Bonds of Iron and Fire

By Erza_Dragneel_

70.3K 891 267

Little by little Natsu's starting to lose control. A dark side resides within him, but Erza will stand by his... More

The Darkside of the Flame
S-Class Lessons
Halloween Havoc
Acting Their Age
Rampaging Little Monsters
Hormonal Years
A Brother and Sister Relationship
Team Natsu Back in Action
Explosive Tendencies
New Addition to the Family
A Little Fun and a Little Training
Battle at the sea part 1 (1/3)
Battle at the Sea part 2 (2/3)
Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)
House Guest
Happy Days and Uncertain Futures
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p1
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2
A Fairy Hunter's New Beginning
Let The Hunt Begins
To Each Their Own Messes
Jailhouse Rock Part 1

Meeting the guild and Family Vacation

2.9K 38 24
By Erza_Dragneel_

"All right. Today's the day." Natsu claimed as he woke up. It was the third day in his training and he was making good progress. He spent all day yesterday training and was now able to, albeit very slowly pull himself across the living room. But that wasn't good enough for Natsu. He wanted to be able to move freely on the chair, which was why he was waking up at 2:00 in the morning.

"Natsu?" a half asleep Erza called out.

"Shhhhh. Go to sleep." Natsu said, as he gave her Little Natsu. Erza snuggled Little Natsu and fell back to sleep. Natsu silently walked got out of bed and left the room.
'Huh? What's that sound?' Erza asked inwardly as she slowly woke up. She sat up and focused on what sounded like cheerful shouts of joy.'Where's Natsu?' Erza got out of bed and walked out into the hallway.

"What's going on?" Erza turned and saw Hisako wiping the sleep from her eyes, as she stood in her doorway.

"Let's find out." Erza stated, as they went to investigate the noise. They followed the noise into the living room and saw Natsu freely rolling around the living room.

"Yippee! Woo-hoo!" Natsu shouted, as he bounced around the room. Erza and Hisako giggled as they watched Natsu.

"Having fun?" Erza smiled, as Natsu noticed them for the first time.

"Huh? Oh hey Erza! Hey Hisako! Look! Look!" Natsu yelled excitingly, before he spun himself in the chair, until he became a pink blur.

"You'll make yourself sick doing that." Erza said, as she reached out and stopped the chair instantly.

"A-Aye." Natsu answered, with a slightly green face. "Cool! I even recover faster!" Natsu exclaimed, as he recovered seconds later.

Hisako looked down as she felt her stomach grumble, she looked up and saw Natsu and Erza talking. She was about to ignore her hunger and wait until Natsu made breakfast, but then the words of Natsu and Erza flashed in her mind. She then thought back to when she broke a plate and the faucet to the bath and not once did they get mad at her. They were more concerned about her safety, then the plate or faucet. It was then that Hisako decided her fear of being thrown out was stupid.

"I'm hungry." Natsu and Erza turned and blinked at her a few times, then smiled.

"I'll make breakfast." Natsu hopped of the chair and ran to the kitchen.

"Now was that so hard?" Erza questioned, as she picked Hisako up.

"No." Hisako blushed.
"He's your next challenge." Erza pointed to the log raft she made, that was floating in a river tied to a tree. "Your first goal is to be able to stand on the raft, without getting sick, obviously. After you accomplish that, your next task will to ride the raft down the river." Erza explain.

"All right." Natsu stepped forward, took a deep breath, quickly bent his head left to right, and smacked himself in his face a couple of times. "Let's do this." Natsu jumped onto the raft. It took a few minutes for the swaying of the raft to get to Natsu, who flopped onto the raft.

"This one might be a little tougher, but I know you can do it." Erza encouraged.

"Yeah! You can do it!" Hisako chimed in.

"T-Thanks." Natsu squeaked out.

"If you needs us we'll be over there." Erza pointed a little further down the river. "Would you like to learn to fish?" Erza asked Hisako, who nodded excitingly. Erza noted how Hisako always got excited when they offered to teach her something. Erza then summoned two fishing rods as they walked down the river.

