The Tour Life

By ilikebandfics

8.2K 205 47

A girl called Georgia had a terrible life from a very young age, beaten and absued. At the age of 13 she got... More

The Tour Life
Off We Go
Pathetic and in Love
409 In Your Coffee Maker
Heading Off
On The Bus
Hey Ho, Lets Go!
Night On The Bus
On The Roof
Day Out
On The Road
Stay The Night
Fell For You
Something Unpredictable
Your Living Nightmare
Baby Eyes
Attack Attack
Scream & Shout, Truth or Dare
1000 Hours


293 8 4
By ilikebandfics

Joey's POV
Georgia was in the bathroom getting changed into her swimsuit, us guys all got changed in the main room. It doesn't really bother us anymore if we get changed infront of each other. We all had our randomly coloured, Hawaiian patterned swimshorts on. My mom bought us all a pair for Christmas just been and they're really comfy so we all wear them. Even Seb has a pair! I suddenly remembered that Georgia gets conscious about her arms.
"Guys" I said, reacting to my sudden thought. They all turned and looked at me, I tried speaking quietly.
"Please don't ask Georgia about her arms, she gets worried about the scars"
"We wont" Cole said smiling.
Just on cue, Georgia walked out in a red with white spots, bikini. She looked amazing. I'm not one to judge girls on their bodies, but holy shit she looked hot.
"Urm guys?" She said awkwardly, we were all staring at her. I walked towards her to make the others snap out of it.
"You look nice" I said leaning down to give her a kiss.
"Thanks you too" she smiled and kissed me back.
"Shall we go?" I asked looking around at everyone. They all nodded their heads in reply. Georgia and I walked hand in hand towards the pool, the guys all walked ahead of us. I noticed Georgia had her free arm across her stomach.
"You don't need to cover your stomach sweetie" I said smiling sympathetically at her.
"I do..." She replied with a sad tone.
"No you don't you're perfect the way you are and I wouldn't change one thing about you" we stopped in the corridor to face each other.
"You really think that?" She asked surprised.
"I know that"
"Wow Joey... No ones ever said that about me before"
"Well I'm saying it now, and I'll say it as many times as I need to, you're beautiful Georgia"
"And you're perfect Joey, thankyou for believing in me"
"I love you Georgia, you know that right?"
"I love you more Joey, please remember that"
"No yo-" I was interrupted by her kissing me. A long, hard, passionate kiss. It lasted a few minutes until we realised that we were meant to be at the pool.
"Yes I do" she smirked as we walked hand in hand to the pool side. I saw everyone swimming about in the water, there was a slide and some diving boards too!
I jumped in the pool, purposely trying to make a big splash.
"No you dont" I grinned at her, I quickly swam towards the slide under the water before she could reply. She was still stood at the pool side when I got to the slide. I gestured for her to come over. She walked over towards me.
We climbed up the steps to the curly, bumpy slide with water gushing down it. I sat down and opened my legs so she could sit inbetween. Georgia sat down and I pushed us both down the slide, my arms around her waist and her hands clenched onto my wrists.
We fell into the deep end of the pool laughing our heads off. Why it was so funny, I really don't know but it was fun! We made a big splash as we both fell off of the end of the slide. We swam a little towards the shallow end and I picked her up bridal style.
"I love you most" she whispered in my ear.
"You dont" I whispered back.
"Woah woah woah guys we get it, you're in love and all that crap, but can you keep the whispering for when you're in bed alone? No one wants to know your dirty thoughts!" Travis said immaturely, but it made us laugh.
Georgia stuck her middle finger up at Travis then swam over to him. I followed. We all started to have a water fight because Travis thought it'd be funny to splash Georgia with water. Dad, Mike, Tre and Jason walked back from the bar the see the five of us in the middle of the pool splashing each other. Tre cannon ball jumped in and made an even bigger splash! The others eventually got in, we had so much fun!
It had been about 2 hours when we decided to get out of the pool and go to the bar, where the little stage was. We were all wrapped in towels and there was bar stools dotted around for us to sit on. Georgia came and sat on my lap, I wrapped my arms around her waist, she rested her head on my shoulder.
"SMILE!" I heard Max shout as he pulled his phone out to take a photo of us. The flash was on so Georgia and I both flinched.
"Really Max?" I said sarcastically.
"Yes really" he grinned as if he was a two year old getting candy.
We were laughing, having a great night having drinks. It was our one night to have fun, get drunk and just enjoy ourselves. The hotel was private for us so we knew that we weren't going to be harassed.
"What do you want to drink Gee?" I asked her, kissing her cheek after.
"Hmm, please can I have a Smirnoff Ice?"
"Sure" I ordered us both a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and we all just sat and joked around.
"Hey guys, Georgia and I are just gonna run back to the room quickly" I announced, this was a surprise to her, but she went on with it.

Georgia's POV
I jumped up off Joey's lap, he stood up and grabbed my hand. He lead me back to our hotel room. When we got there, he pushed the door shut and pulled my towel off me, leaving me in only my bikini once again. He pushed me against the wall, kissing my neck, up to my lips. He kissed me long and hard, he placed his hands at the very bottom of my waist. It got more and more passionate by the minute. He carried me over to our bed, still kissing me. He laid me down and held himself up above me. I felt his hands making his way down my waist.
"Joey, we can't" I said remembering we were sharing a room with the guys.
"Why not baby?"
"Anyone could walk in any minute"
"Meh" Joey flopped into his side and laid next to me. He put his arm across my stomach and pulled me onto my side so I was facing him. He moved a piece of hair out of the way of my eyes and stared deeply into them.
"You're beautiful Georgia" Joey said whilst stroking my cheek.
"I'm not" I said looking down towards mine and Joey's feet. Our legs were tangled within one another's.
"Listen to me sweetie," he put his finger under my chin and moved my head upwards so our eyes connected again, "you really are, you're everything I've ever wanted, funny, pretty, kind, just amazing, thankyou for sticking with me Gee"
"I should be thanking you Joey, no one has ever made me feel like you do"
He kissed me again and we just admired each other's presence.
"We best be getting back" I said sighing. I didn't want to leave, I love being on my own with Joey.
"Yeah I guess, I'm gonna change my shorts"
"Yeah I'm gonna put some shorts and a vest on"
I picked up my shorts and vest along with some underwear and went into the bathroom.
"You don't have to get changed in there it's only me!" Joey shouted making me laugh.
"Watch it mister" I said in reply and closed the door behind me.
I got changed into my underwear from my bikini and then put my black shorts and my red vest top on. I tied my hair up in a loose bun with the hair band around my wrist and walked back out into the main room. Joey was just picking up a shirt to put it on, he was wearing light brown shorts.
"You don't need that shirt" I said winking and taking it off him.
"You don't need yours either" he said putting his hands at the bottom of my shirt.
"Another time babe" I said standing on my toes to kiss him.
"Come on lets go back to the bar" I said smiling and holding my hand out for him to take. I threw his shirt onto our bed.
"I bet they're all drunk" Joey said laughing as we closed the door to our room. We reached the bar again, to see Billie and Tre slow dancing, yep, they were drunk.

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