Broken: a Draco Malfoy Love S...

By sarahslytherin

631K 11.2K 4.6K

The Malfoy and Burke families are two of the most wealthy, pure-blooded wizarding families living upper-class... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Upper Side
Chapter 2 - Secrets & Lies
Chapter 3 - Umbridge's Request
Chapter 4 - A Familiar Portrait
Chapter 5 -Third Time Lucky
Chapter 6 - High Inquisitor & the King
Chapter 7 - Draco's Nightmare
Chapter 8 - The Truth Be Told
Chapter 9 - Betrayal of the Best Friend & Boyfriend
Chapter 10 - Rise to the Downfall
Chapter 11 - The Queen of Scheme Enthroned
Chapter 12 - The Snake
Chapter 13 - Burke Estate
Chapter 14 - Dark Christmas
Chapter 15 - Annoyance
Chapter 17 - Passionate Beasts
Chapter 18 - The Return
Chapter 19 - Déjà Vu
Chapter 20 - The Breakout
Chapter 21 - Queen of Hearts
Chapter 22 - Wicked Games
Chapter 23 - Begged by Blaise
Chapter 24 - Spring, Sunsets & Shrivelfigs
Chapter 25 - Holding On
Chapter 26 - The Quibbler Issue
Chapter 27 - The New Head
Chapter 28 - Chaos
Chapter 29 - Changing for the Worse
Chapter 30 - Easter Break
Chapter 31 - Rufus Returns
Chapter 32 - Waiting Games
Chapter 33 - Hogwarts or Torture
Chapter 34 - I Know You
Chapter 35 - Beauty & The Feast
Chapter 36 - End of Examinations
Chapter 37 - Beginning of the End

Chapter 16 - The New Years Eve Ball

15.4K 296 214
By sarahslytherin

A/N: Sorry this chapter took a while to be published. I've been wanting to write this chapter for ages and even before the characters mentioned it, I knew there had to be a ball scene in the book, so I wanted it to be perfect! I feel like there could be something missing but I'll edit it and let you all know if I make any changes. I linked some Lana Del Ray music just because I listened to her while I wrote this chapter and I think it suits it. Please leave a comment with what you think of the chapter! xxx


"You next Draco," Lucius Malfoy said to his son and gesturing to the fire.

Draco took hold of his bag containing the change of clothes and other needs for his overnight stay at the Burke Estate, took a handful of the silvery Floo powder in his other hand, threw it into the fire which turned an emerald green, then stepped into the flames.

"Burke Estate." He said clearly and loudly, then he was sent spinning into a tunnel of nothingness, with only images of fireplaces flashing before him.

Every year the Malfoy's would stay at the Burke Estate in the guest wing of the house after the New Years Ball, it was something Laurel Burke insisted. Then in the morning, they would leave with headaches from too much alcohol and full tummies from a huge breakfast that Laurel would feed them.

Draco reached the fireplace in the entrance of the Burke's home shortly after and stepped out of the emerald flames. He casually flicked a small bit of dust from the shoulder of his all-black suit. His mother and Laurel were standing in front of him waiting for him and his father's arrival.

"Draco!" Laurel greeted him coming, kissing him on the cheek, "Welcome! Oh, watch out, Lucius is here!" she said stepping aside to greet his father. Draco moved to stand next to his mother and put down his bag.

"How was your Christmas?" Laurel asked them all. Laurel was wearing a flowing periwinkle coloured gown, accompanied with some sparkling jewellery. Her hair was slick and straight, and she gave off a healthy and happy glow despite the amount of stress the night always gave her.

"It was great thank you, Laurel." Lucius replied. "How is Rufus?" he asked cautiously and quietly.

Laurel sighed, "He's fine, starting to lose hope that he'll ever get out though."

Narcissa squeezed Laurel's arm in comfort, "You know he will, Laurel."

Laurel nodded, "Yes, I know. It just hurts to see him like that." It was quiet for a moment until eventually she spoke again, "Enough about that," she said, "let's enjoy tonight. Here, Belly will take your bags up to your rooms." And at his name, the small house elf appeared at Draco's side and took his bag aswell as Narcissa and Lucius's before disappearing again.

"Where's Alexia, Laurel?" Draco asked.

