By JueTheWitch

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Sequel to My Other Half. ❝ What the plague. ❞ ❝ Stop giving me that look, Wayzz. ❞ Trixx and Wayzz are e... More

Prologue: Consequences
Chapter 1. Returned
Chapter 2. Already Here
Chapter 3. Lonely
Chapter 4. Debut
Chapter 5. Birth
Chapter 6. First Impressions
Chapter 7. Insecurities
Chapter 8. The Perfect Day
Chapter 9. Protected
Chapter 10. Real
Chapter 11. 1945
Chapter 12. Alya
Chapter 13. Conflict
Chapter 15. Shield
Chapter 16. Hunch
Chapter 17. Him
Chapter 18. WHAT
Chapter 19. Cheater cheater pumkin eater
Chapter 20. Trixx
Chapter 21. Fate-bound
Chapter 22. Dark
Chapter 23. Corrupted
Chapter 24. Wayzz
Epilogue: The End

Chapter 14. Complicated

618 32 147
By JueTheWitch

Alya's POV

I peered down around at the roof top, looking this way and that. Of course, I wasn't waiting for Jade Turtle, I was just curious where he would be. I swung my legs around at the edge of the Eiffel Tower, looking down on Paris. 

"It's dangerous here, vixen," his familiar voice reprimanded me. 

I flung around, smiling. Why was I smiling anyways? I screwed my face into a frown. 

"You're dangerous," I snapped. I stood up and looked down at the bottom. Unlike the other heroes, I had no way of transporting. Maybe I had flying powers but I didn't know it! 

"No," Jade Turtle said, grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. "I know exactly what you're thinking and it's not going to work." 

I looked at his hazel eyes, finding myself being drowned in his aura once more. I took a big sigh and immediately covered it up with a cough. 

Silence enveloped us. I have to say something before it gets awkward! 

"Hey, the other day I met Nino Lahiffe," I blurted out. 

Jade Turtle raised an eye brow. "Yeah, I know that dude. He's pretty cool." 

"Anyways," I shrugged it off. "He had said something bad about me and he wanted to apologize for it. I think it's really nice of him to do that but I'm still kinda mad at him." 

"That's sweet of him," Jade Turtle said as he sat down next to me. 

"Hey, you know Alya? The excited high school reporter?" I said. "Well she was hurt big time because of Nino. I mean, how would you feel if someone trash-talked your idol behind your back." 

"Really bad, I guess," Jade Turtle sighed. 

"Exactly! She felt depressed, moody, and stupid all day!" I said, flinging my hands up. "That's not something you want to feel. Especially when your period is coming up!" 

Jade Turtle blinked and momentarily turned pink. 

Aww, he was so cute—wait, what? 

"Yeah but Nino probably didn't try to do it on purpose," Jade Turtle defensively said. "I mean, maybe he was trying to defend his own idol or something. You shouldn't judge people like that." 

"I guess," I shrugged. "But then, I wasn't there so I have no idea, of course." 

"Mmhm," he nodded enthusiastically. "Same." 

I looked down at my orange-booted feet. "Hey, look orange and green go pretty good together," I cried as I placed my hand on his arm to compare the colors. Immediately, I felt a flush of sparks fluttering inside my body. 

"Yeah it's pretty cool," Jade Turtle agreed as he looked down. "And bro, look at the contrast." 

Okay, unless this kid has that super fashion-obsessed friend that cares about the contrast of colors all the time, or he is that kid, this is weird. I could even feel weird fluttering in my stomach. 

I looked at him, for the first time, we were actually talking instead of arguing with each other. It felt nice. 

He looked at me and our eyes locked for some moments. 

"Hey," he said, leaning closer. My heart raced faster. "You got an eye lash here." He reached out and brushed my face, sending more ripples of exhilaration. Then he pulled back with a satisfied smile. 

"O-Oh thanks," I stuttered, touching my face where he had touched. 

"Hey, can I ask you for some advice?" Jade Turtle asked. "I know a friend that has a similar personality as you. So . . . what makes girls like you happy?" 

"Marvel movies!" I immediately shot back. "They're the best! Oh and food! Or anything edible in that matter." Then I looked at the are-you-kidding-me face on him and added, "Girls usually like when guys do stuff and doesn't care about their ego." 

