Our Love Is Torture

By sparkleVS

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"You may be one thousand miles away, or one hundred years away from me, but I know that you're still with me... More

Prologue & Cast
Chapter 1 - The Invitation
Chapter 2 - The Meetings & The Party
Chapter 3 - Fights & Regrets
Chapter 4 - A Million Sorry's
Chapter 5 - Starting Fresh
Chapter 6 - Go Away
Chapter 7 - The Sexy Bestfriend & The Shock Statement.
Chapter 8 ~ Back there again after 10years.
Chapter 9 ~ Broken Love
Chapter 10 ~ "You're lost and someone needs to fix that"
Chapter 12 ~ I kissed you goodbye.
Chapter 13 - Trouble & Regrets
Chapter 14 - Conflict & Sweet Kisses.
Chapter 15 - Confusing texts & Disloyality
Chapter 16 - It's NOW & NEW
A/N thank you!
Chapter 17 - Circling back to deception
Chapter 18 ~ Breakup's & Pain
Chapter 19 - "Shanyana is just a stupid little girl."
Chapter 20 - The Love, The Truth & The Goodbye Letter
Chapter 21- When His Eyes Made Her Heart Stop
Chapter 22 - You're My Best Notification
Chapter 24 - All You Do Is Walk Away
Chapter 25 *Part 1* - Secured & Shattered
Chapter 25 *Part 2* - Secured & Shattered
Chapter 26 - Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 27 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Chapter 28 - All That I'll Ever Need
A/N - What has happened? Theories, Character Talks, Sequel? etc.
Chapter 29 - The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 30 - My Heart Is So Tired
Chapter 31 - Kiss My Troubles Away
Chapter 32 - The Broken Prince
Chapter 33 - Home Is Where Heart Is
Chapter 34 - The Wrong One
Chapter 35 - You're Mine
Chapter 36 - Things You Said
Chapter 37 *Last* - Forever
Extended Epilogue *BONUS*

Chapter 23 - When The Rain Got Beautiful

764 33 20
By sparkleVS

Hello! I'm back with a new chapter as promised, how are you all doing today?

Today's chapter is quite 'beautiful' if I had to describe it in one word. I'll let you all read and share your though 😊❤

Make sure you COMMENT AND VOTE ~ now let's read!


Tina's POV

"Why is she texting you about me? How do you know her!?" Rohan questioned, altough he sounded angry I could tell he was hurt.

"Listen Rohan, I can't tell you." I stated, pleading him to stop asking me further questions.

"Why not? Is not like I'm gonna do anything, I just want to..." He paused, and stared at the ground - after a few seconds, he looked back up again, comprehending himself. "I just want to talk to her... It's been a long time, I wanna see how she's doing."

He painfully dragged himself back to the table and sat down slowly, I took a glance at his leg, it looked numb and badly twisted. I watched as Rohan took a deep breath and buried his face in his hands.

I felt bad for him... His life is just really messed up, I mean he's here to perform shows, but I doubt he'll even do that considering the fact he can't even walk.

I leisurely walked to the table and sat down opposite him, staring at his covered face. "So, you want to meet her?" I asked, cancelling out the silence.

"Yeah, I want to and I will." He sighed, running both of his hands which covered his face through his hair, he looked back up at me, causally resting his back onto the chair.

"Aaannnddd what will you say to her, when you do?" I enquired, don't mind me - I wasn't being nosy or anything - If he's gonna talk to her, I just want to make sure he dosen't say anything wrong.

Rohan didn't say anything for a second, I think he was just thinking. But after a few seconds he just blanky looked at me and said "I'll say Hi."

I cocked an eyebrow a chuckle escasped my mouth as I gave him a 'are you serious' look. "You got to be kidding me." I muttered under my breath, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I gazed at him and nodded my head in disaproval. "What?" He shurrged, the sides of his lips twitching up, he was trying to hide a smile.

"You can't just say hi...." I frowned at the cheeky smile that was formed on his face now. Oh no, he was planning something. I could tell. I'm smart girl.

"What are you planning Rohan?" I stare at him wide eyed. He laughed, glancing out to see the window. "Oh look!" He spoke.. "There's my car, gotta go!"

I shot my head to see his car... I think car was a understatment, It was a fucking Hummer black Limousine.

"Help me." He shot, standing up. I rolled my eyes and stood up aswell grabbing his arm I helped him walk outside.

"What are you gonna do Rohan?" I questioned, gritting my teeth.

"I'm gonna invite her for breakfast," He smirked, pushing the door with his right hand.

"And how are you gonna do that?" I asked. As soon as we got outside the cold breeze collided with my body making me shiver, miserably.

