Seeking Sabina (Completed)

נכתב על ידי WowieWrites

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Timothy Troy Loreto Sebastian is a young man blessed with wealth and physical grace. He grew up with his affe... עוד

Chapter I: Wonderful Disaster
Chapter II: Broken Spirit
Chapter III: Anticipated Chaos
Chapter IV: Soft but Unyielding
Chapter V: Saved by a Stalker
Chapter VI: Working Late
Chapter VII: Drained Patience
Chapter VIII: Sabina's Cradle
Chapter IX: When Waves Crashed
Chapter X: Grim Sunshine
Chapter XI: Enticing Sigh
Chapter XII-Hidden in Plain Sight
Chapter XIII: Silent Collision
Chapter XIV: Warrior's Soul
Chapter XV: Mad Serious
Chapter XVI: Thicker than Water
Chapter XVII: Staggering Tower
Chapter XVIII: Emotional Tangles
Chapter XIX: Crystal Clear
Chapter XX: Innocence Surrendered
Chapter XXI: The Big Leap
Chapter XXII: A Step Closer
Chapter XXIII: Blissful No More
Chapter XXIV: The Matriarch's Dilemma
Chapter XXV: Open Secret
Chapter XXVI: Timothy's Woe
Chapter XXVII: With Regrets
Chapter XXVIII: Desperate Move
Chapter XXIX: Bond Mended
Chapter XXX: On Hold
Chapter XXXI: Torn
Chapter XXXII: Falling Out
Chapter XXXIII: Separate Lives
Chapter XXXIV: Secrets Revealed
Chapter XXXV: Three Moons
Chapter XXXVI: Up Side Down
Chapter XXXVII: I do
Chapter XXXVIII: Someone New
Chapter XXXIX: New Horizon
Chapter XL: Four's a Crowd
Chapter XLI: Another Shot
Chapter XLII: A Sign
Chapter XLIII: Mixed Signals
Chapter XLIV: Hopeless
Chapter XLV: Nicholas' Intended
Chapter XLVI: Betrothed
Chapter XLVII: Left Hanging
Chapter XLIII: Chasing Destiny
Chapter XLIX: Promise
Chapter L: Burnt Letter
Chapter LI: Conspiracy
Chapter LII: The struggle
Chapter LIII: Redemption
Chapter LIV: Sacrifices
Chapter LV: A piece of you
Chapter LVI: More than Enough
Chapter LVII: In Need
Chapter XLIX: Shadow
Chapter LX: Union
Epilogue: Isabella and Nicholas

Chapter LVIII: Misfortunes

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נכתב על ידי WowieWrites

When the blissful weekend had passed, the gorgeous biologist and the Sebastians pushed on with their daily lives and the newly-reconciled couple returned to the Cradle.

As per the Dela Vegas' request, Sabina didn't go back to Mindoro to look after the construction of the leisure park. Instead she remained in McKinley Hills, doing nothing but Yoga and Pilates to help her improve her health problem.

Timothy went back to work at the Sebastian Builders main office while
resuming the duty of Sabina's caregiver. He also refused to go back in Mindoro because he felt that Sabina needed him now more than ever.

On the other hand, Terrence and Nancy together with Tatay Leo and Arch. Manuel continued all the works at the Sea and Sky leisure park. Regularly, the kind engineer would set up a web meeting with the Sebastian Builder's CEO and the biologist to update them about the development and happenings in the leisure park.

Today was no difference from the previous days, Timothy was working non-stop all morning so he could go home early to his girlfriend. He was revising all the business proposals Belle had made since they were scheduled to be sent out later that day.

His concentration was interrupted when his intercom broke the silence in his office. "Sir, your mother is here. Shall I send her in?" Belle Alonzo asked, however he hasn't given his answer yet when his door slammed open.

Bianca Sebastian came marching in, her present demeanor screaming bad vibrations and anger.

