Chapter 8

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"So how was the date?" I sighed.

"Lauren it was great. Really you don't have to keep asking me."

She laughed into the phone.

"I can't believe he took you to see This Means War."


"Hold on Lauren I'll call you back. The beast I call my mother wants me."

"Okay later, love youuuuu" I could see her smiling.

"You're such an idiot."

"An idiot you love." I sighed shaking my head.

"Yes, an idiot I love. Bye." I hung up the phone and opened my door.

"Yes Mom."

"THE DOOR." She yelled. I walked down the stairs surprised to see Conner, looking stunning as usual.

"We need to talk." He said, stuffing his hands in his pocket.

I took him to the porch and sat down.

"Then let’s talk."

"So uhm.. Aiden."

"What about him." He scratched the back of his head and took a deep breath in.

"He's uhm.. He's my cousin." I shrugged my shoulders,


"Your rule, your NUMBER ONE rule is to be honest right."

I looked sideways at him curious.


'Well to be honest with you, we made a deal." This time I looked at him full on.

"What kind of deal?" He looked down at his lap and refused to look at me.

"What kind of deal Connor?"

"Who ever could get you to have sex with them first gets tickets to some stupid basketball game."

"If it's stupid why did you agree?"

" Cos I'm a stupid person!" I laughed.

"That's true. But you know I could be extremely mad right now and screaming at you. Why would you rat you and him out. YOU and him. YOU. You could've possibly have ruined any slight chance you had with me."

"Well I don't really know how to explain it but he knows how to lie. He's a lot like me, except he's better at playing the innocence card. I know how much you value honesty and I don't want to see you get hurt by a lying prick like him." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"But you would be totally fine if I got hurt by you." His fingers became all fidgety and he shifted.

"N-no it's just. I got this feeling like you'd be better off with me. A-and I never feel like that. Never. S-so I know that if would have chose me over him I wouldn't have j-just left you heartbroken. Y-you know?" He was stuttering. He's lying.

"Stop lying."

"BUT THAT'S THE THING." He yelled.

"IM NOT." He looked frustrated and nervous, guilty and a little sad. He got up and made his way over to his car. Before he got in he looked at me.

"Liz I know I'm a player. But I play by the rules." He got in and started his car and I thought about his words.

"Play by the rules." I went back inside and looked at my parents who sat on the couch holding hands, staring at me.

"What are you staring at?" I asked.

"Nothing." My father replied.

"Why do you guys do that. You act like I'm not even here. Like I'm not even your own daughter. LIKE I DON'T BELONG HERE."

They just sat there, their eyes staring straight through me.

"Darling," My mother began.

"You DON'T belong here." My eyes widened and tears fell down my cheeks.

"I- I don’t belong. Here?" My father shook his head. Slowly I turned towards the stairs and walked towards my room. I went towards my closet and grabbed a big bag and stuffed it with clothes. Leaving some behind. I took my phone and called Lauren

"Hey Liz!!"

"L-Lauren." I sobbed.

"Honey what happened. What’s wrong." I rubbed my eyes.

"D-Do you think I can come over and stay at your house for a few nights."

"Sure honey do you need me to pick you up?" I shook my head as if she could see me.

"N-No I'll drive."

"Alright come over whenever you’re ready. You can stay as long as you like."  I ended the phone call and walked downstairs and looked at my parents.

"I'll be staying at Laurens from now on. In case you had a small area in your cruel, cruel hearts to care at all." I grabbed my keys and left. Not a word from my parents.

I drove to Laurens and explained to her and then we explained to her parents who were open to the idea of me living with them and said they always thought of me as a member in they're family.

The next day I went back to my parent’s house to grab the rest of my stuff. I took my last walk up the stairs and into my room.

I found a suitcase on the bed and my clothes filled with them. A small note lay on top with my mother’s handwriting.

"To my dearest Elizabeth"

I stuffed the old looking paper into a pocket and searched my drawers for a pencil and paper. I found a pink sticky note and a sharpie.

In the middle I wrote

'I hate to admit it. But I’ll always love you.                                                                                          Sincerely, The One Who Does Not Belong'

Not even acknowledging the people in my home. I made my way out.

And no one tried to stop me.

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