
By BlackLytical

46.6K 1.8K 667

"There is no excuse for perjury. Never, Never, Never. There is the truth and the truth demands respect." More

1 || you're a witness.
2 || testify and run
4 || new school, new students
5 || skipped ahead, friends maybe
6 || bodak yellow
7 || issa date
8 || do something
9 || birthday blues
10 || boo thang
11 || issa problem
12 || IDGAF
13 || thought i knew
14 || this is your family
15 || sorry, the end
Character Insight/ book inspiration
New story
New story 2

3 || new home, new life

2.6K 117 14
By BlackLytical

"For us to be in witness protection this is a nice ass house" my dad said as we all got out"

"Well due to the FBI finding out about the trial and finally having evidence to put those guys behind bars, they wanted to make your living arrangements worth it." Mark said.

"Well uh thanks, I think we got got it from here" he said.

Mark nodded and gave him the house key, we were going to have to get some made. He unlocked the door and we awed it was nice and big.

So we mow know we don't need to buy any type of furniture and that we could put ours in storage.

"So let's go find your rooms" Ma said.

She grabbed me and we walked up the stairs together. Our names were on the door and my room was at the end of the hall. I opened the door and stood there in awe.

"You like it?" Ma asked.

I nodded looking around. I have my own room now. I don't have to worry about Yavin any more. I sat my bag down and looked at all these boxes. Now I have to unpack. Yay, at least it is just clothes.

I stayed in my room while everyone else did there own thing. After a while I decided to go and check out the rest of the house. I walked around and looked in the door of my brothers room. They all seemed to like it. I still do not like it here. I just want to go back to New York.

Hours had past snd we had finished all of our unpacking. Dad went out to go get dinner for tonight and tomorrow he would be taking us to the school to get registered.

"Yael are you letting your hair grow out?" Maverick asked

" yeah, soon it will be just like yours"

He grinned. " we could be twins!" He sat in my lap.

I nodded with a smile. I was honestly tired and my eye started to hurt a lot. The Tv was turned on and I looked to see Yavin next to me. I got up and sat Maverick in my seat before walking in the kitchen to see Zeke and Ma at the island.

"So Zeke is going grocery shopping with me and Yavin. Are you coming or are you going with your dad and the little ones tomorrow."

I really do not want to be around Yavin at the moment so I will go with dad. " I will go with dad"

"Okay, just make sure you tell him okay"

I nodded. Once dad got home with dinner which was pizza we ate dinner and I went to my room to go to sleep. I was jet lagged and didn't really have a reason to stay up.

The Next Morning

I was up and dressed to go with my dad and little brothers to do whatever it is they were doing. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"There you are, come eat breakfast, so you can leave with your dad." Ma said.

I decided to be mute today. I really didn't feel like talking. That's also one of my problems. I can go mute for days even weeks at a time. Then I will talk some times out of nowhere.

I sat at the island as waffles and turkey bacon was placed in front of me. Along with a cup of Apple Juice. I picked around at it and ate small pieces of bacon. Before deciding I was full.

"Yael, eat more than that please. I do not want you throwing up later." Dad said patting my back.

I picked up a strip of bacon and ate it and ate one quarter piece of waffle and took a sip of apple juice before pushing my plate away.

"Better than nothing" Zeke said taking my plate and eating the rest of my food.

I'm never really hungry, like last night I only had half a slice of pizza before I was full. They know how I am but still try to get me to eat.

"Already my young ones, lets go" Dad said.

Maverick, Maximus and I followed dad to his Range Rover. I climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up while Max and Mav got in there booster seats.

Dad drove out the drive way and we were off. I looked out the window like I always do and listened to Mav and Max talk about cars and junk.

"Ready for school ?" He asked me?

I shrugged, I do not really care. School is just school and I will be the new kid who will be an out cast while my brothers easily make friends.

"Listen Yael, we are not about to go through this mute stage again. Now talk to me and tell me how you feel. " he stopped at a red light in the turning lane.

" I just want to go home, maybe if I wouldn't have snitched we would have still been in New York."

He turned my head to him and made me look at him. "You did what you thought was right, I may not have liked it, but you are my son and I am always going to stick by your side. okay"

I nodded "okay"

"Good, now lets go make sure my sons are ready for school. I'll be damned if me and your mom are raising some dumb asses." He said.

I snickered to myself cause I know he was talking about Yavin. At our old school he had some D's and like one F. Its sad, cause he is really smart.

