liar liar •• sf9 [completed]

By keemche-stew

24.3K 1.2K 139

her life wasn't as easy as she thinks. secrets that she had to hide, people that she had to protect, reputati... More

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important information!
Christmas and New Year Special
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247 12 2
By keemche-stew

Hanna arrives at the airport earlier before the others, afraid that the reporters might catch her there and waited in the waiting room.

With a gloomy face and a sigh she took a seat on the very corner of the room still afraid that she might catch someone's attention.

In-Seong had told her that the one who terror her that night; the person who terrorize her is a person that close to her surroundings.

In-Seong asked her not to tag along in this field trip but his father won't let her stay even though his mother begged.

The police haven't discovered the identity of the person, yet they found the gender, it was a he and would keep an eye to the students around Hanna's age that's why Mr. Han told In-Seong and Hanna that some of his man will keep an eye on her.

And Hanna would want find that had the pineapple key chain, she didn't want to stay still even though In-Seong had told her to.

He could be here right now, acting normal - like a normal person, like he didn't do anything to Hanna and feel sorry about it.

From what Hanna see, the messages and the blood inside her room, this person had a grudge he'd been holding for a long time.

And when he found someone that he feel he could harm with such a close distance, he took actions.

Hanna saw one by one the students from her school arrive; dragging more than one suitcase and it sure look expensive.

And when their eyes landed on Hanna who was sitting silently on the corner of them room, in a click, their mouth start to talk about Hanna, giving her rude glare and words.

Knowing what will happen Hanna put on her earphones beforehand, before the girls could even lay their eyes on her and start gossiping.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see the girls pointing fingers at her and laugh when they say something funny.

Then something happened, her phone was smack to the ground followed by her earphones that pulled away from her to the ground.

Looking up, Hanna didn't notice that most of the girls had circling her, their eyes glaring down to her.

And there some familiar fellow appear that it's been so long since the last time Hanna saw them. Wendy and her gang.

Oh God have mercy.

"Well, well, if it wasn't the girl who lied." Wendy start, smirk all over her as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Hanna didn't feel to get into a cat fight with her or the other girl that wanted to spit fire on her instead she went to her knees to collect her phone and earphone.

But before she could reach for her phone, someone with fresh manicure nails kick her phone away from her sight and before Hanna could look up someone pushed her body to the side.

Her eyes automatically closed feeling the rough carpet scratch her cheeks, leaving a long blood scratch across her cheeks.

She could feel the sting and hiss before someone helped her up, a strong hands wrap around her forearm before lifting her up from the floor.

"Rowoon," Hanna called when she saw the person who helped her up.

He had his eyes glaring down to the girls but mostly Wendy who still had her eyes shoot fire to Hanna.

Rowoon didn't say anything more before taking her to a clinic inside the airport after asking the security if they can use some ointment to heal Hanna's wounded cheek.

"You should have stood up for yourself," Rowoon said while dabbing some ointment on Hanna's cheeks that she hiss.

Hanna shook her head because she knew that no one will defend her even if she talks back to them.

She wanted to scream to them so bad but she knew where she is right now and don't want to make another scandal that drags her down even more.

They have rights to call her names and gossip things about her when the facts were true.

"They don't have right to do that to you." Rowoon said as if he reads her mind like always.

Rowoon locked his eyes with her, knowing what pain she's feeling right now. He's been there; he's been in Hanna's place and knew what it felt like.

Being the only son - had no siblings to rely on and no friends he wanted to kill himself that time, people calling him names and do bad things to him even though it wasn't his fault.

Gladly he had someone to rely on and slowly guide him to make the pain go away.

It was another reason why he won't left Hanna's side and always wanted to be the one who's there for her.

Hanna mumbles small thanks before sliding off the bed and went back to the waiting room when the flight they will taking is called from the speaker.

Juho came, hugging her the second he saw the brown hair he recognize.

Hanna was taken aback when Juho came to hug her in front of the big crowd of people that's judging her so hard but she replied the hug anyways.

"What happened?" he asks when he realize the big wound on her cheek while caressing the other side.

A soft smile appears on her face, "Something that I couldn't understand." Hanna said while following the eyes that land on her.

Juho raised his brows before following to where Hanna was looking turning his head around before landing on the girls who had fire in their eyes.

"I swear to god if they do something else--"

"It's okay, Juho, let's just get to the plane," Hanna said before taking her bag and went towards the security check and gave the security her ticket.

He smirked from behind, before pulling down his headphones down while seeing Hanna walking inside the plane with a bruise on her cheek and the visible bags under her eyes.

Looking to his left, he sees his partner much taller one and paler look.

"Just do what we have planned," he said to his partner, "there's nothing she can do when we get there."

Nodding his head, he stop the black hair guy, placing his hand on the taller one's shoulder, "You better be careful," he said before walking pass him into the security check.


The ride wasn't that long, Japan and Korea wasn't that far from one and another. It was only a one hour and fifty-seven minute ride and they all arrive safely in Japan.

One by one make a line near the bus the school had rented, making a group maximum six to ten people and Hanna didn't know which group she want to join in because all the people had hate her by now and just stood there at the back while looking at people busy pulling each other here and there.

Rowoon notices but didn't know what to do, he wanted to get her and put her into his group but the teacher won't let her because his group is all boys and Hanna is a girl, duh.

"Kim Hanna, hurry up and find a group." The teacher said from the speaker he's holding and makes the attention all to Hanna.

She took a step back, taken aback by the attention she's earning and gulp the lump in her throat.

Maybe it wasn't so bad that one by one, students looking at her way, but when all the attention was on her, every single head is crane to the back and eyes down at her, Hanna didn't know what to do.

Whispers start to appear and getting louder every second. The teacher start to calm them down but no one listens. Hanna had her eyes fixed on the ground.

"Be quiet!" in an instant, the voice quiets down. The teacher who yells really had a killer vibe.

His eyes glared to every one of the students in front of him, Mr. Byun was his name, P.E. teacher.

He may be cruel sometimes, but inside he's just another foolish teacher that wants the student to be discipline.

"Do you think you all have the right to call things to her?!" he yelled, didn't care if he's in another people country and earn some stares from the people that's passing by.

He glared, placing his hands on his hips.

"Who are you to call her names? We're in different country, don't try to embarrass us!" he yelled again before the students said sorry in unison.

"Hanna, get into the line," he said softly pointing to the very end of the line.

To her surprise, someone waved her hands to her, getting her attention.

She was standing at the very front line; Hanna had to lean to the left before seeing who it was.

Hanna raise her brows, she never knew that that girl just wave her hands to Hanna in a friendly way like she never hated Hanna.

Her eyes lands on the girl again before she waves her hand back with a tug in her heart.

"Did Yeri really wave her hands at me?"

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