A absolute blatant guy stepped out of the car, and walked straight ahead to us. He gave Rohan a forced smile then leaned down a bit to open the door.

Before he could make any sort of move to go inside, I gripped his arm hard enough for him to notice.

"Not ignore me!" I growled,
"What?!" He replied, glancing down at me.

"Tell. Me. What. You're. Gonna. Do?" I coarsed, roughly.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He shrugged, that sin of smirk never left his face, he yanked his hold from my arm and entered the car.

That bastard!

Aisha's POV


I know it's early when there is no light struggling to get past the grime on my blinds. I can hear the drum of rain on window pane and I bring my hand down in a semi-drunken stupor onto my alarm clock.

I'm in definitely no mood for breakfast right now. I'm going to regret that by the time the sun is up, but making a sandwich is just beyond the scope of my abilities right now. I stand up and grab the dress on the chair, next to my bed. It's my uniform for work, a old fashion white net dress with a colar - it lands upto my knees. A black belt surronds the waist area, in a corner there's a written symbol of 'Hotel Pensiula'.

I got into the toilet, brushed my teeth and went to take a warm shower.

Normally the sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind of things. All the things I honestly don't care about. But today it's different I stepped into the shower, my toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. My mind was in shreds; I just can't get the picture out of my mind. Thousands of lukewarm drops, darkened my hair and trickled down my back. My eyes fell closed over and over, each time showing me the images they were like scenes - Me having tears in my eyes, him grabbing my waist, us dancing together, then me pushing him off and running away.

It was like cycle that blurred my vision everytime I close my eyes.

I once again closed my eyes to the water as the heat soaks into my skin, and leaned against the cool tiles as my weak legs threaten to buckle. It happened again.... Tears, Waist, Dance, Eyes, Push and Run.

"No." A sharp breath escaped my mouth - in a panic, my hand collided with the shower stop - closing of the shower. I took deep breaths, not knowning what to do.

I don't have time to think about all this, I need to get to work!

I step out of the shower and start to get dressed. Instead of struggling with knots in my wet hair, I blow dry it, then brush it. My natural shiny wavy hair scattered down my back. I brought it up high and tied in a ponytail.


Outside it is as black as night, only by the clock can I tell the difference between the time to sleep and the time to rise. The dawn will come as I walk to the hotel, lighting my way first in monochrome and then with subtle hues of colour.

I hate the rain. Why is it even raining today? ... The clouds are grey and rain falls in crazy chaotic drops, the gusting wind carrying them in wild vortices one moment and in diagonal sheets the next. Its absolutely disgusting - the rain would make the grass muddy and the foothpath wet, not making easy for people to walk.

As I neared the corner of the street I spot my destination. I've been doing morning shifts for the past few days, It's kinda amazing! I always look forward to it. Hotel Pensiula is beautiful and the people are great.

I wonder what could ever go wrong there?


I took off my coat and kept all my equipment in the staff room.

I went through the twin doors that led into the lobby, it is pristine white with golden handles. When I got to the lobby, which was normally were I work the most, I smiled at the speldid sight.

Exquisite paintings hung from the rich, red walls. The floor was tiled in fine marble, which made every step echo. A chandelier made rainbow colors dance across the luxurious lobby.

"Morning Aisha!" A chirpy voice gleamed at me. I whipped my head head around and gave the most generous smile to Stella 'the receptionist.'

"Good Morning Stella, how are you?" I asked, politely - I went to the reception and checked the daily list.

'The daily list' is where you see what area you'll be working in today.

"Tired, it's 6am & I feel like I'm gonna die." She sighed, dramatically rolling her eyes. I laughed at her, my smile slowly faded away as I read my area on the list.

"Um... why am I the kitchen hand today?" I frowned, she looked at me and smiled. "Oh because Adam took a day off, we needed someone to replace him."

You've got to be kidding me!... I like lobby better!

I huffed annoyingly, before storming off to another set of twin doors in the corner of the lobby, which lead up to the kitchen.


"Don't show me attitude young lady! Make another one."

"WHY?! It's completely fine." I outraged, This is a problem working in the kitchen. Dartha the old women hates me and I would never know why.

Apprently I've burnt the waffle, but I didn't! It's fine... it does have slight burn on the back- but that doesn't matter, it's completely unnoticeable.

She rolled her eyes "You don't even know how to cook eggs properly!" She yelled back.

"Nobody cares Dartha! They care about eating the food NOT the presentation." I mocked, she glared at me. Only if looks could kill.

"Who is this even for?" I asked, glazing a bit of of chocolate over the waffle.

