Bonds of Iron and Fire

By Erza_Dragneel_

70.3K 891 267

Little by little Natsu's starting to lose control. A dark side resides within him, but Erza will stand by his... More

The Darkside of the Flame
S-Class Lessons
Halloween Havoc
Acting Their Age
Rampaging Little Monsters
A Brother and Sister Relationship
Team Natsu Back in Action
Explosive Tendencies
New Addition to the Family
A Little Fun and a Little Training
Meeting the guild and Family Vacation
Battle at the sea part 1 (1/3)
Battle at the Sea part 2 (2/3)
Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)
House Guest
Happy Days and Uncertain Futures
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p1
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2
A Fairy Hunter's New Beginning
Let The Hunt Begins
To Each Their Own Messes
Jailhouse Rock Part 1

Hormonal Years

4.4K 56 12
By Erza_Dragneel_

This wasn't fair. Wasn't it bad enough that they had to live through the nightmare once? And now their going through it a second time. And to make things worse, it was both of them at the same time. This was bad.

"What the hell are all of you looking at?"

Very bad.

Nobody answered him. How could they? They were living the guilds darkest times. Again. The brains needed time to prepare them for the journey that laid ahead of them.

"Answer his question." that got their attention. They answered this time. Sort of. More like they stuttered over their words, then they all ran to their seats in a cold sweat.

"Geez. What's their problem?" Natsu, turned towards Erza.

"Where do I start?" it took Erza a few seconds to realized that they were still holding hands. And when she did realize, she blushed. A lot. She immediately broke apart and turned her head away from him "I-I'm going to go train. Alone." with that said Erza sprinted/walked out of the backdoor of the guild.

"I guess I'll go fishing then." Natsu said to himself as he watched Erza leave. The guild let out a collective breath when the two left.

"Does somebody want to tell me why everyone was freaking out?" poor naive Lucy. Oh how they envied her. She had know idea what she was in for.

"Natsu, once burned all my clothes. Then when I went out to buy new ones, he'd burn those too." Gray got straight to the personal experience.

"Erza, pulverized a man because she thought he called her fat." Mira too.

"I dragged Natsu shopping with me once and there was this couple that was trying on clothes. The girl asked the man if she looked fat in the dress she was wearing."

"Natsu didn't say what I think he said? Did he, Levy?"

"He said she smelt like pork." no, she definitely wasn't thinking that. Who would?

"That's nothing. Once this guy came in here to confess to Erza. And, well I'm not sure what she said, but he's gay now. So it couldn't been anything nice." Who does that? What hormones have to run through a persons body to make someone switch teams?

They spent the next hour telling stories to Lucy and the other members who were spared from the horrors of Natsu and Erza's puberty days. By the end of it all they were regretting joining Fairy Tail.

Streets of Magnolia

'What the hell was that? Why was she blushing?' Natsu had know idea why she acted that way. It's not like they're a new couple like Gray and Juvia. That's right he knew about those two. What kind of self respecting dragon slayer wouldn't? Their scent is all over each other. They might as well have a "hey we can't keep our hands off each other" sign on their backs. Natsu couldn't help but remember when they went through that phase themselves.

"Damn it! Why the hell am I blushing?" Natsu roared as he sprinted towards the forest.

Training field behind the guild

'What was that?' Erza questioned inwardly as she swung her swords in the air. 'I was acting like some love sick child. It's not like me and Natsu haven't done more then just hold hands. Sure we never had s-s-s. I should be training not thinking about such things.' Erza serious face was betrayed by the massive amount of red on her cheeks.

1 hour later

Erza wiped the sweat of her forehead as she walked back into the guild. It took a while but she was successful in clearing her mind of any thoughts that would cause the teenage Titania to blush.

"Oh crap it's Erza." Lucy said in hushed tone as she shrank down.

"No wait, she's smiling. As long as she's smiling she's safe to talk too." Mira explained. "But if she's frowning, glaring, or anything besides smiling stay away from her."

