Just A Play [Jimin X Reader]

By SevenWho

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You and Jimin? Not on very good terms. Terrible terms, actually. But life brings it so that he needs your hel... More

Chapter 1- Write Them A Song
Chapter 2- Teenage Love Stories
Chapter 3- Stupid Essay
Chapter 4- And It Had To Rain, Didn't It?
Chapter 5-Musician's Block's Ass Got Kicked
Chapter 6- Sleepover Vol1
Chapter 7- Sleepover Vol2
Chapter 8- Sleepover Vol3
Chapter 9- Where's da damn chocolate? (Sleepover vol4)
Chapter 10- He's Scared?
Chapter 11- Time To Finish That Essay
Chapter 12- Go To Sleep
Chapter 13- Freak Out
Chapter 14- Dance Studio
Chapter 15- I'm Ticklish There
Chapter 16- Revenge
Chapter 17- Backfire
Chapter 18- Ex?
Chapter 19- Let's just go.
Chapter 20- He Wants Ice Cream.
Chapter 21-Bad Luck
Chapter 22- The Word Is Out
Chapter 23- Do It Or Not Do It
Chapter 24- Cherry Flavored Syrup
Chapter 25- 12 Hour Long Sleep
Chapter 26- Cancel
Chapter 27- The Dress
Chapter 28- Get Out.
Chapter 29- The Party Vol1
Chapter 30- The Party Vol2
Chapter 31- The Party Vol3
Chapter 32- Balance
Chapter 33- Take Advantage Of Him?
Chapter 34- Sleep talking
Chapter 35- Bathrobe
Chapter 36- Phone
Chapter 37- Omma
Chapter 38- Tell Me
Chapter 39- Elevator
Chapter 40- New Decisions?
Chapter 41- New Deal
Chapter 42- Bring Her Clothes
Chapter 43- Airport
Chapter 44- Pair Of Brown Eyes
Chapter 45- Karma's A Bitch
Chapter 46- Pink Dance Master
Chapter 47- Misunderstood
Chapter 48- The Truth
Chapter 49- I'm Not A Piranha
Chapter 50- Interrupted
Chapter 51- Locked Door
Chapter 52- About Time
Chapter 53- Come Back To Me
54- Let's Stop Fighting
Chapter 55- I'll Race You
Chapter 56- What To Do?
Chapter 57- Worst Moment
Chapter 58- Talking Tree, Seagull And Horse
Chapter 59- Pack Your Bags
Chapter 60- Proud Father Jungkook
Chapter 61- Gift?
Chapter 62- I'll Call Lions On You
Chapter 63- Younger Brother
Chapter 64- Childhood Friend
Chapter 65- Suspicious?
Chapter 66- Dear Mom
Chapter 67- Your Love Life Is Dead
Chapter 69- Backstory
Chapter 70- Corner Of The Sick
Chapter 71- Text Her Back
Chapter 72- Unknown Caller
Chapter 73- She Might Come
Chapter 74- Guests
Chapter 75- They Were Right
Chapter 76- Dying Of Laughter
Chapter 77- Sentimental
Chapter 78- Fireworks
Chapter 79- She's A Flirt
Chapter 80- Facebook Live
Chapter 81- Screenshots
Chapter 82- It's Over.
Chapter 83- Small Car
Chapter 84- Returning
Chapter 85- Friends...?
Chapter 86- Hair
Chapter 87- EunBi Is Gone
Chapter 88- Amusing Embarassment
Chapter 89- Hanging Out And Having Dinner
Chapter 90- Mr. Isleepshirtless
Chapter 91- Mornin'
Chapter 92- Have Mercy
Chapter 93- This Feeling Isn't Nice
Chapter 94- He's Overthinking
Chapter 95- What?

Chapter 68- The Mind Went There

5.6K 249 279
By SevenWho

"So, what do you study, Y/N?" Jimin's father asks you as all of have sat down and are eating Mrs Park's cooked meal.

Mister Park is actually a very sweet and friendly man, just like his wife.

He was sure to engulf you into a hug after he arrived from the Coffe House he owns and greet you in the most sweet way.

"Oh, I'm majoring in biology," you answer after you gulp down the food you have in your mouth.

"Biology? I thought you did something related to arts, like Jimin," his father exclaims amused by the news.

"Ah, well before making the decision I was between science or something with arts, but I chose to follow the scientific career," you explain and see him nodding approvingly.

"What would you study if you chose arts?" YeoWol, who is sitting next to you asks but before you can ask Jimin beats you to it and answers for you.

"Music, she would major in music," he states and you turn to look at him a little bit surprised that he indeed got to right.

"You play instruments?" JiHyun asks.

"Um, yes, I do, I play the guitar, piano and drums," you explain starting to feel awkward because the topic of this conversation has been focused on you for a bit too long.

