The Preacher's Son [A Jihan...

By XxToxicBeatxX

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"Hey you're gonna be late!" I yelled at a group of boys. I had gone to find my cousin, but came across them o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 9

2.2K 101 13
By XxToxicBeatxX

Jeonghan's P.O.V

          He was still absolutely  perfect. Perfectly polite, perfect to look at, his voice was even perfect to listen to. I was starting to have trouble with deciding if it was annoying or not. We were in the pool and I was floating around in a corner while him and his friends did flips and such off the diving board.

          The occasional splash would hit me in the face, but besides that nothing really happened to me. I had seen some people look at me in surprise when I hadn't taken my shirt off. No one was wearing a shirt. It made me stick out even more. I had let my hair down and was just floating when someone splashed me in the face.

          I reeled on them instantly. It was Mary. "What was that for?" I asked angrily. She shrugged with a laugh. "You should interact more; you're starting to act like Kalee." She said while pouting. "I'll take that as a compliment." I snapped before going back onto my back and floating.

          "Seriously Jeonghan. Why don't you take that shirt off. I'm sure the girls here would be excited for that. Shoot some of the guys too." She said. I gave her a questioning look. "A lot of Josh's and Kalee's friends that came are gay." She said in a low voice. I hid the shock I felt instantly.

          "For real though. Plus it's not like you're gonna get a burn." She said while plucking at my shirt. "If it'll get you to shut up." I muttered. She gave me a bright smile. I couldn't help it. I smiled back at her. She was growing on me more and more.

          I slowly took off my shirt. I had moved my hands in a dramatic flourish to the hem of my shirt and tried to exaggerate as much as possible. I could feel people staring, but there was only one person I cared about.

          When I finally got the shirt off and over my head my eyes instantly locked on Jisoo. He had been staring. Our eyes locked and I smirked at him before winking and turning back to Mary who was staring at me angrily. "Seriously?! How do you have those?" She gestured at my toned stomach. "I haven't seen you workout once since you got here!"

          I shrugged. "I need to start going to the gym soon. We can be workout buddies." She seemed taken aback, and I realized I had actually offered to hang out with her. A huge smile slowly stretched across her face and she hugged me. "Does this mean we're finally friends?" I laughed.

          "Don't read too far into it." I warned, but I was smiling down at her all the same. She let go and made to leave over where Kalee was, so with a last look at my corner I followed with my shirt in hand. Kalee looked up as we approached and raised an eyebrow when she saw me, but went back to her book.

          I set my shirt by her tote bag and leaned against the edge of the pool next to Mary. "You should get in Sissy." Kalee looked up with a look of annoyance. Mary called her Sissy whenever she wanted something, and vice versa. Or they called each other Sissy when they were really excited.

         "Not a chance." She said in a bored voice. Mary and I shared a look. And at the exact same time we had the exact same thought. I nodded and she smirked. "Where's the bathroom Kalee?" I asked while heaving myself out of the pool. I was dripping.

          She started to talk, but she grabbed Kalee's feet and I grabbed her upperbody. Kalee struggled for a moment before throwing her book down and letting me pick her up. "I'm gonna kick your ass pretty boy!" She yelled as I threw her in. She popped out of the water swiftly. Her glasses and earrings had staid on, and she looked super pissed.

          Mary swam over to her and threw her arms around her twin's shoulders. Seeing them next to each other just showed how different they were. But when Kalee grudgingly smiled I could tell how much she actually liked her twin.

          People had been watching us, and I could feel my uncle's disapproving glare on Kalee. She swam to the edge and took off her shirt, earrings, and glasses. She tossed them all to my shirt. Her phone and book laid face down in her chair.

          She turned on me suddenly. "I warned you I would kick your ass." She said menacingly. "You forgot to mention you also think I'm pretty." She rolled her eyes at me. Just before she was about to jump on me Jisoo showed up.

          "Wanna come with me Jeonghan?" Kalee and Mary both turned in surprise. "Where?" I asked. He smile. "My dad forgot hot dog buns. I'm gonna run to the store." He said while dangling his keys. I smiled. "Sure." I moved past Kalee who was looking suspiciously between the two of us.

          I grabbed my dry shirt and a towel after heaving myself out of the pool. I threw my shirt on after hastily drying my upper body. I tousled my hair as we walked. Jisoo was quiet. He spun the keys on his finger and seemed to be trying to look anywhere else but at me.

          "Are you okay?" I asked as we neared his jeep. He smiled sheepishly and took awhile to actually meet my eyes. "Yeah I'm fine." He said. I stared. I didn't believe him, but I didn't feel like it was my place to push.

          "I'm just a little nervous leaving some of my friends there without me. I mean, I'm sure Kalee will keep an eye on them." He confided. I looked over at him in confusion. "Didn't you know? Kalee's bi. She has a crush on Cho. And me...but mostly Cho." He said. I blinked.

          "No. I didn't know."

A/N: So yeah I totally just named someone after a Harry Potter character, but I couldn't think of anything and I'm rereading The Order of The Phynix, so oh well. I hope you guys are liking this so far. Not really sure what I'm doing, but I'm starting to get ideas.                                                                                                                                                                                   ~Xoxo, Toxic

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