Enemies with Benefits

By FTSKfan1108

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He looked at me like I was supposed to agree. Did he honestly expect me to think that it was a good idea? Thi... More

Authors Note/Summary
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

26.8K 755 321
By FTSKfan1108


Through all of Friday, I still couldn't shake all that had happened the day before.

      Josh Ciro had kissed me.

      Eden liked Josh.

      It looked like Josh liked her too.

      Spencer and I were beyond confused.

       The fact that my best friend actually didn't care that I hated Spencer and decided it was okay to like his best friend, who I automatically hated as well, kinda pissed me off. I mean, seriously. If the roles were reversed, if Eden and Josh hated each other and Spencer and I were their best friends, we would hate each other, too. Right? So how come Eden thought I was okay with this?

     After her and Josh's little drooling session, she would not stop talking about him. How his shaggy brown hair reminded her of chocolate. Or how she would totally check out Pink Floyd, since Josh was wearing their shirt. And that his smile made her insides turn to goo.


   "Omigod. What if he calls me right now?" Eden asked me as we walked into school.

    "Why would he?" I asked. "He's going to see you today, anyways."

     "Do I look okay?" she asked. Her billowy blue top and golden belt around her waist made her seem thinner, and her eyes popped. Dark-wash flare jeans made her butt look good, and her golden pumps looked like they would give her blisters, but added a few inches. Overall, she looked awesome.

     "You look totally hot," I said. "He'll just die when he sees you."

     "He he, thanks." Eden giggled. "You don't look too bad yourself. Spencer will die when he sees you."

      I was wearing my favorite yellow super-skinny jeans, a black crop top with LOVE on the chest, a red tank underneath, and moccasin slip-on flats. I was going to---



     "Excuse me?" I said, stopping. I looked at her. "What did you just say?"

      "Spencer will die when he sees you," Eden replied, as if she just said Isn't the weather nice today?

      "Wha-why-I-huh, what?" I took a deep breath. "Why would Spencer die?"

      "Uh, cos you look hot?" She laughed. "Just because you guys hate each other doesn't mean he isn't attracted to you. And vice versa."

       Vice versa...I thought.

       What did---


      "Are you high or something?" I shook my head. "No, no no no no. I am not attracted to Spencer Katz. He's too, ugh. Just, no. Not -- no. Uh-uh. Gross. Ew."

     "Please, Ames. It is so obvious." She touched my arm. "How long are you guys actually going to keep pretending? Hating each other is so a million years ago. We're almost seniors, babe. Time to move on."

     "Look, Eden. I know you like Josh and you want me and Spencer to get along, but that will never happen. It's just natural. We were born to hate each other."

     She shook her head. "I don't buy it. Mark my words, Amy-bear. Someday, you'll look back and think, Wow. Eden is a genius. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not five years from now. But one day, you'll realize that I was right all along. You and Spencer,"--- she gestured to down the hall, where Spencer was talking on his cell phone, leaning against my locker---"Well, just wait. It'll happen. I know it will."

     And with that, she skipped off to wherever it is Eden goes.

     Whatever it is, it will never, ever happen.


      "Hey. Amelia."

     I was greeted by Spencer. He didn't seem to notice to get off my locker.

     "What." I didn't bother showing interest. I looked at my locker, then back at him. He was oblivious.

    "We're going to the mall tonight," he told me. I opened my mouth, but he shushed me and looked around. A couple seconds ticked by before he spoke. "Look. I hate you."

     I faux-gasped. "No. Since when? I haven't noticed."

     "Let me finish." He shifted his weight, but still didn't move away. "My hatred for you is infinite. It's kinda like God. It has always been here, and it will never end. Ever. Okay? Remember that."

      I arched a brow. "Oh-okay. What's going on?" I honestly didn't know why Spencer needed to remind me that he hated me. It was pretty obvious.

    He looked over my shoulder, and at the other end of the hall. "This should be a little more private."

    "Spencer. If you are going to literally kill me, at least let me say goodbye to Eden, Lena, and Mandy first. Maybe leave a note for my family?"

     "This is serious, Amelia." Something about the way he said my name, the way he emphasized it, made me actually think that what he had to say was important. "Like, extreme seriousness."

      I groaned. "What would something you have to say be important?"

      "This," he said. "Come on. We have a few minutes 'til final bell."

      We walked down the hall, ignoring the annoyingly curious bystanders. What, did they think we were gonna go make out? Son of a mother. Can't to archenemies take a nice walk down the hallway without it meaning anything? Sheesh.

