BABTQFTIM (Oswald x Oc x Feli...

By animexreader28

24.8K 320 366

Belle is Bendy and Boris's older sister. She is a hybrid of a wolf, a bunny, and a demon (She has bunny ears... More

What happened and Meeting Mr. Felix
Time with kids and It was nice to meet you Mr. Felix (plus a surprise)
Good morning surprises
Confession Part 1
AN: Please read!
Talking about the past
Halloween Special!~
Happy Holidays!~
Mother's day
One Shot requests
AN sorry

Mickey's Traveling Circus

2.7K 35 39
By animexreader28

AN: Yeah I'm skipping the Cup bros. Sorry if I am triggering anyone. On with the story!~


It has been some time since Bendy got the Ink illness, and now they have a map to find parts to an ink machine that can cure the Ink illness.

After being chased by two people that had cups for heads; Belle, Bendy, Boris, and the kids walked around. There was a crowd forming. 'I wonder what's going on?' Belle asked herself. Then she heard some familiar singing and smiled. 'Ah, it's Mickey and his traveling circus. It's a shame that Ortensia also died from the Ink illness as well.' she thought sadly. 'No one would have believed that I was mute after my husbands died, but she helped. I just wish I wasn't the first to see her illness.' Belle thought sadly and looked down. She started to have another flashback.


After the death of her husbands Belle quit talking for a while. Some thought it was her way of copping with her loss. One day Belle was walking around town all by herself. She wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." said a female's voice. Belle looked up to see a female cat. Belle shook her head as if saying it was fine. "Please at least let me get you something in return. I won't be here long and I really don't want this guilt on my chest." she said. Belle looked unsure before finally giving in and nodded. The female cat smiled with happiness. "Oh, by the way my name is Ortensia. What about you if you don't mind me asking." Ortensia said. Belle took out her notebook and wrote her name and then showed Ortensia. "Oh, your name is Belle. What a beautiful name.~" Ortensia complimented. "Do you also have a nickname that I can call you?" she asked. Belle wrote something down. 'Chime, that's what my husbands use to call me. My little brothers sometime call me that too.' it said. "Is there a reason to that?" Ortensia said as they walked into an almost empty cafe. Belle nodded and wrote 'My husbands called me Chime because they said every time I talked or sang it was like a wind chime making a beautiful melody.' "Oh, I see. I also see that you are using past tense, why is that?" Ortensia asked as they sat down. Belle didn't notice the tears rolling down her face. "Oh no I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked." Ortensia exclaimed fearing she hurt Belle's feelings in someway. Belle shook her head. 'No, It's alright. My husbands died from the Ink illness not to long ago.' Belle wrote. "Oh my! I'm so sor..." Ortensia suddenly stopped and started to puke up ink. Belle reacted fast and pulled Ortensia into the bathroom. Belle locked the door and pulled the trashcan towards Ortensia. The female cat groaned in  pain; she was then surprised by a beautiful voice whispering to her.

"I know it hurt, but you'll get through it. You're strong, Ortensia." the voice said sweetly. Ortensia looked up to see it was Belle who spoke. Ortensia gave her a small smile.

"Y-Your husbands were right. Your voice is like a beautiful melody. It's almost like this pain is nothing." Ortensia said.

"D-Do you feel better. Sorry I haven't spoken in some time." Belle said with a little stutter.

"I'm much better, and don't hide your voice. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." Ortensia said.

"Thank you." Belle said blushing.

"You know, if you ever want to love again. My husband and I have open arm.~" Ortensia cooed.

"H-Huh? But wouldn't you have to share a-and also I don't know either of you." Belle said as she became more red.

"Then I'll just make you know me, and I don't mind cause I swing both ways.~" Ortensia said with a smile.

"O-Okay." Belle blushed.

"And if I die from this illness, I want you to help my husband, Ozzy, move on." Ortensia said with a sweet smile.