'I wanna fish.' Natsu whined, as covered his mouth. 'You can do this Natsu. Just stand up.' Natsu encouraged himself. Natsu started to stand up, but fell back down, as the raft swayed harder.

"This is gonna be harder then I thought."

2 Days Later

"So we meet again." Natsu muttered as her glared at his worst enemy.

"Natsu if you don't hurry the trains going to leave." Erza said. The three of them stood at the train station, as Natsu got ready to board the train. Both Natsu and Erza were wearing hooded cloaks so they wouldn't be recognized by Fairy Tail members going through the station. Taking the train to the next stop and back without getting sick was his last task. "Think about the 'award'." Erza whispered, seductively in his ear.

"Later." Natsu said before he stepped into the train.

"We'll be here when you get back. Good luck." Erza said.

"Good luck!" Hisako waved, as the train doors shut. Natsu sat in a seat as he took deep breaths, awaiting for the train to start.

'I will conquer you, you evil beast!' Natsu shouted in his mind.

Erza and Hisako sat in the station waiting for about thirty minutes until they saw a hooded figure walk out of a train. Natsu's head was down so Erza couldn't tell what his facial expressions was. They both stood up and walked towards him thinking that he failed, until his head shot up revealing his trademark smile.

"I did it!" Natsu shouted. "I kicked that trains ass!"

"Ass?" Hisako tilted her head to the side, as a question mark appeared above her head.

"Idiot!" Erza smacked him upside the head. "Watch your language!"

"Sorry! I got too excited!" Natsu apologized.

"Ass?" Hisako asked again.

"Hisako, that is a bad word, never say it again." Erza explained. Hisako covered her mouth when she heard bad word and nodded her head when Erza told her never to say it again.

"Now." Erza turned and glared at Natsu, but then smiled at him. "I think we should go home and celebrate. Don't you two?"

"Aye sir!" the both replied.
Natsu stared in shock at the sight in front of him. He couldn't believe it. This was really happening.

"T-The legendary, S-Seduction Armor." Natsu whispered in awe. "I heard rumors, but I never believed them. To see it with my own eyes, it's amazing."

"For your eyes and your eyes only." Erza said, seductively as she crawled across the bed and towards Natsu. Natsu sat against the headboard, as Erza dragged her breasts against his body as she moved in for a kiss. "Hands. Now." Erza ordered, as they broke apart from the kiss, then resumed. Natsu warmed up his hands then grabbed her ass, making Erza moan and blush.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's getting a prize." Natsu said, as he licked her neck.

"Looks like it." Erza huskily admitted, before she grabbed one of his hands and moved it to her chest. "Continue." Erza muttered, as she nibbled on his ear.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Natsu squeezed, causing her to moan again.

(Knock. Knock) They both froze when they heard the knock on the door.

"Y-Yes?" Erza called out.

"Can I come in?" Hisako asked.

"One second." Erza replied, while she requipped into her pajamas. "Come in." Hisako opened the door and stood in the doorway, looking nervous, but not as much as she use to.

"Can I sleep with you two?" she asked, with a slight blush.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Natsu spoke up.

"No." Hisako answered making them both smile. This was a big step for her. She wanted sleep in their bed and she asked straight forward. She could've easily stayed in her room, or lie and say she had a nightmare, but she didn't.

"Of course." Erza answered, with a smile on her face. Hisako excitingly jumped on the bed and crawled in the middle. "Where are you going?" Erza questioned, as Natsu got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"To take a cold shower." Natsu muttered.
Today was a big day. Today was the day Natsu and Erza introduced Hisako to the guild. Hisako had mixed feelings about meeting the guild. On one hand she was excited, they both explained how Fairy Tail was a family and they would be hers now. On the other hand she was scared, she may had been comfortable with Natsu and Erza, but that didn't mean she got over her fear of people. It was obvious, by how Hisako's eyes kept looking around as they walked through the streets of Magnolia.