"What is that horrid woman doing in our house?" The newcomer yelled angrily.

At this, Timothy creased his forehead. He was quite confused with his mother's question. "What do you mean, ma? What horrid woman?"

"Sabina Dela Vega! Who else?" The matriarch snapped.

As the realization dawned to the young architect, he remained calm, his mother's rude words and taunting don't affect him at all now. He had accepted the fact that Bianca Sebastian, his own mother will always be like this.

"First of all ma, that is not your house, that is OUR house, mine, Maggie and papa's. Your house is in San Lorenzo." Timothy leaned on his large chair as he noticed his mother's disoriented state and slightly disheveled appearance.

Bianca Sebastian's looks and behavior showed that she was a bit agitated and anxious. Her eyes were surrounded with dark shadow and her color was a little off.

"Second, Margaret invited Sabina over the weekend for her to have some bonding time with her and with papa." He pressed on.

"And lastly, Sabina is my girlfriend so it's just normal to have her in our house from time to time." The young architect muttered unapologetically.

Fury and extreme annoyance registered on the matriarch's face. "You're at it again?! Theo? How many times do I have to tell you, that Dela Vega woman is a bad news! She is a curse! She will be your downfall, believe me."

The young matriarch was now standing in front of her son's desk, seething with chest heaving from too much anger. "This is insanity, Theo. She's out for revenge, can't you see that?" She still adhered with her mad theories.

"Ma! Everyone knows that everything you're saying is not true. For once, accept that you're wrong and all of these all lies and false accusations. These lies have cost you your family but still, here you are, screaming and yelling more lies." Timothy half-bellowed.

But his mother was unmoved by these words, in fact it appeared that she became more enraged and irked.

"Theo, did you know what the Dela Vegas did to us years ago? They didn't honor their words. And because of that I was ridiculed by my friends and all the people in the upper society. I was a walking laughingstock after the betrothal was called off. The upper class' malicious eyes and nasty gossips were trained on me for months after that. And I had no choice but to endure all that." She explained.

"Imagine the humiliation and slander. It almost ruined my reputation, our family's reputation." The angry matriarch added.

At last, he was able to uncover one of the many reasons why despite Sabina's social status and true identity, Bianca Sebastian remained very much against her.

"But none of that is Sab's fault!" Timothy rationalized promptly, defending his innocent girlfriend.

"It was her fault! She was a big problem to Antonia and until now, she's still a problem!" She was livid and seething.

"The problem is your greed and ambition, ma. In the first place, why would you announce something that wasn't confirmed yet? You already bragged and raved about Nicholas and Sabina's betrothal to everybody without waiting for the formal announcement, who does that?" The architect exploded.

"And now, you're all pining this on the Dela Vegas? Ma, that's absurd and foolish!" He added as he chuckled bitterly.

Cornered and trapped, Bianca Sebastian let go of the topic and diverted it to Darcy. "What about Darcy? What is your plan for her?" She asked, trying to manipulate her son again. Her tone was softer now and laced with the sound of persuasion

"I'm more than sure you have crossed the line of intimacy for countless times and now, you'll abandon her just like that? What will your aunt Lara think? That you just played with her daughter and now that you're satiated and tired of her, you'll just discard her like a piece of trash?" She was using her deceitful tactics again but Timothy was way wiser now.

The young architect shook his head. Now, he had clearly seen his mother's true color. Inconsiderate, vulgar and manipulative.

The topic was extremely out of bound but he knew that he needed to answer all these."I'm sorry to disappoint you ma but no. NO! Darcy and I didn't cross that line and I'm incredibly thankful for that. Tell me ma, what is it with you and Darcy? Why do you like her so much?" He queried as he studied her mother's face.

The Sebastian matriarch turned a little sour with her son's response but still she was determined to sway her son on her side again. "I see my young self in Darcy, glamorous, result-oriented, classy and most of all she has the makings of a true Sebastian. She will be good for you, Theo. She has money, the connection and she's driven." She continued to talk in a soft tone.