She shoved her plate of eggs and waffles on my side. "Take my one, it's for room 210 - it has to be the best!"

I hate her... while Dartha decorated the plates I made 2 black coffees.

The smell was so good... I almost took a sip before Dartha's rowdy voice took me offguard.

"What are you going!? Hurry up."

In a swift motion I turned around from the coffee section and slowly walked up to the front counter.

She took the coffees off me and settled them on the tray, infront.

"Here! go and take this to room 210, be fast... breakfast for that room was suppose to be given 6.15, and it's 6.30. It's all because of your annoying ass." She handed me the tray, which I swear weighed more pounds then me.

"Godness sake.. Calm down women." I mummered, placing the tray on the catering utility trolley, I strolled outside across to the lift and pressed the button '12' where room 210 was located.

A realisation occured when I just remembered that room '210' was actually the biggest room into the hotel. An layer of excitement took over my body as I was eager to take a quick glimpse of the room.

'Ting!' I smiled as the lift doors smoothly opened.

Still smiling, I trailed across the rooms, the scent of chocolate ontop of the waffles drove me crazy. My stomach grumbled... should have had breakfast!

I paused when I saw the sight of '210' on one of the golden doors - as expected the door was quite wide according to the others.

I quickly fixed my dress and shuffled a bit with my hair before popping on a wide smile across my face. Well here we go...

I clenched my fist and knocked on the door 2 times.

"One second please."

I froze right on spot. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I'm so dumb, should've guessed that this is Rohan Nanda's room!

What do I do? Do I run... or do I face him?

I went against all my thoughts, I didn't wanted to run nor face him. His voice made me stay rooted on the spot, it was so brawny it made me feels like my bones were vibrating but in a matter of fact I knew that those were just tingles.

The door opened and I felt myself shiver - I wanted to close my eyes and run away, but there was a apart of me that wanted to look at him.

And I did. My cold heart suddenly went warm.

My parents warned me about the drugs and the freaks in the streets, but never the ones with the hazel eyes and the heart beats.

As I looked into his eyes I could feel him searching deep into my soul.

I inhaled his minty scent and took a deep breath. "Hi Rohan." I gave a small, hopefully encouraging smile.

He looked at me for a few seconds, before his lips screathed out making his lovely dimples appear. He smiled back, and in that moment, I knew everything was going to be alright.

"How are you?" Rohan asks the question smoothly, the baritone of his voice reverberating through head.

"I'm good." I replied, diverting my eyes to the ground. This is how weak I get when it comes to him, I can't look into his eyes for too long.

I feel him eyeing my apperance, almost as if he was observing every move of mine... which I'm pretty sure he was.

"Come inside." He spoke, my eyes widened, it connected back to him.

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Have breakfast with me..." Rohan eyes twinkled with warmt, his expression was pleasant and inviting. It was making me melt. Ughhh.

"I-I should be going, but thanks for the offer," I quickly turned on my boot and wanted to walk off but before I could even take a step he caught my arm.

I gasped, and glanced at him. The heat from his fingers creeps into my consciousness and I want to pull my hand away. But I don't think I had the power to do that.

"C'mon it won't be that long," His lips twitched up, he offered me a generous smile again... damn that beautiful smile.

NO don't Aisha, you have work. Say No!

"Ok... but only for a few minutes." I nodded my head, as he leaned against the door waiting for me to enter with the trolley.

My inner thoughts yelled - fuck you Aisha.

The room is uncomfortably large.
The couch is cream but inlaid with a fine green silk; leaves embroidered so delicately that they might have landed there in spring and just sunk in, but I know they took hundreds of hours to sew. The white curtains are linen, the kind of white that is untouched by hands and devoid of dust.

"Take it out to the balcony." He spoke, I almost fainted, his breath was right behind the core of my neck. It made my knees wobble.

"Y-yeah, sure." I responded, not being able to say much.

The balcony was a concrete ledge, square rough edges and a rusty rail, but it was my oasis. It was absolutely huge, a round table right in the middle was were I placed the tray on.

The rail was also surrounded my roses, oh my word, this is so pretty.

I sat on the table opposite Rohan, he passed me a plate of eggs and waffles and a cup of black coffee.

I ate slowly, glancing at him every second... he was doing the exact same thing.

Staring had become our only form of communication. He is staring and there seems no end to his fascination. The only time his gaze breaks is when I look at him - he then goes back to eating.

It was kinda cute.... what? no!

"Why are looking at me?" I blurt out, then closed my eyes at my stupidity... why are making yourself turn into a fool Aisha!

A smirk took over his face. His eyes twinkled with amusement.