"Oh! You should teach me how to play the drums! I've wanted to learn for a long time," JiHyun chimes and you nod with a smile and then Mrs Park decides to change the subject a little bit.

"How are the preparations for the competition going?" she asks and as Jimin begins explaining how hard they are all working with the songs and the choreographies you finally manage to eat some food of that delicious cooking of Mrs. Park.

"Why are you using a fork?" Jimin asks giving you a weird look as he notices the fork in your hand.

You, holding the fork in the air ready to put into your mouth, freeze as you hear Jimin's words and you give him a confused look.

"Shouldn't I?" you ask scared that you somehow might have offended him, but how can you?

You practically asked a fork from his mother after explaining that you can't use chopsticks and she happily gave you a smile along with the fork so why the hell is he reacting like that?

Well, when you requested for the fork Jimin was in the bathroom washing his hands and he didn't hear the conversation about the chopsticks, but if his mother was not offended then why is he?

"Why aren't you using chopsticks?" he asks trying to hide a sly smile as he figures that you most likely can not use chopsticks.

"Um...," you begin giving him a dumbfounded look and he just laughs confusing you even more.

"She doesn't know how to use chopsticks let her eat," his mom defends you and Jimin laughs harder, the other young members joining him as well.

"How come I didn't know this?" Jimin asks.

"It's not like I've ever had to use chopsticks in front of you," You shrug and continue eating your food and YeoWol snickers as JiHyun whispered something funny to him.

"True," Jimin states, "I guess we'll just have to teach you, next time you won't be using forks" he says and continues eating.

"You'll teach her how to use chopsticks over night?" YeoWol asks with mock disbelief, considering that by 'next time' he means tomorrow morning's breakfast.

"I don't think that's what they'll do overnight," JiHyun mumbles a bit louder than he intended and Jimin chokes on his food.

His face gets all red and he starts coughing. His parents pat him on the back while YeoWol and JiHyun laugh their buts off as you just sit there utterly embarrassed by what Jimin's younger brother just said.

"Are you crazy?" Jimin- having stopped the coughing fit- asks his brother who immediately stops laughing.

"I just implied that you were going to sleep since you've come from a trip and you are ill. It's you who twists things that way not me," JiHyun says covering himself with success as Jimin's cheeks turn a shade of red and he looks at the ground embarrassed.

Jimin, you are an idiot,

the flushed man that nearly choked thinks, avoiding your gaze at all costs.

How could his mind go to such place?

"I'll drink some water," he mutters as he sits up and turns around to the sink to get himself a glass from the cupboard.

"Your...glass is right here...," JiHyun says ready to burst out laughing at his brother's awkwardness.

Jimin being to burried in his thoughts he doesn't hear and continues searching for a glass.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Mr, Park asks you after he notices your red face and of course it is due to the embarrassment because you know where Jimin's mind went.

Or at least because your mind went there when you heard what JiHyun said.

"Oh, nothing just the food is a bit too spicy," you say and give them an awkward smile as Jimin sits back down on his place and places a bottle of water on the table.

You immediately grab it as he sets it down and pour yourself some water, planning to drink it and manage to cool yourself down a bit.

Thankfully, dinner did not last long and for the time it lasted it wasn't awkward because Mr Park made sure to crack a few jokes and lighten the mood.

After you were all done you made sure to help Mrs, Park with cleaning the table and washing the dishes and even though she denied many times you still insisted until she finally agreed.

"Y/N, your parents are in (home country), right?" she asks and you confirm her question positively.

"How come you didn't go visit them?" she asks and the she realizes that the reason could be a bit personal so she adds, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Oh, don't worry," you begin, "It's just that they will be traveling at this time of the year, both to different countries due to work so there was no point in me going there," you explain and Mrs Park nods in understanding.

"Oh, well, don't worry I'm sure you'll have such nice time here you won't even have time to be sad about not being with your parents," she smiles and gives you the last plate to dry off.

"Thank you for inviting me, Mrs Park," you say giving her a thankful smile and you place plate along with the others.

As you fold the towel a sudden urge to sneeze washes over you and unfortunately you do sneeze.

"Bless you," you hear from Mrs Park and you attempt to thank her however a second and then a third sneeze stop you.

"Omo, did you maybe catch a cold too?" Mrs Park asks.

"I don't think so, something just tickled my nose, I'm fine," you respond and Mrs Park hums and 'okay'.

After that nothing much happened, everyone was too tired to do anything else but go to sleep.

Mrs, Park made sure to give you all you need for sleeping and deeply apologized for not being able to use the spare room as it is under renovation.

At first she was a bit sceptical at the idea of you and Jimin sharing his room however she doesn't want you sleeping in the living room as she'll be doing chores tomorrow morning and she doesn't wish to bother you, so she could do nothing more but agree.