"I promise." Belle said as she brought Ortensia into a hug. "But right now you should be with your husband. His hugs are better medicine than mine right now." she said as she pulled away. She then wrote something the notebook and ripped out the page. "This is my number. Call me if you do need anything. Also thank you for helping me speak again." Belle said with a smile. Ortensia nodded and with that they went their separate ways.

~End of Flashback~

Belle smiled at the memory. She didn't even notice the tears rolling down her face. She felt multiple tugs on her dress. She looked down to see the worried eyes of her children.

"Is Mama alwight?" one of them asked.

"Why's Mama cwying?" another asked. Belle smiled down at them and wiped her tears away.

"I'm alright. I was just remembering the good old day." she said reassuring her children. With that said they watched the show.

"Big sister, can we go see Mr. Mickey after the show, please?" Boris begged Belle. Belle smiled sweetly.

"Yes we can. Are you going to ask him for his autograph?" she asked. Boris nodded excitedly. Belle giggled. After the show everyone headed towards Mickey and his crew.

"U-Uh....M-Mr. M-M-Mickey. I-I'm a-a h-huge fan s-since I-I w-was l-l-little a-and um..." Boris stuttered out. Belle stepped in.

"My little brother would like your autograph, Mr. Mickey." she said holding the jittery Boris.

"Why of course! What's your name kid?" Mickey asked as he took the paper.

"B-B-B-Boris!" the young wolf stuttered.

"Did you guys like the show?" Mickey asked as he signed the paper.

"Heck yeah we did!" Boris said with stars in his eyes.

" was okay." Bendy said nonchalantly. Belle hand on a small smile as she still remembered Ortensia in the show.

"It was lovely. My children absolutely loved it. Please keep up the good work." she said as shouts of agreement came from her children.

"I'm glad to hear that and thank you ms...." Mickey said but stopped when he didn't know her name.

"Belle, but if you want you can call me Chime." Belle said smiling sweetly.

"Thank you Ms. Belle." Mickey finished. They then heard a voice.

"Uncle Mickey! Uncle Goofy and I are going shopping and we're taking papa with us! Do you need anything?" a blue bunny child said while holding an older rabbit's hand. The older rabbit looked like he was depressed. Belle looked at the older rabbit in shock.

"Just be safe and take care of your father for me, okay?" Mickey said petting the child's head.

"Okay!" the child responded cheerfully.

'N-No way. Is t-that Ortensia's husband?' she thought to herself. 'He looks like me when my husbands died.' she thought sadly. 'He also looks like Charlie. I hope I can fulfill my promise to you, Ortensia.' Belle thought. She didn't notice she was staring at the rabbit.

"Ms. Belle is the something wrong? You keep on looking at Ozzy." Mickey said in concern. The rabbit looked at her as well.

'So it is him.' she thought before she started to blush out of embarrassment. "I'm s-sorry. He just reminds me of one of my deceased husbands." Belle said as she began to play with one of her ears out of nervousness. 'How will he react if he found out Bendy has the same illness that Ortensia did.' as if on cue, Belle heard Bendy groan in pain.

"B-Bendy!" Boris shouted as he held on to Bendy.

"Oh my goodness!" Mickey said with worry and terror. Belle wanted to help Bendy but she knew it was under control. So she put her attention on Oswald. What she saw made her sad. Oswald was having a break down and his child was worried. "Donald, take Ozzy and his kid way, please!" Mickey shouted out. The duck came and question why. "Just do it, now!" Mickey shouted.

"Please let me help you, Mr. Donald." Belle said gently. Donald nodded. Once they were in Oswald's room; they laid him down and he began to shake.

"Just when I thought he couldn't get worse." Donald mumbled.

"Mr. Donald if you don't mind. I can take care of him from here. I know what he's been through." Belle said looking at the rabbit with understanding. Donald sighed before leaving.

"Ms. Belle is papa gonna be alwight?" his child asked. Belle knelt down and smiled sweetly at him.

"Yes, your papa is just fine. I'm gonna help him. I promise. Why don't you and siblings play with my children. They would love to play with you." Belle said with a wink.

"Yeah, come pway with us! Mama with help your papa so don't worry!" one of her kids said with a smile.