A disbelieving snigger bubbled out from Timothy's throat. "Driven? Ma! Are you blind? Darcy doesn't even work. All she do is go clubbing, showing off her fancy shoes and bags."

"And please don't dragged my father's surname into this nonsense. A true Sebastian is compassionate, hard working and intelligent, just like papa. A bit overbearing but reasonable. And none of those is Darcy. But that's totally irrelevant now, that woman knows where she stands now." He muttered cryptically.

"What do you mean?" The matriarch queried promptly.

"She paid us a visit at the home last Saturday with aunt Lara. To apologize and to own her mistakes and wrong doings. She even asked for forgiveness from Maggie and Sabina." He disclosed as he continued to survey his mother's appearance.

When Bianca Sebastian stayed quiet, Timothy pushed on. "See ma? It's not that hard, Darcy had done it so I'm sure you can do it, too. Own your shortcomings and I'm sure Maggie, papa and even Sabina will forgive you."

Looking appalled and every bit insulted, the matriarch replied. "No! I will never do such thing especially with your no-good dumb father. Did you know that he invited me for dinner last night, just to threaten me?" Her softer tone disappearing in a snap.

"He threatened to sue me and he even use the annulment card. And this is all because of your relationship with that horrid Dela Vega woman." She declared in a hurt tone.

The young architect was ignorant about this but if this bit was true, he fully understood his father's intention. After all, desperate time calls for desperate measure.

"It's his way of protecting us, ma so if I were you, I will do what he says. You don't want papa angry, do you?" He queried astutely.

Timothy carefully schooled his features and stared at his mother. "Ma, next time I will appreciate if you call before barging in like this. I'm a busy person and this is MY office. I don't like being interrupted especially when I'm working." He mumbled trying to convey that the matriarch presence was no longer welcome in his office.

"You're shutting me out of your life? Is that it? Why, Theo? Because of that woman? Is this one of that woman's conditions?" Bianca Sebastian fired her son with questions that made Timothy sick inside.

"Ma, you're thinking too much. It's me, not Sab, she's not asking for anything. In fact we seldom talk about you and there are really times that we don't talk about you at all." Timothy confessed in a cold tone.

His mother's face dropped and a disappointed look crossed her features. "I can't believe that you still haven't seen it. That Dela Vega woman is out to ruin our family. Look at us now, divided and having problems and it all began when she entered our lives." She stated, fighting fiercely for her twisted belief and reason.

The young architect's face turned cold at this. "Ma?! Not this again, please. Sab didn't ruin our family, instead she became the way to the truth. It's you. It's all you, ma, you ruined your own family. And until you accept that, I think it's better that we don't see each other for the time being." The young architect announced forwardly.

Truly hurt and appalled, the matriarch began to weep. "I can't imagine that you can do this to me Tim. I'm your mother. We are allies, right? We were so close while you were growing up. We spent almost all our time together but what happened?" She asked in a painful whisper.

"Your true color happened, ma."


After Sabina's second shot, the cramps and the low back spasms slowly disappeared although the mood swings and hot flushes were still there. But according to her gynecologist, it was to be expected since it's part of the mild side effect of her medication.

Religiously, Sabina attended Kate's Yoga class, making her leaner and a bit stretched. She could truly feel that Yoga and Pilates were really a great help to her condition.


"Hmmmm?" She hummed while playing with his hair.

Don't yo miss abuela?" The handsome CEO asked one night while they were having a movie marathon.

This got Sabina's full attention, she reached for the Blu Ray disc player's remote control and put the movie on pause. "Of course, I do. Why? What's on your mind?"

Timothy unrolled on their bed as he pulled her in an embrace. "Nothing, I just want to visit her and your papa plus the twins wanted me to be there as they harvest the tobacco for this season." He readily rationalized.

