Monster Academy [ EXO fanfic ]

By creepychii

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For as long as you could remember, you have lived a fairly normal [and boring] life. But nothing could have p... More

1 : The Girl in the Mirror
2 : Revelations
3 : M Academy
4 : The Chairman
5 : Crazy Night
6 : Duizhang
7 : Fishy Roommate
8 : First Day
9 : Catch That Star!
10 : Locker Room Myhem
11 : The Fox on the Rooftop
12 : Special Seatmate
13 : Lunching Together
14 : On Teachers' Nerves
15 : Not So Normal Wednesday
17: T. G. I. F.
18: Monster Stuff
19: The Angel and the Devil
20: Monster in the Water
21: Special Seatmate 2
22: Wanted: Manager
23: Secret Mission
24: Overnight
25: Suho's Birthday Surprise
26: After Party
27: After Party 2
28: Hangover
29: Chaos in the Court
30: Warning
31: A Long Day
32: Interrogation
33: Dead End
34: Saying Goodbye
35: The Final Verdict
36: Cafeteria Drama

16: Not So Normal Wednesday 2

2.3K 93 47
By creepychii

The cafeteria was almost full when you got there. Good thing Ji Min still managed to find seats for the both of you.

"Where did you find your shoes?" Ji Min asked.

"They were just lying around somewhere. They must have been kicked around or something," you answered bluntly, since you didn't want to make it a big issue.

"That's good. I was almost sure that someone took it," Ji Min told you, you didn't answer and instead focused on your food.

You headed to your lockers after lunch.

"By the way, which club are you in?" You asked, remembering that you had to give Suho your choice of clubs today.

"I'm in the volleyball club," she answered.

"Oh," you frowned, disappointed. You wanted to be in the same club as her.

You went to your locker while Ji Min headed to hers which was a little far from yours. You opened your locker to deposit your PE shoes. There was another note inside.


Go back to the sewer where you belong, class Dung!


You sighed as you crumpled the paper. You really don't understand why these people, whoever they are, were

treating you this way.

So what if I'm class D, is it really enough reason for them to hate me? What does it matter to them anyway?

You tossed the paper in the nearby trash though Ji Min would probably have wanted to see it. You didn't want to make the matter a big issue. To you, it was nothing more than just childish schemes by students who can't seem to find anything better to do.

Besides, they're not worth it. They'll soon get tired of it...hopefully.

You went to Ji Min and the both of you headed together to your classrooms. Your first period in the afternoon was Monster Essentials. Your teacher is a beautiful woman called Miss Kang Hana, about the same age as Doctor Jung, 'humanly' speaking. You went over to her and gave her your class schedule, and then she started class.

"Today, we will continue where we left off last week. Move your desks and go to your partners. Those who need to change go change quickly," she instructed.

You looked around the room cluelessly as your classmates moved their desks to the corner, leaving a very big space at the center. You followed what they were doing and moved your desk to the back.

"Take off your limiters and practice Level One and Level Two transformations while transforming back to human form in five seconds. Song Joo Ri, Wu Yi Fan, please come over here for a while," she said.

Kris stood up and went to her, with you trailing behind him looking a little lost. Your other classmates grouped in pairs at the center of the room. Some were standing, some were sitting, whatever they were most comfortable with. Some guys, to your shock, had taken their shirts off.

"Joo Ri-sshi, I understand you were not exposed to monsters until just recently?" Your teacher asked you.

"Ne, sonsaengnim," you affirmed.

"In this class, you will learn what you need to know about being a monster in order for you to live an easier life both in the monster and human society. I would have wanted for you to enroll in a catch-up class but Doctor Jung told me about your financial background," she said.

You nodded but wondered why Doctor Jung would share such stuff with other people.

"We're actually a little close," she winked when she saw your confused look.

You didn't get right away what she meant until your eyes landed on her chest.

"Oh," was all you could answer.

"I would have given you free catch-up lessons, however I don't have the time since I have a separate job aside from being a teacher here. So, I have decided that Kris-sshi here would tutor you instead of me. Of course, that's if it's okay with you, Kris-sshi," she said turning to Kris. "In exchange, I will exempt you from all exams, activities, and projects in my class. You always get a perfect score anyway, and that's also the reason why you are my best choice. So is that fine with you?"

"Ne, sonsaengnim," Kris answered.

"Great!" She said. "So I'll leave the two of you to work out on your tutorial schedules. Kris-sshi, I'd also like a weekly report on what lesson you will be currently on. It doesn't have to be formal. Just update me on what you've covered so far. Joo Ri-sshi, I'll be preparing exams and activities for you every once in a while to check how much you've learned."

