Billion Dollar Boys discontin...

By desultori

46K 528 86

**No new chapters will be posted** BDB. Billion Dollar Boy. Six wealthy, attractive, muscular boys known for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Oops Sorry

Chapter 5

3K 42 10
By desultori

So I normally don't put these little note things before I start the chapter, but to everyone whose reading I'd like to thank you.. for reading. I'd ALSO like to know what you think of the story. So once your done reading, if you wouldn't mind, would you please leave a little comment of what you think? I will be reminding you at the end of the chapter. Well...... THANKS.  Ohh, and this chapter will mostly be about Aiden and suchhhh. Yeah. You'll get to know him. I will let you read now.



After school everyone went over to Lauren's, considering her house is the best, and that includes Aiden. It was a normal. Everything was same old same old. Only thing different was Aiden. No one really seemed to mind though that Aiden was randomly added to our selected group. He fits in perfect with us.

I'm afraid though, that with those dazzling looks of his, yes I said dazzling, that the sexy 6 might take him and turn him into one of their own. Aiden doesn't seem like that, only time can tell.

After Laura's I drove Aiden home. When I asked him if he had a car he replied.

"Yeah but I left it at my house. I only live a few blocks away from the school so I didn't see why I should drive it."

That's when I "politely" asked him if he wanted a ride. And he "politely" responded with a yes.

Leading us to the awkward silence, and creepy side way glances.

"Just take a left here."


"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" He said, an awkward laugh came out with his words.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought the guy drives the girl home, not the other way around." I smiled and nodded my head, still taking those awkward glances.

"Right up there." He points to a cute, blue two story house. I pull up into the drive way and he turns to look at me, while I do the same.

"You want to come in?" He asks.

"Wow Aiden, at least take me to dinner first!" We start laughing and in between I realize that when we stop it'll be an awkward stare down, so I spit out a yes and we hop out of my car and go through his front door with a smile on our faces.

"And who is this?!" I turn my attention to a petite older lady who has the widest smile on her face. I'm pretty sure she's his mom but I'm not quite sure.

"Hey, this is Liz. Met her at school."

"Hi." My normal loud voice came out in a small whisper.

"Hi," The woman began, "I'm Aiden's Aunt nice to meet you Liz."

"You too." I croak. She smiles and walks away waving the towel around with her hand.

Aiden leads me up to his room and says

"I never thought you'd be the shy type." I awkwardly laugh and look around his room.

"So your Aunt seems nice." I'm terrible at trying to make things less awkward.

"Yeah, she took me in when I needed someone the most. She's really great."

"I can tell." He just nods his head and sits down on his bed. Motioning for me to do the same.

"Is she just visiting or.."

"I live with her."

"Ohh."  I silently pick up the ends of my hair and try to find some spilt ends.

"Some stuff went down with my parents causing a lot of drama. She came in and kind of resolved everything."

"What happened?" I ask.

'W-well uhm.."

"You don't have to tell me." He takes his brown eyes and stares right into my eyes. It seemed like he was searching my eyes for something.

"My dad left me and my mom when I was 10. For a year or so my mom was really depressed. She started seeing a shrink and things got better. When I turned 16 things got bad. My mom started doing drugs, spending every dime we had on something that could only end her life." He clenches his fist and stares at the ground in anger. I never knew his captivating brown eyes held such a story. I listened to every detail as he carried on.

"I thought to myself 'If she can hurt herself so can I. It's not like anyone would care.' I was going to start to, with the drugs, before I heard a better solution. I would physically hurt myself to take away the emotional pain.  So I cut. Scars all over my arms and wrists. It felt good. I thought that every time I added a bloody line to my wrist the less it would hurt on the inside, but I was wrong. When my Aunt found out what was going on she took my mom to court and demanded custody. Once she won I kind of resented her for it. Then I realized not only did she help me but she helped my mom. I no longer cut and my mom is in rehab." By the time he's down telling his story he's shaking like crazy and I'm almost in tears.

I can't think of anything to say so I just wrap my arms around him and take in his warmth. He does the same wrapping his arms around my dainty body.

"Thank you." I whisper.

He pulls back and I look into those tired brown eyes of his and notice he is no longer shaking.

"For what?"

"For trusting me with your story even though we only met today."

"Want to see?" He asks.

"See what."

"My wrists." Before I can answer he pulls up his sleeves.

I run my fingers over his scarred arms. Outlining each scar. I look back up into his eyes.

Such a beautiful boy, with such a sad story.


So there you go. Nice info on Aiden.

Remember it would be very nice if you left a comment of what you think.

Soooooooooooooooooo... COMMENT.

Pineapples <3

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