The redneck has feelings? (da...

By Kay0993

1.5M 43.4K 9.3K

Kayla had a regular life before all this. A loving mother, a father who even though they didn't get along all... More

For the love of daryl dixon (daryl dixon love story)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
ChApter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 34

19.1K 516 190
By Kay0993

A few months later. Kayla's pov

We finally made it to the gates of the prison. We could make it, this could make us safe for at least a little while. Lori could have her baby here and be safe, it would be perfect. Only one problem though, the court yard is filled with walkers and our only chance was to get to the other gate and close it to get them all in the court yard to kill them.

Rick cut a hole into the first gate so we all could get through. The walkers smelt us instantly and started over to the gate. Daryl was last in and tied the gate behind him. I glanced towards him and quickly glanced away when he looked to me. I've never been so nervous around a guy before. Our relationship was weird, he was a complete jerk but the way that redneck made my heart pound was crazy. I wanted to hate him but I couldn't, just sucks I know nothing will never happen. Anyways Rick was surveying the yard and saw that there was no hope if we couldn't get that other gate closed. He turned to us,

" this place is going to be perfect. For us to have a chance at safety we need someone to run to that other gate and close it. It's our only hope."

He turned to both me and Glenn. We both new we were the fastest.

"It's a suicide run." Maggie said. Lori agreed clearly getting frustrated with her husband.

"She's right Rick we'll find something else." T dog agreed.

"This is the safest place we come across in months" Rick protested.

Daryl came up behind me, I knew he knew what I was thinking. I looked to Glenn, he had Maggie, I had nothing. If this was a death run no one would miss me or need me. I stepped forward, but daryl quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I looked to him and he glared at me. I turned back to Rick and said,

"I'll do it"

"like hell you will." Daryl growled.

I glared at daryl and he yelled,

" that's a death run! Only an idiot would make that run, you are not going"

"why do you even care daryl?! I have to for the groups safety!" I yelled back and yanked my arm out of his grip.

He got close to me and glared,

" no"

"we'll find another way" hershall said.

I looked to Rick and looked back. He gave me a look in my eyes as to send me a message. We both knew there was no other way. I gave a head nod, but hid it so only Rick saw it to let him know I was on board with his silent message. Rick sighed,

" alright let's do this then. Beth, hershall, Lori, Carl, run the other way and distract walkers. Get as many as close to the fence to take out as you can. Daryl, carol,Maggie, go to the east and west towers and begin to shoot from there. Kayla, Glenn, you come with me. We'll take the south tower. We are gonna take this prison."

We all nodded and ran to do their assigned jobs. I ran beside Glenn and Rick and we stopped once we saw everyone was distracted with their task at hand. Glenn looked confused. Rick turned to us,

"are you sure you are willing to do this?"

I nodded.

"Wait I thought.." Glenn started to say.

"Do this fast. Don't stop, and keep running. Get into the north tower, lock the door behind you and find the switch to close the gate." Rick interrupted giving me instructions.

I took a deep breath.

" no Rick, I'll do it." Glenn objected.

I turned to him, " no I'm fastest. You have Maggie, I have nothing to lose."

"What about daryl?" He asked.

I said nothing. Daryl did do everything to protect me, but I needed to do this. It's not like he really cared.

" he'll kill us if anything happens to you." Glenn starred.

" I'm doing this Glenn" I said sternly.

" daryl is gonna go nuts when he sees this." Glenn sighed defeated.

" I'll deal with him." Rick said," but you do have to do this fast, before he tries to stop you."

I just nodded. Rick sighed and pulled me into a hug,

" thank you kayla"

I smiled when pulled away and saw Glenn turn away from me. I turned him to me and he had tears in his eyes. Glenn had been one of my best friends since day 1 of being here.

" don't ask me to say goodbye cause I'm not." He said firmly.

I hugged him, " good cause I'm not."

We pulled out of the hug and I put my thumb to his cheek and wiped a tear that had accidentally came over,

"I'll be fine." I smiled to him, but inside I was terrified.

Glenn saw that, I know he did,

" go beat zombie ass" he smiled and I smiled back.

I turned back to Rick and nodded,

" alright Glenn give her a boost and run back towards the east tower with me. Kayla watch for my signal, then jump and run. Do not stop you hear me?"

I nodded and turned back to Glenn who sighed, bent down and had his hands cuffed. I stepped in them and he boosted me up until I got to a roof of a shelter above the gate. I looked back down at him, he gave me a thumbs up and a weak smile and ran with Rick. I felt everyone's eyes on me. I then heard,

" Kayla! No! Get your ass down now!"

I turned and saw daryl running towards Rick.

" Rick I swear to god I'm going to kill you!" He screamed.

Daryl charged for Rick but Glenn intercepted him, holding him against the fence. Daryl fought and fought and Rick tried to calm him down,

" listen to me, she's the fastest. She offered so if you want her to live you have to calm down, get to your station, and shoot anything that comes near her."

" I swear Rick if she dies, I will kill you!" Daryl scowled.