"Hisako I'm going to tell you now that you'll be meeting some...unique people at Fairy Tail. Some you may find scary, but none of them will hurt you, ok?" Erza looked down at the little girl. Hisako had her hair in a pony tail, while she wore a pink sundress and white sandals.

"Ok." Hisako replied, but she was still a little nervous. They walked for a few more minutes, earning questioning looks from the towns people.

"Who's that little girl?"

"I don't know."

"Could they had have a daughter?"

"I've never seen her pregnant." these and other questions were secretly asked by towns people while they watched the three walk towards the guild. After a few more minutes of walking the trio stopped in front of the guild doors.

"You two wait here." Erza ordered, before she walked into the guild. The guild members turned to look at who entered the guild, then saw Erza walking in.

"Look who decided to grace us with her presence." Gray said sarcastically.

"Gray!" Lucy scolded.

"No. It's all right. Natsu and I suddenly stopped coming to the guild for nearly a week, he has a right to be mad." Erza stated.

"You two had your guild mates worried. I had to keep them from storming to your home to check up on you." Makarov said.

"And I thank you for respecting our privacy." Erza bowed her head slightly.

"Oooooo. Does that mean you two are going to give me a grandchild?" Mavis questioned, as she floated and landed in front of Erza.

"Huh? What do you mea-" Erza stopped what she was saying, when she realized what Mavis was thinking. "We weren't doing that!" Erza shouted, while blushing madly, causing Mavis to pout.

"But that doesn't mean you won't get a grandchild." Mavis tilted her head to the side with a questioning look on her face, as other Fairy Tail members gave their own questioning looks. "The reason Natsu and I haven't been around lately was because we met someone."

"Ewwww. I didn't know you two were swingers." Cana said, earning a smack to the head from Erza.

"We are not swingers." Erza glared at her. "Now like I was saying. On our last job me and Natsu met a little girl named Hisako." Erza continued to explain how they saved her and how they found her in their hotel room. She also explained that her parents died leaving her all alone and how the town hated her.

"Her story sounds a lot like Kira's." Lucy stated and Gray nodded.

"Yes. We both noted that. We also know from personal experience the pain of being alone. So we decided to take her in." Erza looked at everyone's faces as the information sank in.

"So......You two...Are like parents?" Lucy questioned.

"More or less." Erza replied.

"But that doesn't explain why you haven't been here all week." Makarov stated.

"Hisako was hated and attacked by her hometown, that caused her to develop a fear of people. We wanted her to feel completely safe with us before she met the guild." Erza explained. "If she would of met the guild right away she would've-"

"Been scared shitless." Gajeel interrupted.

"Traumatized." Lucy added.

"Running for the hills." Levy put in her two cents.

"Basically." Erza agreed.

"Bunch of weirdos. You guys would scare off a kid like that." Gray said as she took of his clothes.

"Gray! Clothes!" Erza glared at him.

"Oh crap!" Gray scrambled to get his clothes.

"Enough with all the talking! Go get her! Go get her!" Mavis jumped up and down.

"Ok. Ok. But I want you all on your best behavior." Erza gave them all a death glare.

"That means no swearing." she glared at Gajeel.

"No stripping." Gray was next.

"No mentioning dirty novels." Lucy and Levy got the glare.

"And no fighting." they all got the glare. "Am I clear?"

"Aye sir!" they fearfully replied.

"Good." Erza smiled then turned to open the guild door. "Natsu, Hisako you can come in now." Hisako hid behind Natsu as they walked into the guild, blocking everyone's vision of her.

"Where is she?" Mavis pouted yet again, not seeing Hisako.

"It's ok. They won't hurt you. You can come out." Erza squatted beside Natsu, trying to reassure Hisako.

Hisako slowly peeked her head out from behind Natsu, quickly catching everyone's attention. They all stared silently as Hisako came out from her hiding place. She tentatively looked around and saw everyone looking at her.

