Not That Kind of Change


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Casey Nelson is a 15 year old girl in 2nd year of high school with a best rfiend Erica who will be there unti... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Continue from Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Not That Kind of Change Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


            I woke up and I knew it was going to be an amazing day. I never knew anything could feel so amazing. Today was going to be the best day in the world I could just feel it. Today was September 4th, also known and my 1 year anniversary with Nick Bowman my boyfriend. He and I were going to spend the whole day and night together. I was so excited and we had been planning this day forever. We were going to go to lunch and then go back to his house and just be with each other for the rest of the night, holding each other and watch movies. Nothing could get in our way of being so happy right now.

          I had just gathered my things up when I heard a beep outside my house. My heart started pounding, I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning I was so excited.

          “Good morning!” I got in the car and kissed Nick.

“Well, good morning beautiful.” Nick said kissing me back and then pulling away from my house, “how are you this morning?”

          “I am amazing.”

“Me too, today is going to be just about you and I. Nothing is going to get between us today.”

          I was happy to hear him say that and even more thrilled today was today. Nothing could possibly ruin my mood. We drove across town to our favorite restaurant, Bonnie’s Lunch, and it had just hit 11:00 a.m. We walked into Bonnie’s and sat at a booth, Bonnie’s daughter Katrina came and took our order and we waited.

          “So, we have tonight all set, my mom and dad is going to be in their room downstairs, and Emily is going to be at her friends Sarah’s for the night. We have the whole upstairs to ourselves.” Nick said grabbing my hands and holding them.

          “Cool, it will be nice and quiet.”

          Our lunch came and we just conversed and had a great time. I felt as if I had never been this happy before. Nothing could have been better. After we ate we both shared a smoothie, yes I know old fashioned. Then we went back to Nick’s house and went upstairs to his room.

          “So, what do you want to do?” Nick said plopping on his bed.

“Anything, what do you want to do?” I said lying next to him.

“Well, it is almost 2:00, so maybe we could just sit for a little while and watch some TV then, at 6 we can eat dinner and then watch a movie for the rest of the night and just lay here. How does that sound?” He said propping himself up against his wall.

“That sounds perfect.” I said propping myself up next to him.

“Good.” He cupped his hands around my cheek and kissed me.

We watched TV for a while and just hung out. At 6 we were called down to dinner. After we ate we returned to his room.

          “I am stuffed, what about you?”

          “Yes, I am too.”

          We sat down on the bed and it was now almost 7:30. We sort of just stared at each other for a few minutes, and then turned back to the television. It was now almost 9p.m. we had just heard his parents say goodnight a few minutes ago. I had in the meantime gotten closer to him and he set his arm around me, cradling me. My hands lied on my leg and he slide his fingers into mine, holding me, I felt very close to him. Closer to him than I ever have. It felt almost passionate. I felt love, true love.

          “Casey?” Nick looked at me with passionate beautiful piercing blue eyes.

          “Yes?” I turned my body to face his, now, our bodies were touching.

          “I love you.”

          “I love you too.” I smiled, then, he kissed me. I felt all passion that was roaming between us within the last few moments. He gave me this amazing sensational feeling, my heart pounding, I really do love him. My eyes were just bolted shut, I let him kiss me. He leaned over more so the top half of him was on top of me, but his lips never unlocked from mine. His hand slid up and down my side, at first I felt like it was nothing, but then it clicked on me what he was going forward to try and do. I wasn’t going to stop him, I have wanted to for a while, but I knew it was wrong. I would feel horrible to stop. I let him continue even though every minute and every move he made had made me feel more regret. I would feel like an idiot to make him stop, I knew I would pay for this.     

          Nick’s hand kept sliding, he reached my thigh. Then I really started to feel regret, and shame, not to mention scared. I can’t believe I am letting it go this far.           

          “Nick?” I opened my eyes and pushed him away for a moment.

          “Yeah Case?” He looked at me.

          “I…I don’t know.” I stuttered.

          “Don’t be scared, it’s ok I promise.” He tried hard to convince me everything was going to be ok but I was still really tense. I was scared but I tried hard to calm down, I even tried to let him continue hoping I would forget about being scared and let it happen. Though I just really wanted to stop. But, I was too late, we went all the way.        

