The Assassination Classroom i...

By Plushy_plue

219K 6.3K 4.8K

A teenager named {y/n} was visiting their grandma in America, a typical otaku. However, one night while going... More

The night that changed you forever
Goodbye America...hello Japan
My new home?!
Bitch-sensei pt2
Tch Bastard!!
My first mission!!
Dumb Assembly
I can go home!! Wait why are they here?
No way!!! Ouran kids!
I saved Haruhi just in time!
Cool!! I get to stay with the Ouran kids!!
My new abilities
Heading back home
I meet Itona!
Finally test day
Our trip to Kyoto!!!
Kyoto pt 2
I hate this!
Transfer student
I didnt mean too....
Bitch-sensei v.s Karasuma
Human target
Movie trip to America!!!
You know them!?
A sleepover at my house!?
Ugh give me a break!?
Valentines day special
We meet again
Part of the truth revealed
Ciel Phantomhive house
Why is Karma so mad?
We wont lose the game! Not again!
Oh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it had to happen
They're here!
Take that back!!!!
That was close
I was so scared...
Holy shit....I'm going to die
I just made a new enemy
It'll soon be over
I really need some rest
God damn it why!!? (part 1)
No... (part 2)
Swimming pool!!!
I'm going to kill him!!!!
Final exam begins pt1
Let the battle's begin!!! pt 2
Well I'm fucked
Little Clarification
Final battle part 1
Shit is getting interesting pt 2
Things cant get worse...right?
Under Cover mission!
It's actually him...
Its all over
The book isnt over!
I cant stay here anymore
Training camp?


6.9K 207 67
By Plushy_plue

{Y/n} POV-

After the whole thing with That fat bastard, I decided to just keep an eye out, nothing really happens anyway, but who knows, I still got to deal with Mr. Asano-kun and his dumb school system

It was a regular day, I was with Onii-chan in the office because he wanted to see me for something.

"{Y/n}-san, listen, the government knows about what you can do, and we have a proposal for you, we want you to assassinate someone."
"Eh?! But I'm not an assassin!! cant you ask Bitch-sensei!" I didn't mind to be honest...but I'm nervous
"I know but the guy that needs to be assassinated he has a daughter fetish, and that's when you come in" he hands me the profile of this guy
"He's a creep!!"
I sigh, "Okay I'll do it." I nod and walk out

As I got in the classroom I saw millions of Koro-sensei!!

"Ehh what's going on?! Wait? Is it exam time?" I sat down to my seat
"That's correct {y/n} -San I will give it my all so that you all can make it to the top fifty!" He goes faster and gave everyone a specific head-band.
"Hey! Why do I get Naruto!!" Terasaka yelled
"Wait you know Naruto!" I yelled
"Yea he's a famous actor" he looked pissed
"Oh..." damn that's not what I was expecting
"Ne {y/n}-san, let's go over what you need help in, what about math?" Koro-sensei said with an American head-band
"Sensei, I don't need to study, remember I've learned all of this when I was in junior high back in America, come on I'm a senior I already know this stuff." I leaned back on the chair
"Nufufuf aren't we confident~" his face had green stripes
"Sensei all I need help with is Japanese history since well you know I'm not Japanese." I shrug
"Hai hai" he nods and starts to teach me.
"Hey sensei don't you get tired?" Kayano asked
"Don't worry I have one of my duplicates resting outside." We all looked
"That won't do anything!!" The class yelled
"Sensei that's dum-" I was cut off when I saw a giant indent in his head
"Ahhh!? Karma-kun! Refrain from assassinating me! It messes up the rest!" He yells

I looked at karma to see him trying to stab sensei, he has his tongue sticking out in a plateful way, I giggle slightly, which catches his attention; he winks at me, I rolled my eyes playfully and got back to work.

After we've been studying for god knows how long, sensei was out of breath and I was laughing. 

"I've seen you deflate like this but seeing it in person is hilarious!!" I laughed loudly
"Hm? What do you mean {y/n}?" Rio asked
"It's bad enough his efforts are futile!" I wipe a tear
"{Y/n}-san, how was my efforts futile?" Koro-sensei asked confused
"Crap I said to much" I whispered
"Ehh well umm I can't tell you.." I backed up out the door and left
"I gotta be more careful about that!" I walked to Karasuma so we can go home. 
"Hey onii-chan I'm ready to go!" I leaned against the door
"Oh well {y/n} your going to have to go stay at someone else's home for tonight, the general of the ministry of defense is coming over to discuss some plans." He says while typing
I know it's about that laser....
"Ne Karasuma.." I looked down sadly
He looked up confused since I called him by his name.
"Do you really have to use the laser?" I said quietly
"What?! How'd you know?" He stood up
"I told you...I know everything...especially how sensei dies..." a single tear comes down
"{Y/n}..." he went to go tap my shoulder but I turned away
"Who am I going to stay with? And wasn't there a creep I was supposed to kill?" I thought for a moment
"She can stay with me~" I felt a hand around my shoulder, and of course it had to be the red head devil
"Hm you do live right next door," he thought, he sighs "Alright fine just for tonight!" He left to go back to do his computer stuff.