The gorgeous biologist remained mum, waiting more from him. "Think we should go home to Vigan this weekend. What do you think?" He asked a little hesitant.

"I would love that, Tim." She replied giddily.

And so the following weekend the couple packed their bags and flew to the beautiful city of Vigan to surprise the old clan matriarch.

As soon as they reach the Dela Vega's grand ancestral home, Sabina searched for her grandmother and found her in their spacious Veranda overlooking the vast Tobacco plantation.

"Hello abuela!" The young heiress greeted the old lady in an ecstatic voice while throwing her arms around her.

"I missed you!" She whispered.

Totally caught unaware, the matriarch was startled but in a good way. "Mi amor, I didn't know that you're coming. You just left three weeks ago." The old woman commented.

Sabina giggled at this. "Timothy missed you so bad that's why were here." She discreetly winked at her grandmother as she pulled away.

This earned a rich chuckle from the young architect. "Hi, abuela." He too, hugged the old woman carefully.

"It's always nice to see you, Tim. Good thing, you arrived early. It will be lunch soon. Someone whispered to me that people dear to me are coming so I asked Loring to cook a seafood feast for lunch." Doña Esperanza declared as she patted Timothy's cheek gently.

As she was saying this, the clan matriarch readily recognized a familiar glint crosse Timothy's eyes.

"But first I need to drink my tea. Mi amor, can you ask your yaya Loring to prepare a tea for me?" She ordered softly.

"Right away abuela and I will do it myself." Sabina replied proudly as she turned to  go to the kitchen.

Timothy was now left alone with the sharp and keen old woman. His insides are debating if he'll tell her his real intention of going here.

"Out with it before Aria comes back." Doña Esperanza mumbled astutely.

Baffled and astounded, the young architect furrowed his forehead. "How did you know, abuela?"

"Iho, it was written all over your transparent face. Be thankful that Aria is too excited so she failed to see it. I have met you twice but I can readily read your face. I know that you want to say something but not in Aria's presence. Now, say it!" The matriarch urged.

"I'm going to ask her again to marry me. And I'm here to formally ask for your blessing abuela." He declared humbly, heart pounding wildly.

A dazzling and genuine smile emerged from the old woman slightly wrinkled face. And slowly, tears were formed in her eyes. "You already have my blessing iho, in fact, I was praying for this for several weeks now just after you came here to meet us. I'm not getting any younger so before I go I want to see you and my Aria, settled and happy."

Upon hearing this Timothy embraced the Dela Vega matriarch again. "Thank you abuela."

"I'm planning to ask her as soon as I finished my talk with the twins and with Sir Luis." He added while blinking away happy tears.


After the family had a big lunch, Doña Esperanza set up a diversion so the young architect could talk to her son and grandsons without Sabina's knowledge.

"Mi amor, your yaya Loring and Veronica will bake a new batch of scones and croissant but their using the "pugon" and I wanted to watch. Do you want to go with me?" The old woman promptly asked.

The gorgeous biologist looked at her boyfriend, silently asking if he would be alright alone.

"Go and have some bonding time with abuela, I'm perfectly fine here." Timothy immediately declared.

"And besides, the twins and your father are here so don't worry." He added in whisper.

"Alright then, come on abuela." She gently guided her grandmother out of her chair and ushered her to the nearby barn that houses the "pugon."

As soon as the duo stepped out of the dining area, the four men transferred to a secluded drawing room and continued to talk.

"How was she?" Don Luis asked right away, referring to his daughter's health condition. He trained his vision to the young man, eagerly awaiting his reply.

The Dela twins also darted their gazes towards their only sister's boyfriend. They wanted to know the progress of her treatment.

Immediately the man in question listed his sight and roamed his eyes. "She doing okay, in fact more than okay. After her second shot the cramps and spasms slowly disappeared although there are times that there were mild low back pains but I think that's because of exercising too much. She goes to Diamond almost everyday because Kate set out a new program for her upon knowing her condition." He shared.