"Also if she's eating strawberry cake stay the hell away from her." Laxus? You too?

"Why? What happens when she's eating her cake?" Wendy asked.

"She turns into a freaking wild animal protecting her food if you go near her. We like to give her at least twenty feet of room. We like to call those twenty feet, the kill zone." now it's Cana's turn to speak.

"But she's safe to talk too now?" Lucy questioned warily.

"Yes. Give it a try?" Mira smiled as she pushed her in front of Erza.

"Hello Lucy." Erza stopped and smiled at her.

"Uh. Hey Erza. Where you going?" Lucy fought back the urge to sweat like a pig.

"Home. As you can see I've worked up quite a sweat and I need a shower."

"Oh, ok. See you later then." Erza gave a small nod then continued out of the guild.

"Hey, you made it back alive." Cana smiled at her.

"You did good. Short and quick answers. Very smart. You might survive this."

"You too master?" now Lucy was really scared.
Erza walked towards the guild door, wondering why Lucy seemed nervous around her. But that train of thought came to an abrupt end, when she walked into something. Erza looked up and saw that she walked into Natsu. Erza continued to stare at Natsu not saying a word. Prompting Natsu to speak first.

"Hey Erza. You cold or something?" Erza raised eyebrow when she heard that question. Then she noticed that she had her body pressed against his. That's when all that happiness Erza had for clearing her thoughts of things that made her blush flew away. Her face turned a slight red when she realized how close they were. Then she felt his chest muscles. They weren't as big or defined as they were at his normal age, but for a hormonal teenage girl they were enough. Erza had to fight the urge to to let her hands roam his body.

"Erza are you ok?" Lucy asked. Erza turned to Lucy and saw that the whole guild was watching them. Now her face was as red as her hair.

"K-k-k-k" Erza couldn't help but stutter over herself.

"K what?" Natsu questioned.

"Kyaaaaaa!" Erza screamed as she slapped Natsu so hard that he was sent flying into the wall. Then she ran off towards her home to take a cold shower.

'What the fuck was that?' Natsu asked himself as he slowly picked himself up.

'She just screamed kyaaaaa.' the guild was dumbfounded at what they saw.

"Ok. That never happened before." Gray stated. "What was that?"

"(sigh) Teenagers." Makarov jumped off the table and walked into his office while wondering if he should just hide in there until the storm passed.

"Natsu-san are you ok?" Wendy started to make her way towards him, but someone put a hand on her shoulder stopping her. She turned around and saw Cana shaking her head at her.

"What about Natsu? How should we deal with him Gray-sama?"

"Natsu is a lot like Erza. There's the Natsu we know. He's ok to talk to. But then there's gloomy Natsu. When he's like that just stay away from him. Look." they watched as Natsu walked to an empty table and sat down.

"When Natsu get's gloomy." Natsu put his head on the table and sighed. "Then he gets stuck in his head and get's really pissed if you disturb him. You can tell when he's in his head by that far off look in his eyes."

"Wow. I don't think I've ever seen him like this before." Lucy commented.

"I wonder what Natsu-san thinks about?" Wendy tilted her head to the side.

"Who knows." Gray just shrugged his shoulders

Fairy Hills

Erza stood there in her shower letting the water wash over her developing body. She let out a sigh as she placed her forehead against the wall. She was still trying to get the image and feel of Natsu's also developing body out of her mind. 'Damn it. What's wrong with me? I need some advice. But who should I ask? Master? No. For some reason, I get a bad feeling when I think about asking him for advice about this. Maybe I should ask the first for help. This problem is centered around, Natsu and she is the only one who know about us.' Erza turned off the shower, got dressed and left for the guild.

Fairy Tail

Natsu sighed as he wondered why Erza hit him. But he perked up as he smelt her walking into the guild. "Hey, Erza!" Natsu greeted, as he walked up towards her. Erza looked at him, then once again blushed as she saw his body. She immediately summoned a red sweater and ordered Natsu to wear it. (the one Natsu wore in the first episode.)

"But I don't want to." Natsu whined.

