Book 1: Awakening (The VIth E...

By AdeleRoseAuthor

39.1K 1.9K 702

'One person on their own may be able to save the world. But a team of friends, all working together, have a m... More

Chapter 1: Alex
Chapter 2: Alex
Chapter 3: Alex
Chapter 4: Alex
Chapter 5: Alex
Chapter 6: Alex
Chapter 7: Alex
Chapter 8: Alex
Chapter 9: Alex
Chapter 10: Alex
Chapter 11: Alex
Chapter 12: Alex
Chapter 13: Alex
Chapter 14: Alex
Chapter 15: Alex
Chapter 16: Alex
Chapter 17: Hecate
Chapter 18: Alex
Chapter 19: Alex
Chapter 20: Alex
Chapter 21: Alex
Chapter 22: Hecate
Chapter 23: Alex
Chapter 24: Alex
Chapter 25: Alex
Chapter 26: Alex
Chapter 27: Alex
Chapter 28: Alex
Chapter 29: Alex
Chapter 30: Alex
Chapter 31: Alex
Chapter 32: Alex
Chapter 33: Alex
Chapter 34: Alex
Chapter 35: Alex
Chapter 36: Alex
Chapter 37: Hecate
Chapter 38: Alex
Chapter 39: Alex
Chapter 40: Alex
Chapter 41: Alex
Chapter 43: Alex
A Message From The Author
X A Short Acknowledgement X

Chapter 42: Alex

551 32 16
By AdeleRoseAuthor

I could tell that Jasmine was eager to know about why Raphael had visited our dorm. However, I told her that our original plan for Lucifer to take the two of us to the Halloween Ball still stood, which calmed down her anxiety and curiosity.

As the time came to get ready for the Halloween Ball, after our morning lessons and lunch had finished (which worryingly Raphael didn't turn up for) we set to work preparing ourselves and our outfits. To be fair to Jasmine, she looked gorgeous in her cat costume, which consisted of sparkly, black hot pants, a glittery, black t-shirt and a long tail, made from scrunched tights, with a pink bow on the end. She had also applied black whiskers to her face, using her eyeliner and painted on a cute pink nose.

In terms of myself, I had decided to go as Mrs Devil, an outfit also supplied by Jasmine. Unfortunately, this costume was slightly more revealing than hers. Thank goodness I had fairly decent legs because the sequined, red dress I wore was so short in fact that it was practically up to my buttocks. In terms of accessories, I had devil horns and a devil, three-pronged fork, which I attached to my wrist with a thin, red ribbon. Finally, I wore red lipstick and killer black heels, which accentuated my smoky eyes.

As I studded myself in the long mirror, I realised that I didn't look like the normal me. I would have quite happily swapped this costume for comfy jeans and a t-shirt any day. Still, it was one night out of the entire year. Therefore, despite my misgivings, I decided to get on with it.

At precisely 7:30pm, Lucifer came to pick up Jasmine and me. When I opened the door, I nearly fell over in shock and delight. Lucifer had dressed up as the devil himself and, in terms of his outfit, he wore a smart, evening suit. He also wore spiky, red horns on his head, a tail, which was peeking out of the tails of his jacket and had a red painted face.

"Wow," I told him, as Jasmine and I took each one of his arms. "Lucifer. You look amazing, although you do slightly remind me of 'Darth Maul' from 'Star Wars'." I added jokingly.

Lucifer smiled.

"Thanks and so do you," he eventually replied in his deep voice, eyeing up my legs a little too much. "In the end, although we didn't really go as a date, we can still pull off the Mr and Mrs Devil look."

I laughed at his comment although, when I saw Jasmine's awkward expression, I through the spot light onto her instead.

"Jasmine looks far more stunning than me though," I replied and she blushed at my compliment. "She'll knock all the girls here for dead." This comment settled the momentary tense atmosphere, as we all chuckled.

When we entered the dining hall, the three of us gasped in amazement. Gone were the long tables and flags. Now, apart from one table at the back of the hall, which was brimming with food, the entire room was covered in Halloween banners, decorations and candles. Real bats had been let loose and were flying around above our heads, crying to one another and, over in the far side, I nearly had a heart attack when I realised that Miss Beast was in charge of the DJ booth. What's more, she was actually dancing, kind of.

Miss Beast was dressed as a zombie and had really gone to town with her costume, for she was covered in fake blood and wore ripped clothes. As the music blared out of the speakers, playing the latest dance tracks, I realised that perhaps I had misjudged her character and deep down, she was actually a fun person. However, when someone accidently crashed into one of the stands, after dancing vigorously and causing a speaker to wobble, her normal personality returned as she laid into him verbally.

I chuckled and took back my thoughts rapidly.

Lucifer's voice brought me back to reality.

"Hey Alex, do you want to dance?" he suddenly asked me.

I realised that Jasmine had abandoned us and had now gone onto the heaving dance floor with Vince, the boy who had super speed. His date looked very miffed by this situation to say the least.

