Don't Break Me

By deadlykidrauhl

64.9K 3.5K 1.9K

Justin is broken. At only 17, he is a shell of what he use to be. He gets abused, insulted, laughed at, stare... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 43

643 57 96
By deadlykidrauhl

Justin's POV

I looked down at the unconscious body of Sam in confusion not actually understanding what Ryan meant. I heard both Ryan and Chaz laughing hysterically in the background as I just stared at my friend, trying to process this whole thing. My eyes flicked back up to Jason's direction and he still looked as though he was completely knocked out of reality.

"What's the matter fag?" Ryan spat as I made eye contact with him. He had a grin plastered across his face and his eyes held menace towards me. "You look confused."

Confused was an understatement. I had literally no idea what was even happening around me, but all I knew was that it was not going to end well for me. The depression that had overtaken my mind started to let itself be known. I backed myself up against the sofa hard and began to curl myself into a protective ball, hoping that the eventual pain they were going to inflict of me would somehow be softened.

My mind started to turn blank to my emotions and all I became focused on was staring forward and praying that they would at least make it quick. They both looked at me with evil smirks and rose to their feet, slowly taking small steps towards me. As soon as they were in front of me they stopped and crouched down to meet me face to face.

"You know I half thought you would have figured it out by now," Ryan said as he leaned in against my ear. I continued to just stare straight ahead, but I did turn my attention to what he was saying.

"Should we tell him?" Chaz asked as he rubbed his chin as though he was in thought.

"You know, nothing would make me happier to see the look on this faggots face... but let's wait a little." Ryan said calmly as he rubbed his hand down my cheek.

I furrowed my eyes a little at their words as I was curious to see what they were talking about. Figured what out? That Jason had just been playing me like a game? That they all going to beat the life out of me? I mean, I already knew this stuff so I guess they're just prolonging it.

I felt a hand being placed into my hair, followed by a pulling motion which caused my face to smack against the ground. I felt a pain shot through my nose as my head began to throb. I tried my best to block out the pain, but it was getting too much for me. I pushed myself up to my hands and knees, knowing that if I stayed down it would only be worse for me. These monsters won't stop until my last breath has escaped my lungs.

As soon as I reached my hands and knees, I felt a sharp pain crack against my ribs as I fell straight back down, grasping at my ribs. My breathing stopped temporarily from the impact from what I think was one of them driving their knee into me. Ryan took this opportunity to wrap his hand around my throat and squeeze. My airways quickly became cut off. I tried with all my energy to breathe in, but my attempts were pointless. The more I struggled, the hard Ryan squeezed.

Ryan looked over to Chaz and motioned his head to me with an evil laugh. I felt blood rushing and being trapped in my head. My body was getting weaker and weaker due to the oxygen cut off. Numbness was starting to run through my legs and parts of my arms. My vision was going between spotty and clear and I felt myself getting closer to passing out.

Ryan suddenly released his hold of my throat and picked me up, holding my arms behind my back. Chaz took this opportunity to use me as a punching bag, driving his hand repeatedly into my stomach and ribs. I was suddenly let go of again and dropped down to my knees, feeling the weakness of my body. I struggled to even stay on my knees but I knew that if I fell, they would just pick me up and make it worse for me.

I lifted my head to face the, but was absolutely shocked to see what I did. I could swear that my heart temporarily stopped beating, my stomach dropped and tears quickly began escaping my eyes, running their course down my cheeks. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't want to believe what I was seeing and I was praying that I was going delusional from all the hits. I slumped back against the sofa with my hands wrapped around my ribs, trying to best to regroup my breathing. But the scene in front of me had completely shocked me to the point where I couldn't breathe properly.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD," Ryan yelled as he burst out into an uncontrollable laughter. "TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE. THAT IS PRICELESS."


I simply just kept looking at what had caused my shock. I felt my breath hitch and my stomach flipping as he looked me back in my eyes with such a cocky smirked across his face.

"What's the matter Justin?" He asked so calmly.

I was speechless. So many emotions were shooting in and out of my mind. I was upset. I was confused. I was pained. I was angry. I was terrified. I just couldn't find a way to express myself.

"Well?" He asked as his smirk extended, if that was even possible. Ryan and Chaz by now had somewhat composed themselves and had taken to standing next to him. The two of them patted him on the back as they looked at me in amusement. Finally I managed to stutter something out pathetically.


Sam looked at me with a sarcastic look before he walked a little closer to me, bending down to be on the same level as me.

"You look confused," He said as he let out a little chuckle to himself. Well, he wasn't wrong. But I also felt a lot of other emotions but I just didn't know what to say or do.

"W-why?" I asked simply.

"I don't have to explain shit to you," he spat as he reached his hand out and placed it in my hair. "But how about this..." He grabbed a hold of my hair tightly. "You." He stood to his feet which caused me to rise to mine in agony as well. "Are a fucking," he continued as he grip between tighter. "Worthless faggot." So soon as he had finished saying those words, his other hand had been balled into a fist and met my face with a force that caused me to fall backwards and onto the ground.

I reached to my face and looked down at my hand, only to see blood. I knew that he had probably broken or spilt something open. But to be honest I wasn't concerned about it, I was more concerned with what had just happened. By now tears had begun to fall down my face uncontrollably.