"Are you sure you want to sleep on the floor?" Jimin asks you as you enter him room wearing your pajamas which is a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"You are ill, you shouldn't sleep on the floor," you explain and sit on the covers that are sprawled out on the floor for you to sleep.

"Thank you," he mumbles and picks up his phone from the nightstand.

"Anytime," you mumble back while getting yourself under a blanket and adjusting your pillow.

"If you feel uncomfortable tell me and we'll switch," Jimin mumbles and you sigh.

"Thank you, but I reassure you I'm fine, it's not the first time I sleep on the floor," you reassure him and shift to a more comfortable position.

"Okay," he hums sleepily as he switches his phone off and places it on the nightstand.

"Goodnight," you mumble before he turns the light off and you close your eyes.

"Goodnight," he mumbles back and turns on his side, facing the wall to sleep.

If you hadn't been so tired and in need of sleep you would be feeling very awkward and the need to leave that room would be huge however you don't give an actual penny at the moment because sleep is the only thing that concerns you, all else can wait in line until you are free.

Now, as for Jimin, being one who slept for about and hour after you arrived and didn't do much to tire himself out afterwards, can't find his sleep.

He keeps thinking how close the two of you got after twenty four hours of spending time together trying to get to know each other better.

He is starting to see why the others like spending time with you so much, or why EunBi always speaks so highly of you.

He scrunches his face after today's event during dinner comes up to his mind.

Aaah, JiHyun-ah, you really embarrassed me today...

He thinks and he starts analysing his actions wondering what you might think about him now.

Aaah, she must think I'm a fool...

He thinks and involuntarily he reaches his hand up to his head and ruffles his hair in annoyance.

Seriously, why is it so hot in here?

He wonders and takes the cover off of himself.

Now it's too cold,

He thinks again displeased with the cold feeling and drapes the cover over him again.

Now I'm hot again, aaahhh seriously.

He lets out a growl of dissatisfaction as he quietly sits up and takes off his long sleeved shirt tossing it to the end of the bed.

Much better,

He thinks and then lies back down and covers himself thinking that he found a solution to his problem.

However that is not the case.

He still can't sleep.

The desire to sleep he had until a bit ago is gone leaving no trace behind it.

He keeps his eyes closed yet again he wants to keep them open but he has no idea what he should do if he decides to stay awake a little longer.

He feels like a child that knows something exciting will happen the next morning therefore it doesn't wish to sleep thinking that the morning will come sooner.

"Aaaah, seriously," he sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?" you mumble noticing Jimin's frustration.

"Aren't you asleep?" he asks, his eyes going wide.

"You keep shifting and sighing," you mumble as you switch side to rest on, now facing towards Jimin's bed.

"Sorry, I just can't sleep," he mumbles apologetically.

"I know that, why can't you sleep though?" you ask yawning while becoming sure that you won't find sleep anytime soon.

"I have no idea," he states and takes his phone from the nightstand deciding to just stalk peoples profiles until he gets sleepy again.

"Don't use your phone it won't help," you state as the shoulder your are putting pressure on gets stiff and you turn to lie on your back.

"True," Jimin sighs and puts his phone back to its place after turning it off.

"Do you have any advise on how to make me sleep?" he asks you and you hum in thought but he doesn't give you room to answer,

"Are you sleepy?"

"Not much anymore," you respond truthfully.

"Could... we... maybe talk?" he asks in a shy way trailing off after each word,

"If you are not sleepy that is," he adds.

"Okay," you respond not really sure why you are sacrifying your sleep over him but you decide to just go with the flow, "What should we talk about?" you ask in a low voice.

"If you ask that way it's difficult to think of a subject," he says and then chuckles awkwardly in the end.

"Hhm," you hum in response trying to think of a subject and then it hits you,

"We could discuss about our fake relationship."



I need to think up of a name to call you... It's weird calling you 'people' all the time...

This chapter was meant to be updated three days ago but it got deleted I don't even know how, and then I was too busy to find time to rewrite it, until I got ill ( I'm never going to a room with air conditioning again. I have a constant cough and my throat is just awful. I'm drinking steaming tea in the middle of July. How is this normal?)

So I blame my fever and the coughs for this chapter not being good enough, but i couldn't wait until I was well give you guys an update.

Sooooo, onto the BTS news.

Beyond The Scene?

I was freaking shook.

It was the first thing I saw that morning. I couldn't even see clear and the first time instead of 'beyond the scene' I heard 'we are the same'

I might need to get my ears checked...

I'll miss the old logo but I also love this new one.

It's minimalistic AND EASY TO DRAW I can finally get the bts logo all over my notebooks 😂😂😂.

Eeh, I want to rant more but I don't want to make this a/n huge....

I should make a rant book and pour my heart out to you xD.

Eh, anyways.

Just know

I'm alive.
I have two more weeks of private lessons and after that I'm finally free.

After two weeks I'll finally be able to spoil you with frequent updates like old times xD xD

So....that's about it....


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