Little Things

By sbubz1

356K 5.6K 2K

Busy schedules and fear broke them apart. One little thing brought them back together. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 38

3.7K 67 38
By sbubz1

New York City. Our family made it.

Harry kept a protective arm around me as I carried Elizabeth off of the plane. The first thing I saw was a camera flash. Harry's grip on me tightened as we walked closer to all of the paps.

"Remember to just keep walking, love," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and tried to block out all of the questions.

"What a cute charity case, Harry!" one pap yelled. My heart stopped for a second and tears burned my eyes.

"Ignore it, my love," Harry whispered. "You're so much more than your past."

"Can we just get our luggage and leave?" I pleaded, my voice cracking.

Harry kissed my temple and replied, "Of course." We quickly made our way to the baggage claim and got our luggage. There was a rental car waiting for us which we immediately got into. I buckled Elizabeth into her seat in the back. I got into the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt. Harry started the engine and grabbed my hand.

"We made it, babe," he said.

"I can't believe I'm in New York City," I replied. I looked out the window at all of the tall buildings. Our hotel was a few blocks away from Central Park. After we checked in and put our luggage in our room, Harry and I put Elizabeth in her stroller and walked around.

"This is so beautiful," I said.

"Not as beautiful as you," Harry replied, kissing my cheek. I blushed and shook my head.

"You're silly," I told him.

"This really is beautiful, though," Harry agreed, his emerald eyes looking at our surroundings. He had on a tan sweater, black jeans, and his brown boots. He looked handsome as always, but less dressed up. Don't get me wrong, I loved it when Harry wore all of his suits, but it was great to see him dressed down.

A group of fans recognized Harry and asked for pictures. He obliged of course. He always did. They were nice enough and said hi to me too.

Harry and I eventually made our way down to one of our favorite restaurants near Rockefeller Center for dinner.

"I'm really glad that you and Elizabeth came with me," Harry said, taking a sip of his water.

"I am too," I replied.

"So, how would you feel about going to Holmes Chapel for Christmas and New Years?" he asked.

"I think that's a great idea," I answered. "It would be great to see your family."

Harry smiled and said, "I know they'd love to see you too."

Our food came and the conversation stalled. All either one of us could talk about was how good the food was. As we ate, I gave Elizabeth a bottle for her dinner. Harry was smiling at us.

"What?" I asked, locking eyes with him.

"You're such a great mum," Harry said, smiling still. I felt my cheeks redden and I smiled.

"Thank you," I replied. "You're an okay dad."

"Just okay?" Harry asked, his eyes shining with humor and his dimples prominent in his cheeks.

I shrugged. "Yeah, you're okay."

Harry and I both laughed and shook our heads. What I loved about Harry was his wit and his sense of humor. We had the same sense of humor and could bounce off of each other easily.

After dinner, we made our way back to the hotel. We made a few stops along the way. Harry insisted on visiting the Toys R Us in Times Square to get Elizabeth something and to ride the Ferris wheel.

"Are we in here for Elizabeth or for you?" I asked Harry with a small smile as we were standing in line for the Ferris wheel.

"I am creating good memories for our daughter, and for us," he replied, smiling.

"She's barely two months old," I said.

"Then we can tell her and show her pictures."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. We got onto the Ferris wheel and Harry took a picture of me holding Elizabeth. I gave Elizabeth to Harry and took a picture of them. Elizabeth was wide awake and smiling, her green eyes watching as the scenery around us changed.

After we went on the Ferris wheel, we walked around the store. Harry picked out a teddy bear for Elizabeth. We bought it and left the store. We continued our walk through the city.

"Are you sure you don't want to take a taxi, love?" Harry asked. "It's getting cold."

"Okay, we should. I don't want Elizabeth getting sick," I replied. Harry nodded and hailed us a cab. We got in and Harry gave the driver the name of our hotel. We arrived back at the hotel and paid the driver. Harry and I got out of the cab and made our way up to our hotel room.

"What are we going to do about Elizabeth's sleeping arrangements?" Harry asked once we were in our room.

"There's a second bed, so we can lay her flat on there with pillows around her so she doesn't roll off," I answered, walking to the suitcase. I opened it and got out a onesie for Elizabeth to sleep in. Harry and I both got her changed. Harry set up her little "bed" and I rocked her to sleep. I laid her flat on her back and kissed her forehead. Harry wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"I'm glad you came here with me," Harry whispered. He kissed my cheek again and I smiled.

"I'm glad I did, too," I whispered back. "I love you."

"And I love you."

I got ready for bed and changed into a t-shirt. I got into bed next to Harry and laid my head on his chest. He held me in his arms and kissed my forehead softly. I fell into a deep sleep in his arms.