"She should be ready soon, she likes to take her time. Come up to the ballroom, I'll get you all drink before the other guests arrive." Laurel told all of them, then gestured them to the grand staricase.

The ballroom looked exquisite. The last of the setting sun streamed through the long, tall windows, dancing rays off the sparkling granite floors and made the elegant crystal chandelier hanging above the centre of the dance floor shimmer. Peaceful instrumental music played quietly in the background and on top of the round tables were bunches of red roses and tall, thin candles with tiny golden flames.

Laurel walked across the room to the bar where two bartenders and a group of caterers and waitors were setting up, filling their silver trays with champagne flutes and wine glasses as well as delicious and decorative canapés. Laurel was about to ask what the Malfoy's would like to drink when a light sound of high heels tapping against the granite floor filled the room. Draco turned. There she was. Alexia. His beautiful best friend.

She walked gracefully and slowly towards them, looking absolutely incredible. Draco stared at her in awe, and she looked back at him, straight into his ocean-grey eyes, and smiled. She was wearing a dark blue gown, that reached the floor and had sleeves cut across the shoulder, exposing her soft, ivory shoulders. Her dark blonde hair was styled into soft, loose curls that fell down her back. Her lips were tinted peachy pink and her other makeup was done flawlessly. As she stepped closer, Draco noticed the silver ring with the engravements that he had given her, gleaming on her finger.

"Hi," Alexia said.

"Oh Alexia! Good evening, dear, you look stunning!" Narcissa said, moving forwards and kissing the air beside Alexia's cheek so she didn't leave a lipstick mark.

"She's growing up, Laurel." Lucius commented, looking from Alexia to Laurel.

Laurel sighed, "She is, isn't she? She's becoming even more beautiful."

"Thank you." Alexia smiled sheepishly.

"Oh yes, Narcissa, Lucius, what would you like to drink? Draco would you like anything?" Laurel asked.

"I'm fine for now, thank you Laurel." Draco replied leaving the adults to their drinks so he could talk to Alexia.

"You look amazing, Al," He said to her. He took her hand which she wore his ring on and held it in his.

"Thank you, Draco, and thank you for the ring. It's lovely."

"My pleasure," Draco replied, brushing his lips against the top of her hand gently.

She shook her head and laughed

"What?" Draco said.

"You're still trying to charm me even today," she said.

"Of course I am, I still think you and I would be great." He replied with narcissism.

"Well, Draco, I hate to break it to you, but I disagree."

"I know." he said.

Alexia rolled her eyes, "By the way, guess who's coming tonight."


"The Parkinsons." Alexia said through gritted teeth.

Draco stared blankly back at her.

"Turns out Mother actually likes the Parkinsons. She asked me why I wanted to uninvite them and all I could say was that Pansy and I decided our friendship needed a break and that it was a decision both of us made, so she thinks everything between us is fine and now I don't know how I'm supposed to act around her tonight." Alexia informed him.

Draco scratched his head, "Oh Merlin, this is tough."

"What are you two talking about over here?" Narcissa interrupted, joining the two with Lucius at her side. Laurel had excused herself to go greet guests who were either using the Floo Network or using a Portkey or Apparation to the edge of the Estate, where they would walk up the snowy driveway that had been lit up with tiny enchanted candles.

"We're just discussing school." Alexia lied.

"Ah, I have been meaning to tell you two," Lucius began, "I ran into Professor Umbridge at the Ministry just before Christmas and she told me how much help you two have been. She's planning on organising a group of students when school returns who will help her ensure order among the school, and by the sounds of it, you two will be in that group for sure."

"Sounds wonderful, Mr Malfoy," Alexia smiled, "I think we would be great members of her group."

Draco could see Alexia's eyes flicker with malevolent. Finally, she would be able to have authority and power. She would finally be part of a leadership group, that although wasn't the Prefect group, it was something. It would be even easier to get away with using her power for pleasure. Draco could tell that no matter what, this group of Umbridge's was going ahead.


As the night went on, more guests arrived. Draco stood at the bar drinking whisky that was well-needed after making inconsequent, polite conversation with one of his father's Ministry friends. He looked out over the ballroom. A well-known band had taken to the small stage, the waiters in their crisp white robes had spread out across the room serving beverages and food and not far away from him was Alexia talking to Pansy. He knew this couldn't be good, so he edged closer to listen.

