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"He obviously liked you, Hanna," Young Bin said as he continues his walk with Hanna around the school.

He was the one who asked Hanna is she could accompany her around the school, didn't feel like wanting to sit in class, pondering over how great Physic is.

"I hope you know what actually happened Young-Bin." Hanna said staring down at her feet while fiddling a dry leaves she picked up earlier before walking.

Hanna didn't want this all to happen, he hoped her father knew about it and transfer her to another school; it was her idea on the first place, the first day before her father can even listen to her explanation why she didn't want to go to Neoz high school.

"Is there something you keeping from him?" Young-Bin asked and Hanna nods her head.

"I know he should know something about my secrets, but, I know what will happen," she replied, "I don't want to make anything worse." She said before a sigh left her lips.

Rowoon leaned his back on the wall beside the back entrance towards the school building.

He didn't mean to hear what Hanna told to Young-Bin who he just sees that second when he heard a voice coming from the other side from where he is.

He knew Young-Bin; they both went to a dance class together when they were ten and departed when Young-Bin flew back to his Father hometown and flew back to Seoul when he's fourteen.

Since Young-Bin flew away without saying goodbye to both Rowoon and Juho who also his dance partner when he's ten, they drifted apart and think that Young-Bin would never come back again.

"Secrets... what kind of secrets you keep Hanna?" Rowoon said fixing his eyes at Hanna who stepped inside the school building.

He's been avoiding Hanna the whole day and tried hold himself not to see her for a day; but he failed anyway.

He looked at her as another frown formed on his face, seeing how different Hanna was; skinnier, her bags under her eyes are bigger than usual and he realize that Hanna been wearing jacket a lot these days.

Rowoon didn't know the reason why he's avoiding Hanna this time, or is it the fact that Rowoon is still mad at Hanna for "secretly" or suddenly dated Taeyang when all he knew that Hanna has the same felling as him.

The bell rang, signing that it's the end of the day at school and it's time for her to get home and thinking about locking herself inside her bedroom and get ready for exam.

Hanna went home first, texting her Brother that she'll be heading home first and told him not to worried about what she ride back home and make her way down the side walk.

"Why is she walking alone? Poor Kim Hanna," Jae-In said catching Hanna's back walking not too far from where she standing as she clings herself on Juho's arms as the both walks out from the school gate towards the bus stop.

"Stop looking at her and focus on me," Jae-In yank Juho's face by her hand on his jaw.

He widens his eyes, seeing the sudden rude action from Jae-In that he peeled off her hand rudely stepping away from her.

"I don't know why I approach you in the first place," he said before running towards the fading backside of a girl she never meant to hurt.

Jae-In's voice was fading at the back, calling his name multiple times and he knew that she was stomping her feet like a little kid.

But he didn't care anymore; approaching her in the first place was a total dick move.

He was following where Hanna was headed, remembering her walking through this side walk.

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