"Now," Sam spoke as he interrupted my thoughts. "I want you to watch this." Sam turned around and took and hold of Ryan. The two looked at each other, then turned to me with a look that I would only describe as spite, then they turned back to each other and sank each other tongues into one another's mouth.

I closed my eyes not wanting to watch any of this. The hardest part was knowing that a boy who I had called a friend and put trust into was now attaching his mouth into a guy who has made me so broken. My heart felt like someone had sucked the life out of it and I felt my mind slipping. I did not know what to make of any of this. I felt like I had hit rock bottom and if possible, even lower than that.

I curled back into a ball and started to rock back and forth, trying to shake away this whole mess. I knew that I was hated, but this? This is just cruel. Had this been planned? If so, when? What did want to achieve from this? If it was to hurt me, then they have far from achieved that.

"Now guys, what do you say we get the real party started?" I heard Sam playfully say and I continued to stay in my ball. This was it. This is probably how they planned this whole thing to go, and the ending would mean the ending of me. I shivered at the thought of it. I knew that I have wanted to leave this world for a while now, but I always wanted to do it on my own terms. I wanted to say goodbye to my mum first. I wanted to make sure I went out the way I wanted to, not the way some monsters had planned.

I felt multiple hands grab at my shirt before I was hoisted up into the air without warning and thrown onto a nearby sofa. I opened my eyes and saw that Sam had taken a seat next to me as Ryan and Chaz were walking over towards Jason, whom still looked completely out of touch with reality. They both tried to lightly shake him and snap their fingers at him, trying to see if he would respond. But he was too far gone for that. They looked back to Sam and I before smirking and ripping Jason away from the sofa, which caused him to slam against the ground with a thud.

They both chuckled to each other before lifting him up together and dragging him over closer to us. They placed Jason down of his knees in front of me and forced his head to look straight in my direction. I tried to look away but Sam forced me to look back at Jason. His eyes were totally bloodshot and glazed. He looked tired and run down. It did not look like the Jason that I had come to know in the past few weeks. Jason's usual ice blue eyes stared back at me blankly.

A tear slipped down my cheek again as my chest came tight. I felt like I had just lost everything in my life. My trust had been completely thrown away and I was all alone in the world. I still didn't know if I could trust Jason. Was he a part of this, or was he being truthfully. But one thing doesn't add up about it. Why was he even here in the first place?

"You took our best friend away and for that, we will fucking take you out." Ryan spat with such hatred that I cowered away.

"You couldn't just get the message that no one fucking likes you fag," Chaz backed up Ryan shooting the words of venom at me. I tried to block their words out, but to no avail.

"Justin you know the best is coming right. Jason can't help you. No one can." Sam said next to me with a chuckle. Ryan and Chaz began to slap Jason across the face repeatedly trying to get him snap out of whatever he had slipped into.

"Come on Jasey, wake up bro!" They both said to him as I noticed colour began to slip back into Jason's eyes. He clearly was not himself and looked like he had no clue what was even happening.

"Jason bro get up," Ryan continued to say shaking Jason. Eventually Jason began to mumble back to them both in reply. Sam held my sore arm tightly as he pulled me in closer next to him.

Jason's POV:

"Fuck me," I mumble as I felt my head practically being held in a vice grip. I couldn't remember what happened before I faded out, but I do remember going back to Ryan's. My eyes were opened, but my vision was blurry and I couldn't make out the surrounding properly. I felt my body being shaken from side to side, or back to back and it was starting to really piss me off. I heard mumbling in the background and I could have sworn it was someone calling my name. Where was I?

The effects of the weed and beers was slowly starting to were off and I felt my thoughts and emotions return back to me. I was trying hard to make out what was in my eyesight, but it was mainly just dots and blurry images. The voices that were speaking around me were starting to become more clear and noticeable and I am pretty sure it was Ryan and Chaz. I tried to speak but it just came out as mumbled words that made no sense.

After a few more minutes, the blurriness of my vision began to fade out and I could see the figures starting to actually appear as they were. In front of me were Ryan and Chaz, both of whom were shaking me and calling out to me.

"Okay shut the fuck up, I'm awake now," I spat as I tried to shake them off of me, but they continued to hold on. "And get the fuck off of me," I said in annoyance.

"Oh you didn't hear?" I familiar voice spoke but I couldn't make out whose voice it was. It sounded like it had come from right behind Ryan and Chaz.

"The fuck are you?" I spat. Ryan and Chaz avoided looking at me and had turned their heads away. I tried again to fight out of their grip but I was still too out of it from the weed and beer, they easily overpowered me.

"I am the guy who is going to make you feel powerless," the voice spoke again which started to really fuck me off that I couldn't see him.

"Show yourself then you fucking pussy," I shouted.

"As you wish." He replied simply. "Ryan... Chaz... you guys mind?"

After he said those words, both Ryan and Chaz stepped to the side of me but still maintained firm grips of me. I looked straight ahead and what I sore made my veins pop out and my blood boil. My muscles tensed immediately and my jaw clenched. Sat on a sofa in front of me was Sam and next to him was bloodied and beaten Justin. As soon as I made eye contact with Justin I knew he was in trouble and this situation was serious. I knew that I needed to unleash the real Jason McCann.


Heyooo all how are you? Good I hope :)

Thank you so much for all the support. Everyone who is reading, voting and commenting... honesty thank you all so much. 

Let me know what you of it.

What are you feelings right now?

I will be back soon with another update.

Until next time, farewell <3

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