The next morning Harry and I woke up at about 11. The time change was really messing with Elizabeth's schedule. It was hard to tell when she needed to be fed. Regardless, I managed to figure it out. After feeding Elizabeth, I asked Harry to find everything we brought to give Elizabeth a bath. He set everything up in the bathroom and I brought Elizabeth in.

Once in the water, she was all smiles.

"She is so cute," I said, rinsing off her tiny body. Elizabeth smiled and I giggled.

"She's just like her mum," Harry replied, pouring the baby wash into his hand. He slowly and carefully began to clean our daughter. I rinsed her again and Harry held up a towel. I wrapped Elizabeth in the towel and dried her off. I got her dressed in a gray long sleeve shirt, white leggings with gold hearts, a fur vest, a headband matching her leggings, and little pink shoes.

"So, where do you want to go for breakfast?" Harry asked.

"Um, I don't know," I replied with a yawn. "Is there breakfast here at the hotel?"

"Maybe. I'll double check."

Harry sat and called the front desk from the phone in our room. I handed Elizabeth to him and went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I walked out and sat next to Harry on the bed.

"They don't have breakfast here, but there's a diner a few blocks away," Harry said. "We can go eat and then come back to get ready for the day."

I leaned in to kiss his lips and said, "That sounds perfect." I pecked his lips and smiled. I got into jeans, Vans, and one of Harry's hoodies. Once we were both dressed, we left the hotel to get breakfast. We braved the cold for a few blocks until we found the diner. We ate our breakfast and then walked back to the hotel.

"What time is your interview at?" I asked Harry as I did my makeup.

"I have to be in the studio by 2:30," Harry replied.

"What time is it?"

"Almost 1."

Harry walked into the bathroom holding Elizabeth. He was wearing a simple black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of purple pants. He looked good, and I told him as much.

"Why thank you," Harry replied with a smile.

"How is it that you can pull any type of clothing off?" I asked before applying a nude lipstick. Harry shrugged and I laughed.

After I finished my makeup, I put on an oversized purple sweater, jeans, and brown boots. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Harry playing with Elizabeth. He gave her to me so he could put on his purple suit jacket to match his pants and a coat. Then, we were off to Harry's interview in our rental car.

"I could never live here," I said as we passed Times Square.

"Why not? You love it here," Harry replied.

"There are just so many people," I groaned. "It's great to come visit, but I'd hate living here."

"Would you ever want to live somewhere other than Los Angeles?" Harry asked.

I thought about it for a second. I'd lived in L.A. since I was eighteen when I started at UCLA. I'd lived where my parents still did since I was five and had always visited growing up. Los Angeles was more relaxed, whereas New Yorkers want everything to have happened yesterday.

"Maybe Atlanta or London," I finally answered. I saw at hint of a smile on Harry's face.

"Why those places?"

"I was born in Atlanta, and there's always something to do there. I've always loved London. It's beautiful."

Harry smiled and reached across to lace our fingers. I knew that Harry loved London. He'd lived there for a few years before we started to get serious. I think he sold his apartment there when Elizabeth was born but I'm not sure.

We made it to the studio on time. Harry took Elizabeth and I into his dressing room to wait. I watched as the producer put a microphone on Harry. He kissed me before he went to his interview. I watched it on the TV in the dressing room.

"So, Harry, I've got to ask you about something," the interviewer said. "There was an article that came about recently regarding your fiancé. Neither you nor Sara have said anything about it. So, my question is, is everything in the article true?"

My heart stopped. By the look on Harry's face I could tell that his did too. He shifted in his chair and cleared his throat.

"Um, I think that it's really not my place to share bits of Sara's personal life, especially in this setting," Harry replied, carefully choosing his words. I let out a breath that I didn't know I'd been holding in. Thank god for Harry's diplomatic nature.

The interviewer continued, "So it's true?"

"This isn't why I'm here," Harry said. "I came to talk about my career, not my fiancé's personal life."

The interviewer got the message and didn't bring it up again. Instead, she asked Harry about the movie and his music.

After the interview, Harry came back into the dressing room. He gave me a kiss and sighed.

"Thank you for handling that question the way you did," I said with a weak smile.

"It's not my place to talk about that. If you want to share that part of your life, that's wonderful and I will support you. But it's for you to decide," he replied.

He was an incredible man, and I was so blessed to have him in my life. After the interview, Harry and I spent the rest of the day shopping and exploring. That's how we spent the rest of the week, really. Exploring and shopping in New York City.


Hello, I know I haven't updated in a while. I was at my grandma's and forgot to bring my notebook with. But I'm here now! Thanks for reading this, please vote!

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