We pulled up to the Elementary school first  since it was closer. We got out the parked car and headed inside to the office. Dad talked to the lady at the desk while I stood next to Max and Mav who were playing pretend pirates.

"Shiver me timbers!" Mav yelled as he and Max pretended to clink swords. I shook my head at them.

"Alright Yael and my two little pirates lets get out of here" Dad said pushing us out.

I rose a brow. Since the high school was across the street from the elementary and middle school we walked of course with us holding their hands. I looked at all the kids around my age hanging around the building. I frowned as they looked at us. We went to the office and dad made sure we were ready to come in tomorrow.

"Oh, Is it okay if I come in and sit with my son in all his classes for the first day?" He asked.

"May I ask why ?" The lady asked.

"Well my son he has medical problems and I just want to make sure he is good for his first day and all, I did it at his last school."

"Yeah sure, just do not be a distraction to the other kids."

He nodded and we left out. "Yala probably got some school supplies for Zeke and Yavin, so we ate going to get you guys some stuff"

" mhmhm" I muttered.

"You good, I want you to eat half your dinner tonight"

I nodded, I would just end up giving the other half to Zeke.

We went back across the street and got in the car and began heading to the nearest Target or Wal-Mart. Which ever was closer.

"So when we get in here you two are getting in the cart, I want to be in and out so Yael won't freak out okay" He said to the boys.

"Okay daddy " they responded in union.

I frowned knowing they hate being in the cart when I am around. Some times I wish I wasn't like this.

We pulled up at Target and dad parked in towards the front of the store. Exiting the car he got one of the car buggies and the boys got in.

We entered the store and headed straight for the school supplies. He just got us all new stuff. Pencil, paper, notebooks, crayons, you name it he got it.

After getting everything we may need he paid for everything and we were on our way home when Ma called.

"Yes Yala?" He asked.

"So, Yavin decided he wanted to dump some medication in the pool, I need you to have a talk with him when you get here."

Dad sighed and leaned his head back while driving. I know it was something that belonged to me. He is still mad at me.

"Alright, I will when I get home. He needed that shit. Yavin needs to chill" He muttered.

I may seem like the favorite, Its just that I am really sensitive and they want to keep me calm and allat. Its annoying but I have to live with it.

Once we got home I help bring in the supplies and decided to pack my bag now and help Mav and Max with theirs. It keeps me busy.

I grabbed my MCM bookbag and they grabbed their black panther and Steph Curry bags and we dumped all of the stuff on the floor.

Zeke came in and sat next to me. "How you feeling, I know you heard what ma said."

"I am upset, I just want him to stop being mad at me. I didn't mean to get us in this situation." I mumbled putting paper in my notebooks and stuffing them in my bag.

"He will come around it has only been two days here. Lets give it a few weeks maybe a month"

I nodded and finished my bag and help Mav with his. Zeke helped Max with his ad we put the excess stuff in the hall closet.


I walked up towards Yavin's room after getting home from Target with the boys. I get that he is upset and all, but he doesn't need to take out on his brother. Especially ruining some stuff that keeps him happy.

His medication is some thing that keeps him from having outbursts, he needs to take them. I admit I hate when he takes them cause he becomes real quiet and doesn't like to eat. If he realizes he hadn't taken his pills chaos breaks loose and it is hard to calm him down.

I walked straight into Yavin's room and he laid on his bed.

"Why did you do it?" I crossed my arms and looked dead at him.

Yavin looked up at me and laid back down "It's his fault we are here, If I am miserable, he is going to be miserable to."

"You know how stupid you sound saying that, yeah he did what he did, but you can not blame him for us moving here."

I know it seems like we baby him more than we baby Maverick, but once you understand fully how he is, you will soon understand why we treat him differently. He is a really smart kid.

"Then who do I blame." He asked.

"Yourself, we told you to stay with him while he went to the store knowing how he gets, but he runs home by himself and you were out doing god knows what that night." I snapped.

You thought I was going to let Yael go out that night by himself? Nah. I told Yavin to go with him and he did, but Yael came back by him self.

I could have let Yael stayed home and I went to the store myself, but I wanted Yael to learn on his own. One day he will be on his own if he doesn't get a boy friend that accepts him for the way he is.

"I said I was sorry" Yavin mumbled

"Not sorry enough, you are on lockdown for a week" I picked up an empty box.

"Put everything in here."

He huffed as I watched him put all of his many electronics and tv remote in the box. I took anything he deemed valuable.

Now I have to ship his medicine from New York. Great.

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