I felt Karma's smirk from where I was standing. I turned and smiled.

"Alright let's go!" I walked off ahead
"Oh but I'm waiting for someone." He puts his hand behind his head
"Oh you mean Nagisa and Kayano?" I asked
"Hm yea" he nods
"Alright I'll wait" I sat down outside and just played with the dirt with a stick.

Oh how I miss my sister...and my parents...I wonder how there'll doing? Do any of my friends miss me?" Just as I thought of that I felt my phone ring

"Who's calling me?" I checked, it was a FaceTime from an unknown number, but it was back at the US!! I swiped.

"Hello?" I walked to the woods and leaned against the tree
"Omg {y/n}!! It's really you!!" I heard about 3 voices, then I saw my sister, my girl best friend and my guy best friend. I covered my mouth
"No way! How'd you find me?!"
"It was one hell of a mission! But I found it!" My sis says
"Oh god how I miss you all..I was just thinking about you." I wiped a tear
"Aww don't cry baby girl! We miss you too how is it over there?" My {m/bff} questioned
"It's interesting, the kids are what I imagined but the school system is way worse than the one back at home" I said with a little anger
"Aww damn that sucks but when will you be back?" My sis said
"I don't know..." I just remembered it took 2 full years for Koro-sensei to be killed...
"Worse come to worse I'll see you all in 2 years..." a tear fell
"What?! That long!!" They all yelled
"Yea...I'm sorry.." I said sadly
"No no don't be. We'll wait, I promise" they all smiled, but I can see pain in there eyes which made me sad
"Guys..." I was going to say something when I saw Karma, Nagisa and Kayano close by to me
"I have to go, we have exams here" I said
"Aright we love you!!!" They all blew kisses at me.

I waved goodbye and hanged up the phone. I let my tears fall down, they won't stop....

"Hey {y/n}-chan thanks for waiting hope we didn't keep you-" Kayano stopped speaking when she saw my tears "{Y/n}-chan..." she went to go touch my shoulder but I pulled away and quickly wiped my tears
"Okay let's get going we have to study for those dumb exams and I got a mission to do tonight." I started to walk so they won't see my puffy eyes

I knew Nagisa and them gave each other worried looks, but I don't need them to worry and I wanna keep it that way.

I walked infornt of then the whole time, listening to there conversations, Kayano about sweets, Nagisa about sensei weaknesses, and of course Karma with his devil acts.

Once we got to Karma house we went inside and started to study, I had trouble with Japanese history and I grew very irritated, which Karma found hilarious. Kayano tried to calm me down, which worked a little. Just a little. But after about 4 hours of studying, we stopped too eat.

"Wow all that studying made me hungry." Kayano said while rubbing her stomach
"Mhm!" Nagisa agreed
"Well I can make you guys something for the trouble?" I stood up and walked to the kitchen
"Ehh?! You know how to cook?" Kayano asked excitedly
"Of course! Back at home I used to make dinner for my family all the time." I grew a little sad at the memory
"Hmm I wanna taste, tell me when it's ready!" Karma said while watching tv.

After about 30 minutes, the food was done, it was laid out perfectly and pretty!

"Okay guys enjoy!" I said happily
"Wow~ this looks amazing...and it taste delicious!!" Kayano eyes lit up
"Yea I never knew you can cook {y-n}-chan!" Nagisa and the rest are happily

As we ate I got a call from onii-chan.

"{Y/n} you need to go home and change to meet up with your target, I'll meet you home and we can discuss the rest." I heard a car engine
"Oh crap! I totally forgot about that! I'm heading there right now bye onii-chan!" I yelled and put my stuff away.
"Hey {y/n} where are you going?" Kayano asked with a mouth full
"I uh have to meet with someone." I ran to the door. "Bye guys see ya tomorrow!" I yelled and left.
"Huh that's weird?" Nagisa said as Karma and Kayano nod.

I can't wait to have my first mission!! This will be so much fun.... I grinned and went home to change.

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