Bonds of Iron and Fire

By Erza_Dragneel_

70.3K 891 269

Little by little Natsu's starting to lose control. A dark side resides within him, but Erza will stand by his... More

The Darkside of the Flame
S-Class Lessons
Halloween Havoc
Rampaging Little Monsters
Hormonal Years
A Brother and Sister Relationship
Team Natsu Back in Action
Explosive Tendencies
New Addition to the Family
A Little Fun and a Little Training
Meeting the guild and Family Vacation
Battle at the sea part 1 (1/3)
Battle at the Sea part 2 (2/3)
Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)
House Guest
Happy Days and Uncertain Futures
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p1
A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2
A Fairy Hunter's New Beginning
Let The Hunt Begins
To Each Their Own Messes
Jailhouse Rock Part 1

Acting Their Age

3.7K 55 15
By Erza_Dragneel_

Natsu sighed as he once again laid his head on Erza's lap. They just got done handing over the "hooded bastard" as Natsu was now calling him to the rune knights and were now on a train back to Magnolia. They sat in silence recovering from their fights ignoring the looks they were getting because of their torn costumes.

"Natsu, I think it's time we talked." Erza said breaking the silence.

"What do you want me to say Erza? I know your pissed at me for using "his" magic. Believe me when I say I hate it just as much as you do. But I had no choice. If I didn't use it you would have died and I couldn't let that happen." Natsu looked up at her with a stern face. "You would've done the same thing."

'He's obviously been preparing for this discussion.' Erza said inwardly. "Your right I am pissed at you for using "his" magic." Natsu cringed at her harsh tone. "But your also right in saying I would've done the same to save you." Erza tone softened.

After a few minutes of silence Natsu spoke up. "Now it's your turn."

"My turn?" Erza raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah. You were kinda in my head for a minute there. You wanna tell me how you did that?" Natsu said referring to when Erza interrupted his mental argument with his other self.

"I'm not sure. It just happened."

"You think it had something to do with our magics being connected?"

"Most likely. But I don't feel the same mental connection at the moment. So it could've happened because of the situation."


They both sat in silence until Erza noticed a look on Natsu's face she didn't see often. Fear. "Are you scared, Natsu?"

"Scared? Why would I be scared?"

"You know why."

"(sigh) I guess a little. He just sounded so confident. Like there's no stopping him from taking over my body. Like it was just a matter of time." Erza would be lying if she said she wasn't worried to. But she needed to be the strong one. That's why they're perfect for each other. They didn't need to be strong all the time. They could let the other be strong enough for the both of them.

"You can't let him get to you. You need to keep body strong and you mind stronger. He can't take over your body if you keep him out of your head. Always believe in your own strength. Once you start doubting yourself that's when you lose. Understand?"

"I think so. Your really smart you know that?" Natsu gave his trade mark smile causing Erza to chuckle.


"Tired?" Erza smiled down at Natsu.

"Yeah." Natsu rubbed his tired eyes.

"Once we tell master what happened we can go straight home."

"Happy said he's staying over at Lucy's tonight." Natsu said with a smile since It's been over a week since she stayed over at his place.

"He is, is he." Erza said with a smirk on her face.
"Ugh." the couple of Natsu and Erza groaned as they both flopped on the bed. They just got home after being scolded by Makarov for recklessly running headfirst into danger and they were exhausted.

"Good night." they both mumbled into their pillows before they drifted off to sleep. Whatever they had in mind to happen tonight was out the window.
3 days later

It was a rather calm and relaxed day for Fairy Tail. The Halloween incident was just like one of the many incidents that Fairy Tail went through and come out on top of. And just like all the other incidents it eventually became a thing of the past and they all moved on with their lives.

"I can't believe you Natsu!" the guild members turned towards the guild doors at the sound of Erza yelling at Natsu.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to know what it did!" Natsu yelled.

"Well now you know don't you?"

"I guess they're back." Mira giggled as she heard the pair of voices get closer to the guild.

"Is it me or do they sound different?" Lucy asked.

"They do sound different." Levy agreed with her.

"Wonder what it could be?" Mira tilted her head slightly.

"What ever it is were about to find out." Gray said as he stripped off his shirt.

The guild waited in anticipation as the guild doors slowly opened. They all had their own ideas for why the two sounded different but no one was remotely close. All their jaws dropped when the doors opened completely revealing Natsu and Erza. But it wasn't the Natsu and Erza they were expecting. Erza wasn't standing tall with long flowing hair while wearing her standard armor. And Natsu didn't have a strong muscular body covered by a vest and waist coat. No Erza was small and pouting with her hair braided while wearing cheap looking armor. Natsu looked small and fragile and was wearing a red shirt and yellow shorts.

"They're-they're-they're kids!" the guild shouted in unison.

"How did this happen?"

