Poems That Came From a Beanst...

By Write_Your_Words

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Poems that came from... well, a beanstalk (updates are random) More

The Magic
Too Many, Too Much
A Shadow is Made With Light
Little Boxes
Beanstalk Origins
Show Me
Beats Big
Share Yourself
Reasoning With The Antagonist
Brothers and Sisters
Somewhere in There
Since I've gone
You hurt me
Baby Hope
If He Should Ask
Get out
Let the Dark Drown
Right Now
Thought Book Excerpt: Memory
In Here
The Good Dog
Too Hard
For You, Messy Orange Darling
Before Beans
This Space
Sweet Tea
Garden Contemplations: Haiku 1
Garden Contemplations: Haiku 2
Garden Contemplations: Haiku 3
Garden Contemplations: Haiku 4
Garden Contenplations: Haiku 5
They Taught Me Sincerity, but Hate Me for It
Bananas for Beans
Nice Day
Hmm, just more spaghetti
Holy Mo-ley
For Now
Not Really a Poem
Semi Truck
Bella's Frog Poems PT1
Bella's Frog Poems PT2
Bella's Frog Poems PT3
Bella's Frog Poems PT4
What I Did
It's Selfish to Say It's Selfish
His Love
Cold Bitch
i wish it wasnt for nothing
My Sunshine

Cruel World

22 3 1
By Write_Your_Words

I'm afraid you drank their poison

Afraid you drank too much

They filled your glass with black things

And it burnt you to the touch

The thing about this poison

Is you don't know how it works

Until it runs all through you

And rots you to a corpse

I'm afraid it fell right through your lips

Afraid it left a stain

The poison slid right down your throat

And worked into your veins

Now you're sick with ugly things

You're sick and don't know why

The drink this cruel world gave you 

Left you sitting in its lies

They will not tell you that it's them

The world that fills your glass

Instead they'll place their hands

Over your eyes to make it last

They wrapped their arms around you 

To bring you to the feast

They sat you down so nicely

And pushed in all the seats

They tricked you since your life began

And gave you so much fear

They hope you'll learn to live by it

To guard it all your years

So here you are so small, my dear

So tired, so afraid

I know you're sick with poison

So worn from all the pain

But try to listen with all your being

Try to breathe and try to see

I know the air's polluted 

But if not for you -- for me

There's so much more beyond the world

There's so much more than this

They're always changing, always lying

They only want your bliss

I beg you not to let them have

What you could always be

How to love, the world knows not

Please, look up for once and see

They told you it's impossible 

Because they're scared of what it'd do

The world does not know what they are

So their poison is in you

Please gag yourself and spit it out

Please take this glass of good

I know that it's more comfy there

But here you're understood

I don't want you to die this way

Stop listening to their words

Don't let them act so sweet to you

Because their promises are unsure

Watch your lips turn deeper black

Your eyes, they cannot see

I'll beg you to push out your chair

To stop sitting at the feast

Let me show you what love is

It's nothing that they say

It's not time or accomplishments

It's neither white nor gray

Love, they say, is happiness

Love is something great

Then next they'll claim it hurts you bad

That love is just a state

The world will mold the words

They'll sculpt the precious ones

Into something that makes you fear

Because for them, it wasn't enough

They never understood the good

Because they never knew to tell

They heard it from an echo

So they tried to build a well

The well was meant to give them things

To give them happiness

But this thing comes from love, my dear

And love they never had

To imitate the echo

They added something else

They refused to take the truth 

So they fed it to themselves

Now the well pours rich and sweet

The poison, black and thin

The world is hungry for it now

It's stained in all their lips

Please don't take another sip

Please don't take a bite

They don't know what they're doing

But darling, you must fight

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