Chapter 7

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"Nice to finally meet you Connor." I smiled at the six and once again got up from the table.

"I'll be right back." All my friends nodded as I walked to a not so crowded place motioning for the BDB to follow.

Connor still ahead of the others walks closely behind me. When I stop they all look at me expectantly.

"So what is it you want?" I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms.

"You see," Connor begins, shoving his hands in his pocket. "We've come to the realization that all of us, each and every one of us want you." I shook my head disapprovingly. Such boys I thought.

"Nice to know. Is that all?" Trying to make the conversation short.

"We want you to pick which one of us you want." I looked at the crazy six trying to figure out if they were joking. Sadly for me, they all seemed serious. All of their gorgeous eyes peering into my soul.

"Well I can’t just pick one NOW." I say, playing along. If they get to play a game. Why can’t I?

"Let’s see, the school year just started so we have a while for you guys to try and win me over. Though I'm sure you want this to go fast so when you're done you can move on to your next victim. Am I right?" Connor shakes his head no but Jace, being the unbelievably smart kid he is, replies "Yeah, pretty much." I let out a chuckle.

"Alright. One month. At  the end of this month I will pick. We need some rules though. Don’t worry, some of the rules that apply to you will apply to me also."

Everyone shook their heads approvingly.

I led them over to a table and sat down. All the boys followed. I took out a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote down at the top "The BDB Rules" Connor smirked as I wrote down 1.

"So I'm thinking rule number one should be that we have to be honest. Meaning you can’t tell me a lie and I can't tell you a lie! Sound fair." They shrugged their shoulders and I took it as a yes.

Not caring if my handwriting was neat I quickly wrote rule number one. When I was done we sat quietly trying to come up with a rule.

Josh looked at the guys and shyly spoke.

"Uhm. How about we can’t kiss you. YOU have to kiss US."  I smirked and agreed. I wasn't going to kiss them so I think it's a good idea.

I quickly wrote it down and began thinking again.

"Alright. Dates. They have to be reasonable. What I mean is don't take me to some run down fast food restaurant, buy me a .55 taco and call it a date. I'm not saying take me to a five star restaurant hell you guys could take me to McDonald's. As long as the restaurant is clean and you're paying I'm fine."

They nodded their heads. I didn't think it would be a problem, considering they get paid for just making their family look good. I wrote down rule three. This time I didn't bother thinking.

"No bragging!" Noah shouted. I snapped my head towards him.

"What?" I asked, slightly confused.

"You can't brag about your date with another guy. We can't brag about it either. You can’t say we took you someplace and you loved it! And we can’t say you were really happy we went to some place?!" I nodded and wrote it down.

"And you can't tell us what you like. Don’t tell us about you! Let us figure it out ourselves." Jacob said, quite enthusiastic. A couple of the guys groaned and I laughed. Thinking it was good I put it down. So far 5 rules.

"Last one." I turn towards Connor. I'm surprised this is his only time speaking.

"At the end of the month you HAVE to pick one of us. You can't say that you don't want any of us. You have to pick. Whether it’s because you’re in love and you want a boyfriend. Someone you like the best. Someone you think is the flirtiest. You have to pick. Or else this month would be a waste." I nodded.

Billion Dollar Boys discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now