Bonds of Iron and Fire

By Erza_Dragneel_

70.3K 891 267

Little by little Natsu's starting to lose control. A dark side resides within him, but Erza will stand by his... More

The Darkside of the Flame
S-Class Lessons
Halloween Havoc
Acting Their Age
Rampaging Little Monsters
Hormonal Years
Team Natsu Back in Action
Explosive Tendencies
New Addition to the Family
A Little Fun and a Little Training
Meeting the guild and Family Vacation
Battle at the sea part 1 (1/3)
Battle at the Sea part 2 (2/3)
Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)
House Guest
Happy Days and Uncertain Futures
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p1
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2
A Fairy Hunter's New Beginning
Let The Hunt Begins
To Each Their Own Messes
Jailhouse Rock Part 1

A Brother and Sister Relationship

4K 55 28
By Erza_Dragneel_

"What's going on?" Natsu asked as he walked into the guild, with Erza at his side.

"Hey you two are back to normal." Cana smiled at the two.

"Yup. Happened last night." Natsu smiled back.

"Were you two together last night?" Cana teased.

"What are you reading Lucy?" Erza asked ignoring her question.

"Nothing." Lucy said as she hid a magazine behind her back.

"Dirty magazine." Natsu whispered to Erza, who nodded her head.

"What you do with your free time is none of our business, but I would appreciate if you read your dirty magazines in the comfort of your on home Lucy." Erza folded her arms under her chest.

"It's not dirty! It's Sorcerer Magazine!" Lucy shouted showing them proof.

But Natsu and Erza didn't answer, they just stared at the cover of the magazine in shock, while a light blush covered their faces. This wasn't the monthly issue magazine. It was a special. A special that announced Natsu and Erza's relationship. And the cover picture was one of them announcing their relationship. Which was announced by a long and passionate kiss.

"H-how did they..." Erza said through her shock.

"How they get that picture?" Natsu shouted.

"Don't know, but this whole magazine is all about you two." Lucy explained.

"Give me that." Natsu snatched the magazine and looked through. Erza walked up behind him and read from over his shoulder.

"How they got together...Why they got together...Will they get married...Has the Titania found her Oberon...Who hell is Oberon?" Natsu stopped reading and looked up from the magazine.

"It means king of the fairies." Erza supplied the answer.

"King of the fairies?" Natsu took up a thinking pose. "I like the sound of that."

"I as well." Erza smiled at him.

"(ugh) Don't tell me were gonna have to deal this everyday now?" Gray questioned.

"I think it's cute." Mira said.

"Continue reading." Erza suggested.

"Oh yeah. Let's see." Natsu mumbled. "Knight has tamed the dragon (snort) as if...blah, blah, blah...Dragon found his mate...Hey look at this. This article says why were the strongest wizard couple." Natsu pointed at the article.

"Quite reasonable." Erza nodded, as she read the reasons they gave.

"Hell yeah!" Natsu shouted, firing shouting out of his mouth. Erza just giggled at his reaction and continued reading, until something caught her attention.

"Exclusive interview with the couple next week?" Erza read. "I never agreed to such a thing. Did you Natsu?"

"Hell no! I hate that guy!" Natsu exclaimed.

"So who did?"

"I did." they turned around and saw Makarov walking towards them.

"What the hell old man! You can't just go signing us up for things!"

"I didn't seem the harm in it. After all if you are the strongest couple, shouldn't it come from your own mouths?" Natsu stopped the retort he was about to make and thought about what he said.

"All right we'll do it."

"(clears throat) I hope you two did not forget about me or my opinion on this matter?" Erza asked.

"Of course not." Makarov didn't miss a beat. "I'm sure your aware that since the Grand Magic Games Natsu has gathered quite a number of fan girls." said Makarov, causing Erza's eye to twitch. "So I saw this as your chance to show those girls he's yours."

"Hey where are we going?" Natsu asked as Erza dragged him by his scarf.

"If were going to do this interview were going to need new clothes." Erza explained.

"Oh ok. Levy were still on for later right?" Natsu asked her.

"Yup. I'll wait here for you." Levy answered. "Have fun shopping."

"Wait. What?" it finally dons on Natsu that he's going shopping. "Nooooooo!" Natsu screams as he grabs for something, but get's nothing, but air.

"On for what?" Gajeel asked trying to hide is growing jealousy.

"Once a month me and Natsu get together and catch up." she replied happily, unaware of his jealousy.

