Stydia one-shots

By stydiaHAShappened

185K 6.5K 1K

Title basically says it all. Feel free to leave requests! More

1. And if you die
2. Late
3. Not Jealous
4. A Little Void
5. Little red riding hoodie
6. Coping With Death
7. The Christmas present
Perks of stydia
8. Everything
9. Guess Who's Back
10. The Dinner
11. Stydia texts
12. Sheets
13. Season 6
14. Like That
15. A Living Body
16. Stydia as Songs pt. 1
Stydia Sexy Time
17. Season 6
18 .HER
19. The Phone Call
Perks of Stydia pt.2
20. Catdog
21. Fight
22. I got Tagged...again
23. The Sun
24. Season 6 imagine
25. Wedding Ring
26. College
27. Sleeping
28. You Okay?
A "No Clue" one shot
29. He
31. Colleague
Perks of Stydia pt.3
33.Folded Like Fabric
34. Coin
35. Claudia
36. Drunk
Stydia Phones
38. Best Friends Brother
40. Room Mate
41. Tattoo
42. Late
Stydia Phones Pt.2
43. Tattoo pt 2
44.Over Protective
Tattoo pt.3
45. Anchor
Tattoo pt.4
Tatoo pt.5
47. Apartments
Stydia Phones pt.3
51. The Trio
52. Autumn
53. Friends
54. Youtube
Perks of Stydia pt.4
55. Winter
Interrupting Pt.2
57. Coffee
58. Mornings
Interrupting Pt.3
59. Ocean Scene
60. Sweet
61. I'll be back
62.I Love You
63. Just Ask
64. His Room
65. The Bed
66. The Crush
67. Let's Go Swimming
68. I Usually Don't Over Think
69. Saturday Night
70. They talked about everything

39. Soft

1.7K 69 2
By stydiaHAShappened

"You can't pour milk into the bowl before cereal!"
"Yes you can! Is there a law? Cause I didn't see one." Stiles bickers causing Lydia to grunt, cheeks red in fury. She storms off, joining Kira and Allison where they walked side by side in front of the boys. Isaac and Scott let out a few of the snickers they had been holding in.
"What?" Stiles grumbles, detaching his gaze from his girlfriend in front of them.
"You two never stop arguing." Isaac holds back a laugh, eyeing the colorful sign to some run down store they had just passed. The group of six had disconnected when it came to college. Yes, they all attended universities that were either the same or fairly close to each other but the school work had hit them hard. They missed one another, decided to take a day just for themselves.

"We do too." Stiles weakly threw back.
"Babe," Lydia and the others had stopped, the boys catching up with them. "Are we going back to your apartment or mine after dinner?"
"Yours." He answered.
She pouted. "We were at mine last time."
"No, we were at mine so it's your turn."
"Stiles," her voice rose a little. "I specifically remember you used my favorite mug for your coffee at my apartment."
"Yes because you left it at my place. And I specifically remember you making a mess out of my room because you wanted to wear my favorite sweats!" He said and Allison groaned. This ensued another argument as the two bickered over whose turn it was and when the last time they'd been to the others place had been. After another forty five minutes they finally settled on going to Stiles'. He felt Isaac's eyes burning into him. "Okay, so we argue a lot. But that's just how it is between us and it's usually just in front of you guys. . .it's different at home." Stiles explained though no one particularly believed him.

But it was true. When the couple was worn down from their day of laughter, they'd piled themselves into the jeep and made their way to Stiles' apartment. He stretched across the couch with a sigh as the girl lay on top of him. There, it was all soft smiles and tired eyes that blinked slowly, a hum in the air when she stretched her neck to kiss the stubble on his chin. His fingers drew on her back as she clung to him for life and made a game of trying to match her breathing to his. He asked how school was going and when she answered "stressful" he comforted her, knowing how hard it was. She asked, in return, how FBI training was.
"Gruesome," he muttered, "I've seen more cracked skulls and bloodied bodies than I should be comfortable with."

She hugged him a little tighter, kissed his neck before burying her nose in his shirt. They barely even heard Scott use his spare key to get in and didn't stop talking quietly because they didn't know he was there, listening, observing. He'd never seen them stop arguing for more than two minutes. Maybe Isaac had been wrong. The werewolf cleared his throat but the couple didn't even jump or separate, simply turning their heads to gaze at him.
"You left your sunglasses in Allison's bag. She wanted me to drop them off." Scott told Lydia. She smiled and thanked him before dropping her head back to Stiles' chest.
"Later dude." Stiles told his friend with half an effort as he left.
Lydia sighed, all too tired from the day. "Are they right?" She asked. "Do we fight too much?"
Stiles smoothed back the hair from her face and thought of the correct way to word his next few statements. "We don't fight, we bicker. You can't call what we do on a daily basis, fighting. They've never seen us actually fight, they don't know the difference."

It's as if he almost caught her visibly shrink, her voice quiet but now more than it had been seconds ago. As thought she was afraid what she said next was somehow going to ruin them. "Yeah but we disagree on practically everything. . ."
"Don't listen to them, Lyds."
She scoffed. "With banshee hearing that's nearly impossible."
The room grew silent again, the boy shifting underneath the girl because even though she was light, he was tired and a feather could have felt like an anvil at this time of day. She yawned. He returned one. Embarrassment crept up on Lydia, crawling under her fingernails. How dare she question their relationship based only on what their friends saw. How dare she believe them. How dare she notice the stares they gave when her tone rose slightly.
"I'm being silly." It was her apology.
"Don't. I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about exactly this. But we're different than anybody. We've got that emotional tether." A smile creeped onto his lips and she sat up just enough to Peck it. They were proof that everyone was wrong.
Authors note:

1) I'm pissed because the OG ending was so good but it accidentally got deleted and I couldn't remember what I wrote
2) I pour my milk in the bowl before I pour my cereal
Comment, read, enjoy!

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