          His hands motioned onto my stomach under my shirt and around my back, he lifted me and turned me over on top of him and my shirt stayed behind me.

          “You’re beautiful.” He glared at me with passionate eyes, now I was gaining confidence that things were going to be ok.

          I felt amazing, still scared but by the time I actually began to feel relaxed, it was over. I can’t believe we went all the way, I never imagined this, and it was unbelievable.

          “Are you ok?” He slightly sat up and looked over towards me.

          “Uh, yeah, I’m ok.” I stood up and I decided I would get into my pajamas because now it was after 11 p.m. I was totally exhausted. I lied back down on the bed next to him, I got under the blanket and faced away from him, I seriously could not believe what just happened. I tried to get my mind away from it, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. My dream had been horrible, in fact it was a nightmare. My nightmare was a repeat of what happened and then I was pregnant, I was in the middle of the part when I was looking at the + sign on the test, that is when I woke up and screamed in the middle of the night.

          Nick flew up, “Are you ok?!”

          I panted and I looked at him, “Yes… I’m fine.”

          “Why did you scream then?”

          “Uh, bad dream.”

          “Casey are you sure you are ok? You have been weird for the last few hours.”

          “I don’t know, I just didn’t expect to do that Nick, and I didn’t think of anything about it until now. I’m sorry.”

          “Don’t be, it’s my fault and I shouldn’t have tried anything, I just thought that it would be sort of romantic if we did it on our 1 year anniversary.”

          “No, it isn’t your fault, it happened, so it’s both of our faults.”

          Nick leaned over and kissed me, “I love you.” Then he laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. I laid down facing him this time, he turned around and looked at me, “Try and go to sleep.” He ran his fingers through my hair, I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep in his arms.

          We both woke up at about 10 am on that Sunday, we were devastated to think that we have the first day of school tomorrow. I don’t complain too much about it though, it will be my 10th year, so 10 years I have had perfect attendance, I was ready.

          “Good morning.” Nick said turning over and kissing me.

          “Good morning.” I said back, I got up and stretched.

          We both got dressed and went downstairs, Nick found a note from his mother, it read:

          Nick and Casey,

                        Mark and I went to work, we will be home at 7:00 pm and we are going to pick Emily up on our way back home from Sarah’s. Have a great day!


P.S. There are things to make waffles on the counter top.

            I read the note and Nick made the waffles then we sat down and ate them.

          “So how did you sleep?” Nick asked taking a bite from his waffle.

          “I slept alright, you?” I took a bite of mine.

“Pretty great, I loved having you next to me.”

          I felt like something had changed between me and Nick, like there wasn’t a spark anymore, we were losing touch. I felt like this, last night, was the end. After we ate breakfast I told him I was going to go home and get ready for school tomorrow. I only live right across the street from Nick; I kissed him and left. When I got home, the house was trashed, beer cans scattered the floor, dirty clothes and pizza boxes on the counter. My mother’s door was closed so I knew she was in there, with a man, another drunk man. I rolled my eyes and walked over the mess and went to my bedroom. My bedroom consisted of a mattress on the floor, a plug in lamp and a dresser desk thing. The dresser was probably the nicest thing I owned, the one and only thing that my dad left me before he moved across the country to New York for a job. Though I knew he probably only left to get away from my mother, my mother and I live in Denver, Colorado.

          I sat down on my mattress and laid there for a few moments staring at my ceiling. For a very slight moment I felt as if I were my mother, I felt like a slut for having sex before marriage, and at 16 years old. I didn’t let it overcome me; I was absolutely nothing like my mother, except I had her hair, her long light brown hair that laid down to the lower back. I hated even having the same feature as my mother, I hated that she was my mother. Meredith Casey Nelson, yes this is where my name came from. I hate that too. My mother was nothing but a hooker, she spent half her life in bed with a different man every night, the other half was making the profit to actually keep the apartment we live in, she worked at a drug store around the corner from the apartment building so she didn’t have to take a cab, she can’t drive and we can’t afford a car.

          Now thinking all about my life here, I really could not wait until school tomorrow, my freedom, my home. I simply loved school because I could be me, and it was my ticket out of hell. Now it was noon time, I was still laying on my bed, so I got up and walked out into the kitchen to see if we had any food in the refrigerator, I opened it and we had very little, I pulled out our last apple and ate it. I turned around to see if my mother was still in her room, nope, the door was open and she was gone. Why’ll she was gone I cleaned up the house, I got rid of the boxes and put all the laundry in a basket and went downstairs and did it. By time I finished cleaning up the pigsty it was well after 2 pm. I left the apartment and went to go Erica’s house I knew she would be home.

          Erica is my best friend, she has been since 1st grade we always hung out with each other, I spent half of my life at her house because I didn’t want to see the drunks my mother brought in so I went to her house, her family is like my second family. Her house was only a few blocks from mine, I reached her house and I walked up the steps and knocked. Her mom answered and said, “Hi Casey, Erica is upstairs in her room, go ahead.”

          I nodded and smiled and went through to Erica’s room, when I walked in she was sitting on her bed reading a book.

          “Hey.” I said sitting across from her.

          “Oh, hey, what’s up?”

          “Nothing, my mother is out and I was bored.”

          “Oh,” she looked at me oddly, “are you ok? You look sort of, awkward.”

          “Yeah, I was-am fine.” Damn, I said was.


          I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed, “yes, was…Nick and I…had sex.”

          “What?! Are you ok?!” She leaned forward like an anxious puppy dog would when you are about to give it a treat.

          “Yes, but I feel like now that we went all the way, we don’t like have any spark with anymore, there isn’t a great passion when I see him.”

          “Case, it is nothing to worry about, your just in over your head, it’s just an after affect.”

          I shrugged my shoulders and fell back on her bed, “I don’t know.”

          I ended up staying the night at Erica’s house, I didn’t feel like having to wake up to seeing her door closed tomorrow morning. When we got up she lent me a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to wear to school, Nick picked us up at 6:30 and drove us to school, I was so excited to start school. We got to the school and Erica and I got out and walked into our entrance of the school.

          Our school is divided into separate parts, basically its four big squares connected by the cafeteria. It’s a big cross. Erica and I were in the West wing which is for 10th graders, where all the 10th grade classes are and where we are isolated from the rest of everyone, except the lunches, which is 9th and 10th grade lunch, then 11th and 12th grade lunch. Nick is in 11th grade so he is in the East wing the exact opposite side from me. Each grade consisted of 100 students, approximately.

          When we first walked in there was 2 large size tables with 5 women sitting there and in front of them was stacks of schedules and a paper taped to the table with, A-F, G-K, L-P, Q-U and V-Z by last name. I walked over the 3rd woman L-P and she said, “good morning, last name please?”

          “Uh... Nelson, Casey.” I folded my arms and she flipped through the schedules.

          “Here you go. Today is an A day, please report to your first class.” She said handing me the schedule.

          I walked over to Erica at the 1st woman, who said, “Erica Carlson?” Erica nodded and took the schedule and reviewed it.

          “What do you have first?” I asked trying to look over her shoulder at her schedule.


History with Ms. Jackson. What about you?”

          “I have Chemistry with Mrs. Jones. Do we have any classes besides lunch together?”

          “Let me see your schedule.” I compared the schedules, “Yes we have English period 4, French period 5 obviously lunch and gym on B days period 6. Not too bad I guess. Oh and we have Trig together period 3. That is awesome!”

          I was excited to have Erica in a few of my classes, she took art and dance  instead of choir or band for her electives. I waved to Erica and I went to Chemistry when I walked in I was the first one in the room, I guessed people were still trying to get there schedules, or get to school, Erica, Nick and I had a habit of being early to school.

          “Good Morning, name please?” Mrs. Jones asked me.

          “Um…Nelson, Casey.” I quickly examined the room to determine where I should sit. There were 4 rows of large black tables with 4 in each row. I picked the last row farthest from the door, 2nd seat. I figured I wouldn’t look very dorky sitting in the front and center row, I am a big school freak, I have always gotten straight A’s. Within the next 2 or 3 minutes the room flooded of 15 more students, they have always been small classes. I sat by myself, I didn’t know anyone really, I mean I knew them but we were all nothing but acquaintances. I personally didn’t mind being by myself, however 2 girls sat behind me, everyone else picked seats on the other 3 rows. There are some people in here who have been my classmates since elementary school, and they all know I am a big brain.

          “Good morning everyone!” Mrs. Jones said to the class. She was so perky and cheerful her short blondish brown hair bounced like a 5 year old in pigtails. Throughout the class she just went over the syllabus, what we will be working on, everything that happens on the first day.

          After a very long period the bell finally rang and I went to Global History, I passed Erica on my way and she said, “How is Jones?” I chuckled, “How is Jackson?” We both laughed and kept going.

          I got to Global History and yet again was the first one there, I didn’t have much of a reason to stop in the hall and chat and such. This class had the chairs and desks set up differently, I picked the 3rd seat in the row against the windows, it seemed cozy. Global wasn’t so bad, but yet again because it was the first day of school it dragged on of expectations. The rest of the day sort of dragged on like that. Lunch was in between French and P.E or Study hall depending on the day. Then after Study Hall or P.E I went to choir and then band. I play the alto saxophone. I took a special interest in my choir teachers Mrs. Rays. I wasn’t sure why but she was nice. I think she may be my favorite.

          The day finally ended but unfortunately I went home. When I got home my mother was gone, she must have been at work or something. The house was yet again trashed. I got the laundry and separated when I walked into my mother’s room there was a hung over naked drunk on her bed passed out.

          “Oh my God!!!” I threw the clothes on the floor.

          He woke up and jumped, “Ahhhhh!”

          “GET OUT!!” I yelled and ran into my room. I was freaking scarred for life. I had absolutely no idea who he was, nor did I want to.  I absolutely freaked, then I finally heard the front door slam. He was gone and I was furious. That was the last straw with my mother.

          I went back out into the living room and sat on the couch and in about 20 minutes she was home. Today would be the day I spoke to her, since it has been months.  She walked in and I gave her a death stare.

          She broke the silence, “What?”

          “I walked in to your room to separate laundry and your man was on the bed, naked”


“And?! AND?!?!?! Are you serious, I was totally ok with having you and your men locked in your room I didn’t care, but now that they hang around after you leave naked, it is freaking ridiculous..”

“Do NOT get snotty with me you little bitch. This is MY house and who I want to have over and stay for as long as I want to is NONE of your business, you are lucky you still live here freaking free!”

“Whatever, but I did not appreciate that little strip show!”

“Where did Kevin go anyways?!”

“I told him to get out! I didn’t want a hung over drunken ass in the house while I was here, ALONE!”

“You did what!? Who do you think you are?!” She came over and smacked me so hard in the face I fell on the floor, she was a slut but powerful.

“You bitch!” I got up and punched her in the gut and walked out the door yelling “Slut!”

She opened up the door and stood in the doorway and yelled, “Like you’ve never had sex your just like ME!” Then she slammed it closed.

Well, now I had left my house, I decided I bugged Erica enough today, so I went to Nick’s house. I went up to the door and knocked, I knew his Mom and Dad were at work but Emily might be home. Emily is 13.

Emily opened the door, “Hi Casey.”

“Hey Em, is Nick home?”

“Upstairs, go ahead.” She smiled.

I went upstairs and Nick’s door was closed, I opened it slightly to see what he was doing and he was napping on his bed. I opened it and when I entered I closed it quietly and creped over to his bed. I laid beside him so we were facing each other and I kissed him and backed my head up. He opened his eyes and said, “What a beautiful face to wake up too.” Then he smiled and kissed me back.

“Why, thank you.”

We sat up and leaned against the headboard, “So what are you doing here?”

“Meredith and I had a fight..”

“Are you okay?” his eyes widened.

“Yeah, she smacked me and I fell back, so I got up and punched her in the gut and I walked out, then she called me a slut like her.”

“Dear god. Well I am glad you came here, because I am always going to be here for you.”

“Thank you. I love you.” I felt that spark again, Erica was right, it was just an after affect, I do really love Nick and I want to be with him forever. I am just very happy I felt passion again.

I was tired because now it was 6: 30 and his mom and dad would be home in a half hour so I figured I should go home.

“I guess I had better go home, your parents will be home soon.”

“No, don’t go stay here tonight, I think you shouldn’t be there tonight, I will text my mom and let her know, ok? We can grab you clothes in the morning.”

“Ok, thank you, do you mind if I take a shower?”

“Nope, go ahead. I might be downstairs when you get out, do you want something to eat or drink?”

“Um, maybe some water and an apple?”

He nodded and smiled, I walked into his bathroom in his room, yes, he has his own bathroom, I undressed and hopped in the shower. While I was in the shower I heard his mom and dad walk in the door, I could hear them talk through the vent in the bathroom.

“Who is taking a shower upstairs?” Theresa asked Nick.

“It’s Casey, do you mind if she stays the night?”

“Sure I don’t mind but, why if I may ask?”

“Her mother and her had a fight...she got smacked around a bit and left. Meredith called her a slut…”

“Poor soul. I feel so awful for her sometimes.”

For the first time I felt as if someone had cared about me. My life was a wreck, but I wasn’t complaining. However I am thankful to know someone cares.

I got out of the shower and I put my underwear and one of his tee-shirts on, they were long enough to go just under my butt. I stayed upstairs and Theresa came upstairs to say hello to me, so I quickly got under the blankets.

“Hello Casey.”

“Hi Mrs. Bowman. Thank you for letting me stay.”

“No problem sweetheart, you know you can always come here ok?”

“Thank you, I appreciate that, it isn’t the easiest across the street.” I chuckled a bit.

“I know, and we are all always here for you, no matter what.”

I smiled and she went back downstairs. Then Nick came back upstairs with a bottle of water and an apple.

“Nice tee-shirt.” He smiled and handed me the water and apple.

“Why thank you.” I smiled back and he sat next to me with his own apple.

Now it was about 8 pm and I was really tired now, I snuggled down under the blanket and it was up to my shoulders and within another half hour Nick had done the same and faced me. He smiled, he had smiled so much tonight, and then we drifted off to sleep. I was very content and happy until about midnight when we heard a loud rapping on the door downstairs. I jumped and got a bit scared. Nick jumped up and was alarmed. He got up and looked out in the hall and went downstairs, I was right behind him. The banging continued, we went down the stairs and his father and mother had beaten us to the door. Mark had looked through the peak hole and whispered, “It’s Meredith.” Nick looked back at me and had a frightened look in his eyes.

Now Emily had come out of her room and Theresa held on to her, Mark opened the door, “Meredith what are you doing here at a late ho…”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence when she stumbled and yelled, “Where the hell is my freaking slutty daughter?!” she was drunk, you could smell the alcohol in her breath.

Nick held onto me and Theresa told Emily to go back to bed then Theresa looked at us.

“Meredith, you need to leave, now.”

“Not unless my daughter is with me!!!!”

“Never!” Nick ran down and slammed the door in her face.

She yelled, “assholes!” Then she stumbled across the street.

I sat and cried on the steps, burying my face in my hands. Nick ran up the stairs and hugged me really tightly. He picked my face up and wiped the tears away from my eyes, “She is wrong, you are a beautiful amazing person Casey, do not listen to her, you are safe ok?”

I kept crying, but I nodded.

“Honey, you can stay here as long as you need too.” Theresa said, with agreement from Mark. Then Nick picked me up in his arms and brought me back into his room and laid me down on the bed and covered me up.

“Try and go back to sleep.” Nick said getting back into bed and cradling me. I eventually after a little while longer of crying eventually fell back to sleep. The rest of the night felt really short, it seemed as if a minute had gone by and it was 6 am. Nick had let me sleep in an extra half hour. I got up and Nick was just coming out of the bathroom ready for school, then he said, “Good morning, how are you?”

“I am ok, tired, but I am ok.” I stretched and got up, “I need to go get some clothes from my house.”

“Ok, let’s go and then you can come back here and get ready, if your mother is home I don’t want any conflict for you this morning. Ok?”

I nodded, I slid my pants on from yesterday just to go across the street, when I got there her door was closed, I figured I was safe then. Nick was at my heels to protect me, I tried to assure him it was ok if her door was closed, but he was determined to protect me. I grabbed a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt, then just as we were about to leave, the door flew open, “Where the hell were you last night?!” she screamed.

“She was at my house, safe!” Nick jumped in front of me.

“She is MY daughter, and YOU will NOT keep her from me!” She stormed in front of his face.

“Some mother you are. Come on Case lets go…” we walked out.