"You know, I would ask how you are Pansy but... I don't really care!" Alexia said with a smirk; the other girls surrounding her sniggered and cast her admiring looks. She wasn't at all the eldest of the group, but they all seemed to look at her as their leader.

"You never really changed, did you?" Pansy said.

"I guess I didn't. Now, if you'll excuse me, I cannot stand your presence any longer. I need a drink." Alexia replied. Draco couldn't help let a small smile cross his face as Alexia walked off with satisfaction, her girls following her, leaving Pansy standing, glaring.

"Draco!" A rather attrative girl called from across the room.

Draco looked over. He had seen the girl before but he wasn't quite sure where.

"Draco? Its me, Georgina!" she said as she got closer.

Draco stared at her blankly.

"Last year..." she offered trying to help him remember.

It was then Draco remembered she was the girl he had spent New Years Eve with last year. "Oh right, Georgina."

"How have you been?" she asked chewing a piece of gum flirtatiously. 

"Er- yeah, fine." he replied distractedly.

"I was wondering, do you wanted to get a drink with me?"

Draco paused and felt his expression turn to exasperation. He had his fun with her last year. Why did women always come crawling back expecting a relationship and even worse, commitment? Draco felt sickened at the thought of it.


"No, I'd rather not." he told her, then efficiently strode off, leaving Georgina crushed at his short reply. She should have known that's what he's like and that's what he does. He was Draco Malfoy.

Draco found Crabbe and Goyle standing on the outskirts of the room, alongside Theodore Nott.

"Nott," Draco said acknowledging him, "Crabbe, Goyle."

They nodded back.

"How has your father been?" Draco asked Theodore.

"Pretty good actually. He's been going to the Ministry a lot though recently, your father hasn't as well, has he?" Theodore said.

"Yeah, a fair bit. Why's that?"

"Well he barely ever goes and I'm wondering if it's something to do with the Dark Lord." replied Theodore more quietly.

Draco shrugged, "Maybe. I mean, Father does go pretty often for other reasons but not usually this time of the year, and he has been, so it might be."

Theodore nodded, "My dad never tells me anything. Crabbe and Goyle know nothing either."

"That's nothing new," Draco said in an undertone, looking over at the two who were standing thuggishly, not even paying attention to the conversation. "You don't know anything about that snake thing that happened at the Ministry before Christmas?" He asked Theodore.

"The snake that attacked the blood-traitor Weasley's father?" Theodore asked.


"Nope, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's something to do with Death Eater business too."

"Alexia reckons it is also."

"Speaking of Alexia," Theodore commented, looking behind Draco where Alexia was walking towards them. With her was Daphne.

"Evening boys," she said, "Theodore! You came!" she smiled, giving Theodore a friendly hug.

"Hi Alexia, how are you?" he asked after hugging her back.

"Great, thanks."

"That's good. Hey Daphne, good to see you. How about you?"

Daphne smiled, "I'm good. How was your Christmas Theo?"

Alexia grinned at Draco, "Those two would be sweet together," she whispered.

"Not as sweet as us," Draco teased.

"We would not be sweet." Alexia stated, fiddling her champagne flute in her fingers.

"You're right. We'd be bad, and we both know you like bad." Draco said smugly.

Alexia scolded, but was interrupted by Daphne before she could say anything.

"Hey, Theo's going to introduce me to his uncle who's a journalist for the Prophet. You don't mind if we leave you, do you?" Daphne asked Alexia and Draco.

"No, you go. Alexia and I will be fine," Draco said, "And them," he added, nodding over at Crabbe and Goyle.

"We'll see you later," Daphne voiced, heading off with Theodore.

"Looks like it's just you and I now," Draco said, grinning.

"Crabbe and Goyle are here also," Alexia reminded him in a snappy way, then took a long sip of champagne from her glass. When she finished she signaled a waiter and put the empty flute on their tray, and to Draco's surprise she didn't take another.

"Going easy on the alcohol tonight?" He questioned her.

She looked up at him, "I won't be if you keep pestering me," she grumbled.

The song the band were playing finished and several people clapped politely. One of the band members then invited anyone who wished to dance to the dance floor for the traditional New Years Eve Ball partner dance. Draco heard Alexia sigh; Laurel always expected Alexia to dance, and Narcissa usually nagged Draco to dance with someone also.