"Do it." Erza glared at him.

"Just do it Natsu." Gray shouted in fear, that he might anger her and it might spill over on the rest of the guild.

"Fine." Natsu took the sweater and put it on, while grumbling something under his breath.

"Good. And do not take it off." Erza left and walked up towards Mavis. "First, can I talk to you? In private."

"Sure." Mavis smiled as she hopped off a bar stool. Erza followed her as they walked upstairs to the top of the guild, where the bell hung. "So what did you want to ask me?"

"Well it's about myself and Natsu." Erza shyly said.

"Are you too having a fight?"

"No it's just..." Erza started to explain, but stopped do to embarrassment.

"It's just what?" Mavis tilted her head in confusion.

Erza took a deep breath "Every time I look at Natsu I have the strongest urge to touch his body." Erza decided to take the quick like a bandage approach.

"Oh. That's all? You had me worried for a second."

"Why am I having these feelings? I was attracted to Natsu before this, but never to this extent."

"That's easy. Your just going through puberty and the hormones are just messing with you."

"But I never went through this, the first time I went through puberty."

"Did you have a boyfriend back then?"


"Did you even think about boys like that, back then?"

"No. Such things weren't important to me"

"What was important to you back then?"

"Getting stronger, so I could protect my friends."

"What's the most important thing to you now?" Erza was going to respond by saying the guild, but the image of Natsu appeared in her mind.

"Natsu." Erza said without hesitation.

"So you put, Natsu before the guild?"

"Yes. I love the people in the guild and I would die for them. But if they were to be taken from this world, it would hurt and I would be sad, but as long as I have Natsu I would get through it." Erza said with a stoic face. "But if I lost Natsu..." Erza had to swallow a lump in her throat. "I wouldn't be able to go on. I'm sorry"

"What are you sorry for?"

"You're the first master of the guild. You founded the guild. And I'm putting one person before the whole guild."

"Well of course you do silly. You're in love. It wouldn't be love if you didn't put that person before anything and anybody else." Mavis smiled at her.

"Y-your ok with it?" Erza asked a little stunned, as she was expecting some kind of scolding.

"One of the worse things you can ask in this world is for someone to put their lover after anything else." Mavis said showing her wisdom and age. "I had many things in mind when I made this guild, but asking the members to die for each other was never one of them. But..." Mavis put her hands behind her back, tilted her head and smiled. "This really has become a wonderful guild."

Erza couldn't help, but feel warm inside when she saw Mavis's angelic smile. "But were getting waaaaayyyyyy of topic. So to answer your first question, the reason your getting all hot and bothered..." yeah right wisdom and age. " Is because now Natsu is the center of your thoughts and your hormones are making those all perverted, and sending strong urges through your body. Good luck." Mavis waved, then started hopping down the steps.

'Wow. That took an unexpected turn. Well at least I know what I'm dealing with.' Erza started to make her way downstairs assuming that now she knew the problem, she would be able to deal with it.

She was wrong.

When Erza got to the balcony she could see the guild was having one of their many brawls they're famous for. What caught her attention was Natsu, or more like the sweat that was trickling down his face. She couldn't help, but gulp when the sweat started making it's way down under his sweater. Now Erza was regretting making him wear it. She started to imagine the sweat flowing down his chest then his abs.


Erza looked down and saw a drop of some kind of liquid on her hand, then she noticed the same liquid on her lip. She was drooling! The great Titania, was drooling! She started to scold herself for such a shameful action, until Natsu once again caught her attention. The fight died down and Natsu noticed a sandal became unstrapped. Erza noticed it too and became trapped between her hormonal self and her mature self. Her hormonal self was screaming "Do it! Do it! Do it!" while her mature self was screaming "No! No! No!"

He did.

While facing away from her he bent over to fix his sandal giving her a full view of his butt. Even though it was covered by his pants, it still forced, Erza to pinch her nose to stop the blood that was threatening to come out. Erza decided it was too dangerous to be in Fairy Tail and dashed out of there.

