Kurapika x Chrollo One-Shots

By SkyShadowFlyer

250K 6.6K 2.8K

Welcome to a One-Shot book with a strange author making chapters of a ship mostly unknown to the fandom. I s... More

Guard Down
A Real Kiss (Sequel to Pocky)
Taking His Chain Out
Neck Bites
First Moments: Our Arrival
First Moments: The First Kiss
Swapping Roles
Delusional (Sequel to Taking His Chains Out)
Cheesy Pick Up Lines
Just A Thought
It's Over Isn't It?
I've Been Tagged :/
After Midnight
Followed (Prequel To After Midnight)
Don't Think About It
What's The Use of Feeling Red?
Kurapika In WonderLand (1)
We're Back (1)
Spiders (1)
The Bet
We're Back (2)
Spiders (2)
A Silent Moment
Delusional (--Fixed--)

And On With Another Tag!

2.6K 45 8
By SkyShadowFlyer

Man, I am on a roll. Tagged twice in two months. Look at me go.

Thank you to cutsiwootsi for tagging me and also thanks for my inclusion in your book Fangirl Police. If you guys are interested in a few girls taking the liberty of going to different Anime Universes to make ships come true, then check it out. Anyway, onto the tag.

(And if you're sad about this not being a chapter um...sorry?)

13 Facts About Sky

1) I am absolutely addicted to water, quite literally actually. At a restaurant, I usually won't order any drinks only drinking the water given to you as you pick out your meal. I can't drink any other drink without water. If I drink tea I need water, if I drink soda I need water. If our filters aren't full I will gladly drink tap. It's not a medical condition, it's just the fact that I love water.

2) I live in the Big Apple otherwise know as NYC. I've lived here all my life, so yes, I am a city girl. And going back to the water thing, New York supposedly has some of the best tap water in the world so to those of you who were disgusted by me drinking it, there you go.

3) I play the piano. I am self-taught and have never gotten any professional lesson. I got Cheffur (what I named my piano) on my birthday last year, which is in the Summer, but I never really started to play until November. I'm not gonna list all the songs I know but if I had to choose my favorite to play I'd be Megalovania or Clair de Lune.

4) I. Want. A. Slippery Noddle. (Snake). I also really want a bird, a long living one.

5) I have a cat, her name is Ester. She's a loveable little kitty but she can be quite annoying at times especially when she's begging for me to pet her or scratching the recliner chair. (She's actually meowing at my brother for food rn). She's been throwing up a lot lately, but it seems to have died down, for the time being at least.

6) I watch Anime. Wow, you weren't expecting that one.

7) My favorite Movie is 200 Pounds Beauty. It's a Korean Comedy about a girl who gets Plastic Surgery to gain the attention of the man she loves. I absolutely love it. The comedy, the emotions, the characters. Everything may not be done to perfection but it's still amazingly conveyed.

8) I am a strange Mix. I am black but I am half Jamaican, part Native American, Chinese, and I've even got some Brit in my blood. Strange, I know. There are probably people who are even more mixed so I can't complain. I actually happen to like it.

9) I am known as an ambivert. Sitting at home on my laptop is more appealing to me in my opinion, but I also like meeting new people and going out once in awhile.

10) I am too dramatic for my own good. I'm loud and eccentric and people usually tell me that I'm too much. Even though I have a very open side of myself I also like to keep to myself a lot. I get quiet and tend to space out. If you catch me at the right time you'll see my sarcastic side, but if I'm getting to know you you'll most likely see my outgoing side. I'm pretty sure I'm bipolar.

11) I actually know a bit of French. I took it in Eighth Grade. Mind you I am not fluent at all.
Je parle francais. Je m'apelle Sky, comment ca va? Tu s'apelle est...? Je ne courant pas.(That last sentence was probably incorrect, idk).

12) My zodiac sign is a Leo though people say that I act more like an Aquarius.

13) I love being in the spotlight. I absolutely adore being on stage with other people to convey a story to the audience. I love the feeling of being able to change the emotion within people with just a few lines. I am very invested in the Performing Arts which is actually what my High School is centered around so I'm excited.

And onto my least favorite part (because I barley have any friends on Wattpad), tagging people:


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