"Wow! That's great. Don't you think, papa?" Anton exclaimed and Jacob, too.

"Yes, I already noticed it as soon as you arrived. She looked healthier and of course, happier." The old patriarch responded.

"And we are all thankful that you chose to be with her in this challenging times." Sabina's father continued.

This remarks earned a small but genuine smile from Timothy. "Sir, Anton, Jacob, actually I have things to discus with you that's why I am here." He mentioned truthfully.

The three Dela Vegas' faces became solemn and serious upon hearing this. "What is it?" Jacob inquired while studying the younger man's face.

Anton and the old patriarch shared a confused look, each one didn't know what to expect or to anticipate. All they know and very much certain that this was all about Sabina. Did the young man change his mind?

This is much, much harder than I thought. Timothy realized as he found himself under the scrutiny of the three Dela Vega men.

The young architect drew a long deep breath before annunciating his true intention. "I wanted to ask for your b-blessing and approval, Don Luis, sir. And also from you two, Anton and Jacob." He opened boldly although stammering a little.

Realization dawned at the men and all at the same time smile emerged from their faces.

This brought courage to the extremely nervous man. "I'm planning to ask Sabina again to marry me but before I do that, I wanted to formally ask her hand from you. I wasn't able to do that the first time so I'm here to do it now. Your approval and blessing mean so much to me that's why I'm here." He pressed on in a very sincere tone.

The twins' grins became wider and brighter but the patriarch remained a little unsure. "Tim, iho you know my Aria's true condition, right?" He queried.

"Yes, sir." Like a soldier, the young architect promptly answered.

"Are you sure about this? What if the complications cause her to be infertile? Are you ready for that? Are you ready for a childless marriage?" Sabina's father were asking lots of question but this because he wanted to make sure that Timothy was sure and certain of his decision.

Not that he's doubting the young man but it was more of checking and giving him the truest and worst scenario.

"I'm more than sure sir, it's her for me. She's my home and my family, with or without kids." He declared with unshakable conviction, firm voice echoing in the whole drawing room.

The young architect's declaration earned admiration and respect from the old patriarch. He was now sure that his only daughter is in the good hands of a kind and brave young man.

"Then gladly, I give you my blessing, Tim and with both hands, I welcome you to this family, son." The patriarch stood up and spread his arms.

With pounding heart, Timothy stood up and gave Sabina's father a short but warm manly embrace. "Thank you, sir." He mumbled as he pulled away from the patriarch.

"I think, it's high time that you call me, papa. What do you think, boys?" He darted his gaze to his twins and smiled.

"Agree, pa." Anton stated, a happy smile plastered across his handsome features.

"Welcome to the family little bro." Jacob added.

Timothy breath out a sigh of relief. "Pleasure, papa and thank you."

"When are you planning to do it?" Jacob was unsuccessful to hold his nosy tongue.

Timothy have out a nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his neck. "I'm planning to do it tonight, at the stable with the help of her beloved horse Shadow. What do you think? Is it possible?" He asked a little embarrassed of his plan.

"Being extremely cheesy and extra romantic, ha!" Anton couldn't help but teased his soon to be brother in law.

"Anton..." The old man admonished gently, noticing how nervous the young architect was.

This earned a laugh from the twins. "I'm sorry, papa." The eldest of the Dela Vega siblings readily apologized.

"Honestly, I think that a brilliant idea. She loves shadow and this will warm, her heart immensely." Jacob commented, trying to ease up some of Timothy's agitation.

"I agree and I'm sure your abuela will be over the moon when she learn about this, so son what do you need? Flower? Dinner candles? I think we should start fixing and cleaning the stable thoroughly." Don Luis suggested enthusiastically.

The younger of the twins patted Timothy's shoulder. "You're really doing this all out ha." He mumbled.

