Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxb...

By ManicBookworm2021

78.4K 2.7K 185

Alex Danvers is a 26 year old maths teacher, at the start of his career, who should be having the time of his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors note/Update
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note

Chapter 15

1.7K 65 1
By ManicBookworm2021

August 2017, Present Time.

I feel exposed. My body is pressed into the soft mattress and my pyjama shirt has disappeared. His hands are tracing over my chest delicately, twirling patterns with his fingers which tickle and make me want to squirm but also make me want to cry out from pleasure.

My eyes are closed but I desperately want them to open. "Aro..." I mumble sleepily and he allows himself a soft groan at the sound of his name on my lips. "Alex." He replies, pressing his mouth to my earlobe, nibbling, tugging it with his teeth.

"Open your eyes. I want to see your eyes." He demands softly, rubbing his nose against mine. When I don't respond, his hand presses against my crotch and I feel a twitch of excitement down below. I let out a cry of surprise and he groans from the sound.

"Alex." He tries again and my eyes open. He hovers over me on the bed, his eyes boring deep into mine, intensely. He is still fully clothed in the suit from yesterday, but I realise my pyjama shirt has been discarded, taken off by him.

Without my permission.

The spell is broken and all feelings of excitement and lust disappear. "Get off!" I shove him off of me but he doesn't budge an inch so I roll out from underneath him and flop onto the floor with a thump.

"Ow." I groan, though the thick carpet is so deep, it cushions my fall. "My darling." He addresses, coming closer. "Let me assist you." His arms wrap underneath me to hoist me off the floor but I flail about to get him off me.

"Go away." I grunt, pulling myself off the floor and retrieving my shirt. I shove it on hastily, feeling pissed as I can feel his eyes on me. I turn and he sits on the edge of the bed, smiling proudly.

"Please take your shirt back off. You look simply stunning." He looks full of lust at my chest so I button the shirt quickly to take away his satisfaction. "So stunning." He repeats.

"Medicine." I change topic and he sighs at me, heading into the main room where his desk is and starts to count out pills one by one. He pushes the glass of water towards me.

I swallow the mixture in one, gulping it down to get it over with but not before Carl can materialise before my eyes. This is what I mean about him being annoying: he always turns up whether I've had my medicine or not. "What do you want Carl?" I groan, flopping into the chair at the other side of Aro's desk.

Aro notices and sighs. Carl, is smiling, leaning against the desk, slouched, hands in his pockets. "Why can't we go back home? Back where you belong?" He sneers, his smile still fixed on his face. "You're not safe around people." He leans in closer, his face morphing into Mam's.

"You're not safe around yerself. Yer need to go away. Away from me!" He yells in Mam's voice, and for a split second, I swear his body doubles in size and becomes shaped like her huge build. I back away, falling off the chair and landing onto the carpet once more.

He leans over me, looming large and devious, his face still like Mam's. "Get away from me, you freak! I curse the day I had you. You're the biggest mistake of my life!"

"No!" I scream, blocking my ears and running out of the room, down the corridor. How could Carl have known those words? Those words were the last thing Mam said to me when I was eleven after being diagnosed as mentally unstable after the trials.
Aro follows, walking, though he's so fast that he catches up in an instant, throwing his arms around me and pulling me to sit on the floor. Me and floors have had a lot of contact today and it's not even breakfast yet.

He pulls me across his lap, and begins to rock. "Hush, Alex. Ignore...him." He coaxes uncertainly, stroking my forehead with his cool fingers. "Felix." He barks, and a huge monster of a man comes forwards, bowing. What the hell? Since when is Aro King Charles II?

"Yes, Master." His voice is deep, manly and he speaks with respect towards him. He takes one look at me sprawled in Aro's arms on the floor and doesn't even blink. "Head to the kitchen and tell them to prepare breakfast." He orders and Felix disappears in an instant.

"I don't want breakfast. I never eat in the morning." I protest as he lifts me off the floor. "You will eat." He insists firmly, his lips pursed tightly in frustration. "Come." He grabs my wrist and tugs, hauling me in the direction of the kitchen regardless.

"I don't want breakfast. Get off!" I try to put out of his grasp but he only persists, practically throwing me through the door so I crash land against a small table covered in a checkered cloth.

One of the people who Aro called 'them', comes forward and quickly shoves down plates of hot and cold food. "Thanks." I mutter, trying to put him at ease but he seems tense and frightened. Why does he look like he wants to run away?

'He knows you're a freak. That's why.'
'Freak, freak, freak.'
'Maybe he knows what you did.....all that time ago.'

"Shut up." I groan and the man before me blinks a few times, afraid. "Not you." I reassure. "I was talking to-"

Before I can finish, Aro has appeared in the doorway and the man draws into himself even more, turning away from the table and retreating to the sink, though there's no dishes that need washing.

Weirdo. But then I realise, he's intimidated by Aro....because he's human. I look across to Aro who is eyeing up the man like food, as to him, that's what he is. He's smiling the devious smile he always uses on me which is a relief as for once, it's not on me.

Then his eyes switch to me and he glares. "Why aren't you eating anything?" He demands, gesturing to the plates of food untouched. "That's not fair! I haven't had the chance. I was talking to-"
"Are you arguing with me?" His red eyes narrow at me as he cuts me off.

I slouch into my seat in defeat, halfheartedly picking up a spoon to prod at some cereal in a bowl. Aro nods approval and comes behind me, smoothing the back of my head to comfort me. "Enough!" I push him off, squirming at his touch.

He steps backwards but his hand continues to caress. "Do you not like recieving affection?" His voice is almost a whisper, so only I can hear him. "No." I squirm again, trying to duck away from him but his hand persists.

"You seemed more than content this morning when I caressed you." He points out but I shake my head at him. "No." I repeat. "I didn't get a choice. You were poking and prodding me as I slept. That's weird. And intrusive." I add yet his confident smile doesn't fade.

"I did it to wake you up. I think that caressing someone is quite calming." He reaches down to press his lips on mine but I turn my face away like I did last time. "So am I not allowed a goodnight's kiss or a kiss in the morning?" He almost pouts.

"That's hardly fair." He frowns, though his eyes look excited and he's feeling upbeat. "Whatever, Aro." I shrug, shovelling mouthfuls of cereal to avoid conversation. He takes a seat opposite me and studies me as I finish my breakfast.

"You have beautiful eyes." He comments and I look up. Blue versus red. I keep a fixed hold for a few seconds before getting bored and I look away. Red wins. He smiles again before the kitchen door opens and Blondie, Aro's 'brother from another mother' comes in.

"Ah, look who it is." He sneers, and instantly, Servant Guy turns back to the sink and pretends that Blondie isn't there. I stare at Blondie, looking him in the face. "How are you, Alex? How are your little friends?" He taps my head. I glare. "In there." He adds as if I didn't understand.

"Caius." Aro's voice goes tight and I hear the warning in his tone. Blondie/Caius just smirks at me but doesn't face Aro. He knows there'll be a fight if he continues so he just keeps his attention on me.

"Anyway, you'll be spending the day in my quarters." He announces and I almost spit out the cereal turning to mush in my mouth. "What?!" I gasp, turning my attention to Aro who just sits, calmly at the idea of a man who could kill his 'mate'.

"Hush now, my sweet. Caius has strict orders not to hurt you. He simply wants to explain a few things." He grimaces. "Important things."

He stands. "Whenever you are ready, brother. Alex is all yours." He switches his eyes to mine. "Be good." He commands and I feel a huge amount of humiliation and anger. How old does he think I am? Twelve?

I sigh and look across to Blondie, who smiles, but it looks like a snarl, baring sharp, white teeth.

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