"Hisako. This is Fairy Tail." Erza motioned her arm to her fellow guild mates. "Fairy Tail this is Hisako."

"H-Hello." she nervously said.

The whole guild stared at her silently until "So cute!" the whole guild erupted, scaring Hisako.

"You're scaring her!" Erza shouted, before she threw a single punch that somehow hit everybody.

'How the hell did she do that?' Natsu sweat dropped. Mavis had, had enough. She couldn't hold herself back anymore. Hisako was just to cute, she had to hug her.

"Come here to Grandma Mavis." Mavis said as she picked Hisako up and hugged her. To Natsu's and Erza's relief, Hisako giggled instead of freaking out and unleashing her magic. "I'll introduce to the rest of the guild." Mavis put her down and took her hand.

Fairy Tail's strongest couple watched as Mavis introduced her to the guild members. Her reaction differed from each member to certain degrees, she was mostly wary of each member. While other members made more unique impressions like Bickslow, who scared her with his tongue. Natsu quickly reacted by giving him an uppercut, causing him to bite his tongue.

But not all of her meetings were bad, Hisako quickly made friends Asuka. Everyone watched as Asuka cheerfully asked Hisako a number of questions. Even though Asuka was older then Hisako by two years it was clear that Asuka was the more childish of the two. Of course it was to be expected if one took in the hardships Hisako went through, compared to the easy life Asuka went through. After a few minutes of Hisako talking with Asuka, Mavis took her to meet two of their more fierce members. Gajeel and Laxus. Hisako looked up at the two who towered over her and much to everyone's relief and surprise she started giggling.

"You two look funny." the whole guild gasped when she said that. Natsu and Erza had to keep themselves from laughing when they saw the shocked looks of Gajeel and Laxus. The two continued to blankly look down at Hisako, until a smirked covered their faces.

"I like you kid. You got guts." Gajeel said, shocking the entire guild. Levy couldn't help but smile at her secret boyfriends words.

"If anybody gives you any problems come to me kid, I'll deal with them." Laxus stated, as he tousled her hair.

"Same goes for me." Gajeel added.

"Ok." Hisako cheerfully agreed, before Mavis took her to meet more members.

"Wow. Didn't see that coming." Erza admitted.

"You're telling me. Who knew Gajeel and Laxus were such sweethearts." Natsu teased, earning him glares from the two. "Yeah, yeah. You're scary." Natsu shrugged of their glares.

"Hi. I'm you're auntie Levy." Levy squatted.

"Auntie?" Hisako questioned.

"Yup. Natsu's like a big brother to me. He really helped me out a lot." Levy explained. "Tell me Hisako, do you like to read?"

"Yes." she answered.

"Well if you ever want something to read come to me. Ok?"

"Ok." Mavis continued the introductions.

"It seems that the first is almost done." Erza noted as Mavis went to introduce Hisako to Lucy.

"And last but not least this is Luc-"

"Eeeeek!" Hisako screamed, before she ran and hid behind her new attack squad, Laxus and Gajeel.

"What happened?" Natsu and Erza rushed to Hisako.

"It's a fun girl!" Hisako pointed to Lucy, while still hiding.

"Fun girl?" the whole guild questioned.

"Uh huh. They would stand on the streets at night and ask people if they wanted to have fun." Hisako explained, while the guild contemplated what she said. "People called them pro...prosti...prostit-" Hisako tried saying the word.

"Prostitute?" the guild yelled out realizing what she was trying to say.

"Uh huh." Hisako nodded her head before she glared at Lucy.

"Lucy, is there something you want to tell us?" Erza crossed her arms under her chest.

"Maybe she's doing it to pay for her rent." Natsu whispered to Erza.

"Makes sense." Erza agreed. "Lucy if you need money for rent you could've come to us for help. You could even stay in one of our rooms if it's necessary." Erza put a hand on her arm in a reassuring manner.