"Ne. Thank you," you bowed.

"Alright then, go and plan on your tutorial arrangements," she said.

Ice king as my tutor. I don't think I'm prepared for that, you thought as you slouched on your seat. You jolted when you saw Kris' tall form in front of you. He placed a chair in front of your desk and sat down.

"What day of the week are you free?" He asked in his usual cold tone.

"Uh, well. I'm always free after class and during weekends," you answered.

"What time?" He asked.

"I –," you didn't get to finish what you were saying. You got distracted when one of your classmates suddenly grew large, eagle-like wings. His skin also grew feathers and his hands grew razor-sharp eagle claws. You stared in shock with your mouth hanging open. You would have screamed if only your voice had not been caught in your throat. Kris saw your face and followed your line of vision.

"Five...four...three...," his partner counted. His body twitched unexplainably as his wings started to shrink while his skin started to return to normal human skin. He was crouching on the floor and looked like he was in so much difficulty, almost in pain.

" up," his partner counted. He shook his head. He was not able to completely transform back to human form. Though his skin was back to normal human skin, his wings were still protruding and his hands were still claws.

"What time?" Kris asked again.

"Uh, s-sorry what?" You asked as you turned your attention back to him. He looked bored as though what happened was just something one would see every day.

"What time are you free? Make sure it doesn't conflict with your cleaning duties and club activities."

"I-I don't have a club and cleaning duty schedule yet," you answered, distracted, as another one of your classmates transformed. His body bulked and looked like rocks. You looked around the room and saw more of your classmates transform into a couple of other things you're sure the dictionary or the encyclopedia won't be able to define. Your head spun as you saw them grew wings, tails, claws, horns, scales and a jumble of other things.

Oh God, I think I'm gonna go crazy!

You spotted Sehun. He was counting as his partner transformed into an angel-like being with black wings. Chanyeol and Kai were sitting in a corner, chatting. They didn't look like they were practicing.

"We'll plan again when you have your schedules," Kris told you.

You didn't get to answer him since one of your classmates who was just a few feet from you suddenly transformed into the most hideous creature you have ever seen. He grew wings that looked like bat wings and the color of his skin changed into a reddish brown shade, making him look like he had just been skinned alive. He had long, sharp claws about four inches long. He looked pretty much like the guy from the movie Jeepers Creepers, only his face was less human-like but more wolf-like, without the fur.

To your shock, you suddenly grabbed Kris' arm. Kris was surprised by your sudden action but you didn't notice it since you were gaping in horror at the Jeepers Creepers guy.

"Lee Hee Jun, I said Level One and Level Two only. Why are you in Level Three?" Miss Kang said.

"Sorry teacher, I used too much monster energy," the Jeepers Creepers guy replied in a voice that sent shivers running down your spine.

"Umgg!" You muttered an incoherent sound as you placed your hand over your mouth. You felt bile rising to your mouth as your stomach seemed to be flipping wildly inside you. Kris eyed you curiously.

"BMMGHH!" You muttered more loudly and pressed your hand harder over mouth.

Kris suddenly took your arm and dragged you behind him.

"Excuse us," Kris said to your teacher without even stopping and headed straight to the door. He continued to drag you behind him as you tried to keep up with his long strides while also doing your best to keep yourself from vomiting in the hallway. He suddenly stopped and you found yourself in front of the ladies' restroom. He let go of your arm. You didn't need to be told what to do. You immediately ran inside and threw up in the nearest sink. You panted and threw up again. You turned the faucet on and let what once was your lunch wash down into the drain. You gargled on some water to get the taste of bile off your mouth.

The door suddenly slammed open, revealing Kai and Chanyeol.

"What are you doing here?!" You asked in surprise.

"Kai suddenly went out I just followed him," Chanyeol said.

"BWWKKK," you threw up again. This time, only bile came out since you have already vomited all of your lunch. You really hate it when this happens. Once you start vomiting, it was difficult to stop since the smell and taste of bile only makes you want to vomit again.

"Ya!" Chanyeol said worriedly as he and Kai came towards you and patted your back.

"Don't come near me! I'm fine," you told them as you tried to push them away. You didn't want them to see you throwing up. You gargled on some water but threw up again.

"Here," Kai said as he offered you what seems to be gum. Chanyeol was just anxiously standing beside you, looking like a lost puppy.