"That's stupid." Gajeel muttered.

"It's not stupid, your just a jerk." Levy yelled as she got up and left.

'Idiot.' the girls in the guild thought.
"I hate shopping." Natsu muttered as Erza was trying on different clothes.

"Hand me the next one." Erza ordered as she stuck out her hand from the changing room.

"Why do women take so long to buy clothes?" Natsu questioned, as he handed her a shirt. "You look fine in anything you wear, so just pick one."

"Fine isn't good enough, when your making a statement." Erza said, adamantly.

"I don't think we need to dress up just to say we're the strongest couple."

"I don't care about that." Erza put out her hand again.

"Then what statement are you talking about?" Natsu handed her another shirt.

"I plan on making it known that you're mine and if any whor- I mean women out there tries anything with you, they will meet an untimely demise." Erza stated.

"Yours? I not some object."

"This can also be your chance to say that I am yours, so you don't have to consistently ward off suitors." Erza explained, as she stuck her head out from the changing room.

"Try this on." Natsu suggested. He was really getting sick and tired of people hitting on her. Except that one time a girl hit on her.

Erza eyed the clothing making sure it wasn't anything weird. And to her surprise and delight it wasn't. The top consisted of a white tank top and a long sleeve, turtle neck, black sweater. The bottoms were a black and orange checkered skirt with black panty hose and boots.

"How do I look?" Erza twirled around, showing off her new look. Natsu could only gulp in response, which caused Erza to smirk. "I'll take it."

"Now let's find something for you." Erza said, as she dragged Natsu to the men's side of the store. "What about this? It similar to what you wear now, so there shouldn't be a problem." Erza asked, as she held up a long sleeved shirt with orange trimmings.

"I guess it's ok, but it covers up my Fairy Tail stamp." Erza solved that problem by tearing off the right sleeve.

"Now it doesn't." Erza smiled, ignoring the screams of the workers for tearing the clothes.

"All right." Natsu submitted as he took the shirt and went into a changing room.

"Here try these on." Erza hands him a pair black pants, that were similar to the one's he always wears.

"How do I look?" Natsu asked, as he walks out of the room.

"You look very handsome." Erza said, as she dragged him to a mirror.

"How sweet. Honey look at that couple, they match." a lady said to her husband. Erza and Natsu blinked then turned to the mirror.

"We do match." Erza smiled as she hugged Natsu's arm.

"Looks like it." Natsu looked at Erza's reflection and smiled. "What's wrong?" Natsu asked when he saw her frown.

"It's missing something." Erza replied, as she gathered her hair into a pony tail. "Can you get me an orange ribbon?"

"Here." Natsu said, as he returned with the ribbon. Erza tied her hair into a pony tail and looked at herself.

"Perfect. We should go now. You don't want to keep Levy waiting do you?"

"Oh yeah. You wanna come with us?"

"No. It's good for you two to spend time together. She's like a little sister to right?" she questioned, as they walked to the counter to purchase the clothes.

"Yeah. I guess so."

"Please, ever since we were kids you were so over protective of her." Erza rolled her eyes.

"That's because of of Jet and Droy made her cry!"


A young Natsu Dragneel ran through the streets of Magnolia, on his way towards the guild, until the sound of sobbing made him stop. He followed the noise and was led to the alley beside the guild.

"Levy? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Natsu asked as he kneeled down beside her.

"N-nothing." Levy lied as she wiped her tears.

"Then why are you crying?"

"B-because I'm weak."

"You're not weak!" Natsu shouted. "Who told you that?"

"Jet and Droy. I-I asked if they wanted to start a team and they said I was too weak."

"They're the ones that are weak! All Jet does is run into walls and Droy..... I don't even know what he does!"

"You really think I'm not weak?" Levy sniffed.

"Of course I do! You're strong and smart! Your probably the smartest person in the whole guild!" Natsu threw his hands in the air. "Wait here." Natsu stomped off towards the guild.


"Jet! Droy!" Natsu shouted, as he kicked the guild doors open.

"What?" they both answer.

"Bastards!" Natsu roared as he ran towards them and started beating the crap out of them.

"Natsu that's enough." Makarov stated, firmly as he grabbed him, with a giant hand. "What brought this on?"

"Those bastards made Levy cry!" Natsu struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Is this true?" Makarov turned to the two.

"No! All we said is that she's to weak to be on a team with." they defended.