"(Tsk tsk) Lucy. I thought you knew better." Natsu shook his head.

"I'M NOT A PROSTITUTE!" Lucy screamed. "NOT! NOT! NOT!"

"Oh. Well...good." Erza coughed into her fist. "Since introductions are over I have business to take care of. Natsu watch Hisako." Erza ordered before she left the guild.

"Aye sir!" Natsu grinned.

"Oh and Natsu?" Erza stuck her head through the guild doors. "Why don't you show them what you've been training for this past week." Erza suggested, then left again.

"Training?" they all turned to Natsu who had a huge smile on his face.

"Check it out." Natsu said before he jumped on Gray's back.

"What the heck? Get off me!" Gray tried to shake him off.

"Just go." Natsu pointed forward.

"Fine. You better not throw up on me." Gray said, before he started to walk to the other side of the guild. It took the guild a few seconds until they noticed that Natsu wasn't getting motion sick.

"What the hell! You're not sick!" they all shouted.

"What your mouths!" Natsu yelled as he covered Hisako's ears.

"Sorry." they all mumbled.

"(Sheesh) So yeah. Erza trained me this last week to get me over my motion sickness. I can even take trains now." Natsu proudly smiled.

"That's great to hear Natsu." Mira smiled at him.

"Yup. Natsu one. Gray zero."

"What the he-" Gray cut himself off when he received glares from the guild, even Hisako. " are you talking about?"

"I got over my motion sickness. You still strip. That's what I'm talking about." Natsu smirked.

"Whatever." Gray mumbled.

"Natsu, my boy." Makarov called Natsu. "Is Hisako able to use magic?" he asked, gaining the curiosity of the guild.

"You bet." Natsu picked Hisako up and smiled proudly once again. "She's strong too. It felt like my head was gonna explode."

"S-Sorry." Hisako apologized, while looking down sadly.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't even able to use magic at your age. You should be proud, even if you can't control it."

"So I'm assuming she'll be here for the evaluation/introduction ceremony coming up."

"Yeah, but I still don't understand why we do that. I'm mean you usually just let the person join after talking with them."

"(sigh) Sit down. I'll explain it to the both of you." Natsu did what Makarov told him and sat down with Hisako on his lap.

"They taught you that Fairy Tail's a family right?" Makarov questioned Hisako.

"Yes." she nodded her head happily.

"Good." Makarov turned his attention to Natsu, then began to explain their screening process.

First they would have wizards who wanted to join Fairy Tail fill out a form. They would then check to make sure the information on the form was correct. This was to make sure they never had somebody infiltrate the guild like Doranbolt did. Then the day of the ceremony they would have Meredy use her magic to see if they had good or bad intentions in joining the guild. If they had bad intentions they would be denied membership. If they had good ones they would join their Fairy Tail family. Of course the whole reason for the screening process was because wizards flooded to join Fairy Tail ever since they won the Grand Magic Games and it would be too dangerous to blindly allow them entry. Makarov wouldn't put his children in danger like that.

"Do I have to sign up?" Hisako asked, referring to the form.

"No my child. All you have to do is show up for the ceremony. After all you're apart of Natsu's and Erza's family so that makes you apart of ours. Isn't that right?"

"Aye sir!" the whole guild agreed.

"Success." everyone turned to see Erza walking in the guild while holding three tickets.

"Are those what I think they are?" Mira asked as Erza approached the crowd.

"Yes they are." Erza smiled. "Cruise tickets."

"I heard that cruise was really popular. It must have been hard to get those." Mira stated.

"You have no idea. I had to beat an old lady with her purse to get these."

"Good one Erza." Lucy chuckled, but then stopped when Erza stared at her with a blank look. "Erza? You were joking right?"

"So what do you two think?" Erza asked Hisako and Natsu.

"Don't change the subject!" Lucy yelled, but was ignored.