"Is this a joke?"

"Your no longer a man?"

"They're adorable!" Mira shouted out causing everyone to quiet and stare at her. "What? They are."

"Unhand me!" Erza shouted as Mira picked her and Natsu up. "Natsu, stop smiling!"

"Erza's scary." Natsu said as he hugged closer to Mira.

"Awwww he's acting the same way when we were kids." Mira looked down at Natsu.

"Will you act your age Natsu?" Erza wiggled out of Mira's grasp.

"I am acting my age Er-za." Natsu said in a child like manner.

"Your real age!" Erza reached up and pulled him away from Mira much to her dismay.

"I don't wanna." Natsu said as he ran away from her, unlike Erza, Natsu seemed to be enjoying the turn of events.

"Why you, get back here!" Erza chased after him.

The rest of the guild broke out in laughter watching the now young Natsu and Erza running around. 'Am I the only one that's still curious as to why their kids.' Lucy sweat dropped at the guilds ability to brush things off.

"You two brats get over!" Makarov shouted at the two causing them to stop in their tracks.

"Yes master!" they both shouted as they ran up to him.

"Now do you want to explain how this happened?"

"It's Natsu's fault." Erza pointed at Natsu.

"I said I was sorry."

"I asked how this happened not who caused it."

"He sounds like a father scolding his kids." Mira giggled.

"We were at a clients house collecting our reward when Natsu touched something I told him not to touch." Erza glared at Natsu.

"What was it?" Makarov questioned.

"It was a magical hourglass. When I went to take it away from him he flipped it over activating it. And now were children." Erza explained the short version.

"Is it permanent?"

"It's not permanent but were not sure how long the affects will last. And there's nothing we can do to reverse it."

"Hmmmmm. All right."

"All right?" Erza said shocked at how Makarov could accept it.

"Well there's nothing we can do to change it. So you two might as well accept it."

"All right!" Natsu gave a toothy smile and ran back to the others to play.

"How can you just act like this is all right?" Erza asked Makarov.

"What's done is done Erza. Complaining about it won't change anything. Besides this can be a good thing for you." Makarov said as he hopped off the a chair and walked upstairs and into his office.

'What does he mean by that?' Erza turned and looked at the guild. They were all huddled around Natsu playing with him.

"Gray fight me!" young Natsu challenged.

"That's funny little firefly." Gray said as he patted Natsu's head. Something he regretted after Natsu bit into his arm and didn't let go.

"Ahhhhhh you little freak get the hell off me!" Gray shouted as he started waving his arm along with Natsu in the air.

'How can acting like a child do me any good.' Erza huffed and walked out the guild.

"Hey Erza, where you going? Wait for me!" Natsu let go of Gray and ran after her.

"Is it me or have they been spending a lot of time together recently?" Levy asked the group.

"Really? I haven't noticed." Gray replied as he took of his pants.

"Hmmmm." Mira put her finger on her chin. 'Could they...Nah.'
"What's the matter?" Natsu asked as he caught up to her.

"What's the matter?" Erza gave him an incredulous look. "Were children Natsu. Even you should see the problem in it."

"I thought this could be a good thing for you." Natsu confessed as they continued down the street.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because you never had a childhood." Natsu said bluntly. Erza stared at him in shock.

"W-what are talking about? Of course I had a childhood."

"A real childhood. One were you could act like a child. I've known you since we were kids and I've never seen you act like one."

"There was a reason for that Natsu." Erza retorted angrily.

"I know. I remember what you told me about what you went through growing up. And I know they caused you to grow up faster and close yourself off, in fear of you getting hurt again. But like you said 'there was a reason for that' but not anymore." Natsu said putting emphasize on the word was. "So have some fun." Natsu smiled like the child he was.

'Is this what master meant?' Erza continued to stare at Natsu. 'Why is it that when it comes to matters of the heart, Natsu has all the answers?

"Erza? Are you ok?" Natsu asked concerned as to why she wasn't responding to him.

"Yes, Natsu I'm fine." Erza grabbed the back of his head and touched their foreheads together. "Your right. I always regretted never having a childhood. And now I have a chance to change that." Erza confessed still keeping their foreheads together. "Can you help me?"

"Of course!" Natsu replied loudly, then his eyes caught something. "Uh Erza people are staring."
"Are you sure about this Natsu?" Erza asked in a hushed tone as she peeked out of the infirmary door and watched the guild.

"Of course! Why you don't like it? Natsu questioned.

"We'll doesn't seem a little mean?"

"No. It's just a joke and it'll teach that stripper to keep his clothes on." Natsu answered as he put itching powder on Gray's clothes. "It's not like it'll kill him. Trust me this will be funny."

"Ok. Although you should hurry. Gray seems to have noticed his clothes are missing." Erza closed the door and walked over to Natsu.