"No, I don't want to eat anything –"

"Trust me, it's gonna make you feel better," Kai told you. You took one stick of gum and put it in your mouth. He was right. The taste of peppermint somehow lessened the bitter taste of bile.

"Ya! This is the ladies room! You shouldn't be in here," you told them when your remembered where you were.

"It's fine. No one else is here," Kai told you.

"How did you know I was here anyway?"

"Kai followed yours and that Chinese guy's scent," Chanyeol told you.

"That's creepy," you told them.

"You looked pale when that guy suddenly dragged you out," Kai said but did not explain anything more.

"Were you worried?" You jeered.

"You wanted me to?" He smirked.

"No," you scowled. "Let's go before someone else finds you here."

"What happened anyway? Are you sick?" Chanyeol asked you while you were walking in the hallway.

"No. I was just..."

"She was disgusted at Lee Hee Jun and got really scared at the same time," Kai jeered. You frowned at him but didn't really argue since what he said was true.

"Have you never seen an imp before?" Chanyeol asked, shocked.

"I've never seen any monster before. Well, except for myself, and also a mermaid. I grew up surrounded only by humans," you told him.

"Oh," Chanyeol murmured. "Then you should just skip class."


"I mean there are a lot of other monsters in our class who are more creepy-looking than Lee Hee Jun. You might not be ready for it. If you want, I can help you talk to the teacher about it," Chanyeol offered.

"Really? Will she really allow that?" You asked hopefully.

"For today, she might!" Chanyeol answered almost immediately.

"Thanks Chanyeol! You're such a good friend!" You sighed in relief. You really were not ready to see any more gruesome sight today and hopefully your teacher would approve Chanyeol's suggestion. Kai just shook his head and laughed knowingly at Chanyeol.

"Oh, where's Kris by the way?" You asked when you realized you haven't seen him outside the restroom.

"He was heading back while we were on the way to see you," Kai answered.


"I really thought he was gonna do something to you since Kai suddenly decided to follow you," Chanyeol said.

"Chanyeol, he's not a bad guy," you told him. "In fact he was helping me."

"You can never be too sure," Chanyeol answered. You sighed and decided not to argue.

The three of you went back to your classroom, though you stayed outside. Chanyeol came back minutes later along with Sehun. He had a wide grin on his face and gave you a thumbs up. You sighed in relief.

"Are you alright?" Sehun asked you. "You looked so pale a while ago. I was going to follow Kai-hyung and Chanyeol-hyung but I couldn't leave my partner."

"I'm fine. Just got a little monster-shocked, that's all."

"I understand. Lay-hyung told me you grew up with humans. If I were in your shoes I would also have been terrified. But you should start getting used to it since you're gonna see more of these things in the future," Sehun answered.

"I'll try," you laughed.

"I need to go back now," Sehun said and went back inside.

"Shouldn't you also go back to class?" You asked Chanyeol who had now sat on the floor while playing with a PSP.

"It's okay. I told her you were traumatized and you asked me to accompany you," he said without looking at you.

"I did not!" You exclaimed.

Chanyeol just shrugged while giving you a wicked grin.

"You cunning little devil. That's why you offered to help me. You just wanted to skip class."

He grinned wider, showing most of his perfect teeth. You understood now why Kai laughed a while ago. You shook your head and sat beside him. You watched him play his game while he explained it to you from time to time as the both of you waited for your Monster Essentials class to end. Your teacher finally poked her head out of the door, telling the two of you to come in.

Your classmates were moving back their desks in order. You did the same. You were relieved to finally see them all back in their human form. The bell rang signifying the end of your first afternoon period. Everyone got ready for Special Class.

"We're on the same Special Class. Let's head there together," Sehun told you.


"Song Joo Ri, please come here a moment," Miss Kang said.

"Uhm, I think you should just head there first," you told Sehun.

"Alright. I'll see you there."

You went to Miss Kang.

"Joo Ri-sshi, I understand today must have been a shock to you, which is why I allowed you to skip class. But I won't allow it again. It would be good for you if you start getting yourself acquainted with monster matters," she told you.

"Yes, sonsaengnim. I understand. I'm sorry about today."

"No, no, it's okay. It was also my fault since I did not inform you beforehand about what was going to happen. I should have known you were not used to seeing people in their monster forms yet," she said.

"It's alright teacher. I got a little shocked but I'm okay now."

"Alright then. I won't keep you any longer or you'll be late for you Special Class. I'll see you next week," she said and went out of the room.

Teacher Kang is nice, you smiled to yourself, but frowned when you remembered Doctor Jung. Poor her. She should find someone better.