"Well normally I wouldn't get caught dead on one of those, but I since I don't get sick anymore I'll try this 'cruise'." Natsu agreed. "What about you?" Natsu looked down at Hisako.

"What's a cruise?" she looked up at him from her seated position in his lap.

"Hmmmmm. Not sure." Natsu admitted making everyone face palm. "All I know is it's on a ship, which made it a no go for me-"

"But circumstances have changed-" Erza finished his sentences.

"Since I don't get sick. Let's give it a try." Natsu continued.

"Ok." Hisako happily agreed.

"What?" Natsu and Erza asked, when they noticed the whole guild staring at them with smirks.

"You two are finishing each others sentences. It's adorable." Mira chirped, while the couple just blushed and looked away.

"Natsu we need to have a talk." Gray said, before he dragged Natsu into a room followed by several male Fairy Tail members.

"What's that all about?" Erza asked while holding Hisako who was tossed to her by Natsu.

"Who knows. They're men." Cana replied.

"Yes, but he's my man." Erza stated.
"Ok. What the hell is going on?" Natsu asked. He was sitting on a lone chair in the middle of the room, while a single light bulb lightened the area around him, leaving the rest of the room in darkness.

"Why don't you tell us." Gray spoke from the darkness.

"Tell you what?"

"Tell us why you're moving so fast! Freaking A. You're seventeen!" Gray shouted.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Natsu yelled getting frustrated.

"You two moved in together. You're practically engaged and now you have a kid." Gray was instantly met with a fist to the face.

"I wasn't sure what you were talking about and I'm still not." Natsu said angrily. "But I don't like the way it sounds!"

"Calm down Natsu." Macao turned on the more lights. "We're not trying to get you to break up with Erza or give away Hisako. What we're trying to say is, you're freaking seventeen man! What's with the rush? You have all the time in the world!"

"I don't see it that way." Natsu admitted. "I may not be as smart or as wise as you or the older members, but I don't think we have as much time as you all think."

"What do you mean?" Alzack questioned.

"Imagine if either you or Bisca were on the island with us when we disappeared. That's seven years you two would've lost. Hell Azuka wouldn't even be alive. And we're always going on dangerous jobs, you never know when you might not come back. All I'm saying is life's short, might as well live like it. I love Erza. If she wanted to get married and have kids right now, I'd be all for it." Natsu said, shocking them all by his wise sounding words.

"What a manly outlook on life!"

"Natsu's right." Freed agreed. "I'm going to go propose to Mira right now." Freed rushed towards the door only to be stopped by Natsu who grabbed his shoulder.

"Whoa. It's way to soon for you two." Natsu shook his head.

"He's got that right." the all nodded in agreement.

"Yes. You're probably right." Freed agreed.

"So Natsu, you make any progress with Erza?" Macao smirked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean 'progress'."

"Ohhhh. 'Progress'." Natsu caught on, then gave them a big grin as he walked towards the door. "Well I did get to see the Legendary Seduction Armor and I now get to touch upstairs and downstairs." Natsu said before he left, leaving them all in shock and awe.

"Has anyone in this room who has a girlfriend gotten that far yet?" Gray questioned, as they all stared at the door.

"No." they all answered.

"Lucky bastard." they all said.
After a few hours of talking and ignoring envious glares from the male guild members Natsu was getting, Erza thought it was time to head home.

"I think it's about time we head home." Erza said, just as Hisako yawned. "Yeah it's time." Erza grabbed Hisako from her seat and carried her.

"Later." Natsu waved.

"Bye." Hisako said over Erza's shoulder.

"Bye." the guild replied as they watched the family of three walk out of the guild.

"Strange sight isn't?" Gildarts took a seat beside Makarov. "It seems like just yesterday that they were kids running around and now they're starting a family of their own."

"I should've seen it coming. They always did spend more time with each other then they did with the other members." Makarov replied.

"And they were always there to cheer up or help the other out." Mira added. "It's like they're soul-mates." she smiled.

