The Coffee Girl (Diall Fanfic)

By nxrmalisboring

62.1K 1.7K 482

"I didn't get your name" "And you're not going to" Small town girl Demi Lovato meets Niall Horan of One Direc... More

The Coffee Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
read please
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

1.4K 58 17
By nxrmalisboring


*Demi's POV*

I know nightmares aren't necessarily supposed to be a good thing, but I am actually really happy I had this one. It made me realize something that I would never have realized without it, something that would change my life forever.

I'm in love with Niall Horan


*Demi's POV*

Waking up the next day I thought back to what happened yesterday, it was strange. The day started out wonderful, a boat ride and a picnic,

Niall kissed me,

but that's something to talk about at a different time. After that we made s'mores at a bonfire and I went surfing with Liam and Louis, I fell in the water and engulfed a large amount of water, but overall that was really fun. When I went to go and put my suit back, I ran into Brad who was trying to take me home with him, that never happened. Lastly, on the way back to the hotel, I fell asleep and had a really weird dream, um- nightmare.

That scared the crap out of me, but at the same time, I was really glad I had it. I realized something really important, I'm in love with Niall Horan.

I got up out of bed and went into the kitchen to see the five boys and Ariana sitting in their, talking and eating breakfast.

"Morning Demz, have a good sleep," Ariana chirped happily. I made my way over to the seat next to hers and sat down, yawning.

"Yeah, it was okay. Better than the one in the car." I let out a slight laugh, trying to laugh away the memory of the nightmare. But there's the one problem, I don't think I ever will.

"You sure you don't want to talk about it?" Niall popped into the conversation.

"Um, yeah. I'm positive, it just shook me up a little, but I'll be fine overall." I answered, lying completely. I won't be fine from this, this will haunt me for a while. I looked up to see Niall staring at me suspiciously. I shrugged it off and started to eat the breakfast that was in front of me.

"Can we go somewhere today? I know we spent all day out yesterday but I don't feel like spending the day inside today either. Or at least not inside this hotel." Louis complained, his eyes lighting up as he saw the six of us agree to his words one by one.

"Sure, but where should we go?" I asked curiously, not wanting to go to a place that would be packed with too many people.

"We could go to the beach, there's a beach that not many people go to so it won't be crowded, why not?" I looked around to see everyone agreeing that it was a good idea. I guess he had a point, as long as the beach isn't packed, then what harm could be done from going there. Everyone could use another beach day, beaches are very relaxing.

He saw everyone agree until they were all staring at me, wondering why I haven't agreed to the beach idea yet, "Well, I'm fine with going to the beach. As long as there aren't a lot of people there."

Everyone cheered once I finished my sentence and the boys went into their rooms as Ariana dragged me into our room.

Ariana got changed into a cute blue bikini with white polka dots all over it while I decided to just go plain today and slipped on a plain brownish strapless bikini. (picture to the side)

"Hey Demi" Ariana spoke up as I was slipping into my flip flops, getting ready for the hopefully relaxing day ahead of me.

"Yeah Ari?"

"What was your nightmare about?" She wrapped her hand around my wrist and pulled me over to her bed as we sat across from each other, facing one another.

I sighed loudly and decided that now was a better time than ever to tell her what the nightmare was about, to get it all done and over with. She wouldn't stop bugging me till I told her anyway, "Well."

"Well?" She pushed on.

"It started while I was in the car after the incident at the beach. I dreamed that I woke up and only Harry was awake out of the seven out of us, especially since he was driving. When we got to the hotel, there was no one. No paparazzi, no screaming fans, absolutely no one. Harry told me that this was a lucky streak and to wake you all up, which we did, and go inside. As we were walking I asked everyone to listen, you said you heard nothing, and that was exactly it! There was absolutely nothing to hear! That freaked me out, as we went inside the hotel, there still was no noise, no people, nothing besides the seven of us walking towards the elevator. I shrugged it off and took a shower before going to bed. I was shaken awake by something, but no one was there. It was about three in the morning and you weren't in your bed, which I thought was odd. I then went to the kitchen to see if anyone was in there but was stopped when I heard a scream. After hearing it a second time, but louder, I determined it was coming from Niall's room. Opening the door, I saw all of you tied up and Brad standing in front of you all. I gasped which caused Brad to look at me, he held me up against the wall and threatened me. Told me it was too late to stay alive, he knew I didn't want him. When I thought that he was going to kill me, he ended up killing Niall. He sliced my leg with a knife and was about to shoot me with the same gun he shot Niall with, but as he pulled the trigger, I woke up." I finished with tears running down my face.