"How does any guy kick their ego to the curb that easily?" 

"If it was easy, there wouldn't be any single girls," I said, waving my arms around in a duh voice. "Some boys can have that ego the size of a moon." 

Jade Turtle raised an eye brow, rolling his eyes. "Yep and my name's Christopher Columbus." 

"Oh look there you are!" 

I looked down to see Chat noir waving his hands around like wild fanatic. He swiveled his baton around and swiftly jumped up to where we were with a smirk. "Oh did I just ruin your first date?" he joked. 

My face blushed and I was so glad that I had a mask on me. 

"Where's Ladybug?" I asked immediately. 

"I'm not her personal stalker, okay? But she's probably in her civilian form, doing something stupid like . . . sewing," Chat noir said, shrugged. Then he fist-bumped Jade Turtle with a grin. "How you doing?" 

"Good, thanks man," he smiled. His smile was dazzling. 

"Hey, have you guys watched the new Marvel movie?" Chat noir asked. 

"Yes," both me and Jade Turtle answered at the same time. He looked at me with a smile. "It was amazing," I added eagerly. 

"Eh, was it?" Chat noir grinned. "I wanted to take my lady sometime." 

"Bring lots and lots of money," I advised. "If you don't want to be broke. But always remember that a girl has spare money all the time. She just wants to see if the guy would be willing to pay for her." 

Jade Turtle expression told me that some realization dawned to him. 

And that's when my realization dawned to me: Trixx told me to stay away from Jade Turtle as much as possible! What if she's screaming in agony right now from the contact? Is that why my body frizzes every time I touch him? 

I took a step back, closer to the edge. 

"What?" he asked quizzically. 

"My Kwami told me to stay away from you because we—" I gestured between Jade Turtle and me. "—have some sort of repelling forces. So I have to stay away from you." 

Jade Turtle raised an eye brow and shrugged. "If you say so." Then he glanced at his non-existent watch and said, "I have to go. Bye!" And then he leaped off the ledge and into the Paris's darkness. 

Immediately Chat noir seized the chance. "You like him," he pointed out. 

I incredulously looked at him and blushed furiously. Gosh, I'm thankful for this mask. "No," I said, a little too quickly. "What makes you think I'm in love with that shell-face?" 

"Um, I don't know, maybe the way you sigh happily when you see him smile?" Chat noir said, rolling his eyes. Then he squatted down. "Hey, it's okay, I know all about having a one-sided love." 

"You do?" I said, my eyes twinkling. 

Chat noir scratched his head. "Er, you know, I kinda had that and I stole her heart in the end." He grinned, pridefully. 

"How did you do that?" I asked, eagerly. 

"Er . . . you just have to be the guy she likes. Or I mean, he like in your case." 

I sighed, "Easier said than done." Then I stood up and brushed away the dirt from my knee. "I've gotta go, nice talking to you, love cat." 

Chat noir waved as I jumped off the ledge and stepped into the alley, de-transforming. "Tails in." 

 As Trixx was sent sprawling to the alleyway, I watched with concern as she leaned on the wall and breathed unevenly, cold sweat trickling down her forehead. 

"Are you alright?" I questioned. 

"I told you," Trixx said, wiping her brow. "Stay away from Jade Turtle." 

"What did he do exactly?" I asked, crossing my arms. 

Trixx looked down at her hairs, her pigtails flinging. "Either your Jade Turtle has recently performed magic to prevent anything harmful from him or Wayzz is shielding my powers off his essence." 

There was a pause. 

"Or," Trixx said, standing up with an aghast expression. Her lips curved into an-almost smirk, which is the creepiest sort of smirks, the bittersweet type. "Maybe I just got weaker." 

"Aww, come on," I cooed, smiling. "You're not weak at all." 

Trixx fixed her posture, biting her lower lip. "I'll have to talk to Wayzz about this, sooner or later," she muttered as she walked straight into darkness with a shimmering orange light and disappeared. 

Man, I wish I was a Kwami. 


I whipped around. 

"Oh hey, Nino Lahiffe, what're you doing in this part of the city?" I raised an eye brow. 