"Hey Erza where you going?" Natsu asked as she ran past him, but he didn't get a response.

'Is she mad at me? But I don't remember doing anything to piss her off.' Natsu started to get gloomy again, but stopped it. 'Screw this. I'm gonna see what's her problem.' with that Natsu turned mad and ran after her.

Fairy Hills

Erza sighed as she laid on her bed and looked at the ceiling. She thought she would be able to control her urges, but that didn't happen. She was thinking of ways to get the situation under control until she heard a loud knock on her door. Erza got up, glad for the distraction, but that happiness was shot down when she saw that it was the source for her discomfort.

"Natsu what are you doing here?" Erza asked as she kept her gaze past his shoulder.

"I'm here to find out why you're avoiding me." Natsu said angrily as he walked in to her apartment. "Are you mad at me? Because I don't remember doing anything to make you mad. In fact I remember the opposite. Just a few hours ago we were laughing and having a good time and now you barely even spoken to me. Do you hate me or something?" normally Natsu would never think this, but teenagers can be overly dramatic.

"What?" Erza asked, taken aback by him asking her if she hated him. "Of course not. I could never hate you." Erza replied quickly.

"Then why are you acting so weird? Why are you ignoring me?"

"It's because I c-c-can't..." Erza stuttered, frustrating Natsu further.

"Can't what?"

"I can't be around you, without thinking about touching you in some manner!" Erza blurted out stunning Natsu. "Every time I see you I just want to touch you! I can't get the image of your body out of my mind! Why do you think I made you wear that sweater?" Erza stepped closer to Natsu.

"My hormones are going crazy and I can't control them! And now that I think about it, why aren't you having the same problem?" she has a point. "If I'm having this much trouble controlling my urges you should be even worse! Your a guy after all!" she walked closer to Natsu causing him to step back until he hit the door. "Is it because you don't find me attractive?" Natsu is really regretting coming here.

"What? Of course no-"


'Squish?' this is when he noticed, Erza is pressed up against him and what squished against him was her still developing, but generous for her age, breasts.

"Natsu? What's wrong? Why are you blushing?" Erza followed his eyes then realized why he was blushing. "I guess that answers my question." Erza mutters as she covers her chest and turns away from him, her cheeks red.

"So your not mad at me then?" Natsu asked as he looked away from her, his cheeks still red.

"No. I'm just hormonal."

"Oh, ok. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You can stop sweating."

"Sweating? Why that?"

"Why, is irrelevant. You said you wanted to help and not sweating will help." Erza simply stated.

"Fine, I'll try not to sweat. Is that it?"

"No. You can keep that sweater on, don't bend over, and stop getting all fired up." Erza listed. 'Because your not the only one getting fired up.'

"Fine." Natsu groaned. "Now is that it?"


1 hour later

"How (pant) does (pant) that (pant) help?" Natsu asked as he rolled off Erza.

"Alleviates (pant) the (pant) pressure." Erza explained through her bruised lips.

"If you (pant) say so." Natsu and Erza just got done through one heavy make out session.

"Alright. We should get back to the guild." Erza said as she sat up.


Fairy Tail

Natsu and Erza walked through the doors of Fairy Tail and ignored the fact that it got quiet and everyone got nervous. They walked through the guild, until they were stopped by someone.

"Hey Rin." Natsu smiled.

"Hey Natsu, hey Erza."

"Hello Rin." Erza replied dryly

"So it's true that you two were changed. But I thought you were supposed to kids."

"We were but not anymore." Natsu explained the situation. While Erza just glared at Rin

Erza does not like Rin. She has been getting too close to Natsu over the past few weeks for her liking. And the hormones just boosted up her dislike of the girl. And the fact that the reason she joined the guild was because Natsu was in it, just made it worse. Rin was a fire wizard just like Natsu. Obviously she wasn't a dragon slayer, but a fire wizard just the same.