Looking up, I saw Ariana having tears threatening to pour down her face. She had a look of worry and concentration on her face and it confused me all so much, why was Ariana crying?

"You okay Ari?"

"Um, yeah. It's just that-" She stopped, trying to stop crying. But that just made her end up crying two times harder than when she was before.

"Hey, it's all okay. Why are you crying?" I asked, getting more worried by the second. What was bothering her so much that she was crying this badly.

"It's just," She paused, taking a deep breath so she was able to talk. "I had the same dream a couple days ago. Just instead of Brad, it was my ex boyfriend Tyler and it was Harry and I in place of Niall and you."

Wow, she had the same dream as I did a day or two before I had it. Is that supposed to mean something?

"It's okay Ariana," I hugged her as she finally calmed down and the tears stopped. "You must be really shaken up but you have to remember in the end that it was just a silly nightmare. The only thing that is scaring me now is that we both had the same dream, doesn't that seem a little fishy to you?"

"It does, but lets worry about this a little later today. Right now, lets go to the boys who are probably getting mad at us for waiting this long and have a nice, fun and relaxing day at the beach."

"You're right, let's go" We stood up and walked out into the living room to see five annoyed boys. "You five all right?"

"Not really, we've been waiting for you two for twenty minutes." Louis complained, "What took you two so long?"

"Well you know you could've came in and got us, we were just having a conversation" I stated in a 'duh' tone.

"That's what took you two so long? You were having a CONVERSATION!? Why couldn't you talk in the car?" He said, getting a little mad but you could easily tell he was joking the whole time he spoke his sentence.

"It was private! You five weren't and still aren't aloud to hear it!" I said exasperated, people do need privacy sometimes and not be crowded all the time.

"What was-"

Louis started his sentence, about to sass me off before Liam broke in the middle, "Okay you two! Fight in the car on the way to the beach! Lets at least get going."

We both mumbled a sorry as the other four tried, but failed, to stifle a laugh. We all headed out of the suite and into the elevator on our way down. As we got halfway to the lobby, Ariana and I looked at each other simultaneously and grabbed our sunglasses from our shared bag that I was carrying.

"What are you two doing? We're indoors." Niall asked confused as to why we were slipping the sunglasses over our eyes.

"Don't you hear that?" Ariana said in a duh tone, speaking up for the first time since we had our little talk in our shared bedroom.

"Hear what?"

"The screaming of the fans, the flashing of the cameras and the yelling of the large men with large cameras. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be blinded by flashes from every direction." Ariana sassed.

The five boys looked at us, then at each other before quickly slipping their sunglasses over their eyes.

As the elevator doors opened, the cameras went off faster and the screams got louder. Niall pulled me towards him and Harry pulled Ariana towards him. I felt Niall's arm slip around my waist before I was guided out into the crowd with Niall clinging tight to my side.

Walking through the crowd, I was once again pushed and pulled at. It got worse this time though, the people pulled harder, they screamed louder, this all finally got so bad that Niall and I had to stop where we were and wait for security to come meet us to take us the rest of the way to the car waiting out front.

I buried my head in the crook of Niall's neck as I heard hurtful words being flung at me from every which way. Niall's grip got tighter and we rocked back and forth slightly as I tried to tune all the hurtful words around me out.

Niall called my name and I looked up to see security getting through the crowd quickly and smoothly, on the way straight towards the two of us.

I smiled up at Niall, happy that we were getting out of this crowd soon. Watching the security get so much closer with every passing second.