"Okay. Do your best, Ms. Belle!" with that said the children walked out to play. Belle's smile slowly faded. She turned to the shaking rabbit.

"Mr. Oswald, I know what you are feeling." she said as she sat on the edge of the bed. "You keep on seeing the pain and nothing more. You don't want to talk because of it. You cry every night because every time you close your eyes you see your love's pain. I knew Ortensia, she was a loving woman. She's the person that helped me." Belle said with a small smile. "You wouldn't believe it but I was just like you. I became mute after my husbands died, then I meet your wife. That was also the day her illness started. I want to help her because she reminded me of my loves. My husbands always said that just by hearing my voice that the pain went away. Ortensia said the same thing. I was happy to help her." she she then she gave a small giggle. "You know after that she said that you and her wouldn't mind marrying me if I was ever ready for love again. I thought she was just joking." Belle began to tear up. "She also said that if she died for the illness that I was to help you move on." Belle looked at Oswald to see he stopped shaking. "But that's up to you if you want my help." Belle said as she was about to get up. "Just remember, moving on doesn't mean forgetting or that the pain will go away, but you will become happier. Just take your time." she got up. "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Oswald." Just as she was about to leave his bedside she was pulled back and on to the bed. Oswald buried his into her shoulder. "M-Mr. Oswald?" she asked. She felt tears on her shoulder. She smiled softly and hugged him. "It's alright. Cry as much as you want. I'll be right here." she whispered has she petted his head comfortingly. The door opened.

"Ms. Belle can we come in?" one of Oswald's child asked. Belle smiled at them.

"Why don't we all take a nice nap. I think your papa needs it." as she said that Oswald held her closer.

"Okay!" the children said as both his and her children piled onto the bed. Everyone then fell asleep. Donald walked in sometime later to see them asleep.

~Time skip~

Belle woke up to two of her kids. One was a bunny the other a cat.

"Good morning, Mama!" they said at the same time. Belle smile as she creased both of their cheeks. They both sighed in content.

'They are so much like their fathers.' Belle thought happily. She turned to see Oswald waking up in the same way. When his child purred Belle could see the sadness in his eyes. "Good morning Mr. Oswald." she said sweetly and he turned to her. He pulled out a black board and a white pen and wrote something.

'Please, call me Ozzy.' it said. Belle smiled.

"Then when you start to speak again, call me Chime!" she said. Oswald nodded. They got up and walked to the main room.

"Oh, hello Ms. Belle." Mickey said.

"Hello, do you know where my brothers are?" Belle asked with worry.

"They said they had to leave and that you should stay here 'cause you had a promise to fulfill." Mickey explained. Belle sighed.

"They could have said goodbye at least. I thought I taught them better." she said. She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Oswald had wrote something.

'Does that mean you're staying?' it said.

"Yes unless you don't want me here." Belle said. Oswald shook his head and wrote something else down.

'No, my children like you and you make me feel a bit happier.' it said.

"Please we'll see them again someday. I just wish Mickey wouldn't fuss over your little wolf brother." Donald said.

"Well I can't help it! But something makes me wonder. Ms. Belle how are you so calm with it comes to seeing your brother, Bendy, suffer from the illness?" Mickey asked. All eyes were on her now. She began to play with her ear again with a sad look on her face.

"Our parents died for it and so did my husbands. I don't like seeing him suffer but the best way to help him heal was to stay calm and do what I could." she said looking down at the floor with tears in her eyes. She the gasped when she felt someone hug her from behind. She turned her head to see Oswald hugging her. "Ozzy?" she asked. He just hugged her tighter. When he let go he wrote something down.

'I'm sorry you went through that, Chime.' it said as he looked down. Belle blushed and started to wave her arms.

"T-There's no n-need to apologize. You d-didn't know." she stuttered out. Oswald looked up at her before hugging her again. "T-Thank y-you, Ozzy." she said as she hugged back.

Just then everyone heard a loud noise.............


AN: Hey hoped you enjoyed!~ Ann out!

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