"Who are you dancing with this year, seeing as Zabini isn't here?" Draco asked.

Alexia shrugged, "Whatever sleaze over there asks."

Draco laughed, then looked down at his feet.

"I'll dance with you..." Alexia said shyly, "If you will ask me, that is."

Draco blinked at her several times, before giving in to a smirk. He held out his hand, "Will you dance with me, darling Alexia?"

Alexia looked down at his hand and gave a light laugh, "I would love too, dear Draco!" she said laughing and taking his hand and letting him lead her to the dance floor.

Before they reached the dance floor they were stopped by an interviewer who took a photo of the two and asked who Alexia was wearing.

"My dress is by Madam Rosalind, the dressmaker at Twilfitt and Tattings," Alexia told the interviewer and twirled around to show off the gorgeous dress.

"Thank you, Miss Burke." the interviewer said, jotting something down on his parchment. "I must say, the scent you are wearing is beautiful. May I ask what it is?" the interviewer asked.

"Thank you,"  Alexia smiled widely, "I concocted it myself actually. It's my own scent."

"It's wonderful! You have a talent! Thanks for your time."

Alexia shook his hand then continued with Draco to the dance floor.

The dance was just as easy as a conversation with each other. Their bodies were the communication and their movement was the tone. The rythym of the soft music was the speed, and them as dancers were the topic. Nothing else in the world mattered except them.

They moved around the floor smoothly and elegantly, like floating over water, the room blurring around them. The music was reasonably paced and the atmosphere was very glamorous and sexual. Draco realised Alexia had closed her eyes, she had been leading him up to now, but it was time he took control. He pressed her soft cheek snug into his neck. It felt right, it felt as if he would keep dancing forever if it meant she would stay close to him.

It took Alexia a while to realise and remember whose scent was consuming her nostrils and whose skin was against hers. Draco could feel her awareness and sense she was trying her hardest not to give him satisfaction in her reaction. He let a quiet snicker escape his lips.

Draco continued to lead them soaring amongst the other dancing couples, almost missing the lead to push Alexia away to spin her like the other couples were doing. As she twirled a full rotation, their eyes met, Alexia's fully denying the closeness they had just shared.

The music slowed, and so did they. Small and majestic movements brought them back down to earth. Alexia held Draco's gaze and they both fought the urge to laugh at the seriousness of the dance they had just shared. The final note fell and Draco dipped Alexia, placing her arm around his neck and lowering her until he supported most of her weight. The crowd watching, cheered for the dancers and musicians. Draco pulled Alexia back upright, "Thank you, Alexia." he breathed.

"No, thank you," she replied.


Just before midnight, Laurel got the guests attention to give her yearly speech.

"Thank you all for coming," she said, then went on to thank people in particular who helped for the night to go ahead. She would finish off by giving her best for the year before them; "Before the countdown begins and before we celebrate the new year, I think we should all take a moment to reflect on the year that has gone by. Let's remember our triumphs and failures, the friendships we made and perhaps even lost. The times we went out of our comfort zones and the times we stopped because of the fear of getting hurt. The new year will bring us another chance. A chance to do more, to give more, to forgive, to reunite, and to love!" Several of the guests started applauding and eventually the whole room errupted into applause, even Draco joined in. Laurel's face was content, "Now," she announced, "if you'd like to turn your attention to the windows behind you where the traditional light show will commence after the countdown to midnight!" 

Draco weaved his way through the crowd towards where he had spotted Alexia. She was easy to spot as she seemed to have a kind of heat radiating around her, making people nearby become more vivid, as if they were not quite alive before. She drew everyone in with her loveliness, if they hadn't been drawn in already. The men around her would be caught staring at her by their wives, and the young women would watch her with envy.

She looked to him and gave a brief smile, and then the countdown began.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

The dark, night sky outside the window was filled with light. Music started playing, making the empty glasses on the tables rattle. People cheered as the dazzling fireworks erupted bursting magnificent colours. They shot across the sky, rippling in the darkness and exploding. There were big fireworks and smaller ones, ones that whistled and ones that cracked and banged. After a good five minutes, the final huge firework illuminated the sky. It was officially a new year.

"Happy New Year, Alexia!" Draco said turning to her. But when he looked, she was not there.

Almost as instantly as he had come, she parted, disappearing into the wild crowd.

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