I felt someone's hand push on my back, I looked behind me to just see a bunch of screaming fans. I felt another hand push against my back, but before I had the time to look back again, I was elbowed and I fell to the ground.

My bag smashed against the ground and some of the stuff poured out. I started to quickly grab all of Ariana's and my items and get it back into our bag.

Getting off the floor, security finally got to the two of us and started to spread the crowd a bit. Before we went to head off to the car outside of the hotel, I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw a man with a giant smile on his face.

He leaned in a bit closer, "I saw that this dropped out of your bag and you didn't pick it up." He spoke and held up a container of sunblock. I smiled gratefully at him and took it out of his hands, thanking him. He gave me a small head nod and turned around, disappearing in the large crowd.

I felt Niall's hand slip back around my waist and we followed the security guards out of the hotel to the front, then into the car where everyone else was waiting for us.

"How is it possible that you all always get through so easily and we have a hard time?" I asked getting into the car, then Niall and he shut the door.

The car drove away to the beach as everyone just shrugged their shoulders. I ignored them and let my head rest on Niall's shoulder, already exhausted from the little incident that just happened. I felt a little pain in the middle of my back, but other than that, everything was okay.


We arrived at the beach and one by one, we all got out of the car. Ariana and I took off straight for the sand to lay down and tan.

Looking for a perfect spot, I saw that there was barely anybody on the beach. And the people who were here didn't care about us, they just thought we were normal people, finally.

I laid my stuff down next to Ariana's and pulled my dress over my head to reveal my bikini. The boys all took their shirts off and threw them next to our towels along with their bags and towels. Louis said they were going to go out to the water as they all ran towards the vast blue ocean.

Ariana and I sat on our towels and started to put sunblock on each other as a figure blocked the sun. We stopped what we were doing to look up and see a smiling Zayn standing there, "Do you mind if I join you two with sun bathing?"

We looked at each other as our smiles grew, he was too cute, "Of course you can Zayn! Why wouldn't you be able to?"

"I don't know, just figured I ask" He shrugged and laid on his back on his towel after laying it out. I covered my mouth for a minute to contain my giggles.

After I was sure I wasn't going to laugh at him, I turned back to Ariana and finished putting sunblock on her.

Ariana and I laid down on our back and started to let the sun heat up our skin as we relaxed. What felt like about ten minutes later, I looked over to Ariana to see her sound asleep, then over to Zayn to see him the same, sleeping.

I sighed, sitting up and grabbing my bag, looking for my cell phone to check the time.

I rustled through the whole bag, when I couldn't find it, I started to get worried. I dumped all the contents of the bag out onto the towel in front of me and went through each item one through one.

Still no phone.

I continued to look around when a voice startled me, "Demz?" Ariana's groggy voice spoke up, indicating that she just woke up, that I woke her up.

"I'm so sorry Ari, I didn't mean to wake you up. You can go back to bed now; I'll be more quiet, sorry again."

"Well I'm already up, so what's up?" She said, sitting up. She noticed all of our stuff dumped out of the bag, "And why are all of our things dumped on your towel?"

"You were sleeping and so was Zayn, I didn't want to bug you two just to see what time it was, so I decided to check myself on my own phone."


"And? The problem is, I CAN'T FIND MY PHONE!" I said, my voice getting a little louder towards the end of the sentence.

"Woah, what? What do you mean you can't find your phone?" Ariana asked, more alert now.

"I mean, it's not here! It's gone!"

"Did you check through the bag completely? All the side pockets and everything?"

"Yes, I did. Three times!" I said, panicking more by the second.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's going on here, is everything alright?" Harry questioned as the four boys came up to us and saw our worried and panicked faces. Ariana and I looked up at them;

"My phone is gone"


AN: Another chapter for everybody :D Your welcome.

What do you think happened to Demi's phone? Why do you think it's so important to Demi and Ariana that she lost it?

20 votes for the next chapter :P Sorry, not sorry.



and maybe even fan?

Love you guys ^-^

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