensed her muscles getting ready to wipe that smirk off her face and break that damn trident, but stopped when she heard a screeching noise. Erza turned around to see a blast of magic hit The Kraken right in the eye, causing it to drop Natsu.

"Hisako?!" Erza's mind was reeling. Natsu was in danger. Hisako saved Natsu. Was Hisako safe? Should she go to Natsu or should she deal with the trident? "The trident." Erza gritted her teeth.

As much as she wanted to run to him and put his head on her lap, as she stroked his hair and told him everything would be all right, it wouldn't happen. At least not until they were done with these two. At the moment she needed to break that trident or get it away from Ren. She opted for breaking it

'He's completely helpless. I have to hurry!' Erza turned and attacked Ren with such speed and ferocity it seemed impossible for her to be doing it in her condition. 'Break damn it! BREAK!' Erza's eyes started to water as she saw The Kraken raise a tentacle over Natsu, almost as if mocking his helplessness. Mocking her.

"Fucking break!" then the tentacle came down and heart seemed to stop. "Natsu!" she screamed. Because that was all she could do. The tentacle came crashing down, but Natsu was no longer there. He was jetting across the water alive and well (for the most part). And suddenly her heart was beating again.

Erza took a deep breath to calm herself, she knew this was her last chance. She could feel Natsu's magic drop to almost nothing. She had one chance. One chance to end this. One chance to break that trident and save Natsu. So she closed her eyes and focused all of her remaining magic into her sword. Her already cracking sword.

"Oh? You want to finish this in one move? Fine I'm game." Ren did the same as Erza and focused her magic into her trident, which was in pristine condition.

Both weapons started to glow from the magic, Ren's a bright gold and Erza's a bright blue.

Both women had a reason to win. One was fighting for the love of her life. And the other was fighting for her master. Neither could afford to lose. But only one could win.

Erza opened her eyes and squashed the urge to run to Natsu when she saw The Kraken appear before him again. 'Not yet. A little more.' then The Kraken raised its tentacle again. 'Almost there.'

Time seemed to slow down for Erza as The Kraken swung it's tentacle, just as she and Ren had their last confrontation. In the blink of an eye it was over. They both stood with their backs facing each other with nothing but the sound of the sea and wind filling the air.

Then suddenly the sound of a weapon cracking and shattering was heard.

And she came through again.

Natsu let out a sigh of relief as he stared at the tentacle. The tentacle that was inches from his face. "She sure cut it close." The tentacle hovered above him a little bit longer then Natsu was comfortable with, but eventually retracted. Then The Kraken slowly sunk into the water. And as it sunk into the water Natsu could've sworn he seen it give him a knowing look.

"That was creepy."

Erza let out a sigh of relief as she looked down at her sword and saw that it still intact (albeit barely). Which of course meant that Ren's trident was broken and Natsu was safe. She watched The Kraken slowly sink into the ocean and then fell to her knees. "That was too close."

"What the hell?! Let me go!" Erza turned around and saw a tentacle wrapping itself around Ren. And then she was gone, dragged into the ocean. "I guess it didn't like being controlled." Erza muttered. She really couldn't bring herself to care. Ren put her family in danger and Erza had no mercy for those who endanger her family.

"Natsu!" Erza shot up and ran towards him. She slid on her knees the last few feet and instantly had his head on her lap.

"Hey." he said as she began to stroke his hair.

"Hey." she responded as a smile graced her face.

"You won."

"Yup." she joyfully answered.

"That's good."

"I think so."

"Hisako saved me. Again."

"I saw."

"She's really something."

"Yeah." they sat (and floated for Natsu) in silence for a few minutes listening to the breeze and the ocean.

"I'm tired." Natsu yawned.

"Me too." Erza chuckled. "Come on. Hisako must be worried."

In a dark room at a unknown location, three figures just finished watching the events that just transpired.

"It appears Ren has failed." one figure stated.

"It seems so." another spoke with a voice that portrayed authority and power. He was clearly in charge.

"Awwwwww. I liked her." the last person (a women judging by her voice and how she clung onto the leader) pouted.

"Her failure isn't much of a loss. Even without The Kraken my plan is still intact and on its way to being completed." the leader reassured.

"But now it'll take even longer." the women sighed.

"Patience is a virtue my darling." the leader cupped the woman's chin.

"Unfortunately." the woman grinned.

"But, Natsu Dragneel has caught my attention." the leader took his eyes off of the women and focused on the Visual Lacrima that was replaying Natsu's fight with The Kraken.

"As, Erza Scarlet has mine." the women looked at another one showing Erza's fight.

'I feel sorry for those two.' the other person though as he saw his masters look intently at the Visual Lacrima.