Rin had short orange hair that went to her shoulders. She was light skinned and had a slim athletic body. She wore short black shorts, that didn't go too far past her butt, she matched that with a yellow tank top. The reason for these clothing was because she wasn't in full control of her magic which caused her body temperature to rise slightly. Her personality, well Erza wouldn't admit it, but she was perfect for Fairy Tail. Even though she was beautiful another thing Erza wouldn't admit, she was sassy, strong, fearless, rowdy, and a little brash.

"Erza can I speak with you for a minute?" Rin asked, taking Erza out of her thoughts.

"(sigh) Of course." Erza said as she followed Rin to a secluded table at the corner of the guild. 'What could this BIT- I mean women want?'

"What is it you wanted to talk about Rin?" Erza said impatiently.

"You're close to Natsu right?" Rin asked nervously.

"Yes. We grew up here in the guild. Why do you ask?"

"Well I was wondering if you knew if Natsu has a girlfriend?"

'Yes! Me you bit-!'

"Not that I'm aware of." Erza reluctantly said. "Why?" she did not like where this was going.

"Well I was thinking of, when he turns back to his normal age because now would be creepy, asking him out."

"He's mine!" Erza shouted as she slammed her hands on the table, catching everyone's attention. "You stay away from him!" Erza didn't care anymore, the hormones are set loose.

"And what the hell are you all looking at? Gray put on your damn clothes! Nab pick a (bleeping) job already! Cana drink out of a (bleeping) cup! Elfman if you say man one more time, I'll begin to think you're trying to cover something up!" the ones that were yelled at immediately did what they were told and the rest cowered in fear.

"Prove it." Erza turned to look at Rin, who just spoke.

"What?" Erza asked confused.

"Prove it."

"Why should I." Erza had to much dignity for that.

"If you don't, then I won't believe you. And if I don't believe you I'll just ask him out." Rin explained as she started walking towards Natsu.

Dignity is overrated.

Erza bumped past her as she stomped towards Natsu, who was sitting at table with Team Natsu and other guild members. "Natsu."

"Yeah. What is i-?" Natsu couldn't finish, because Erza crashed her lips against his. And it wasn't a quick kiss, I was a hormonal teenage kiss. Very long and hot.

Everyone stared at them in shock, their mouths and eyes wide open, nobody making even a noise. They couldn't believe what they're seeing. Natsu and Erza are kissing. Natsu and Erza are kissing. What's going on? Is one of them dying? These and other questions ran through the guilds heads.

The two broke apart when the air in their lungs ran dry. Erza had no intention for that kiss to be like that, she planned it to be a solid one, not long and hot. But the hormones got the better of her, something she scolded herself for. She turned towards Rin, and to her surprise, Rin didn't seem sad or mad. In fact she was smirking.

"Finally. At first I thought the way you two were dropping hints was cute, but then it just got sad how nobody seemed to notice." Rin said stunning Erza.

"You knew?" Erza questioned.

"Of course." Rin beamed. "I'm surprised nobody else did."

"Ok, everyone knows." Natsu said, as he recovered from their kiss. "Now, what?" Natsu asked as he looked at the still shell shocked guild.

"They could be like this for a while, we can go for a walk around Magnolia." Rin suggested.


"All right."

Fairy Tail

"You have to freaking kidding me!" Natsu growled as the three returned from their walk. It's been an hour since they left and the guild members were still in shock.

"Wow. I didn't know you two dating would be so shocking. I thought you two make a cute couple." Rin admitted.

"Thank you." Erza seemed to realize that she misjudged Rin and found out during their walk that they had much in common. One of them being dirty novels.

While Erza took their shock with indifference, Natsu took exception to it. What he wasn't good enough for Erza? Did they think he was to stupid or something? He was mad and he decided to take his anger out in Gray by giving him one good punch to the face.

"What the hell was that?" Gray shouted as he pulled himself from the bar counter he crashed into.

"What the hell is with that reaction? What? Me being with Erza so impossible, that everyone reacts like this!" Natsu waved his hand toward their fellow guild members.

"That was real? Oww! Stop hitting me!"