You went back to your seat to get your things. Everyone had already gone now. You were shocked to see a sandwich and a can of coke on your desk. It was just perfect since you were hungry; having thrown up every single food you have eaten earlier.

But who is this from? You wondered. You took the sandwich and flipped it around, searching for a note or something. You also checked on the floor in case it just fell but there was none. You scratched your head and your eyes landed back on the can of coke.


Another bell rang signifying the start of next period, snapping you out of your reverie. You took the coke and the sandwich and headed out of your classroom. You stopped on your tracks when you saw Lee Hee Jun leaning against the wall outside.

"Ah, Song Joo Ri," he said as he removed himself against the wall and started walking towards you.

"Lee Hee Jun-sshi," you said, trying hard not to remember how he looked like in his monster form. He got closer, and you instinctively stepped back. He gave a mocking laugh.

"I heard you threw up earlier," he asked.

"Ah, y-yes," you smiled anxiously as images of his monster form kept on flashing in your mind.

"Why? Are you feeling sick?" He asked as he stepped closer. "Or is it true that you found my monster form disgusting?" His voice turned cold at his last sentence.

"I-I –"

You didn't get to finish what you were saying since he suddenly pushed you against the wall and slammed his palm on the wall just a few inches from you head.

"A lowly class D like you, looking down on me, how dare you?" He hissed on your face.

"Lee Hee Jun-sshi I –"

"Shut up! I'm still talking, bitch!" He yelled, his eyes turning red. You panicked when you noticed he was not wearing his limiter. You unconsciously dropped your sandwich and your can of coke in fear.

"So you think I'm disgusting? Who do you think you are? You're not even worthy to be in this school. Do you know what I can do to weak monsters like you? I can easily tear your weak body apart," he snarled.

"I'd like to see you try," a voice said as another hand slammed on the wall near your face opposite Lee Hee Jun's. You turned your head to see Lu Han, smirking down on Hee Jun.

Lee Hee Jun looked surprised to see him, but his face twitched back into an irritated frown. "This has nothing to do with you."

"I'm sorry but it has, because she's our friend," Lu Han answered.

"Your friend? I didn't know the soccer team have such low standards," Lee Hee Jun laughed mockingly.

"Who we choose to be friends with is none of your business," Lu Han answered and his eyes landed on Lee Hee Jun's ID. "Class B," he snorted. "And you sounded as though you were really strong."

"What did you say?!" Lee Hee Jun spat in irritation.

"Does it make you feel stronger when you harass those in the lower classes? Why don't you try fighting me instead and let's find out how strong you really are?"

Lee Hee Jun's eyes turned red again as his face twitched unpleasantly in anger. Lu Han was just smirking at him all the time. He seemed really pissed that he looked ready to hit Lu Han any moment, but he did nothing.

"I thought so. Now leave her alone," Lu Han said.

Lee Hee Jun gritted his teeth at Lu Han, then threw a spine-tingling death glare at you, and finally walked away.

"You okay?" Lu Han asked you.

"Ah, yeah," you answered weakly, but your knees were actually shaking and you're afraid that you were gonna collapse any moment.

"Here," Lu Han handed you your coke.

"Thanks," you murmured half-dazed, as your heart was still beating frantically from nervousness. You carefully bent down to pick up your sandwich. Though it was wrapped in plastic, the contents were squished because Lee Hee Jun had stepped on it when he walked away.

"You should just throw that away," Lu Han told you.

You threw the sandwich in a nearby trash can and put the coke inside your bag. Somehow you felt like crying, probably because of the all the jumble of emotions inside you – anger, fear, anxiety, relief. You turned back to Lu Han and bowed. "Thank you."

"Looks like I saved you again didn't I? Your debt list is getting longer," he said. You didn't answer since you were busy trying hard not to cry. "Let's get going. We're late." He said.

You trailed behind him, feeling your strength slowly returning to your legs. You stared at the back of Lu Han's head, since he was walking a little ahead of you. The two of you never actually talked before. Just a few greetings and remarks here and there but that was all. And you never really bothered about it since you think he's a jerk ever since the first time you met him. But a while ago, he said he considered you his friend.

Their friend, you corrected yourself. He was referring to the soccer team and not necessarily to himself.

Still you felt a little happy. At least he doesn't hate you. One less monster who despises you for being a class D. You also wondered how strong he is, since Lee Hee Jun seemed to be scared to fight him.

He looks so much like an angel but he's actually pretty scary.

