Burger To The Face ( ON HOLD )

By Stitch_1205

192 30 60

" How dare you Ivey! I can't believe you would stoop that low. After being best friends for 12 years! " I scr... More

Burger To The Face: Chapter 1
Burger To The Face: Chapter 2
Burger To The Face: Chapter 3
Burger To The Face: Chapter 4
Burger To The Face: Chapter 5
Burger To The Face: Chapter 7

Burger To The Face: Chapter 6

19 2 15
By Stitch_1205

Chapter 6: And Just A Tinge Of Brutal

MY PHONE WENT OFF AROUND 6AM. I groan before grabbing it and answering whoever interrupted my sleep.

" The fuck you want? " I say groggily. " Rise and shine blondie! " Zack yells through the phone I groan more. " It's super early. " I say.

" Yeah, but nut job over here just couldn't wait to get one of those Starbucks coffee things. " Elliot groaned on the other line.

" It's called a Unicorn Frappe idiot. " Zack defends. " Ok but why are you calling me. "

" We are driving you to school. Now get your lazy ass up, we will be there in 10. " Josh says. I was about to protest when he hung up on me.

" Of course. Oh no Nessa, we will let you sleep in for another 30 minutes because we are great friends.


Yes of course! We are good friends who would never want to disturb your sleep!

You guys are the best! " I mimic a fake conversation to myself. I rub my eyes before getting up and walking over to my closet and picking out the first thing that came to mind.

AN:// Picture up above!

I slip on my cream boots after getting dressed and immediately feel 3 inches taller. The power of heeled boots!

If only I was average height. I could have been 5'9 at least. I would have been able to walk The Victorious Secret Runway. But no. Life gave me short legs.

Is there such thing as 10 inch heels?

After applying a little bit of concealer and mascara, I grab my backpack and head downstairs to see everyone at the table eating breakfast.

" Hey mom, hey dad, hey Mckenzie. " I say grabbing a banana and eating it quickly.

" You seem to be in a rush. " Mckenzie says eating her waffles.

" Oh really? No just want to get to school early. " I say hesitantly.

" Oh well I could just drive you to school. " Kenzie says.

" Oh no you see I already have a- "

My sentence was cut off when we all hear a loud honking noise.

" Ride... " I finish my sentence. Dad gets up to go see who was honking and I get up as well and dash to the front door before dad can.

I walk out to my porch and see Josh's car with all the windows down. Josh was driving and Elliot was in the passengers seat while Zack was in the back, he was sipping his Unicorn Frappe before yelling:

" Get in your favorite bitches are hear. " Kenzie stands beside me. " So that's your ride? " She points over to the boys. Who were now arguing about Zack being Zack. Well except for Zack, who seemed to be in a trance.

" Yep. " Is all I say. Kenzie laughs. " Good luck with that. " She laughs before going inside. I turn around and see dad glaring at the boys.

" Ok love you dad bye! " I quickly say before running over to the Jeep and Josh takes off.

As I put my seatbelt on I see that Zack was still in a trance. " Hey, Zack. You ok? " I snap my fingers but it doesn't work.

" I'm ready to get hurt again. " He mutters.

" What? " Elliot says turning around.

" Who was that? " Zack asks me. I quirk up an eyebrow.

" I think he's talking about the blond who was standing right next to you. " Josh explains.

" Oh her? That's my sister McKenzie. " I say. I unlock my phone and scroll through my camera roll and show him a selfie me and Kenzie took.

" She's gorgeous. " - He says dream like - " I want it. " Zack says point at her on my phone.

" Um no. I know how you are with girls. No. " I tell him. He pouts. " Come on! "

" Zack you are not hitting one her sister. " Josh rolls his eyes. " I will have my princess... " He mutters and I glare at him. " Alright we are here, now you guys GET OUT. " Josh says pulling up to Weston. ( The college) Zack went to the nearby community college and Elliot said he wanted to get another degree so he went back to college.

" Alright alright, don't get you thong up in a twist. " Zack mutters, I choke on my water as Elliot snickers. Josh glares at him before Zack shuts the door.

" Let's go before we are late. " I say. He nods in agreement. A comfortable silence filled the air. Ten minutes went by before we pulled up to the school.

I open the door and get out and so does Josh. All eyes were on me and only me as I see people whispering and others snicker. Josh inches closer and puts his arm around me.

" I have your back. " He mutters to me, I nod my head. We bump into Thomas. " Hey what's going on? " Josh asks.