Oh there it is! That smirk... I was wondering where it went.

"Just enjoying the view, is there any problem?" He marked, causally sipping on his coffee.

My eyes widned in realization, he said that to me once!

~ Quick Flashback ~

Rohan said nothing and kept looking at me, I hesitated under his intense glare. "What?" I asked irritated.

"Nothing, just enjoying the view." He smirked back. My jaw dropped, as he just bursted out laughing, Ayan looking completely pissed.

~ Flashback over ~

He laughed as I rolled my eyes at him, although I tired to look annoyed I couldn't help but smile.

People think of laughing as a noise that comes from the mouth, but when Rohan laughed it was nothing like that. The laugh was in his eyes, in the way his face changed into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth. Yet truly, it wasn't in his face either.

His laugh came from within, it was just the way he was wired. Just being around him for a few minutes was better than a whole day of being at work, partying, eating dinner or even just being in my apartment.

Just the sound of his voice, his snickers, his deep laughter, was enough to transport me far far away from my worries and the tension this modern life has....

"You know what? I actually do have a problem!" I smiled, gosh - I sounded like a child.

He quriked an eyebrow, his eyes still twinkling with amusement "Oh really, what is that?"

"Look at the view beside here," I said, pointing my arm to the view outside the balcony.

"See all the European Starling birds hiding in the trees because its raining - there tall buildings, and a amazing beach at the corner of the trees. These stuff are actually a view you can look at and enjoy... It's beautiful." I declared, expressing the greatest sights of Paris.

I turned my head to look back at him, only to see him looking at me the whloe time, he slowly put his cup down and leaned in a bit closer to me from the table. 

"I know that the view beside us is beautiful," Rohan addressed, his voice was deep and husky, "but the view infront of me is the most gorgeous  thing in the world."

My smile faded away, I quickly glance down at the warm smoky air coming out of the coffee. I didn't know what to say....  People talk about "mixed feelings" like it's an exception, but for me it's the normal I'm scared to try and scared not to - what I actually do depends on the balance between the two.

Feelings are like temperatures. Attraction is warm, Curiosity is warmer, Anger is boiling. Hate can torch, but it can also freeze. Love... Well, that's a temperature best left under neutral.

And with so many emotions and feelings we get... I just never get through with what Rohan makes me feel.

"I think I have to go now... I'll see you around." I whisper softly, and immediately stood up.

"No stay... please," He interjected, standing up.

"Did I say anything wrong?" Rohan asked, I felt my heartbreak at his words.

"No, you didn't, trust me. I just really have to go before I get into trouble. Dratha will kill me." I laughed, probably one of the most awakard laughter's of mine. Really unattractive.

"Finish your breakfast!" I told him with a smile. He nodded - sitting back down on the chair - "See you around."

I rapidly walked out of the balcony, strolling along the room with my head down; I reach the door - I stopped. I look back up at him, and see how he is drinking his coffee. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then stepped out...


'Ting!' As soon as the lift gates open I walked across to the window.

I am in level 3 right now, my favorite level of the entrie hotel. It has a huge window which contains the view of a peaceful beach.

I put my hand out of the window, it's still raining outside... The rain fell softly as if it knew the hardships both behind and ahead. Each droplet alighted my skin with just enough coolness too command my mind to the present, to pull me away from the pain of the past and the uncertainty of what was to come. 

A single tear slid down my eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed it's way down to my pale cheek, releasing the mixed feelings. I wiped them off with my other hand.

Sometimes joy and sadness get all mixed up, sometimes I think it's supposed to be that way. 

A smile came upon my face, soon turned into laughter. I might look crazy but I'm not. I'm in tears yet I'm smiling.

I remembered what my Mother use to say when I was young...  'Life is tough, anyone can make you cry, anyone can make you laugh, but it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes.'

I kept looking outside the window, seeing the droplets of water pouring from the grey clouds.

My smile widened... I guess this is the first time in 2 years where rain suddenly got beautiful again.



Alright so this is it. Tell how you all feel after this chapter? 😁

COMMENT and share your thoughts
VOTE if you want more.

And OMG the other day I watched Half Girlfriend, and it was such a great movie... I laughed and I cried, so I kinda got inspired by my own actions for this chapter 😂😧 + Baarish & Phir bhi tumko chahuga are LIFE 😍❤

By the way guys check out the Prologue part, I added Characters to that with GIFS - It's really good if you need an update on the characters of this book ✌

Anyways I'll be back with a new update, as always keep voting - It makes me update quicker 😉

See you all later, thank you for all your support - Love you guys, xoxo ❤❤❤

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