Chapter 13

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New chapter. Yay. Hope you like it.



Time was fast.

Time is fast.

Time is fast when you have 10 minutes left of class and you only answered one question on your test.

Time is fast when you're outside, with your friends, in the hot summer sun.

Time is fast when you're watching tv.

Time is fast when you have a month to decide something that could.. change your life.

Time is fast.

But time.. is slow.

Time is slow when you're waiting for class to end.

Time is slow when you're in line waiting for food.

Time is slow when you have nothing to do.

Time is slow when something tragic happens.

Time is slow.

Josh was taking me to dinner at a cute fancy resturant 30 minutes away. 

We were currently in his car, listening to some song I've never heard of. The car ride was quiet, but it wasn't awkward.

"You can change it if you want." Josh took a quick look at me, then focused back on the road.

"You sure?" He gave me a little nodd. I lifted my hand but noticed something.

Something seemed.. off. It didn't seem.. right. What was it? Why is my stomach turning right now? Why is my head telling me to get out of the car right now? What is it?

Then, it hit us.

Time is fast, but right now.. it's slow.

The window shattered. Someone was screaming. Was it me that was screaming? Why was I screaming?

I looked over at Josh, his eyes were closed. 

The airbags opened and they hit me ..hard. Harder than I thought they should.

I felt a headache start to form. 

Time, is so slow.

Glass was flying. So was trash from the back seat, phones, money, and I saw a few drops of blood. My blood?

My head was aching now.

Was I still screaming?

I looked out where the windsheild was supposed to be. My heart stopped.

Upside down. We were upside down.

Wait, were we?

I can't think straight.

Maybe if I just close my eyes. Just for a little bit.

My eyes were still closed but I heard something in the distance.

I couldn't make out the sound though. What was it? A siren maybe?

My eyes flew open. A hospital room? Why was I in a hospital room?

"Honey?"  I focused in on a petite woman standing in front of my bed. She looked a lot like me. Same hair, same eyes. My mom. Why was she here?

"What are you doing here?" Then I remembered how she was a cold hearted bitch.

"Seriously," I tried to raise my eyebrow but it hurt, she wouldn't notice though. "what are you doing here?" 

"You don't remember do you darling?" Darling? I took a closer look at my mother. She had a few gray hairs I never noticed before. Her eyes were dark and tired, with bags underneath them. She walked towards me and sat down in the chair next to me.

That's when I noticed a cast with a few bruises that trickled down my arm. Things came rushing back.

The feeling of something being off. Getting hit. The screaming. The pain. The headache and blood. Josh.


"Where's Josh?" She smiled at me, tired.

"He's fine honey. Got out a few weeks ago." Weeks? 

"How long have I been in here?" I meant for my voice to come out strong but it cracked and I sounded weak.

"You've been in here for a month and a half"

Time.. is fast.

Billion Dollar Boys discontinuedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu