Think Pink (Grease 2) ✔

By MichelleSmith473

37.2K 972 1.8K

'Till death do us part, think pink!' (Based on Grease 2) Highest ranking #1 in Grease 2 More

The Cast
Back to school, again
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Winter Formal
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 13

524 28 49
By MichelleSmith473

Paulette and Rhonda stood by the pinball machines in the Bowlarama trying to keep out of Johnny's way. Steph was a no show again and he was in a foul mood.

'He's really obsessed by that guy,' Paulette whispered referring to the mystery biker. 'He absolutely hates him.' Rhonda glanced over at Johnny.

'But why? He saved Davey.'

'I know but Johnny thinks he's invaded his turf so to speak.' Rhonda nodded, they both knew Johnny considered Steph to be part of his turf.

Rhonda lowered her voice. 'Do the rest of the t birds think the same?'

'Well they have to do what Johnny says,' Paulette said. 'We all do.'

Rhonda shook her head. 'I think Johnny's jealous. This guy rides better than him, and Steph is totally crushing on him...' Paulette was peeved, she didn't need reminding that Johnny still had feelings for Steph. Fortunately, their conversation was brought to a halt by Johnny calling them over.

'I've been thinking,' he said. 'We're going to have to do something about Steph.'

'What do you mean?' asked Paulette.

'She's damaging our reputation, I mean where is she tonight? Hanging out with her nerd friends?' Goose and Davey laughed but Paulette was confused.

'Who do you mean Johnny?'

'Well Shakespeare for one, I've seen her at rehearsals, and they're getting a bit too friendly for my liking.'

Paulette's heart sank, and she forced herself to smile. 'Michael's not so bad.'

'It's not just him though is it?' Johnny said ominously, and Paulette knew he was referring to the mystery biker. 'Since she doesn't want to hang out with us, maybe she should not hang out with us permanently.'

'Johnny that's not fair. Dimucci and Sharon aren't here tonight either.'

'It is Sharon's birthday,' Rhonda interjected.

'Yeah that's different,' Johnny said. 'And besides, they are not disrespecting the jacket.' Rhonda almost laughed but Paulette could see his point.

'So what, you're gonna throw her out the gang?' Goose asked. Johnny paused, adjusting his jacket collar.

'I'll deal with it.' They all exchanged glances; technically the t birds outranked the pink ladies so he could do it, however, Paulette wasn't convinced he'd follow through on his threat. 


Stephanie was working at her dad's service station on Saturday, she knew her friends all had plans with the t birds. She tried not to let it bother her but she sensed she was being excluded from the gang. Paulette was closer to Johnny now, and for all she didn't want him back she felt resentful that Paulette was blatantly taking her place. Sharon had made up with Louis, having completely let him off the hook, and both of them were pretending that nothing had ever happened.

Feeling angry Steph cleaned a car windscreen. It wasn't that she particularly minded helping her dad, he did pay her, but her friends had it easy in comparison. Paulette's dad gave her whatever she wanted, Sharon's mom had been left with a decent life insurance policy, and Rhonda's parents seemed to manage. She didn't think they really appreciated how she had to help her parents out.

She was lost in thought when a biker pulled up. It took her a moment to realise she was being stared at, and when she turned his way her heart almost jolted. It was that guy from the Bowlarama, the mystery guy. She smiled in recognition, then tried to rearrange her face, it wasn't like he knew her after all. She could hear a customer demanding her attention as the biker continued to watch her.

'Hey, you wanna ride?' he quietly asked, and her heart leapt. His voice sounded sorta familiar but she couldn't place it. Throwing caution to the wind she got behind him on his bike. She knew it was insane, he could be anyone, and she felt a rush of excitement run through her. They rode off, leaving her father protesting. She was gonna have hell to pay later.


Stephanie felt like she'd been on the ride of her life but all too soon the biker was turning around and heading back to the station. She guessed it was getting dark, and she was determined to find out who he was before he left. She hadn't even got his name yet! Getting off his bike she contemplated him, her nerves building up. They both opened their mouths to speak when he suddenly jerked his head, looking over her shoulder. She heard the roar of motorcycle engines and her heart sank. She knew without looking who it was.

'Check this out,' Louis called as the t birds pulled into the service station with Paulette, Sharon and Rhonda on the back of their bikes.

'That's the guy who popped Balmudo!' Davey exclaimed.

'Look who he's popping now,' Goose yelled. Stephanie stepped away from the biker feeling nervous.

'Hey,' she called. 'What are you guys doing?' She tried to sound nonchalant but she put herself between Johnny and the biker, expecting trouble.

'So what's the story with the creep on the bike Zinone?' Johnny demanded glaring at her.

'Yeah the story, the creep,' Goose added and Rhonda slapped him. Sharon got off Louis's bike and tried to intervene.

'Personally, I think that-'

'We don't care Sharon!' Goose and Davey snapped in unison, and Louis fronted up to them angrily. Steph ignored them, Johnny was her problem.

'Listen Zinone, no chick of mine messes with no other creep except this creep.' Steph opened her mouth to object but Paulette beat her to it.

'No chick of yours?'

'Someone's jealous,' Sharon piped up and Louis nodded, whilst Paulette looked tearful.

'Why don't you get jealous like that over me?' Johnny looked from Paulette to Stephanie.

'I ain't jealous!' He threw his arms out in frustration. 'I am trying to deal with Steph and this creep so don't go getting all hysterical on me.'

Paulette recoiled from him yelling at her. 'I think you'd better decide who belongs to who around here cos I'm getting all mixed up!'

She began to cry and Johnny looked exasperated. 'Paulette you're embarrassing me.'

Steph sighed feeling weary, she could not believe her day was ending like this. 'Just stay out of my life Johnny and we'll all be a lot happier.'

'I'm out! But I catch you with this punk one more time I'll rearrange his face!' Steph tried to put herself between them as Johnny advanced but the biker stepped around her, ready to face Johnny.

'This punk has a name,' he said quietly and Johnny hesitated. He watched as the biker took off his helmet and goggles.

'You!' he gasped.

'Shakespeare?' Goose asked in disbelief, while Rhonda and Sharon began giggling.

'Micheal....' Stephanie was dumbstruck. A mixture of emotions ran through her, but most of all she felt deceived. Why hadn't he just told her who he was?

'Right well, Mr cool rider, Shakespeare, Carrington...' Johnny blustered losing control of the situation. He made a move towards Michael who was astride his bike.

'Just get outta here,' Stephanie begged. 'Please go.' 

'Later Johnny,' Michael said insolently before he drove off.

Johnny was outraged. 'You're a dead man! DED!'

They all looked at each other awkwardly, Johnny had totally lost his cool.

'I think you should get going,' Steph said glaring at them all.

'Yeah come on,' Louis said to Sharon, and Goose and Rhonda followed suit. Johnny looked at Paulette waiting for her to get on the back of his bike.

'Steph can I use your phone to call my dad?' she asked quietly.

'Paulette, I'll give you a ride home,' Johnny said.

'No thanks, after you're performance here tonight I'm not going anywhere with you ever again Mr Nogerelli.'

Johnny looked taken aback. 'Oh come on Paulette,' he said reaching a hand out to her. She folded her arms across her chest, and with both Paulette and Stephanie starring him down, Johnny gave up and left.


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