"I'm done." Natsu said as they walked out of the infirmary. Natsu and Erza watched as Gray looked around the guild for his clothes. Once his back was turned Natsu threw the clothes over the balcony and down to the first floor.

"Aha found them." Gray said triumphantly as he put his clothes on. After a few minutes Gray started to feel a little itchy and as time went on the itch grew. "What the hell! Why am I so itchy?" Gray shouted as he scratched himself like crazy.

"Hahahahahahahahahah." the guild turned their heads to the second floor to see not only a laughing Natsu but Erza to. "I told you it would be funny."

"You were right." Erza admitted in between laughs. The whole guild was shocked at the sight of Erza acting so childish. But eventually they got over their shock and started laughing along with them. Gray ran out of the guild scratching and cursing Natsu for what he did, ignoring the fact that Erza was in on it too.

"Come on! Let's dump the whole thing on him!" Natsu said as he ran after Gray.

"Wait for me, Natsu!" Erza shouted as she followed behind him.

"It's nice to see her so cheerful. Don't you think master?" Mira asked as she cleaned a cup.

"Yes it is. If anybody could get her to act so carefree it had to be Natsu."

"Aren't you worried though?"

"Why would I be worried?"

"You know how mischievous, Natsu was as a kid. And with Erza with him those two are gonna cause quiet a ruckus. Gray's already fallen victim to the two." Mira's smile never left her face when she said this. "Master why are you crying?"
"That little bastard is the demon." Gray muttered as he returned to the guild.

"Ha! Those two got you good didn't they." Macao laughed. Gray glared.

"Why the hell was Erza helping him? Shouldn't she be stopping him?" Gray yelled.

"Don't be such a baby Gray." Lucy scolded.

"She's right. Erza was always so serious as a kid. But now she seems to letting loose so you better not ruin it for her." Cana glared at him.

"Whatever." Gray mumbled. "Has anyone seen those two?"

"I think I seen them go into the infirmary." Lisanna answered.

"Are they sick?" Lucy questioned.

"They looked fine to me. I'll check on them." Mira walked up the stairs and went to the infirmary. "Awwww their so cute!" Mira squealed causing a group to come and check on her. Once the group reached the infirmary they saw both Natsu and Erza sprawled across a bed sleeping.

"They must have worn themselves out." Levy commented.

"Quick someone get Reedus." Mira ordered.

"On it." Cana ran downstairs.

"To bad the first isn't here. She would have loved to see this." Mira said.

They continued to watch the two sleep quietly until Erza moved her arm and placed it under Natsu's nose. While still in his sleep Natsu sniffed the hand then smiled as he recognized the smell. Then he hugged her arm like a teddy bear causing Erza to smile in her sleep also, which caused the group to erupt into awws.

"All right I got him. What I miss?" the group pointed at the scene causing Cana to rush Reedus.

"I got a great idea!" Natsu shouted waking up in an instant, almost giving the group watching them a heart attack.

"Why are you yelling?" Erza groaned as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"I just had a great idea Erza! All we need is Juvia, Wendy, Happy, Pantherlily, or Carla although I don't think she'll do it, some rope, and something that floats!" Natsu explained as he jumped out of bed.

"What are you planning?" Erza asked as she sat up.

"You'll see. Oh hey guys." Natsu greeted the group as he ran out the infirmary.

"Hello." Erza also greeted as she followed behind Natsu.

"What was that all about?" Cana was the first to speak up.

"Not sure. But has anybody noticed that ever since they were turned into kids, Erza's been following Natsu around?" Gray questioned.

"Oh yeah now that you mentioned it. Well if Erza's trying to act like a kid, then Natsu's the perfect person to follow." Mira said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"You finished the painting right Reedus?" Levy looked at the mans notebook.

"Take a look for yourself." Reedus turned the notebook and shown them the painting.

"The first is going to want a copy of this."
Outskirts of Magnolia

"How did you come up with this idea, Natsu?" Erza asked as she watched Wendy apply Troia on Natsu.

"Just came to me. I call it wake boarding." Natsu replied as he jumped on a barrel top, that was floating on a river. Erza did the same and waited for Natsu to continue explaining his idea. "Ok. So we'll use these barrel tops as boards and Happy, and Panther lily will hold on to these ropes. Then they'll drag us along the river, through, Magnolia, and into the sea."

"Then what role does, Juvia play?" Natsu gave her a huge smile at that question.

"That's a surprise. Happy are you ready?"

"Aye sir!" Happy replied as he floated above the river.

"Are you ok with this Panther Lily?" Erza asked.

"Of course. As Elfman said 'Bringing smiles to faces of children is manly.'" Erza giggled at his response, which didn't go unnoticed by Natsu.

"All right! Natsu prepare yourself for utter defeat!" Erza shouted as her competitive aura grew.