"And now she's crying!" Natsu struggled harder.

"Natsu, calm down." Erza said and he did. "Now you two. Go apologize to her now." Erza glared at the two.

"And don't think you won't go unpunished." Makarov warned, the two retreating figures.
Levy walked into the guild, cheerful at the fact that she had formed Team Shadow Gear. She looked around for a head of pink hair and smiled when she saw it. Natsu was sitting with Erza telling her about Igneel, while she listened intently.

"Natsu?" Levy asked, as she walked up to him.

"Yeah?" Natsu turned to look at her. "Oh hey Levy. How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thank you." before Natsu could ask for what she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off. Natsu blinked with a slight blush on his cheeks, as he brought his hand up to his cheek.

"Jerk." Erza said, as she got up and left, leaving a confused Natsu.

'What the hell just happened?' Natsu asked inwardly.

flashback end

"Anyone makes you or Levy cry, I beat the crap out of them, simple as that."

"Awww. Our own little guard dragon." Erza hugged his arm and he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you so happy?"

"It's just nice to be able to walk down the street like this without worrying about anyone seeing us. Don't you think?" Erza questioned, as they approached the guild

"I guess so. Hey look there's Levy." Natsu pointed to her, as she waved at the pair.

"You're matching. How cute." Levy smiled.

"Thank you." Erza returned the smile.

"You ready?" Natsu asked.

"Yup." Levy watched as the two shared a kiss.

"What are you going to do? Natsu asked, when they parted.

"I think I'll spend some time with Rin.I really misjudged her."

"All right."

"You two have fun. And make sure you return him in one piece."

"Aye sir." Levy chirped, as she dragged Natsu off by his hand.

"So where to first?" Natsu questioned.

"The book store. There's this new book I wanna buy."

"It's not dirty is it?"

"No!" Levy pouted.

"Good. Do you think they have any books to help me study?"

"Reading and writing right?" Levy asked, he nodded. "Erza really beat studying into you didn't she?"

"You have no idea." Natsu rubbed the back of his head, where she would hit him if he got something wrong.

5 hours later

Natsu and Levy spent the day talking and going to various places all around Magnolia. Luckily for Natsu theu din't go shopping.

"So you and Erza huh?" Levy asked, as they sat down at an outdoor cafe.


"I always thought you two acted suspiciously. So how serious are you two?"

"Pretty serious. I mean were 'engaged to be engaged'." Natsu air quoted.

"Really?" Levy asked, gleefully.


"That's so great!" Levy jump over the table and gave him a big hug, causing the other people at the cafe to look at them.

"Ok. Ok. It's not that big of a deal. Calm down." Natsu pried her off him.

"Of course it is! Think about it! In a few years maybe even months, you two could be engaged. And then not long after that you'll be getting married. And then before you know it you'll have kids and I'll be an aunt!" Levy beamed at the idea.

"Uh sure." Natsu sweat dropped.

"Hmmm." Levy stared at him intently.

"What? Something on my face?"

"No. It's just normally a guy freaks out about, love, marriage and kids. But you seem fine."

"Maybe it's because I love like a dragon." Natsu shrugged his shoulders.

"I really don't need to know about your sex life." Levy gave a disgusted look, since she saw the two like siblings.

"That's not what I meant!" Natsu defended. "Geez. Those dirty books are ruining your head." Natsu pointed to his head, causing Levy to pout.


"What's wrong?" Natsu asked, when he saw her frown.


"You're lying." Natsu persisted.

"(sigh) It's just that..." Levy trailed off, losing the courage to talk.

"It's about Gajeel isn't?" Natsu finished, for her. "You like him, don't you?"

"How'd you-"

"Erza." Natsu cut her off.

"Oh." Levy sighed. "Why does he always act like a jerk? I thought he liked me."

"He doesn't like you. He loves you." Natsu informed her.

"What?" Levy gasped. "But then why-" she was cut off once again.

"Because he's scared." Natsu turned serious.

"Scared? Scared of what?"

"Love. We're all scared of it."


"Dragon Slayers."


"Because Dragon Slayers love like dragons love. Once in a lifetime. We don't love like humans do. Humans fall in and out of love. Sometimes you even love more then one person at the same time." Natsu continued. "But were different. We don't get more then one love. Once we fall in love, we're stuck in love."

"But I don't understand, what's so scary?"

