Fin's Claim

By Whiskeyqueenn

4.6M 233K 72.5K

This time around the story concentrates on Fin and Victoria and their ill-fated mate pairing. Unaware of Fin... More

Before Knowing
Before Knowing POV Finian
Knowing POV Finian
BlamePOV Finian
Alpha Grey
Alpha Finian
Meeting The Far North
My Meela
I Revel In His Suffering Finian POV
Malicious Intent
The Beginning
The Beginning
Curse The Queen
Curse The Queen
Break My Pride
Break My Pride
Let Me Introduce Myself
Let Me Introduce Myself
Thou Shall Not
Thou Shall Not
To The Queen
To The Queen
Calloused Heart
Calloused Heart
Pack Before Feelings
Pack Before Feelings
Clarity Of The Moon's Mirage
Clarity Of The Moon's Mirage
Turning The Tables
Turning The Tables
Alpha Male Instinct
Alpha Male Instinct
Strike The Queen
Strike The Queen
Decay Rebuilds
Decay Rebuilds
Proper Introduction
Proper Introduction
Always Wanting More
Always Wanting More
We're Not Cowards
We're Not Cowards
A Need For Teeth
A Need For Teeth
The Marrow Of Him
The Marrow Of Him
New Idea Of Thought
New Idea Of Thought
New Leadership
New Leadership
Jumping to Conclusions
Jumping To Conclusions
Feast For Crows
Feast For Crows
I'm Sorry
I'm Sorry
Can't Win Everything
Can't Win Everything
Standing Still, Moving On
True Cravings
Standing Still, Moving Forward
Implementing New Ideas
Implementing New Ideas
The Den (Part One)
The Den (Part One)
The Den (Part Two)
Hope Is Poison
Hope Is Poison
Who Am I
Who Am I
Securing A Future
Securing A Future
Cord Of Life
Self Discovery
Cord Of Life
Things Just Happen
Things Just Happen
Guilt Will Eat You
Guilt Will Eat You
This Can't Be Fixed
This Can't Be Fixed
Bitter Or Better
Bitter Or Better
Hard Time Path
First Forward Motion
Climbing Sideways (Part One)
Climbing Sideways (Part Two)
The Healing Path
The Healing Path
The Mountian Top Is Within Reach
A Family


34.6K 1.7K 450
By Whiskeyqueenn

Finian's POV




All emotions being shown from Borson mimics in his oldest male's stare towards me.

If pups are made to see one way can the adult see another way?

The silver blade with its polished ivory handle returned to his mate. Again she grips the handle tightly, looking directly into his eyes before taking a small piece of fur from her pocket. It's winter white, the softest part of the underbelly of the rabbit it came from. Once clean she re-sheaths the ceremonial weapon in an old leather casing before Borson's hand goes out to claim the item back.

Reluctantly she hands it over.

Borson noticing that I caught the exchange angles his head with the corner of his lip slightly raised.

"I was expecting to meet your mate today, Finian?" He makes a show of looking around, almost laughing before his eyes falling on my marked neck.

"She was unable to attend this time." Saying this as if she might be here for the next exchange.

"It must be very difficult to be mated to that, but I suppose the moon knows what she's doing. Matching your mate perfectly to someone like you." His repulsion spits out of him in words. His son standing straighter watching his father while his own scowl on his face deepens.

"What does that mean, Borson?" The edges of my fur starting to rise. I need to remind myself that this is a peaceful exchange never has there been any fighting between the packs, ever.

"It means that the moon picks perfect mates." His condescending tone irritates me.

"Yes, she does pick out perfect mates to bad your mate doesn't think you're perfect." My turn to make a show of looking at his unmarked neck, the smirk I give him is dark; my own lip lifts to reveal a flash of white. Taking a step towards me, his son follows the action of his father standing side by side with him as if he would be a real threat to me. The toy spear clenched firmly in his grip, the silver tip points slowly at my throat.

Meela coming to stand by my side, shoulder brushing my bicep calming my rising fur down. She smells of sunshine on a cool day warming up the things she touches. My brother's a lucky wolf to have something so perfect for him.

"What about Victoria?" The demon slithering up my leg, its tail wrapping around my waist as it takes his position on my shoulder so he has a front row seat.

Is Victoria my perfect?

"We've made lots of food, would you like a plate to take with you? I know that you have a long ride back home." Meela's voice reminds me of a whisper on the wind, light, and delicate, her eyes traveling towards the Luna's pregnant belly. Meela giving her the softest smile of welcome.

"She's not hungry." Borson's gaze now on Meela except his voice is not filled with harshness for the Luna of the North. He actually bows slightly to her in respect, hands behind his back. His son doing exactly the same as him. Bessa now has her back straighter, without looking at Borson she takes the first step towards Meela. Letting her smile hit the corners of her exotic eyes, she's an oversees's beauty, eyes so dark they almost look black. Small colorful feathers attached to the ends of small scattered braids throughout her dark hair makes her look like a warrior princess except the far north doesn't train their females to become fighters.

