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In-Seong breathes in as he open the paper of the last subject of the day. He was too busy with himself and didn't realize that time flies so fast that today was the last day of exam.

The horror or the day where the students are a little bit stressed will be done in just another hour.

Soon he'll be looking for university that he wanted. He never want to attend the university around Korea – not that he don't like it – it was another excuse to be away from his parents and since he's good in English, there's nothing to worry about.

But if he leaves Korea, how is he supposed to look out for Hannah? How will he know that Hannah is saving from the people who tried to use her or bully her?

This is what he will discuss with Hannah later at home. Little did he know that some of the girls in her year bullied her, but Hannah didn't say anything to him so he took it as a not serious bully.

In-Seong was the first one who collects the paper and went outside the classroom towards the car that has been waiting for him.

"Ms. Hannah is already home sir. She said she's not feeling well." The driver said and makes In-Seong worried. He took out his phone before pressing speed dial.

"The number you are calling cannot be reached, please try again later."

In-Seong furrowed his brows. This is the first time that Hannah's phone isn't available and it makes him more worried and the unpleasant feeling on the bottom of his stomach.

"Is she alright – I mean, anything happened to her on the ride home?" In-Seong asks his eyes focused on his phone, dialing his home number.

"Kwon's residence, who am I speaking with?" In-Seong's maid voice makes his sigh in relief before clearing his throat. Before the driver could even reply In-Seong's question, In-Seong replied the other line.

"This is me, In-Seong. Is Hannah home? I heard that she's sick." He asks worried lingered in his tone frown forming on his face.

"She's fine master In-Seong. She's in her room resting." The maid replied and earn a relieve sigh from In-Seong as he rest his back against the car seat.

"Make her tea please, thank you. I see you at home." He said before ending the call and messages his temple.

The driver look from the rear view mirror and wanted to ask In-Seong if Hannah is okay, but from the look that plastered on In-Seong's face, the driver held back the question and continue to drive.


Hannah lay on her bed with a long sigh, her eyes glued to the ceiling. She wasn't sick, her physic is fine, but her mental—her heart isn't.

She was glad that she passed the exam week easily.

Hannah wondered what if she transferred into another school—outside Korea—for good.

She knows that she need to beg her father hard, beg him until he said yes, she will do anything, get on her knees and beg for her father permission.

Hannah had no other choice, another year with the people that keep distracting her—minus one a.k.a she won't be seeing Taeyang anymore, but Hannah still doubt that.

A knock disturb her from her thoughts and make her sat on her bed, waiting for the person who knock her door went inside her room.

"Master In-Seong told me to make you some tea." The maid went inside her bedroom with a glass of warm tea that her mother used to make in the morning—now it was just another memory since her mother is busy as hell.

Hannah nods her head and told her to put it on her nightstand before the maid left her room.

A sigh left her lips as laid on her back on her bed and stared back at the ceiling while her mind playing the never ending thoughts.

Soon enough she's on her third year, In-Seong will probably going to the states to continue his studies and only left her, alone in the house with bunch of maids while her parents leave her for an endless work.

"Will I be fine?" she said to herself as she seated on the edge of her bed and took the tea from her nightstand.

In-Seong arrived home and startles the maid as she opens the door for him and he rushed inside the house and throws his bag on his way in and make his way upstairs towards his sister bedroom.

He barge in, banging the door against the door, surprising Hanna who was sitting on the edge of the bed almost spilling the tea on her hands.

"Why in the world would you do that?" She asks almost yelling on the top of her lungs when In-Seong almost makes her spill the hot tea.

She put down her tea and stood up about to approach In-Seong but he was fast enough to walk towards her and pull her into a hug.

It took Hanna by surprise when In-Seong hugged her, because it's been a long time since the last time In-Seong had ever did this, the only skin-ship they ever did was a small pat on the head of either high-five

"I'm so worried about you, are you okay?" he asks placing his chin on the top of Hanna's head and give the hug a little squeeze before letting go and stare down to the blinking eyes Hanna and nodded her head, her eyes locked to his chest.

After blinking and adjusting what just happened she look up to stare his brother who still look worried and gulp, "What the heck are you doing?"

"Aren't you sick?" he asks placing his front head on her forehead and place both of his hands on the side of her cheeks and turn her head from left to right, "are you lying so you could go home early?" he asks making Hanna smile sheepishly.

"Well I wasn't lying, I am sick," Hanna said freeing herself from In-Seong's grip, "I am sick like sick – sick." She said walking away from In-Seong towards her walk-in closet and changed into something less tight.

"Are you on that month again?" he asks outside her walk-in closet, leaning against the door frame and buried his hands inside his school trousers.

"What month?" Hanna asks peeking her head out to give In-Seong her question look.

"That month where you bleed."

"You mean period?"

"I am not," Hanna said before walking back out from her walk-in closet dressed in shorts and loose black tee and gave her brother a "what the hell" look before walking out her bedroom to get some food.

From what she reads on the internet, food could rid of stress or even depression and right now she was on her way towards the kitchen to find something for her to eat.

In-Seong followed her sister towards the kitchen and jumped when she slammed the fridge close, "What did the fridge ever do to you?"

"Not to be rude, but we're rich and there's no snack in this hella big fridge." She protests, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she leans back on the cold tiles of the kitchen.

In-Seong laugh staring at his little sister behavior.

"You know Mother only want healthy food since Father had aged." In-Seong joked before laughing again.

"Let me take you somewhere and buy you some snacks so your whatever problem you have now gone." He said taking Hanna's hand towards the garage and went inside the car before they drove off somewhere to have some snacks.

sorry it took so long to post another chapter but i'm hiatus for a while to get some rest but now i'm back! i hope you still read my stories and don't forget to vote or comment!

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