"My little brats are growing up." Makarov smiled.
"Bye!" the whole guild shouted as the cruise ship left the dock.

"See ya!" Natsu waved, leaning over the railing.

"Idiot!" Erza yelled, as she grabbed Natsu by his foot after he slipped over the railing. "Don't lean over the railing!" she scolded him.

"Yeah. Don't lean over the railing." Hisako mimicked Erza.

"Sorry." Natsu smiled sheepishly while scratched the back of his head.

"I expect you all to behave while we're gone!" Erza glared at the guild.

"Aye sir!" the all fearfully responded.
"Woo hoo!" Natsu shouted as he, Erza and Hisako slid down a water slide into the pool at the end of it. "This place is freaking great! I love boats! Let's go try the wave pool next!" Natsu eagerly said, as he grabbed Hisako by her hand and ran towards their next destination.

The cruise ship they were on had many things to entertain yourselves on, but once Natsu and Hisako set their eyes on the water slides everything else was ignored. So they all got changed into their swimsuits, Natsu wore black shorts with flame design, Erza wore a black bikini, and Hisako wore a pink one piece.

Erza smiled as she watched Natsu and Hisako run into the wave pool as they jumped over the waves, as the deeper they got into the pool the bigger the waves became. She giggled as they tried to jump over a wave and got hit on their foot causing them to fall face first into the water. They both lifted their faces above the water and started laughing. Erza elected to lay on one of the lounge chairs on the side, while she soaked in the warm sun light.

"Hey Erza!" Natsu shouted out after playing in the wave pool for nearly an hour. "Let's go get something to eat!" Erza opened her eyes and saw Natsu smiling at her with Hisako sitting on his shoulders.

"Sure." Erza got up and walked towards them. "You two have fun?" Erza questioned, as they walked across the deck.

"Heck yeah! This place is awesome! I can't believe I haven't been on one of these things! You should've train me out of my motion sickness earlier." Natsu pouted.

"I apologize Natsu." Erza clenched her fist. "If I knew this would give you so much joy, I would've done so sooner. Hit me." Erza stated, causing Natsu to sigh and Hisako to look down at him with a worried and questioning look.

"Just ignore her." Natsu looked up at Hisako. "She gets a little too fired up at times."

"Don't talk like I'm not here. Hit me Natsu." Erza pouted when Natsu ignored her and kept walking.

After eating, then exploring the ship the sun started to set and the couple decided it was time to go to bed. Their room was spacious and had two beds one for them and one for Hisako. They tucked her in and said their good nights, but Hisako wasn't able to go to sleep. She was struggling with something that's been on her mind since she met Natsu and Erza. What were they to her? They took her in and made her apart of their family. Shouldn't that make them her parents? But she still remembers her parents and that's where lies the problem.

Hisako felt that calling Natsu and Erza her parents would be like her replacing her real ones. But they took her in, they made her feel safe and loved. Didn't they deserve to be called mom and dad. Did they expect it? Did they notice that she wasn't calling them her parents? Were they sad? Were they mad? Hisako quickly shook that thought out of her head. She may not have known them for too long, but she did know they wouldn't get mad because of that. Sad maybe, mad no. But if they were sad that meant she was the one making them sad and that killed her. They took her in when they didn't have to. They deserved better, at least that's what she thought before she finally drifted off to sleep.

Hisako's Dream

Everything was vague and distorted. All Hisako could see were two figures that looked like her deceased parents. She slowly started walking towards the figures and the closer she got the clearer they got.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Hisako yelled joyfully as she ran towards her parents.

"Hello sweety."

"Hey princess." her parents greeted her as they hugged her.

"I've missed you." Hisako said as tears began to fill her eyes.

"We've missed you to." her mother replied. "But we need to be quick and you need to listen."

"What do you mean? Listen to what? Where are you going?" she looked up to her mother.