Elsewhere The Kraken was swimming at a incredible rate of speed. It was feeling many things at the moment. It was angry both at itself and Ren, for being controlled. It had half a mind to take its anger out on the humans, but it wasn't as childish as some of its brethren. No, it would do the logical thing and disappear deep into the ocean. Then it would create another trident and hide it better this time. Maybe in a underwater volcano.

The Kraken was taken out of its thoughts when it felt an enormous amount of magic above it. But it was a familiar magic, which is why The Kraken resurfaced. As it looked down on at the figure that stood (on the water with her magic) fearlessly in front of it.

'Hello Miya.' The Kraken spoke right into her mind.

"Hello. It's been awhile." Miya smiled at it as if greeting an old friend.

'This is about the boy?' The Kraken got straight to business.

"How much time do you think he has until it climaxes?" she didn't answer the question. They was no other reason for her to be talking to it. It knew that.

'I assume you're speaking about that accurst flame that dwells within him.' Miya nodded her head. 'Less then a year.'

"I thought as much." Miya sighed.

'Then why did you ask?'

"Just wanted the input of someone with more experience."

'His is stronger then-'

"I'm aware." Miya cut it off. "But I believe he can overcome it."

'And you'll be there to guide him, I would hope. He can't afford to truly let that thing loose.' the disdain was evident in its words (or thoughts).

"When the times right, yes." Miya assured.

'Then I'll take my leave.' with that The Kraken sunk into the water and disappeared.

"You have a tough road ahead of you Natsu." the wind blew Miya's hair in her face making her to brush it away. "But you seem to have a strong foundation to keep you grounded." Miya referred to Erza and Hisako. "A strong woman and daughter. You really know how to pick them Natsu." and with that Miya was gone in a flash.
"How long do we have to wait?" an annoyed Gray asked.

"Until they get here. And put on your shirt!" Lucy shrieked.

"Real men wait quietly!" Elfman raised his fist in the air as he yelled.

"That's not quiet Elfman." Cana pointed out as she drank from her barrel of beer.

"Hey I think that's them!" Levy shouted as she pointed to a ship on the horizon.

"Look how slow they're moving! This is gonna take forever! Juvia get them over here already."

"Yes Gray-sama." Juvia eagerly did what she was told. A magic circle appeared in front of her outstretched and a large wave brought the ship to the docks The guilds eyes were wide open when they saw the beat up ship.

"What the hell happened?!" the guild shouted scaring the other people waiting for their family and friends on the same boat.

"I bet a thousand jewels Natsu did something stupid and Erza beat the crap out of him and ended up breaking the ship too." Gray (who was in nothing but boxers) quickly said.

"I bet Natsu challenged Erza to a fight and she accepted and that's how they broke the ship." Cana replied.

"You're both wrong." Rin the orange haired fire wizard cut in. (A/N: Just in case you don't remember Rin is an oc from chapter 6)

"Oh yeah? What do you think then?" Gray raised an eyebrow, ignoring the cries from Lucy to put his boxers on.

"Hmmmm." Rin put a finger to her chin. "I'm thinking something along the lines of mythical sea creature." she was crazy. At least that's the vibe everyone was giving off.

"Deal!" Gray and Cana jumped at the bet.

'Sucker.' they both snickered.

"And that's what happened." both Natsu and Erza said, as Hisako just nodded quietly along with them.




"You didn't say anything!" Lucy threw her hands in the air. "All you did after we asked what happened was look up like you were remembering and then ten minutes later said 'And that's what happened'!"

"If you don't have the decency to listen to someone answering your question then I can't help you." Erza turned and started walking out of the guild. "Come along you two."

"But you didn't answer our question!"

"Are you calling me a liar?" Erza turned and glared at Lucy.

"Eeeeek!" Lucy jumped behind a table. "No of course not Erza!"

"Good." Erza turned and continued walking. "So rude." she murmured.

"Yeah Lucy." Natsu shook his head as he picked up Hisako. "So rude."

"Yeah! Rude!" Hisako called out over his shoulder.

"Wait flame brain! Seriously what happened?!" Gray "streaked" by followed by Cana and Rin, who kept their eyes upward.

"Kraken." was all Natsu said as he chased after Erza.

"Yes!" Rin pumped her fist in the air

"Damn it!" both Cana and Gray cursed.

"Pay up bitches." Rin smirked.
Erza laid in bed staring at Natsu for what felt like hours after he went to sleep. But she knew he wasn't really asleep. Because his nose wasn't twitching. She knew everything about him. Well almost everything.

"I don't talk about it." Natsu said with his eyes closed.

"We need to talk about it." Erza crossed her arms.

"I mean, I don't want to talk about it now." he opened his eyes to look straight into hers. He was practically pleading, at least that's what she thought from what she could see in his eyes.

"Fine." Erza sighed. "But we will talk about it."

"I know." Erza laid her head on his chest. "You still have that reward you have to give me for fixing up that ship."

"Patience my little dragon." Erza grinned. "All in do time."

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