"Same goes for you," Nino rolled his eyes. "Because I think there's something called a 'home' in the other direction?" Then he added, "I had unfinished business here." 


"Well, finished now," Nino said, raising his hands. "And by the way, I need to get my money back." His eyes were determined and feisty. "I know you had money the other day, Alya." 

Oh crap. 

How did he figure out my secret? 

"Umm, no," I calmly answered. "Do I looked like a rich kid to you? If I was, I would've watched movies everyday; and besides, I don't have the money with me now, for real." I put an alluringly innocent face. 

Nino rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say," he mumbled. 

Then he started walking past me. 

"Hey," I yelled behind him. "Don't we walk in the same direction?" 

"Yeah, new unfinished business," Nino said. "I have to get money from Adrien to buy lunch tomorrow! My parents are on this re-honeymoon." 

"Okay," I quipped as I fished out some bucks from my pockets and shoved it into his hands. "Now, walk me home." 

Nino looked at me incredulously as he tucked the money in. 


Wayzz's POV

I watched the two lovebirds walk down the dark alley on top of the roof top. Man, if no one gets those two together, I'm going to make sure they do. Like Plagg and Tikki. I seriously need some credit for that. 

"I hate you," someone menacingly whispered behind me and shoved me. 

I would've plummeted to my death if I wasn't a Kwami. I twirled around, facing a pissed Trixx, her violet eyes swirling with emotions. 

"It's mutual," I shrugged nonchalantly, keeping my face neutral. "What do you want?" 

Trixx stared down at her palm where she had touched me, where the flesh was turning red. She gritted her teeth and glared at me. "Did you put a shield off your essence?" 

"Might have," I shrugged. 

"I hate you even more now," she breathed. "You know how much it drains energy from me! Just because I'm not in your good books now, you just decide to torment me? Where's the wise and logical Wayzz? This definitely isn't wise or logical! You're endangering my hero!" 

I crossed my arms, cocking my head. "Who stopped time again?" I raised an eye brow. "And your hero stays out of this. This is between Kwamis. I'm just making sure that when that danger comes, you and I won't be back-stabbing each other." 

"By back-stabbing now?" Trixx flung her hands. "Oh my plague, Wayzz what is wrong with you?" 

"I'm the same man I've always been," I explained, steely. 

Trixx pursed her lips. She marched up forward, dangerously close to me. She glazed into my emerald eyes, firm confidence inside. 

She kicked me. 

I stumbled back, inwardly in pain. 

"Come on, cry," Trixx demanded. "You're too emotionless Wayzz. You can't relate to any of the Kwamis about anything, especially me." 

"I do relate," I grimaced. "I'm very social, you know?" 

"So what?" Trixx smirked. "It's not the real you. I've only seen snaps and glimpses of the real you, Wayzz. Let your true self come out." 

I stayed still. 

Trixx kicked me once more. 

She was a good kicker, let me just say that. 

"You're a faker," Trixx yelled at me. "You fake your personality, you fake your powers, you fake everything! What have I've been talking to? A fake Wayzz?" She rubbed her forehead in distress. 

I just stood there, waiting for her to bring it all out. 

"Hey, you know what?" Trixx released a hysterical laughter. "Why don't we all be fake like Wayzz! Just hide your emotions, have that stupid smug smile on your face always and look like you're important!" 

She kicked me a final time. 

"I hate you," she snapped. Then she leaped off the ledge. 

I stood up, staring after her, rubbing my temples. 

Trixx drove me crazy. 


Plagg's POV

"It's Tuesday!" Nino groaned again. "I mean, out of all seven days of the week, it just had to be Tuesday!" 

"Do I need to explain the 'week' again?" I mumbled to myself, rolling my eyes. 

"Hi, Nino. Hi, Patrick," Trixx came up smiling. Whoa. Trixx is smiling? I should probably take a photo and keep it in Master Fu's room. Trixx hardly ever smiles. Usually, it's more like half-heartened smirks. 

"Hi, Trixie," I said nervously. 

"I decided to be fake today!" Trixx announced. 

I raised an eye brow. "Am I supposed to clap?" 

Trixx ignored my comment. "I'm going to be smiling stupidly all day and be unrealistically nice! I'll also be that VIP in every mall." She fake-smiled and twirled around in the air. "Good morning, guys!" 