'It wasn't suppose to be a competition, but...'

"I'm all fired up! Let's do this Happy!"

"Aye sir!"

"Defeat is not an option!" Erza yelled at Panther Lily.

"Yes ma'am!"





With that said the two exceeds flew down the river with Natsu and Erza behind them. Within less then a minute they were riding through Magnolia, catching the attention of the towns people. They raced through the town neck in neck neither one of them getting a lead. Erza's attention was straight forward, until she was bumped from the side. Erza turned and saw, Natsu smiling at her.

"You'll regret that!" Erza shouted as she bumped, Natsu back.

"Bring it old lady!" Natsu shouted.

'Old lady?' Erza blinked at the insult, letting down her guard. She was taken out of her thoughts when, Natsu bumped her again nearly making her fall. 'That was close. Only Natsu can get me so distracted like that.' Erza thought as she bumped back. The couple continued to bump each other as they continued along the river.

"Go Natsu!"

"Go Erza!"

They turned their attention away from each other an noticed their guild mates watching them as they cheered. They both waved at their guild mates with a smile on their faces.

"Erza watch this!" Natsu jumped and starting riding against the wall made of rock. (like the one by Lucy's house.)

"Impressive. But can you do this?" Erza used the wall as a ramp and launched herself up and over a bridge, that led from one side of the river to the other.

"That was awesome!" Natsu shouted as Erza landed on the other side of the bridge.

"Thank you."

"All right were almost at the sea." Natsu turned his attention forward. "Happy, Panther Lily full speed ahead!" after a few seconds they were a mile out to sea. "All right Juvia! It's time!"

"Natsu what's going on?" Erza asked as Happy and Panther Lily dropped the rope and flew away.

"Get ready Erza!" as Natsu said that a giant wave started to form in front of them and carried them towards the shore.

"This is, Juvia's doing isn't?"

"Yup. Try not to fall."

"You think something like this could defeat me? You take me too lightly."

The guild watched in awe as they saw Natsu and Erza riding the wave. "Natsu, really went all out." Lucy said.

"That's Natsu for you. When he does something he does it all out." Mira smiled.

"What's wrong with Natsu?" Lisanna asked seeing him start to lose his balance.

"I think Troai is wearing off." Gray answered seeing Natsu's face turn green.

"This is not gonna end well." Makarov mumbled a second before Natsu lost his balance and fell into the wave, taking Erza with him.

"Oooooo that's gotta hurt." someone from the group said.

"Erza's gonna kill him." another one spoke up.

They all looked down the cliff, awaiting Natsu's demise. They all watched as Natsu struggled to get his head out of the sand, while Erza spit the sand out her mouth. Erza walked over to Natsu and pulled him out. Everyone gulped as Erza stared at Natsu, but much to their surprise Erza didn't punish him. No, she along with Natsu started laughing out loud with full smiles on their face. The guild couldn't help but smile at the scene of little Natsu and Erza laughing like children.

"I wonder if I should make this wake-boarding a yearly event." Makarov mumbled to himself.
Erza woke up in the middle of the night to a Natsu-less bed. Which was weird since it was his bed she was sleeping in. "Natsu?" Erza mumbled as she looked around the room.

She got up and went to the living room were she heard quiet sniffles come from. "Natsu? What's wrong?" Erza asked, concerned at the sight of Natsu sitting on the couch hugging his knees.

"N-nothing." Natsu looked away from her and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Natsu your scaring me. I know you don't cry for just anything. Tell me what's wrong." Erza said her voice soft with a little bit of force mixed in.

"I-I-I had a dream and 'he' took over and I-I-I killed them Erza! I killed everyone at Fairy Tail!" Natsu started yelling as tears began to roll down his eyes. "I'm scared Erza. What if 'he' takes over? What if I kill everyone?" Erza instantly hugged Natsu trying to soothe him. "Why am I having these dreams?"

'Damn it! What the hell is going on?' Erza thought, until she heard Natsu's breathing become faster and deeper. He was starting to hyperventilate. 'That's it.'

"Natsu you need to calm down." Erza stood up and held Natsu, like a mother would her child. "He's trying to take advantage of you being a child. Your body can't handle the stress. So just don't think about it or him. Until we changed back to our real age, pretend he doesn't exist."

"H-h-how do I do t-t-that?"

"Just think about me. When ever he starts to enter your thoughts you think about me instead."

"O-o-ok. I'll try." Natsu said, as Erza started rubbing his back and humming in an effort to comfort him. After a few minutes his breathing started to temporarily calm down.

Erza stood there for hours holding Natsu as his panic attacks went off and on until he fell asleep. She couldn't help but grit her teeth at the turn of events. Earlier that day they were having fun like children and now "he" was attacking Natsu in his vulnerable state. She could only pray that her advice would work and tomorrow would be a better day..

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