"Thank you, I could eat." Borson's female feeling her pregnant belly. The two Luna's walking away from us, while Grey takes my left, Thomas stands on my right. My mother coming to stand with us approaching Borson with her hands outstretched, pressing her cheek against his and a squeeze to his shoulder before pulling away quickly.

"It's good to see you again, Alpha Borson, your males look well." She bows to the oldest pup with her hands crossed in front of her chest; he bows back to her in the same way. The youngest pup she picks up in her arms, pressing her cheek against his, in the Old Way of greeting. Giving him a squeeze before setting him back down with a pat on his bottom.

"How's my sister doing?" My mother de-escalating the situation between Borson and myself. The tension blowing away with the cold wind that's starting to come in from the north. I remember when we were young before we shifted how this day would be a big celebration, the packs mingling for the weekend, tents set up, fires going for days. It was a happy occasion something everyone in both packs looked forward to. Families would visit one another. That all changed when I killed his brother, it was either him or Grey; I chose Grey to live.

Nothing has been the same since.

"My mother's doing well." Borson's voice coming out very polite while Bessa comes back with a full plate of food standing slightly away from Borson who takes a step towards her, so their arms are touching. The oldest pup with his spear gripped tightly in his hand takes a position in front of his mother as if he's a warrior wolf protecting their Luna.

"Luna Bessa, it's good to see you again." My mother approaches her with hands outstretched pressing her cheek against hers.

"Elizabeth, it's good to see you again." Bessa, bowing to her in respect. Meela's plate only has a few items on it, while she picks at it turning slightly pale, handing the plate to Grey a gag creeps out of her throat. Her stomach still upset with the early phases of pregnancy.

Bessa is reaching into her pocket pulling out a plastic bag filled with dry leaves.

"Here, break it up, put it under your tongue it should help you with your sickness. It's helping me. This female has been hard on me from the beginning." Her hand outstretched to Meela who takes it and puts a piece underneath her tongue as directed.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Both females are smiling at one another without teeth.

"You have beautiful pups." Meela's hands outstretched to touch the oldest as he backs away, Borson putting him behind his back.

"He's not to be touched by any female besides his mother or sisters." My mother's voice is coming out quickly to educate Meela about the far north customs.

"I apologize I never knew this." Meela, stepping away from the pups, leaning her body into Grey's side.

"It's time for us to go." Borson is looking at Bessa who's eating off her plate. Giving some food to the youngest pup while the oldest is refusing to eat anything she hands him.

"Meela is was a pleasure to meet you. Goodbye, Elizabeth." Bessa, saying nothing to Grey or myself, turning away with her youngest. Borson is nodding to my mother, "Luna." He bows his head slightly to Meela while giving me a hard stare; I return it while he backs away. His small pup is doing exactly what his father is doing.

Watching them all pull away leaves me with a sense of relief. Never in all our history has there ever been a war between our packs for some reason this might change.

"They're intense aren't they." Meela's voice once again relaxing the atmosphere around us.

"That they are." Grey is bringing her closer to the side of his body, fingertips drawing little circles just under her hairline.

"Why doesn't the oldest get to be touched by any females other than his family?" Meela is asking questions to my mother who comes from that culture.

"He's honoring his mate, saving himself for her from the very beginning of him taking the first breath of life. No other females can touch him except his immediate family. He will not touch any other female besides his mate. It's a great honor he's saving for her." A distant look in her eyes as they unfocus for just a second before falling back on all of us.

"I find that sad in a way. To restrict yourself so much from such a young age. Touch is a comforting thing; I want my male to have touch in his life." Her hand feeling the slight swell of expanding belly.

"Everyone has their own beliefs Meela, and that's what the Far North believes. No male Alpha should know the touch of a female beside the one meant for them. It teaches them great restraint. All Alpha's should have some form of control." Now, my mother's eyes fall on mine before looking away in frustration. I feel it deep inside me what a great disappointment I am to her.

The demon's tail is circling my neck like a noose tightening with the shame that wraps around me. He doesn't say a word just allowing me to enjoy the feeling my inner self is giving me.

Meela and my mother walking towards the females who are now part of our pack.

"You mean their pack, the north is not yours, Finian." The demon is correcting my way of thinking.

"Mom still not speaking to you." Thomas is watching me follow my mother's retreating form.

"No, not yet."

"She'll come around just give her time." Now Grey has his hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze. I'm not sure what my mother is madder at? The fact I became the Alpha of the Southern pack or that Victoria wasn't with me today. It was incredibly hard to explain to her why Victoria left keeping it vague was the best choice; she doesn't need the details.