I nodded.

"Sure," I replied smiling and, for the first time in ages, I let my hair down.

Lucifer and I danced for quite some time and, whilst we did, I had a chance to take in more of my surroundings. First, I noticed that Vladimir (who had dressed up as Frankenstein) was dancing with Mrs Frost, who had come to the Halloween Ball as a grief-stricken, corpse bride. I also noticed that, over in a shadowy corner, Hecate stood softly swaying to the music. She had come as herself, rather to my amusement and was wearing a strikingly beautiful, gossamer, black, gothic lace dress (different to the one she usually wore) and gloves, which really accentuated her pale skin and icy blue eyes. To be fair to her, she looked more gorgeous than ever before.

As I scanned that area, to my surprise, I saw her laugh, actually laugh with a man dressed as a hot-looking 'Dracula'. I was shocked when I realised that the hot 'Dracula' was Mr Allen. Miss Crotchet, who had come as an Egyptian Mummy, was giggling with an older, white-haired man, dressed as a mad scientist, a costume which was very fitting as he was Professor Xandar - the academy's leading Science teacher. Furthermore, I was delighted to see that many of my fellow students had gone all out there with their costumes, for the room was filled with other weird and wonderful creations and creatures such as werewolves, skeletons and exotic aliens (although what these had to do with the theme of Halloween beats me.).

Suddenly, just after a track had finished, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Raphael and his face was still as impassive as it had been earlier, after my second rejection.

"Do you mind if I butt in?" he asked Lucifer, who seemed to be startled and a little put out at first, particularly by Raphael's sharp tone and lack of expression.

After a moment's hesitation, Lucifer shrugged and let go of me, for he accepted that he wouldn't be able to steal me forever tonight.

"She's all yours," he replied. "However, be careful and I want another dance later."

I nodded.

"I'll book you in," I told him.

Lucifer smiled and moved off to get a drink.

When the music started once more, Raphael and I began to move somewhat awkwardly to the beat.

"You," he abruptly blurted out to my surprise, his eyes trailing over every inch of my body.

I blushed, relieved that he was talking to me.

However, deep in his eyes, I thought I still saw a hint of bitterness.

"Thanks," I muttered, feeling slightly out of breath, as I had been dancing for a long time now, before he had showed up. "And you look not bad yourself, although I don't think 'The Joker' is really a Halloween costume, despite the fact that 'Batman' is epic."

Raphael managed a small smile.

"You do have a valid point," he eventually said, shrugging, his golden eyes accentuated even more by the white paint on his face. "But it was the only outfit I could get hold of."

I threw him my famous: 'you must be kidding right?' look.

"There's no way that this was 'the only outfit you could get hold of'," I replied, looking sceptical, although I smiled at him playfully. "My guess is that your outfit has been hidden away in your case, itching to be worn, knowing just how much of a supervillain geek you are."

Realising that I had caught him out, Raphael's impassive and distant manner vanished. He laughed heartily at my comment. In that moment, I saw just how much he was fighting himself. Finally, he broke free of his previous, coldish manner by meeting my eyes with a longing gaze. This look set my body ablaze.

As our gazes locked, the tension between us broken. I had been such an idiot about not accepting him earlier. As my mind filled with images of Raphael, I realised that the two of us had somehow danced right into the middle of the dining hall. Therefore, I acknowledged, this was the moment when the two main characters of any cheesy romance movie would share a kiss, despite all the drama that had happened in between. To my shock and nervousness, that was exactly what was about to happen.

Immediately, Raphael leaned towards me, his eyes closed and lips slightly parted. Instinctively, I felt myself follow his first move. Just before our lips brushed, I abruptly shouted out in alarm and sharply pulled away. Icy cold liquid hit my heated skin, before it trickled down my sequined dress and chest.

"Oops...I'm so sorry." Vanessa's sarcastic voice sent rage shooting throughout my body, when I had somewhat recovered. She stood smirking at me. "I tripped on something on the floor. I do hope it won't stain?"

It bloody well will stain. I raged internally, as I looked at my costume in despair, which was now soaked in a red, icy drink concoction that resembled blood. Plus, she had ruined my potentially special moment with Raphael!

Sick and tired of her torments and fed up with her nasty insults, I faced her leering self, trembling in fury. Vanessa, who was dressed as a sexy vampire, was grinning with her friends, including Tiffany, who wore a matching outfit but in purple. She leered at me. What's more, I noticed that the bruise around her eye had more or less disappeared now, thanks to Mrs Frost's handiwork. However, that wasn't to say that she didn't have room for another one.

As a result of all that she had done, I automatically felt my body burning up with the want to lay into her once more. I wanted to wipe that smirk right off her face. Just before I went to hit her, I remembered my vow to say sorry for my actions. Although this memory pained me, through gritted teeth, I undertook my apology then and there with a sigh.

