chansaw story dump

By lovemydeadgayson

93.4K 2.2K 806

a collection of short stories dedicated to these two gay dorks More

sick day
first date
Help ( suggested by Thelion1205)
Veronica's come out
should I?
random chansaw shitposts
Veronicas biggest fear
story ideas
someone tagged me in this
idk what to title this
random chansaw (and some other ships) shitpost's part 2
chansaw headcannons
we had a bonding moment!
a "short" story
Yuri on Ice AU
bad boy~ (Genderbent AU)
i have been listening to a lot of Hamilton
I had this idea...
a small update on the request
so much for are ever after (Genderbent fanfic)
chansaw Halloween headcannons
the mute AU
facts about the mute au
I care (mute AU)
character Headcannons
chansaw and other ships shitpost part 3
i was on tumblr again
random Au ideas I had
go the fuck to sleep Ronnie
Christmas headcanons
the kuson (JD x kurt) theme song
o o f chansaw coffee shop Au thing???
chansaw sick headcanons
mute Veronica... shitpost??? idk anymore
Percy Jackson au
just a friend to you
chansaw Valentine's Day headcanons
oh shit I'm so sorry
veronica your nose is bleeding
*insert creative and funny title here*
rookie (part 1)
shitposts cuz I'm back on my billshit
truth (Hogwarts au)
pride Headcanons
"i'm not tired" and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself
I'm here(happy 4th of July)
everyday we stray farther from gods light
fictober day 3 "how can I trust you"
hanahaki disease (1)
why is this group chat a thing
Nsfw Headcanons
sup hets


2K 47 16
By lovemydeadgayson

Summery: Veronica and Heather adopt a 10 year old kid named Jeremy (ha, be more chill reference) and he gets in trouble at school

Its was a Friday afternoon, Heather was in the kitchen washing dishes waiting for Veronica to get home, it was quiet in the small apartment for a bit until the phone started to ring Heather wiped her hands and picked up the phone "hello is this Miss Sawyer?" the voice asked "yes it is" Heather replied "well i'm calling to talk about your son Jeremy, he got into a fight with another student" the Voice continue "what!? That doesn't sound like him at all" Heather said with a slight worried tone after talking for a bit more Heather hung up the phone grabbed her keys and walked to her car. She made it to the school and walked in to the principal's office, sat down in a Chair was a young boy he was wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, black sneakers and a jacket for swim team that said Sawyer on the back. His strawberry blonde hair was a mess he had a black eye and bruises all over his body, There was a man behind the desk motioned Heather to sit down. After a while of talking Heather and Jeremy walk back to the car "I can't believe you! Really a fight Jeremy! You me and your mother are going to have a talk about this when we get home" Heather said with more concern than anger "its not my fault, the other guy started it...." Jeremy mumbled with his arm crossed. The both walk into the apartment, Veronica was laying down and looking at her phone she looked at Heather and Jeremy "he- oh my god! Jeremy what happened!?" Veronica said as she ran up to her son and began looking at the bruises "I ummm kinda..... Got in a fight" Jeremy said looking down to " expect a call from the other kids parents" Heather continued as she motioned for Jeremy to go to his room "it wasn't my fault! He shouldn't have said what he did!" Jeremy yelled with slight anger in his voice "well what did he say?" Veronica said as he put her hand on Jeremy's shoulder. The young boy sighed "he said that my family wasn't normal and that its not right, so I punched him in the arm and things just kind of spiraled from there", Heather and Veronica looked at each other "ok well you're grounded, but I give you full permission to kick this kids ass if he says something like that again" Veronica said chuckling a bit "Veronica don't encourage this!" Heather said to her wife with annoyance in her voice "i'm kidding, calm down" Veronica said still smiling a bit. "now, lets get you some ice for that eye" Heather said as she walked to the kitchen

(oh boy I don't really like how this one turned out but whatever)

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