Wayzz appeared beside me, whispering, "Don't ask." 

"Oh look, it's my most favorite person on the earth!" Trixx gleefully exclaimed. "Wayne!" 

Oh my plague, someone needs to stop this thing. 

"Are you alright?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder with concern. Wayzz slightly stiffened beside me. 

"Of course!" Trixx said, bouncing up the alleyways. "See you lovelies later!" 

Lovelies? Trixx seriously needs to go to the doctor. 

"What happened?" I hissed in Wayzz's ears as I pulled him back from Nino. "What did you do to her?" 

"I casted a simple shield," Wayzz whispered back. "Tikki told me to. Because of our past conflict, she thinks it's best not to put the two of us together." 

"Tikki said that?" I asked once more. 

"Yeah," Wayzz confirmed. "I didn't really have a choice to be disagreeable when Tikki is directly ordering me." 

"Do you disagree?" 

Wayzz shrugged and I watched him put his mask back on. "I don't think I have a opinion on this anyway," he answered smoothly. Then he flickered the subject. "But Trixx got mad because it drained the power out of her since it was a one-sided shield." 

"Tikki didn't ask Trixx to cast a shield?" I asked again. 

Wayzz shrugged. "I'm guessing she was planning to do it but never got the chance since Trixx disappeared yesterday." 

Ugh. Trixx. 

"Okay, I'm going to catch her," I cried. 


Nino's POV

"Do you know what happened to Trixie?" Alya asked, leaning in close. I almost jumped up. 

"You scared the crap out of me, woman," I sputtered, trying to keep myself from turning radish red. I quickly added, "And no, I don't know why she is acting like that." 

Alya shrugged. "Oh and you got sunburnt right there." Then she disappeared. 

It's not called 'sunburnt', Alya. It's called a turning red because I like you. 

Holy crap, please tell me I did not just say that out loud. 

Panicked, I stared around. 

Adrien caught my eye, looking confused. I gripped him by the arm and hissed in his ear, "Did I just say something out loud?" 

"Yeah, you said 'It's called turning red—'," Adrien started, and I clapped my hand over his mouth. 

"Whatever you just heard, you forgot," I furiously whispered. Then I snapped my fingers in hopes of miraculously performing hypnotism. 

Adrien  knitted his eye brows together and looked at me. "Hey, it's alright I already knew that you liked Alya." Then he winked. 

I looked at him, wide-eyed. 

"How?" I stammered, incredulous. If Adrien—aka the densest guy on earth—knew, then I'm pretty sure the whole world knows!

"I didn't know it," Adrien shrugged. "But Patrick told me. He told me how the most densest people on earth were put in one class room, me being the king of them. You're the densest guy after me!" His smile told me that he probably had no idea that this was an insult. 

"And . . . ?" 

"Oh, he said he could see the future and told me that you and Alya were destiny!" Adrien made this weird hand gesture. 

"Okay, whatever happens, don't tell anyone else," I growled as I abandoned him and yanked Patrick away from Tyler, who looked concerned. 

"What!" Patrick protested. 

"The densest guy on earth after Adrien?" I snarled, scowling at him. 

"Oh, Adrien told you?" Patrick smiled. 

"Forget that," I cried, flinging my hands. "Me and Alya? Who else did you tell that to?" 

"Umm," Patrick said. "Adrien, Tyler, Marinette, Wayne, Trixie." He held up five fingers with a proud smile. 

I rolled my eyes. "You're the densest guy after me!" I yelled. "You don't sell out people's personal information like that! What if someone like Chloe hears that?" 

"Oh, I ship her too," Patrick said proudly. "Ever heard of Cashcan?" He wiggled his eye brows. 

"Okay, whatever happens, don't ever tell my personal information to other people," I threatened with a low voice. "Especially to Alya. If you do . . ." I thought fast. "I'm not letting you eat my cheese." 

Patrick's eyes opened wide. "I promise," he solemnly said. 

I heaved a sigh of relief. "Do you really see the future?" 

Patrick winked. 

I hated him. 

I don't even know what was that. Please vote, comment, and share! 

#qotd: fav song? 


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