"You know what Vanessa," I told her in the calmest voice I could muster, despite the fact that I was seething inside, once her gaze had met mine. "I've wanted to apologise for hitting you the other day. It was wrong and I shouldn't have let my anger get the better of me." At hearing these words, Vanessa actually looked surprised and took a step backwards, unable to comprehend what I was saying. Taking a deep breath and feeling Raphael place his hand on my shoulder reassuringly, I continued. "What's more, despite your unfathomable reasons for disliking me and for what you've done, I think that it would be more mature of we put the past behind us." I held out my hand. "Therefore, can we shake on a new beginning, where we can leave each other in peace?"

The look on Vanessa's face, as I spoke, was priceless. It went from utter disbelief, to anger and then, to somewhat understanding. The way she looked at me resembled the way a person might look at an unwanted, filthy, chipped piece of china, before they noticed something quite remarkable and respectful about this item. Nonetheless, she had a reputation at stake. Consequently, with a glance at her followers and admirers, she shook her head.

The fleeting change was gone.

"I don't think that'll ever happen," she retorted, her eyes narrowing to slits. "Especially as I'd never want to touch your hand. You're so far beneath me that physical contact with you would be considered a sin."

For a moment, no one spoke. Even the people around us, who had stopped dancing to stare in shock at what was happening, couldn't believe what they had just heard. I knew that my ears hadn't deceived me. My anger burst from me like a dam, despite Raphael muttering calming words in my ear, as he tried to pull me away. In an instant, I tuned out my senses and let the song of my powers wash over me, filling my entire body with wondrous warmth. It was the fastest time where body and powers became one that anyone, even Vladimir Alcaeus, had witnessed in many years. My eyes shone a dazzling, vibrant blue. Then, I unleashed my power and directed them onto one person and one person only – Vanessa.

Suddenly, Vanessa and I were separated from the others by a powerful wall of water. Vanessa was abruptly picked up by another violent torrent, which streamed from my fingertips and hurtled into an even bigger watery, swirling vortex than the one Jessica Wademen had entered weeks ago. As she entered the gigantic vortex, Vanessa's screams were abruptly cut off, as water soon entered her lungs, causing her to choke and splutter. She desperately pounded against the sides of the vortex, hoping to find a flaw in my handiwork.

All was in vain.

Whilst she stared at me with hazy eyes, I realised that she looked, for the first time, vulnerable. Inside the watery prison, as I controlled the entire situation, I laughed at the sight of her struggling, my eyes flickering crazily. I cheered at the fact that finally, she was getting her fitting end after all she had said and done to me.

She deserved every second of it.

Vladimir's authoritative voice sounded in my mind.

Let her go! He commanded. You must let the girl go!


In spite of my argument, Vladimir was firm.

That doesn't matter now, he explained, as Vanessa slowly started to get weaker by the second. If you don't let her go, then she'll die and that's something I'll never allow, nor will you ever forgive yourself for.


As I raged, I felt an ominous blackness build within my body.

Kill her. Dark thoughts commanded me. KILL HER!

Gradually, as this anger flowed throughout my body, much like the time when I almost killed Jessica Wademen, my morals returned.

Don't do this, they screamed at me. Don't become a murderer. She's just a silly, immature school girl who, after this, should have learnt her lesson. Listen to Vladimir. He speaks the truth.

It took a moment for these thoughts to sink in.

With a grunt of tremendous effort, I grabbed hold of my powers and pulled them back within my body. Instantly, the tidal wave collapsed, drenching all who stood nearby and releasing Vanessa from her watery prison. Thankfully, she still had enough strength to stop herself from crashing into the ground for, at the last minute, her powers kicked in, slowing her fall. Then, she gently fell to the floor in a tight, shaking ball.

After this had happened, I gradually met the terrified gazes of those who had gathered around me. I was consumed with a tremendous dizziness. The room span and my ears rang, but I could see that Jasmine stood nearby, clutching the shoulder of a frightened Lucifer and Raphael looked at me with an expression of both horror, sadness and incredulity.

So much for a "Happy Halloween." I thought sarcastically. I should wear a huge sign around my neck from now onwards that reads: 'Stay clear of me if you want your party to survive the night'!

With tears streaming down my cheeks, my face bright red and my body trembling, I staggered out of the dining hall and away from the major mess I had caused for the umpteenth time in my life.



Well...there you are. I wonder if any of your were expecting the Halloween Ball to play out quite like that? Lucifer desperately wanted to be with Alex but instead, he hardly gets any precious time with her because of Raphael's appearance and...well...look what happened there. Alex and Raphael certainly went to give into temptation (although Raphael still seems to have not fully forgiven Alex for her previous rejections) but BLOW ME DOWN...Vanessa, just like she always had done, only goes and ruins the "magical" moment. She then gets her just desserts in the form of Alex, but does it all come at a price? *Phew* I think I need to lie down! At least Hecate seemed to be the only one enjoying herself but then again, she did have the gorgeous...handsome...undeniably hot Mr Allen as a date ;) Only two more chapters to go...

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