Zootopia Drabbles

By soar4yourdreams

15.8K 571 116

Hello everyone, and welcome to my Zootopia one shot corner! I LOVE writing and I LOVE Zootopia. Thank you so... More

Late Mornings
Your Kit?
Valentines Day Promises
Cold Hard Truth and World
Undercover Part 1
Undercover Part 2
Undercover Part 3
Undercover Part 4 (The Final Chapter)
Author's Note
Author's Note (IMPORTANT!)
Partners For Life
Asking Permission (part 1)
Asking Permission (part 2/final part)
What Happened To Us?
Words On A Page
Under The Stars

It's Ok Not To Be Perfect

170 8 0
By soar4yourdreams

(A/N: Hello my lovelies! I feel like I haven't written in a very long time. Well, I am pretty sure that I feel this way because it couldn't be more true. My mind and heart have been in so many different places lately, and today I just wanted to let go of some things in my mind and write for you all. I hope you enjoy!  With love, Quinn) 

(Edited but is open to revision in the future) 

*Nick's POV* 

Rolling around in my chair a certain gray furred bunny threw me a dirty glance. Her eyes darted to me, her eyes throwing imaginary daggers towards me. "Work," she commanded pointing the end of her black pen end towards my computer.  Taking her advice, I stopped for a moment to resume my work but the information clouding the screen gave me no interest. 

 "I have been working all day. I'm just taking a five minute break," I explained turning back to my gray furred partner. Judy rolled her eyes and looked down at the papers she had sprawled out on her desk. Each one of them held significant importance and each one of them waited impatiently for Judy's undivided attention. I could see through her like a piece of glass. Judy had been extremely stressed out lately. She had hardly been getting any sleep and she never had time to do anything other than work. 

As the two best detectives in all of Zootopia we naturally were often given many cases at once to solve, all having important deadlines. Now I personally believe that Judy could ask for an extension on a few deadlines that have managed to pile themselves on top of each other, but little miss perfect insists on completing all of them on the original time she was given. "I'm never going to get any of this done, Nick," she confessed broken hearted. 

Her voice was cracking from exhaustion and her eyes were growing weary. She needed sleep and she needed to have some time to herself where she didn't have to worry about work.

Thinking quickly I stood from my chair and walked over to her, resting my muzzle on her head. Clearly this action did not humor her as she shook her head trying to shake my muzzle off of her. I shrugged off the action, knowing that she wasn't being herself due to her exhaustion. I leaned on her wooden desk, trying to show her that I wasn't done with the conversation. 

Trying to be as gentle as possible I removed the pen she was holding from her paw and took her paw in mine."Take a break and relax. Think about something else for a few minutes." Judy sighed and kissed my nose. "I would honestly love to but if I don't have this case figured out by tomorrow I'm going to miss my deadline." I sighed and looked down at the floor, trying to find the correct words I needed in order to express my feelings.

"Judy you don't have to be perfect all the time. You can ask for an extended deadline. It won't ruin your career. All you have to do is say that too many things are happening at once and that you want to be able to concentrate and give your full attention to each case you work on." I squeezed her paw. "You need to rest and give yourself some time before coming back into the office. You can't figure any of these cases out without having more time. You'll regret it later, trust me. Please just take a day or two off. If you won't do it for yourself or me please do it for the animals you will be helping." 

I watched as she thought about the words that had just come from my lips. "You're right Nick, thank you. I'm going to go tell the chief I need some time." Judy took her paw from mine and gathered her papers together. Their demands would just have to wait until Judy could concentrate. Judy set them all into a file inside her desk drawer. Shutting it she turned to me and stood. "I'll see you later." I nodded to her as she grabbed her bag and headed off. '

My heart felt content as I knew that she would be taking at least the rest of the day to calm down and collect her thoughts. "Judy," I called making her stop and turn back to me. "Remember, you don't always have to be perfect." 

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