You finally reached your classroom. Lu Han went in and you realized the two of you were in the same class. You also went inside. Your teacher still wasn't there.

"Joo Ri, over here!" Sehun waved at you. He was sitting near the back. You also spotted Suho, Xiumin and...

LAY! Your heart almost jumped out of your chest when you saw him. OMG! We're on the same Special Class!

You went over to them. "Hi guys!" You greeted.

"Hi Joo Ri!" They greeted back.

"Oh, where should you sit?" Suho wondered as he looked around. Lu Han took the seat beside Sehun. Unlike your usual classroom, the desks on you Special Class classroom were made for two people. The number of students were also bigger, about twice the number of your regular class.

"Why don't you take the seat beside Xiumin-hyung?" Lay told you, pointing to the seat in front of him.

"May I?" You asked Xiumin.

"Go ahead," Xiumin told you as he moved some of his stuff which were littered on your half of the table. You took your seat feeling a little nervous, knowing that Lay was just right behind you. Sehun and Lu Han's desk were at the back beside Lay's and Suho's

"Good afternoon furballs," your teacher greeted as he came in.

"Doctor Jung?" You exclaimed.

"Ah, Joo Ri, welcome to Special Class," he greeted.

"You're also a teacher?" You couldn't help asking.

"I'm not your official teacher. Mrs. Lee is having a very delicate pregnancy so I'm taking her place at the moment while the school doesn't find a proper substitute," he explained.

"Oh," you said and didn't ask anything more. Some of your classmates were giving you curious stares, probably wondering why you were acting so familiar with Doctor Jung.

"Alright, today we're doing an activity to practice your skills. Do this with your seatmates. First, take off your limiters," Doctor Jung said.

Not again, you groaned as you took off your own limiter.

"No Level Two and Three transformations please. Now I have here two sets of lost things. Set A goes to columns one and two. Set B goes to columns three and four. Each set has ten items. I want you to find out four things about each item using your abilities. First, who is the owner of the item, for example if it's a child, an elderly person, a boy or a girl, etcetera. Second, what kind of monster is the owner if it's a monster, or just write human if it's human. Third, how old do you think the item is. And lastly, try to find out how it got lost. You are given three minutes to examine each object. After three minutes, we'll rotate the objects clockwise," Doctor Jung instructed.

You took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote your name. You handed the paper to Xiumin for him to write his name. He gave you back the paper and you stared at his name for a while.

"Kim Min Seok? You're Korean?!"

"Yes," Xiumin answered. "Chen is also Korean. His real name is Kim Jong Dae."

"Woah! I really thought you guys were Chinese!"

"Nah. But we went to a monster school in China before with Lay. Our classmates had a hard time pronouncing our names so Chen made up our Chinese nicknames."

"Oh. What about Lu Han? Don't tell me he's also Korean?"

"No. Lu Han's Chinese. But I've only met him when I transferred here since he wasn't a student at our old school. However, he, Lay and Sehun already knew each other for a long time."

"Ahh," you nodded.

Doctor Jung came and placed a rag doll on your table. You picked it up and stared at it for a while. You looked around at the others. There were keys, a handkerchief, a necklace, and lots of other things.

"Okay, three minutes starts now," Doctor Jung announced. You gave the doll to Xiumin and he sniffed at it.

"There are tons of scents attached to this thing. But the most prominent smell is of a human child's. A girl," he told you. You stared at him in amazement before you scribbled his answers.

"Aren't you going to check it?" He asked.

You hesitantly took the doll and sniffed at it. To you, it just smelled like old fabric.

"You're a feline aren't you? Why don't you check it closely using your eyes? You guys have great eyesight," he told you, looking a little curious why you were also sniffing the doll.

"Oh," was all you answered and looked closely at the doll.

"Try removing your glasses," Xiumin suggested. You did as he told you but your vision was blurry as usual. You put your glasses back on and shook your head at Xiumin.

"Sorry, I can't see without my glasses," you told him.

"That's because you're still in your complete human form. Try transforming to Level One," he instructed. You shook your head in ignorance. You have heard a lot about Level One, Level Two and whatever those levels are today but you really have no idea what those are.

"Focus yourself on your monster energy and release it slowly," Xiumin coached, but you just stared at him as though he came from Mars, speaking alien language. Xiumin scratched his head. "I guess you still haven't learned about it yet."

"Sorry," you said.

"It's okay," he answered as he took the ragdoll back from you. He answered the rest of the questions.