I remained on the roof waiting for my signal. I saw Glenn release daryl and daryl stormed back off to the east tower. Rick turned to me and nodded. That was my signal. I took a deep breath and jumped. I hit the ground and ran. Most walkers were distracted by the others. I heard bullets and felt the air as they seized by me. I could do this. I had all the confidence until of course being me, I tripped and fell over my own two feet, scraping my knee pretty well. I grabbed my knee and did a silent yelp as I saw the blood. I quickly looked around and saw the walkers had all their attention on me now,

"shit" I whispered under my breath.

I quickly got up but ran right into a walker In front of me. We both went down. I fought to keep the dead from my face as it was trying to get my neck. I tried to grab my knife but if I reached for it the walkers teeth would get my neck easily. I looked around panicking and saw other walkers getting closer. I was going to die I knew it. I continued struggling till the body went limp. All the walkers weight was now on me, not moving. I quickly pushed it off and saw an arrow in the head. I looked to daryl real quick and smiled. He scoffed. He was pissed. I couldn't think about that right now so I continued running to the tower. I got In and locked the door and ran up to the control room and found the button. I pushed it and the gate started to close. I smiled and took my gun out of my back Pocket and ran to the outside of the tower room and began picking off walkers one by one with the others. When they were all dead cheers from everyone sprung out! I even heard Rick yell,

" Kayla you did it!"

I looked to daryl who was actually smiling, I still knew he was pissed but for tht moment he couldn't be.

Later that night we camped inside the gates. Everyone was smiling, Beth and Maggie were singing, it was an all around good time for once. No one had any worries. Rick was surveying the perimeter and daryl was on watch on top of an old shack. I looked at him and sighed. He hadn't talked to me at all this afternoon since my death run. The others must've noticed my starring and Lori said,

" don't worry kayla. He'll come around."

I looked to her and smiled. I saw Rick still surveying so I ran up to catch up with him,

"hey Rick!"

He stopped and waited for me. We were walking side by side when I said,

" you've walked these fences 3 times, if something was wrong you would've found it by now."

He smiled," just seems too good to be true."

We both laughed and then silence for a minute and he stopped. I looked at him.

"It's all because of you you know. I was an idiot though" He sighed.

"Rick" I stated.

" it's true. Sure I'm happy about finally finding a place, but I put one of my own at risk. Kayla you are my daughter now and i feel....I feel like shit for having you do that." He sighed.

I just smiled and hugged him. He hugged back and kissed my forehead. I pulled from the hug and we walked back to the group. I glanced over to daryl who was still on watch. Carol walked up to me and gave me a plate of food,

" go take it to him or he'll never eat."

I smiled at her and took the plate. As I neared daryl I got nervous and braced myself for the attack I was about to get. I tried to climb up to him but having food in one hand made it impossible. He scoffed and bent down and helped me up,

" what do you want?"

" if I don't bring you food you'll never eat." I joked.

Clearly he didn't think it to be funny but took the plate anyways. I handed it to him but the kinda winced a bit. When tht walker fell on me it had messed up my shoulder a bit. He noticed,

"what's wrong?"

"My shoulder, when that walker fell on me,just hit it I guess." I replied rubbing my shoulder.

He put his plate down,

" here turn around."

I was confused but I did. I then felt 2 rough,soft hands on my shoulders. He began massaging them. I had the biggest smile on my face. He must've noticed because he stopped rather quickly,

" we should get back"

I sighed and nodded. He jumped down and held his arms up to catch me. I jumped down and he helped, but he turned from me directly and began walking away. I stood there frozen. I had to say something,

" I'm sorry."

At first I thought he didn't hear me but he stopped and turned to me.

"What?" He asked but it had a hint of anger in his voice.

I sighed," I know you hate me now, even more thAn you probably did before."

He got mad and walked to me, grabbed my arm, and pulled me behind the shack so we were out of view from everyone.

"You think I hate you?!" He glared.

It scared me a bit so I said nothing. He was clearly pissed,

" Kayla why are you so dumb! You think I hate you!"

"I don't see why you even cared that I made that run, I'm nothing to you daryl!" I whisper yelled.

"You know nothin! Do you know what I would've done if you would've died today!" He whisper yelled.

We were both silent. The expression on Daryl's face looked as if he had just confessed to a serious crime. He admitted having feelings for me. I just starred at him in amazement. He sighed in defeat and just looked at me to say something, but I was frozen. Then he walked over to me and grabbed me and kissed me. It took me a minute to realize what was going on and I kissed back. It was the the most amazing kiss I've ever had. He grabbed me as if to pull me closer to him. Once we were done he layed his forehead on mine and whispered,

"you're mine."

I looked at him and nodded and he walked away. I walked behind him back to the group and sat next to Glenn who had a smile on his face. I smiled back and hit his arm playfully. I knew I wouldn't be getting out of this one. Rick began to speak,

"this place is perfect and tomorrow I want to get inside. We can clear a cell block and live there."

Everyone contemplated for a minute then nodded.

"Alright I only want to take a few people. Glenn,daryl, Maggie, and kayla." He said.

I smiled, he trusted me to be good to help.

"No." Daryl said.

I looked to him angry. Rick was confused.

"She ain't going." Daryl stated sternly.

Rick sighed,

"she's good with a knife. We need her."

"Daryl glared at him and I got up and walked to daryl,

"I'm going."

He glared at me and walked away.

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