" It's bad, I've started taking down some of the papers. " Thomas says.

" What papers? " I say released myself from Josh's grip as both call after me. Push through the doors and my eyes widen.

Flyers, everywhere of ME. Well, my face photoshopped to a girls body, in lingerie. It looked pretty convincing. But there was no way in hell I would ever do that.

" Look it's Josh's slut. " Ivey exclaims. " Hello Satan's slut. " I spit, feeling all the rage and anger boil inside of me. She glares at me before smirking. " I see you found my handy work. "

" Had a feeling it was you. Or Austin. " I say.

" It wasn't my fault you did these disgusting things. I mean my gosh Nessa have some respect for yourself. " Ivey snickers.

" I would never do anything like this and you know that! " I yell. A small crowd forms around us.

" Your pathetic Nessa, first Austin and now Josh? I mean even I know my boundaries. "  She taunts. My fist clench and my heart picks up its pace.

" Hey why don't you back off Ivey ok? No need for confrontation. " Josh immediately steps in and brings me behind his back a little. Thomas runs over and stands on the opposite side of me.

" Oh so you and Thomas are sharing now Josh? " She says pointing her finger at the three of us. " No you idiot we are just being good friends unlike you the backstabbing bitch. " Josh says I feel his body stiffen as his eyes darken.

" Oh why are you protecting her? You never realize what she did last summer, don't you? " She smirks.


My face pales. " I don't know what you are talking about Ivey. " I grit my teeth stepping in front of Josh.

" Oh you know exactly what I am talking about. Austin was there. " Bile threatens to crawl up my throat but I hold back my urge to rip her apart. " You are talking nothing but bullshit. "

" What bullshit? It's all true! And let's face it, you are worthless. You have no one. And nobody is going to stick up for you. - "

" Alright enough! " I yell, before stomping off, Josh calls after me. But I don't listen.

Great way to start off the day right?

I storm into the bathroom. Two girl were in their applying lipstick. They turn to me and snicker a little. " Get out! " I scream, they flinch and hurry out the door. I walk up to the mirror and realize that some tears fall down my face.

Last summer I never want to relive. Ever. I think to myself. I stare at the mirror. Do I really have no one?

I shake my head before splashing myself with water.

" Oh my god Nessa I can't believe you did that. " I hear Ivey say in my head from last summer. I pull him close and crash his lips into mine. My voice narrates from that night.

" Nessa! Nessa! You in there!? Nessa! " Josh bangs on the bathroom door. I breathe and smile. " I'm fine Josh! "

" No you are not, I'm coming in. " Josh opens the door and mutters " This smells way better than the guys bathrooms. "

I chuckle " Of course the girls bathroom's smell better than the guys. " He nods before his face turns serious again. " Are you ok? Look whatever Ivey accused you of I'm not judging, nor am I believing her. I just want to know if you are ok. "

I smile again. " Yeah, I'm fine. I just want those pictures taken down. She didn't even get my body shape right. " I laugh. But it wasn't a convincing laugh.

" I know, I know, she's just trying to get under your skin. Don't let her, and I already have Thomas taking down the photos, me and him are going to skip first period to finish taking them down sense I have a feeling the Principal will probably blow it off. " Josh says and my heart swells up with happiness.

" No, no, I can't have you do that for me, or Thomas. " I say arguing.

" No but we want to, I want to. Ok? Now come here and give your favorite ogre a hug. " He smiles at the last part spreading out his arms. I glare at him playfully before giving in and walking over to him as he wraps his arms around me.

His shirt smelled like a mixture of cologne and pine trees. I breathed in his scent.

" Um what the hell is a guy doing in here? " Josh let's me go and we turn around to see some blond standing at the door. Josh scratches the back of his neck before turning to me.

" Ok I'm going to go help Thomas, I'll see you at lunch ok? And text me if you need anything, ok? " He says. I give him a small smile. " Yeah see ya then. " He ruffles my hair and I scowl at him and he laughing moving past the blonde and he disappears.

" You guys dating? " She asks. I shake my head. " No just friends. " I say, she nods her head. " Ah ok, you guys still look cute together though. " She says walking past me to the stalls.

I roll my eyes but smile a little more before hearing the bell ring and I head off to class.

It would be so weird if we dated.

Hey guys! What did you think of Nessa's new and sketchy past? Hope you guys liked it! Comment and rate!

See ya later😍😍😍

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