"Stop being a jackass then!" Natsu roared, as he continued to hit Gray.

"Ok, Natsu that's enough." Erza put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"That's it? He just beat the crap out of me! Punish him!"

"Maybe if you hadn't been a insensitive jerk, he wouldn't have hit you." Erza glared at him. Even though she was a teenager the glare still had power behind it, which was proven by the trembling Gray.

"No my clothes! Water! Water!" Gray frantically ran to the pool to put out the fire, Natsu started.

"Now all of you." Erza turned to face the still silently shocked guild. "Hurry up and get on with it already." Erza continued, with a hint of irritation in her voice.

The guild blinked as Erza's voice penetrated their frozen minds. Slowly they processed what they just say and then...


"Is this a joke?"

"Cant be! Erza would never joke like that!"

"Then they're together?"

"But for how long?"

"How did it happen?"

"All right that's enough!" Makarov shouted, silencing the guild. "Now Erza, Natsu would you two like to answer our questions?"

"(sigh) No, this not a joke. Me and Natsu are in a relationship. And we've been together since the Tower of Heaven incident."

"But how did it happen? Did you confess to him?" Lucy questioned.

"No. Natsu confessed to me." Erza smiled at the memory and Natsu blushed and looked away.

"Really? How? When?" Lucy asked eagerly.

'Crap.' Natsu muttered inwardly.

"Well..." Erza told them how he saved her and to the guys surprise she even added a few romantic details like how they were at the beach and the sound of the ocean. But the girls weren't surprised. A woman's first confession was special. "Then that's when he told me he loved me."

"Awwwww." the girls all sighed.

"Oh love? Natsu you romantic, little devil." Cana wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pinched his cheek. But Natsu just ignored her and gave Erza a "thank you" look for not mentioning that he cried, which she returned with a smile.

"But why did you keep it a secret?" Makarov asked, but Erza didn't answer she just got depressed and started mumbling something along the lines of "lost again" and "I could've beat him this time."

"We made a bet on who would found out first. It was her idea." Natsu explained. "I picked Gajeel or Wendy, she picked Mira."

"Why did you pick us Natsu-san?" Wendy questioned and Natsu answered by tapping his nose.

"I'm disappointed, in you Mira." Erza recovered from her depressed state. "After all the hints we left I was sure you would've figured it out."

"Hints?" Mira tilted her head.

"Yes hints! When's the last time you seen me and Natsu away from each other. We even had matching costumes for Halloween."

"She's right. I can't believe you missed that Mira." said Gray as he returned from the pool. Mira just smiled at him for a few seconds then starting crying.

"You made her cry." the guild glared at him.

"Wait a second. Is that why you kept on sending Happy to sleep at my house so many times?" Lucy asked.

"Yes." Erza nodded.

"So you to could do 'it'."

"We didn't do 'it'!"

"So what did you do?"

"Curiosity killed the cat, Lucy." Erza glared at her.

"Natsu! Erza's gonna kill me!" Happy flew into Natsu's arms

"I got you buddy! No one's gonna touch you!" Natsu turned to glare at Erza.

"Once again, it's just a saying Natsu." Erza sighed.

"Explain." which she did and he took out a notebook and glasses. "Yes?" Erza said to Natsu's raised hand.

"Why are there so many crazy sayings about cats sensei?" Erza shook her head and smiled at her "student".

"That's a good question. Unfortunately one that I cannot answer."

"How could've I not noticed." Mira said through sobs. "Look at you two. It's so obvious you're a couple."

"Calm down Mira. Your being a little bit over dramatic." Erza calmly stated.

"Ok." Mira perked up instantly. "Now, we should celebrate, you two being a couple." Mira suggested and the guild wasted no time in turning up the noise.

"Yeah party!"

"To Erza and Natsu!" the guild all raised a cup and cheered.

The guild spent the rest of the day partying and asking the couple questions. The girls would huddle around Erza and ask about their dates and if Natsu was a good kisser and how far have they gone. To say Erza was blushing by the end of it, would a serious understatement.

