You, And Only You(BWWM)✔

By LouiseC13

252K 12.9K 2K

"So, you don't care that we are so different?" I ask him, his face inches apart from mine. "Does it bother yo... More

1~A leap of faith
2~New beginnings
3~Its MY life
4~What's my name??
5~Don't judge a book by its cover.
6~ Family👪👪
8~ Honesty is the best policy
9~Why can't you just accept it?
11~Marie or Marie-Anne?
12~Fine you're right!!
13~Let's give it a go.
14~Maybe I really do...
15~I surely will...
16~My type of people?
17~I love her....
18~Let's make a deal...
19~Don't leave
20~What's life without you?
21~No longer welcomed.
Bonus Chapter
23~Me too
24~x-mas day
25~Meet the fam.
26~This is NOT your world.
27~Hit me and RUN
29~old friends
30~You weren't, you just liked the idea.
35~We got her.
36~Love enough to let go.
37~A girl needs her mother
38~Hating The Argents
39~Love requires sacrifice.
40~Pain is inevitable- LAST CHAPTER

33~The truth hurts

3.4K 234 24
By LouiseC13

Dylan's POV

I ring the doorbell of Bex's house and wait for someone to answer, "hey Anna," I say when Anna opens the door. Bex walks down the staircase in a beautiful turquoise dress, "you look lovely," I tell her as she reach the door.

"Thank you, you ready?" she asks.

" Yep, where's my grandparents?" I ask her. Mother is about to have hell come down for her.

"They will be down in a sec," she says. A few seconds after an older woman and man walks down the staircase. The older woman has golden blonde hair just like my mother once had and the older man has dark brown hair just like me. "Guys this is Dylan, your grandson," Bex tells them.

"Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you," I tell them.

"It's nice to meet you too," they say in unison. I nod my head and feel like hugging them, it feels nice to meet your extra pair of grandparents.

"We should leave," Bex says.

I open the door for them and they get in, I go to the driver's side and start driving to my parent's house that is only five minutes away.

After a few minutes I reach my parent's place and knock on the door since my mother took my key, I wonder why she didn't take my fingerprint out of the front gate, she probably forgot.

"Hey Dyl," my sister says opening the door.

"Hey, how's it going?" I ask her. She moves her eyes behind me and notices the two old folks that were standing behind me.

"Hey Bex, I didn't know you were in town and who are you guys?" My sister asks with an attitude.

"Sarah, meet our grandparents Kathryn and Alex," I tell her and she looks at me confuse, "they're mom's parents," I add.

"I thought they were dead," she whispers to me.

"They are obviously not," I tell her stating the obvious.

"Dyl, I didn't know you came and Sarah why didn't you invite him in?" My mother asks walking to the door with a glass of champagne in her hand. Her jaw drops when she notices her parents, she looks like she saw a ghost or something.

"Oh mother, these are your parents, Kathryn and Alex, but I guess you already knew that," I tell her.

"Kim, how are you? We haven't seen you for so long, did you let this life consume you?" Her mother, Kathryn, asks.

"No mother I did not, and Dylan what is this?" She asks taking a sip of her champagne.

"Well, I looked for your dead parents, I thought you would want to see them," I tell her sarcastically. Bex chuckles and my mother gives her a death glare. I don't think she noticed Bex until now, seeing her parents and the girl she hates in one day that is not working for her.

"Honey, where did you go?" My dad says also walking to the door, "hey Dyl, hey Rebecca," she says greeting us. "Who are you people?" She says looking at Kathryn and Alex. My brother also walks up from behind my dad eating an apple.

"Okay, let me make everyone clear," I say, "this is Kathryn and Alex, mom's parents, and yes Bex is in town."

"Oh," my dad says, "that's impossible Kim's parents are dead."

"Oh, that's what she told you guys? That was always Kimberly for you, lie to get where she wants, I wonder what other lies she's told you guys," Kathryn says. My father looks at my mother with an unbelievable look, my mother takes a sip of her champagne again, and my sister and brother just stares at the people that are their grandparents.

"Dylan is this your idea of a sick joke? I assure you that it is not funny," my father says.

"No father I wouldn't joke about such things," I tell him, "mother tell him, tell him how you lied about your parents all these years."

"Kimberly, is this true?" My father asks in a upset tone.

"David, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to get this far." She apologies.

"Kimberly, how could you lie about such things to me for all these years?" My father asks.

"David, I-I,"

"Don't, don't try to talk to me. I'm so sorry and it is nice to meet you guys please do come in," my father says to Kathryn and Alex. I get out of the way and they walk in and my father hugs my mother's mother and gives my mother's father a handshake.

"Dylan, how could you? Why did you do this?" My mother asks.

"Well mother, the thing is you put my girlfriend in a hospital, she was in a coma and now she has lost her memory. You are always telling others not to mess with this family, well take the advise for yourself. As far as I know you are an Argent by marriage and I am an Argent by blood and you do not mess with an Argent. And mother this is just the beginning, when I'm done with you, you will be rotting in a cell." I tell her. Everyone looks at me in shook.

She swings her hand and slaps me, but I just chuckle at her. My father moves closer to me, but doesn't say anything. I guess Bex was right, turn their friends into their enemies. Now she doesn't have my father to defend her, she'll go down easily.

"Dyl, what do you mean she put your girlfriend in a hospital?" Adam asks.

"Well, Marie-Anne suffered from a hit and run and mother here did it."

"How do you know that?" My mother asks.

"Mother, you were a little messy. And I'm also guessing that the person you hired didn't finish the job, you wanted her killed not hurt," I tell her and she takes the last sip of her champagne.

"I'll have him put in jail, I paid him to do a job and he didn't finish it," my mother mumbles under her breath. I laugh at her, I knew it. That bitch wanted her killed. I turn to my side, but Bex already left to go upstairs. Just keep them occupied long enough, I tell myself.

"And don't even think about finishing the job, I am very angry and you do not want to cross me right now," I tell walking closer to her.

"Mom, is this true?" My brother asks.

"Mother!" My sister yell at her.

"Kim?" My father asks. "Kimberly?!" He yells. My mother looks at him, but do not know what to tell him.

"I want you out of this house by tomorrow morning, Kimberly you have gone too far and I am not allowing that no more," my father tells her." My lawyer will have the divorce papers ready by tomorrow afternoon," he adds. A tear slips out of her eyes and I look up to see Bex ready to go.

"Bye mother," I tell her.

"Bye Mrs. Argent," Bex says as we exit the house ,"or should I say Ms. Anderson?" Her and I laugh at the joke and slam the door very loudly.

"You got what we wanted?" I ask Bex.

"I did better, I got what we needed," she says showing me my mother's tablet.


Dylan finally did something good. And David is done with Kim for good.

What do you guys think of what just happened?


Au Revoir...

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