"Okay, three minutes is up! Next!" Doctor Jung said. You passed the ragdoll to the front while Lay passed a shoe to you. Xiumin took the shoe and sniffed on it. His expression turned into a sour frown, but he had to continuously sniff at it again to answer the rest of the questions. You felt bad for him since you couldn't do anything useful to help. The activity went on with Xiumin doing the answering, and you being the useless secretary. After everyone has answered all the items, Doctor Jung revealed the answers. Xiumin got most answers right. After that Doctor Jung proceeded on a lecture on how to make the monster senses sharper, most of which you didn't really understand.

"So that ends our lecture. Now I have an announcement to make. You are going to make a special project for this class, which will be due before the end of the second term. Mrs. Lee had already prepared it beforehand but was not able to announce it to class due to her sudden leave. I will give the details of the project next week while I ask for some clarifications about it with her," Doctor Jung announced.

"Ne," the class answered.

"Okay, that would be all. See you next week, furballs," Doctor Jung finally dismissed your two-hour Special class. He called you over which you had already expected.

"So, Joo Ri, how did you find your first Special Class?" He asked.

"It was...interesting," you answered.

"Great. Now about your lessons, I know you would prefer not to enroll in catch-up classes. I would really like to help you but I have a very busy life outside of school," he winked. "So just study the previous lessons by yourself. I know you can do it."

"But what about my grades?" You asked as you stared at him incredulously.

"I'll just base your missing grades on the special project that I have announced earlier. So I'll see you around," he said as he turned to go.

"Wait! What if there are things I don't understand with the lessons?" You asked.

He looked around and his eyes landed on the soccer team. "Boys," he called.

"Yes Doctor?" They said as they came to the both of you.

"Please help Joo Ri out with the previous lessons. Suho, since you're the Student Council President, please take care of her."

"I would love to Doctor but err...I'm actually quite busy with Student Council stuff," Suho scratched his head.

"I'm not good at tutoring," Xiumin said.

"Same here," Lu Han added.

Doctor Jung's eyes fixed on Sehun and Lay. "Ah, perfect! Since you two are the smartest in this class, I'll entrust Joo Ri to you. Please take good care of her!" He said and went away before Sehun and Lay could say anything.

You horrible teacher! You scowled and turned to Sehun and Lay.

"Sorry about this."

"It's okay. Just come to us if you need help," Lay answered.

"Ahh, our Lay is always so kind," Suho patted Lay's back.

"You should learn from him, hyung," Sehun told Suho.

"It's true that I'm really busy," Suho said defensively.

You smiled at Lay. Though you were annoyed at Doctor Jung's irresponsible attitude, you were somehow grateful that things turned out this way. Now you have a reason to talk more with Lay.

"So, have you decided on a club to join?" Suho asked you.

"I think I'll join the Arts Club," you told him.

"Great! They really need more members," Suho said.

"You're good at drawing?" Sehun asked you.

"Just a little," you answered honestly. You can draw, but it was more on manhwa stuff rather than portrait sketches and other art styles. And it's not like you love drawing. It was more of a spontaneous hobby rather than your passion. However, you had no other choice since you don't have the talents or the skills to join the other clubs.

"Well, they're using the old arts room at the Student Affairs building. I'll tell their president they have a new member," Suho told you.

"Alright," you answered.

"C'mon, let's go to the field," Xiumin said.

"Hyung, I have cleaning duties," Sehun said.

"I have Student Council duties," Suho said.

"Alright. The rest of you head straight to the field," Xiumin said, switching to Spartan captain mode.

"How about you Joo Ri?" Lay asked.

"I'll go back to the dorms," you told them.

"We'll see you around then," Suho said.

"No, actually, she's coming with us," Lu Han suddenly said.

"I am?"

"Alright, let's go," Xiumin said and headed out, followed by the others.

"Why am I going with you?" You asked Lu Han.

"Because, there are things I'd like you to do," Lu Han answered.

"Mweo?" You asked in confusion.

"You owe me right?" He said.

"I guess?" You answered.

"Then you have to pay me back."


"I told you I wasn't helping you for free," he smirked.

Okay, so what now?


Author's Note

Hey guys~!! *waves*. Here's another long chapter. ^__^
By the way, here's a layout I made of their special class while I was writing this chapter. It's just the layout though. There are probably other things in a classroom like the teacher's desk,, cupboards/cabinets and stuff but you imagine it. Kekeke. So I just noticed they're near the windows again. What can I do, I love window seats. XD  

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Luhan, a young wolf with a keen intuition, always had a sense that something extraordinary was going to happen one day. He shared this feeling with h...