Natsu received the guy versions of those questions with a few fist bumps and punches on the arm. Of course, they kept the questions classy, it was Erza they were asking about. That and Natsu made it clear that if they asked anything that insulted her honor, he actually said that, he would burn their faces off.

Words couldn't describe how happy and relieved Erza was that the guild accepted their relationship. Of course she already knew they would, so she assumed it was the hormones that caused her nervousness. But none the less she was happy.

Natsu's house

"That was fun." Erza commented as she and Natsu walked into his house. "You're not still mad at their reactions, are you?" Erza asked, when she saw his pout.

"What it's so shocking that me and you are together?"

"No, of course not. They were just shocked at how we announced it." Erza blushed as she remembered their kiss. The blush didn't go unnoticed by Natsu, who smirked when he saw it and decided to be the one to tease her.

"So." whispered into her ear. "You still can't keep your hands off me?"

"I-I'm going to take a shower." Erza rushed to the bathroom, her cheeks red as her hair.

"Two can play that game." Natsu chuckled, at her retreating figure.
Erza walked out the bathroom as she drying her hair with a towel. She opened her mouth to tell Natsu something, but was cut off when they once again were surrounded by light.

"Hey were back to normal." Natsu noted, when the light dissipated.

"Yes it seems so." Erza sighed.

"What's the matter?" Natsu asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm just...gonna miss the fun we had." Erza sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Who says we can't still have fun?"

"Were no longer kids Natsu, we have responsibilities. We can't just play around all day."

"Doesn't mean we can't act silly and cut loose every once in a while."

"Really?" Erza looked up at him with a hopeful look, which Natsu chuckled at.

"Yeah." Natsu got up to close the window, but stopped and turned around, when a flash of light appeared behind him.

"Meow." Natsu's eyes widened, when he saw Erza wearing a cat costume. (ova 3)

It took Natsu a few seconds to regain his composure. When he did, he reacted by barking like a dog and she reacted by jumping on the bed and hissed at him. Then Natsu started chasing her around the room. Once he caught her, they started wrestling with each other, laughing the whole time.

Happy just stared at the two from the doorway. "It's gonna take a while to get use to this."


"Why aren't you asleep?" Natsu mumbled without opening his eyes.

"Thinking about something." Erza replied, still looking at the ceiling.

Erza was thinking about the conversation she had earlier with the first. She couldn't help but feel guilty for putting Natsu before the guild. But she felt even more guilty for feeling guilty. She loved Natsu with all her heart, is it so wrong that she put him before the guild? She wondered if she should ask Natsu how he felt, but wasn't sure how he would answer, or which answer she was hoping for.

"Thinking about what?" Natsu opened his eyes and looked at her.

"I had a talk with the first earlier. And I told her that I loved the guild, but I loved you more then it and put you before it. And I just kinda feel guilty for feeling that way, which makes me feel guilty for feeling guilty." Natsu listened silently as she continued. "And...well...I know I shouldn't ask you this, but I need to know if you feel the same way." Erza turned her gaze towards him.

Natsu let out a breath as he looked up at the ceiling. "All answer if you never ask me this again. Ok?"


"First of all, a would die for anyone in Fairy Tail, even the members I don't know. But...yes I put you before the guild. I would burn this planet to the ground if it was to save you...And now I feel guilty. Thanks."

"Sorry." Erza snuggled towards Natsu. "Natsu?"


"I love you."

"Love you too."

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ยป In every story there are infinite possibilities, something as little as the will of one man can change the course of everything. So what would happ...
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Join FairyTails strongest team of Erza, Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Natsu as they go on a job to find the daughter of a wealthy man, and deliver her back...
28.1K 1K 27
This is a grayza fan fiction . I know how much grayza is shipping nowadays and I am also a grayza fan. let's hope it soon become a cannon. BTW this s...
2K 85 27
(Completed) Natsu and Lucy decide to have a new life but when you add something else to the mix it makes it a lot harder. They are trying to make it...