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The door was feet away from her, but she could hear familiar voices coming from the end of the hall to where she was hiding.

Hanna made it, she made out from the room towards the first floor – maybe it took a lot of time for her to find the main entrance because she didn't know where she is and everything looks the same.

There's no sign of a living person at where her hostage room was, only the broken window and scary hallways.

At this state, Hanna want to just run didn't care if anyone saw her running towards the door. She wanted to get cured; the wounds are irritating her and make her weaker every second.

The moment was there, but her moment was ruined when her neck was being held against the wall she was hiding.

Hanna started to choke and her eyes land on him, "Y-Young-Bin."

"We live in technology era, don't you think it sounds stupid when a building like this won't have cameras?" he said between gritted teeth as the hold on Hanna's neck keeps tighter and tighter making Hanna hard to breath.

"P-Please, L-Let me go."

He let go only making her land on the floor to take a lots of breaths and cough at the end. He smirked before pulling her up and dragging her back to her cell.

Young-Bin. The first time she met him, he introduce himself as Juho's buddy, he said that Juho talks good things about her and sometimes Young-Bin would always helped her with something.

The point is, Young-Bin is a great guy friend for Hannah. She trusts her even though they both barely talks.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm being kind to you, okay?" he said, squatting to Hanna's eye level as she nods her head, "Good girl."

With that he left, the clicking sound of the door being locked made Hanna cried, hugging her knees like a little kid who lost her parents.


"The car went to the south, south is a dark place that rare people pass through." The police said two days later when the found another same vehicle with the same police number driving towards the other side of the country.

In-Seong was there, he had to be there to know where this person or group brought his sister to. He woke up quickly when the homeroom teacher got a call from the station.

Juho and Rowoon follow to the police station hours later, when In-Seong and the others had the full information to where the vehicle headed.

The people who had kidnapped Hanna were still remaining unknown. But it wasn't too important right now when the vehicle is already been found to where it is.

"Let me come!" In-Seong said when the police had gathered a force to go to track down the vehicle.

"Sir, I'm afraid I can—"

"She's my Sister! I have to be there for her." In-Seong, tone a little bit too high that sure he can't handle it when it comes to his little sister.

The police couldn't fight it, In-Seong is Hanna's brother, he was the only person who she only had at this time and he would want to be there for Hanna when she was saved.

The police finally nodded his head before telling his subordinates to find another car that would fit the rest of the people.


"How can you let her escape?!" Taeyang bang the desk in front of him with his palm against the wooden desk.

Both of the male in front of him had their eyes on the ground, didn't dare to stare back at the senior who was in fire.

"If that happened one more time, I swear to God that not only one body that I'll throw in the river, three." Taeyang said before leaving his room and bang the door shut.

The car had lead outside the city and deep in the side country. It was a place that people never pass through or too scared to pass.

It was dark; lights barely worked and lighten the streets. Scary wooden trees, the typical street that used to be a set in a horror film.

In-Seong would have hugged Hanna if she was here, he hated streets like this, a street that looks too abandoned, people barely knew and people barely lived in.

"How much further officer?" The teacher speaks when he felt shivers running down to his spine as he looks to his right, to where endless spooky trees are.

"A little bit sir, a member of my troops patrols around here and saw an abandoned building just at the end of this rode." The officer who seated at the front said as he leaned to the front.

And there it is the big abandoned building. Rowoon frown, the place looks new, still looks like it's available to be used but somehow it was old.

The building wasn't that tall, only three story high yet it didn't make any difference from the definition of scary.

The police park their car not too far from where the building did not want to gain some attention from the kidnappers.

But thank God it was dark, lights weren't much of a help to lighten up the streets.

"We don't want to risk your life but please, for the sake of your safety please stay in the car." The police officer said before walking towards the building after closing the car door.

In-Seong couldn't stay put but he didn't want to get injured since he still have future that he haven't started back in America and what the officer said was right, he better stay in the car.

The four of them stay in the car, looking towards the troops that was circling outside the building and slowly walked inside the building with gear around their body.

Her breaths was short, she felt like she couldn't breathe, her chest feel sore and hurt like thousand pounds of rock sitting on her chest.

He kicked her. Taeyang fucking kicked her. He let out his anger by torturing her – punishing her for trying to escape.

Hanna think that she'll die today, in this spot, in this abandoned building without anyone knew where she was.

Out from Korea, out from her parents and probably people won't risk their life to save her.

"Just kill me." Hanna said with the last breath she had as she lies on the cement floor blood gushing out from her mouth, "Just fucking kill me, Yoo Taeyang!"

She coughs, letting out the last blood in her mouth when she screams – letting out the pain she was feeling right now.

Taeyang walked in five minutes ago, eyes boring into her soul and anger was seen on his face. Door slammed open and shut like it was nothing for him.

He didn't say anything, didn't utter any words and went straight to his actions. He pushed her down to the cement floor, before strangle her neck almost to death before letting her breath.

"I wanted to kill you so bad without you even asked for it." He said pulling Hanna by the hair before whispering to her ear, "I would have kill you the first day you were here but I wanted to play games with you."

Hanna cried, this wasn't the Taeyang she knew. Hanna maybe hated him for being such an ass but love him at the same time for being a gentleman, but she wanted to kick him to where the sun doesn't shine but she had no power left.

Before Taeyang or Hanna could say another word, the door slammed opened followed by Young-Bin and Chanee walked inside with their heavy breaths.

"The police had found us." He said looking down to where Taeyang is. Taeyang stood straight before glaring down to his junior.

"Bring her." Taeyang said before walking out from the room with Hanna being dragged with Young-Bin and Chanee.

Her eyes are heavy so as her vision starts to get woozy, her legs felt like a jelly as both males had drag her out the room with a gunshot buzzing through her ears.

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