      "Here," he said, turning into a janitor's closet. It was actually quite roomy. At least seven-foot by six. I moved some mops from touching me. Just too gross. "Now, what did I tell you before?"

      "Uh, that you hate me?" I guessed.

      "Precisely." He rubbed his hands together. "Don't kill me, okay? But last night an epiphany hit me in the face."

      "It won't be the only to do that in a few seconds," I grumbled.

       He rolled his eyes. "So, it's pretty obvious that Josh and Emma like each other---"

      "Eden," I said. "It's Eden. God, why is that so hard to remember?"

       "That's beside the point!" Spencer threw his hands up. "Please, for the love of God. Stop talking for a second." He took a deep breath. "Anyway. Josh wouldn't shut up about her. Oh, aren't her eyes so pretty? Her hair looks like sunshine!" Spencer's voice went into falsetto as he imitated Josh. "He also said he was going to ask her out. Me, being the best friend, he said, I need to get along with you. If they start dating, then we will see each other a lot more than wanted."

       "Can you please get the point?" I asked impatiently.

       "I hate you," he said. "But, there is something we can help each other out with."

       "And what is that?"

       "Devon dumped you 'cause you sucked at kissing and now you're lonely," he said. My mouth dropped open. Before I could speak, he shushed me again. "Carissa Toff said I need to be experienced before she dates me."

       "So?" I said, tapping my foot. "What does that have to do with anything?"

       "Carissa Toff is the hottest chick at school," he informed me. "And if she's interested in me, I'm sure as hell going to do anything. But, I haven't had exactly the most girlfriends in my time. That's where you come in."

       My eyes widened "You want me to be your girlfriend?!" My face formed into disgust.

      His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "What? No! Oh, Jesus Christ, no. Ew, just no." He shook his head, then looked at me square in the eye. "Have you ever seen the movie Friends with Benefits? The one with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis?"

     I nodded.

    "Well, kinda like that," Spencer told me. His eyes widened again. "But I don't want to sleep with you. I'm not that desperate. But here's the thing. I need skills. You do too."

     He looked at me like I was supposed to agree. Did he honestly expect me to think it was a good idea? Think again, buddy. I may not be the smartest, but I am no idiot.

     "B-but I hate you," I said, stumbling over my words. God, why did this happen?

     "And I the same, but you got dumped and I need experience, so what have we got to lose?"

    I considered this. Devon dumped me partly because I was a bad kisser, partly because I didn't put out, and partly, well, I don't know. I guess, I could some experience. And if Spencer got a girlfriend, he would be too wrapped up in her to bother me. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

     "Nothing around school, right?" I asked. No way was I going to damage my rep by acting like I liked . . . him.

     "Jesus, no." He shook his head vehemently, like the idea disgusted him.

     "So, like, enemies with benefits?" It had a nice ring to it, I had to admit.

     "Yeah," he said. He stuck out his hand. "Enemies with benefits."

    We shook on it.


Hi babe :)

Okay, so first off, I am so happy. Over the week I have gained over ten fans and lots of people are saying such nice things about this book. Let me just say that you guys mean the world to me and I absolutely love you ^_^

Secondly, I know this chapter was short but its more of a filler and I just wanted to upload the true beginning of the plot.


~I was going to wait until a different book that might be written to mention this, but I didn't want to wait too long. For the past couple of weeks I have seen/read many things on Tumblr, mainly about girls (and even boys) who like, hate themselves and want to kill themselves. It makes me devestated to think that teenagers have to go through this, so I wanted to say that if you ever, EVER need to talk about anything, or if you feel insecure (how you look, what you feel, weight etc) that you can message me any time on here, or on Tumblr anonymously, if you prefer. You can follow and message me on Twitter, too, I'll follow you back. I just hate to think that any of you feel insecure about anything. And if you know anyone who has a Tumblr or Twitter or even a wattpad account, PLEASE tell them to message me. I've been told I give good advice.<3 Whether its about your day or not feeling good about something, it doesn't matter. I'm always here for you. xx

Tumblr: irishhipster.tumblr.com.

Twitter: @d4rby1431D

You can skype me too, darby_FTSK (just say that you are from Wattpad,  so I don't decline thinking you're a stalker or something. Also, if you could include your username just so I can make sure, that'd be great.)

I'll upload chapter 7 as soon as possible, but since its almost summer (THANK  THE LORD) it might be a while.

I love you guys, thanks so much for reading my book, and message me anytime.

Bye for now xD

(And if you guys know any songs that would go with this chapter, PLEASE TELL ME! <3)

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