"What happens if that person we love dies, or loves someone else, or doesn't feel the same way? We can't move on. Were stuck. Can you imagine what that feels like? Just thinking about it makes me sick." Natsu put his hand on his stomach. "So I can't really blame the guy for the way he acts. The only reason I confessed to Erza was because I was more scared of her dying without her ever knowing." Natsu confessed.

"I guess your right. Being able to only fall in love once is scary...So what do I do?" Levy looked up to the man, she saw as a big brother for advice.

"Tell him how you feel. Even if he's scared, he won't be able to hold back if he knows you fell the same way." after he said that Natsu started to sniff the air. "Another thing. Dragon Slayers are usually attracted to strong people." Natsu got up rustled her and left.

Natsu walked down the street and stopped by a man wearing trench coat. "Good luck." the man was Gajeel. "And if you hurt her, I'll crush you and make a sword out of you for Erza." with that said Natsu left for the guild.

Fairy Tail

"Guess who?" Natsu smiled, as he covered Erza's eyes.

"Your hands are awfully warm Gray." Erza teased.

"What? What the hell is he doing touching you?" Natsu roared.

"Calm down Natsu. I was only joking." she giggled.

"Better have been." Natsu took a seat beside her.

"Oh." Erza raised an eyebrow. "And what would you have done if I wasn't?"

"I would've shoved my flaming foot up his ass!" Natsu firmly stated.

"What was that birthday candle?" Gray tore off his shirt.

"You heard me, you sensitive snow flake!" Natsu stoop up.

"It's go time!" Gray charged at him.

"Bring it bitch!" Natsu also charged.

"Uh. Erza aren't you gonna stop them?" Lucy questioned as Natsu dragged Gray along a table.


"But why not now?"

"This is how they bond and show their brotherly love for each other." Erza took a bite out of her cake.

"I don't love him!" Natsu shouted.

"Yeah me either!" Gray agreed.

"Don't listen to them." Erza took another bite of cake. "They're just to shy to admit it."

"Screw this! I'm outta here!" Gray stomped out of the guild, tripping as he tried to take off his pants.

"Whatever. I'm thirsty. Mira can I get a drink?" Natsu sat next to Erza, once again.

Lucy stared at Erza in wonder. One of two things just happened. One was Erza was right and that was their way of bonding. Or Erza found out a new way to stop their fighting without getting up. Maybe even both.

They spent the next hour talking about various things until Levy walked into the guild, a smile evident on her face.

"Hey Natsu." Levy walked up to him.

"So it went well?"

"Yup. Thank you." Levy chirped, then she leaned closer and just like they were little give him a kiss on her cheek and left.

"What was that all about?" Erza lifted an eyebrow.

"Just told her about the whole Dragon-Slayer love thing." Natsu took a sip of his drink.

"So then she and Gajeel?"

"Looks like it."

"Look at you my little cupid." Erza giggled slightly, when Natsu glared at her.

"So you two are really gonna do the interview?" Lucy questioned.

"Yes. Master was right. I need to put those fan girls in their place." Erza stated firmly.

"And I'm sick of guys hitting on her!" Natsu yelled.

"You two are the jealous types aren't you?" Lucy asked and was answered by glares from the two.

"What are doing? Don't anger the beast." Cana whispered and the rest of the guild nodded.

1 Week Later

"Coooooool!" Jason roared as he stepped into the guild.

"Bear with it Natsu." Erza put a hand on the growling Dragon-Slayers shoulder.

"I really hate this guy."

"I know."

"You two are matching! How coooool!" Jason shouted, causing Natsu's restraint to lessen.

"I suggest you keep your 'cools' until the interview is over." Erza suggested.

The interview went on without incident thanks to Erza being a master at calming down Natsu. The questions were rather predictable. They were asked how long they loved each other. They answered the same "As long as they could remember." Which earned awws from the girls in the guild. After the questions were done he asked if they had anything to say.

"Yeah I have something to say." Natsu stood up. "If any guy hits on or touches Erza I'll burn them alive!" Natsu roared, shooting fire out of his mouth. "Also if any couple thinks they're stronger then us were right here so bring it!"

'So cooool!'

"I would like to say something as well." Erza cleared her throat, her aura started out calm then turned deadly.

5 minutes later

"That's all." Erza sat back down.