"We love you more then anything, you know that right?" she asked and Hisako nodded her head. "Which is why we need you to move on. We're gone now, that can't be changed. But you were able to find some very nice people, we couldn't have chosen a better couple to find you. They'll protect you, love you, and never think of you as some girl they found on the street. They'll think of you as their daughter, but you have to let them. Don't let your memories of us keep you from loving them." her mother explained.

"But I don't want to forget you." Hisako said as tears streamed down her face.

"We're not asking you to forget us." her father began. "We're telling you to remember, but move on. We'll always be your parents, but we can't raise you anymore. That'll be their job from now on. They'll be your new parents." he said, while pointing behind him Hisako turned around and saw Natsu and Erza smiling at her.

"It's ok, go to them." her mother encouraged as members of Fairy Tail appeared behind Natsu and Erza with smiles of their own.

"We'll always be looking over you." her father said, as they slowly faded away.

"We'll always love you." her mother said and then they were gone. Hisako cried as her parents faded away, but she looked up when she felt someone put a hand on her head. She looked up and saw Natsu and Erza looking down at her with sad smiles on their faces. Hisako immediately hugged both of them, then started crying even more.

"Hisako wake up." she heard Natsu say even though his mouth wasn't moving. "Wake up."

End of Dream.

"Hisako wake up." her eyes opened to see Natsu sitting on the side of her bed. He saw she had tears in her eyes, so he picked her up. "Bad dream?"

"Kinda." she weakly answered, as Natsu stood up and made his way to the door.

"Why don't you tell me about it outside." he said, as he led them out of the room and towards the deck. "Cold?" Natsu asked, as a gust of wind blew across the midnight sky.

"Yeah." she answered.

"Better?" Natsu warmed up his body to warm her up.


"So you wanna tell me what you were dreaming about?" Natsu questioned, while she dug her head into the crook of his neck.

"My parents." Hisako mumbled.

"Oh." they stood there in silence for a few seconds until Natsu decided to break it. "I never knew my parents. I was adopted by my foster father, Igneel. You may not believe it, but he was actually a dragon." Hisako looked up at him with wide eyes.

"A d-dragon?"

"Yup. He was the one who taught me my magic. He was really kind, he taught me a lot of things." Natsu grinned before his face turned into a sad look. "And one day I woke up and he was gone. I looked for him, but I never found him. But eventually I found Fairy Tail and Erza and that empty filling slowly went away." Natsu smiled again.

"Erza doesn't remember her parents either, but she had it worse then me." Natsu bit his lip in anger while he continued. "She was a slave. They hurt her in so many ways. She even had to see a man that was like a grandfather to her, die in front of her. But never again. I will never let her or you feel that pain again. Never. I'll protect both of you with my life." Natsu said with conviction. "Erza feels the same way."

'They'll protect you, love you, and never think of you as some girl they found on the street. They'll think of you as their daughter, but you have to let them. Don't let your memories of us keep you from loving them.' her mothers words rang through her mind.

"P-P-Pa-." Hisako was cut off when the ship began to rock violently, throwing them across the deck. Natsu tightened his hold on Hisako bracing himself, right before his back was slammed into the guard railing, causing it to nearly break.

"That hurt." Natsu grunted, as he slowly pulled himself off the ground.

"Papa! Are you ok?" Hisako worryingly asked, as she gripped Natsu's shirt.

"I'm fine." he gave her a smile at hearing what she called him. Suddenly the entire ship came to a stop. "Wait here." Natsu put her down and looked over the railing. What Natsu saw over the railing was something he never thought he would seen in his lifetime.

"Y-You shouldn't be here. Isn't this breaking the pact! Why are you doing this?" Natsu knew he wouldn't get an answer, he just needed to voice his frustration. It was just as daunting as Igneel said it was and he wasn't even seeing the whole thing. Natsu stared as a number of very long, very thick tentacles towered above the water.

"Natsu! What's going on?" Erza shouted as she ran up behind with Hisako in her arms. "What is that?"

"The Kraken."

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