Walking away from the group making a call to the East.

"Alpha Fin." At least he's answering the phone properly now.

"What's Victoria doing?"

"Same as last time you called, nothing. She is just sitting on the couch watching movies drinking with your Beta." It's hard to stifle the growl that sinks deep down in my gut.

"Why hasn't Bryon left?"

"Victoria invited him to stay." This male on the phone now sounds nervous.

"Put Bryon on the phone." The rage is hard to control.

"Why so angry Finian?" The demon's forked tongue voice is hissing the syllables in my ear. "She told you she would move on. You should be happy she has someone to do nothing with all night long." I can't stand this creature that's continually whispering words just above the voice of the wind.

I can hear the wolf on the other line walking through the house his footsteps loud and deliberate. "He's not here. They must have gone for a drive."

"You tell him to call me, if he doesn't I'll send Grey to drag him back to the South." Turning the phone off in annoyance I need to keep myself as calm as possible.

The rest of the pack starts to gather around the newly acquired females, their mates making introductions to the families that are here. A heaviness prevalent in the air, nothing joyous at all about this. My father always made sure to welcome every new female into the pack, welcoming them in as if they were born here and not a strange wolf on our territory.

"Grey we should greet all the females like father used to do. I think from now on we should have this exchange in the late summer early fall. Let's make a weekend out of it as we used to when we were young. I don't care if the Far North pack participates, but at least our packs will be able to visit one another. We could set up the games again, have the hunts begin again. It would give families time to visit one another." Grey's rubbing his chin, thinking about my thoughts with a smile.

"I think that's a good idea, Fin." I can see how his eyes sweep over the gathering, looking at each wolf individually.

Grey starts to head to the Northern females while I head towards my pack's newly acquired females. It's a small contingent just over five females compared to the twenty the south just lost to the north. I'm not familiar with any of those females.

"Their mates should be happy about that don't you think?"

My demon's words are stopping me in my tracks. "Think of all the females you sent their way, I wonder what kind of homecoming they get?" The demon is scratching his scaly arm with claws that curl under because they've grown too long. I never forced those females to spread their legs for me; they did that to themselves. Trying to make him see it wasn't just me that defiled them, they also were active participants. Who's to blame more? The one standing getting pleased or the one on her knees doing the pleasing? Holding still while I wait for my demon's reply that never comes.

Approaching my Beta of the Western territory, he's found his mate; both look uncomfortable. It's an awkward stance both not knowing what to do or how to act. This is the first time witnessing his fluster.

"Alpha Finian, this is my mate Moora." He's standing proud as if he couldn't be happier with the moons choice for him.

"Cousin, it's good to see you again." Trying to make my voice a soothing calm. Embracing her in the Old Ways, cheek pressed against cheek, her hand on my shoulder before she pulls herself away from me. Her face is blank without emotion.

"Alpha Finian." The subtle tone of her voice is one of passive aggressiveness, one side acknowledging my status the other side's inflection of disgust.

"Moora, come over here." My mother's voice is strong over the gathering of wolves. Without any hesitation, the female runs into my mom's open arms both females hugging one another with love.

"Aunt Elizabeth." Moora's voice is coming out in an almost sob before burying her head in her shoulder.

"It's going to be alright; I'm proud you came today. It shows how fearless you are. How you honor the moon's wishes." How often has my mother done this, rubbing hands over females backs as they take the hardest leap of faith in their lives?

"Who will be rubbing those females backs when they arrive in the Far North?"  The demon is always putting his two cents in when already my pockets are overflowing with his observations. 

Watching how Moora folds herself into my mother, her eyes shut yet a tear still leaks out. My mother is whispering words of comfort to a female who's scared, unsure of the next step. Meela is now standing beside them with her hand on the female's back.

Victoria should be here watching this with her awkward smile that tries so hard not to show her teeth. My mother could have instructed her well today.

"Do you miss that filthy female?" Now his eyes watch mine, neck stretching, so his slitted nostrils flare slightly as his tongue flicks in the air taking my emotions in. I miss her.

Becca is coming to stand beside me. "Make sure all my females have everything they need. Make sure they are well taken care of until they are settled into the new territories. It's your responsibility, don't let me down." Walking away with orders given expecting them to be followed without argument.

Thinking of others Alpha Finian beside your precious self. The demon is feeling my head for a fever, his eyes not believing what he's seeing.

The daylight is fading slowly away with the oncoming night.

Watching the mingling of wolves while I stand to look at their interactions.




Thoughts all going back to Victoria who's company I'm craving since I've had such a small taste of her. The middle of my chest feels as if a deep void has taken root, ever expanding to create an empty space inside myself.

I can be surrounded by so many yet want just the presence of one female who drives me insane.

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