The guild members were completely silent after they heard what Erza said. They were in complete shock and fear. The things she said she would do if any bitche's touched Natsu was to much for even their ears. Even Natsu was turned white like a ghost. The only one spared from the verbal apocalypse was Wendy. And that was all thanks to two things. One was that Carla had a premonition mere seconds before it happened and that Carla was willing to sacrifice herself to cover Wendy's ears. Hell even the cheerful Mavis was stunned into silence. But Erza just went on as if she didn't say the most disturbing and violent things.

"I-I-I gotta go." Jason stuttered fearfully, before he ran away. 'So not Cooool!'

It took the guild a few hours but they eventually starting moving and talking albeit very slowly and fearfully.

'The councils going kill me when that gets out.' Makarov began to cry.

3 Hours later

"Natsu will you look at me?" Erza said, to Natsu who was laying down on the bed his back to her.

"I don't want to."

"You're overreacting Natsu."

"Overreacting!" Natsu turned around. "You said the most scariest things I ever heard! I can't believe you would do that to human beings!"

"As long as those Bitches keep their hands off you I won't need to." Erza did not think she said anything wrong.

"Well I don't think you have to worry about that now."

"I would hope so." Erza sighed when Natsu turned away from her again. "Ok. What do I have to do to get you to look at me?" Erza asked, as she hugged Natsu from behind.

"Promise me you'll never do that to anyone."

"Ok. I'll never do that to anyone." Erza sighed.

"Promise?" Natsu turned to face her.

"I really think you're overreacting, but yes I promise." Erza conceded, as she gave him a kiss. "But I will still use it as a threat. Judging by yours and the guilds reaction it seemed rather effective."

"Deal." Natsu knew when to take what he can get from her.

"Now that, that's over I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

"Well...I was wondering...since everyone knows that we're together...if you want to..." Erza wasn't sure why she was so nervous about this. They were engaged to be engaged after all.

"Want to what?" Natsu was extremely confused to as why she was acting so shy.

"If you want to move in together." Erza said quickly.

"Sure." Natsu simply stated.

"Really?" Erza questioned.

"Yeah. Was that why you were acting so weird?" Natsu asked, a smile on his face.

"Well guys usually don't handle commitment well." Erza explained. "And I wasn't sure how you would."

"Levy said the same thing." Natsu recalled the conversation from earlier, then started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Erza looked up at him.

"When Levy told me what you said and I told her it was probably because I love like a dragon and she said she didn't need to know about our sex life." Natsu shook his head. "Of course I told her we didn't do that yet." he quickly told her, but she didn't hear the last part. Erza was too busy wondering what sex with Natsu would be like, causing her to blush madly.

"Erza? You ok?" Natsu waved a hand in front of her face.

"Huh? Oh yes I'm fine." Erza woke from her thoughts. "I actually wasn't done talking to you about us moving in together."

"What else is there to talk about?" Natsu raised an eyebrow.

"Well I don't think this place is big enough to hold all my things." Erza explained the next part a little shyly. "Also if we have kids-"

"When. When we have kids." Natsu cut her off, assuring her that he wanted kids.

Erza smiled at him and continued in a much calmer state. "When we have kids, I don't think this place is big enough. If they're anything like you they're going to need a lot of room to run around. I want a home where they can run around and you can rough house with them. And we need room for that."

"What are you saying?" Natsu sat up.

"I think we need to move into a bigger place." Erza also sat up.

"What? I thought you liked living in the forest!"

"I do like living in the forest. It's peaceful here. It's like me and you, and Happy..."

"Aye sir!" Happy shouted, from the foot of the bed.

"Have our own little world." Erza continued.

"Then why do you want to move into the town?"

"I never said that." Erza defended herself. "I was going to say that maybe we should build a new place."

"But me and Happy built this place! I don't want to tear it down."

"Aye sir!" Happy agreed.

"(sigh) Once again I never said that. I was thinking more along the lines of building a new house. I found a clearing not to far from her that would be perfect." Erza explained.


"I was also hoping we could get the guild to help us."

"But what would we do with this place?"

"We could give it to Happy. After all him and Carla have been getting along rather well. You never know when they'll need it for their own family." Erza smirked, at the blushing Happy. "So what do you think?"

"Hmmmm. Sounds good." Natsu smiled at her causing Erza to pounce on him and kiss him all over. "Ok, ok. I didn't know it meant that much to you." Natsu had the biggest smile on his face.

"I'm going to go sleep in the living room." Happy flew away, a look on his face that belonged to a kid who saw his parents kissing.

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