Timothy nodded. "I hope she'll be busy the whole afternoon so I can do all the preparations that I have to do." He said thoughtlessly.

"Don't worry, we will help you. Just do your thing, Tim. I will discreetly inform abuela later." Anton volunteered.

"Now all you have to do is take yaya Loring's husband and son and go to the town so you can pick up everything you'll be needing." Jacob suggested, obviously excited.

"I will keep Aria busy and preoccupied. Go!" He added.

"I will personally looked after the cleaning of the stable." The old patriarch volunteered, too.

"No need papa, I just need a few things and I will go straight to the stable as soon as we get back." Timothy stated in a determined tone.

Don Luis nodded his head. "I think I'll just help Jacob and Anton then."


At 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, when Doña Esperanza and the gorgeous biologist got back from baking with yaya Loring and Veronica, she searched for Timothy at once. Asking every people in the grand house.

"Pa, have you seen Tim?" She queried a little anxious of the young man's disappearance.

The old patriarch acting skill was challenged when he heard his daughter's question. "No, maybe he's around somewhere in the plantation." He replied smoothly.

Knowing her boyfriend, Sabina knew that Timothy wouldn't go out alone in the plantation. He's kind of shy and uneasy in public so he wouldn't dare to explore the plantation alone.

"Why don't you check his room, maybe he took a nap." Don Luis suggested, sure that the young man wasn't there.

"Okay, thanks pa." Sabina said as she padded towards her boyfriend's assigned room.

They maybe sharing the same room in the Cradle but they didn't dare do it here, as a sign of respect to her grandmother and father.

As soon as she stepped in his room, Sabina checked on Timothy's stuff, his clothes and his laptop. She found them all there together with his smart phone.

This piqued the gorgeous woman's curiosity. Timothy never go out without his phone. He must be somewhere outside the house but definitely not out in the vast plantation. She murmured mentally.

Thinking of the stable and the other places outside , Sabina decided to look outside the house. She was thinking that her boyfriend might got bored and decided to follow then in the barn or maybe decided to check on Shadow in the stable.

But as she twisted the knob of Timothy's door to open it, a soft click sounded from the inside and the door wouldn't open. Again she twisted it but nothing happened. The door was stuck and didn't budge.

"Freaking great!" She murmured.

"Pa, abuela, yaya Loring!" She yelled from the inside. But it seemed that nobody had heard her.

"Anton, Jacob, Tim!" She shouted again.

Luckily, Anton was passing through Timothy's room to get to his own room and heard his little sister's voice.

"Aria? Aria? Is that you?" He asked as he knocked on the door.

"Yes! Yes, it's me. The knob is jammed and door wouldn't open." She complained.

Anton chuckled quietly at this. It seemed fate was helping them. "Relax, I'll get Jojo, he can easily fix this knob." Jojo is yaya Loring's other son.

"Oh, okay. I'll just sit and wait here then." The young heiress mumbled from the other side of the door, mildly irritated.

"I'll be right back. Is Timothy there?" He queried, faking ignorance.

This earned an eye roll from the young woman inside the spacious room. "No! He is not here. I was looking for him that's why I'm inside here." She immediately answered.

"Oh okay, I'll be right back." Anton yelled again.

"Thanks, Anton."

After less than 10 minutes, Anton came back with yaya Loring's son. The two started to fix the doorknob carefully. And since it's an antique and unique piece, the two were being extra careful.

The doorknob is made of white porcelain egg-shaped material that could be broken easily with strong force so it was really difficult for the two men.

"We'll just break it Aria, stand away from the door." Anton declared after 40 minutes of futile effort.

"No! No! Take as much time as you needed, abuela loves these knobs so don't break it. Anyways, I can wait here and watch TV." The young woman bellowed from the inside of the room.

"Are you sure?" Anton asked her sister.


To cut it short, the two men managed to open that door after two hours. Just in time to wash up and prepare for dinner.

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