After I got ready and we got Erica we went to school, I had to use the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I had a bruise on my face from where Meredith smacked me. I figured I would get questioned but I would try and stay undercover, you know on the down low. I got the Chemistry I figured I was pretty much screwed when I got there first, again. However a bit of happiness went through me as when I got there the door was closed and locked and the lights were off, she wasn’t here yet. Now I thought maybe some more people would show up before she did. Unfortunately, I was wrong she turned the corner, so I turned my face to the opposite side so she wouldn’t see the bruise.

“Good morning, sorry I am running a bit late, traffic.” She set her bag down to unlock the door, I turned back to face the door and she turned around to grab her bag, damn.

I smiled like nothing was wrong, “Morning.”

“What is that bruise on your face honey?” She looked curious.

“I fell out of bed…” I stuttered out quickly so she didn’t notice I am a really bad liar. I quickly walked into the classroom and took a seat. Before she could come over and force and argument 3 other kids came in, then I thanked my lucky stars.

          Mrs. Jones went to go take attendance then she wrote something on a pink sticky note, then she walked over to my table and stuck it on the corner and walked away. It read:


                   Come see me after class. I will write you a pass to your next class.

          Great, just what I wanted trouble on the second day of school. Unfortunately, the class went by fast, way too fast. I stood up slowly when the bell rang so it didn’t look obvious I was trying to stay after for a moment, within seconds the room was clear except for me and Mrs. Jones.

          “You wanted to see me?” I sighed and crossed my arms, I gave it a little ‘lean to the side’ hip to give it attitude. I looked uninterested, and I was.

          “Yes, um, would you like to give me the real story behind that bruise?” she gave me the same attitude back, she was good.

          I added more, raising the eyebrows, “There isn’t anything behind it. I fell out of bed last night, no big deal.”

          She copied me, she raised hers, then she must have thought about it, she knew I would have given her even more attitude, she dropped her eyebrows, “Listen, I am not trying to hound you or get you in trouble, I’m just trying to help.”

          I dropped my attitude, “It’s really nothing.” I began my shy puppy look, I could feel the redness flowing in on my face.

          She walked around her desk and came right in front of me and then she put her hand on my shoulder, she was eyeing the bruise, “I know you are lying, Casey, did somebody hit you?”

          I turned my eyes the other side so I didn’t have to look at her, it was even weirder that she had her hand on my shoulder and I was like a foot taller than her, I nodded trying not to cry, because now my mind was consistently flowing of Meredith now.

          Mrs. Jones took her eyes off of me and saw a few students come in the door, one in which was Erica, “Come by at lunch just for a moment, please?”

          I nodded again and grabbed the pass she wrote out before and quickly walked out of the class, I wiped a tear that ran down my face. I saw the glare I got from Erica but ignored it. I walked quickly down the hall and I shed a few more tears. Before I got to Global History I wiped away the tears and tried looking like I hadn’t been crying. I walked in just before the bell and sat down quickly. I got an odd look from Mrs. Jackson but I ignored it, I just tried focusing on class, and it worked for a while but many thoughts started roaming in my head like, What if she tells someone? What is she going to say to me at lunch? What is going to happen to me? Now I got anxious and scared. I started crying again Mrs. Jackson glared at me and saw the tears going down my face and she gave me a ‘go ahead’ look to leave for a moment. I brushed past her and she whispered, “I will be out in a minute.”

          I closed the classroom door behind me and I slid my back against the lockers and sat on the ground, I put my face in my hands and put them against my knees and continued crying. Within 2 minutes I heard the door slightly open and Mrs. Jackson gave the class a mini assignment in her absence for the moment.

          “Casey? Are you okay?” Mrs. Jackson bent over and touched my shoulder.

          I picked up my head and wiped away a few tears and looked at her, “yes, I am sorry. I was thinking about a few overwhelming things.” I stood up and brushed off.

          “Why don’t you go to the bathroom and wash your face and come back, ok?” she smiled at me.

          I nodded and went to the bathroom, when I was walking back the bell rang and I quickly went back to go grab my things and go to Trig. When I got to Trig I waited for Erica and I knew what she was going to say, what the hell happened this morning? I already knew.

          Erica walked in and went to her seat next to me, “What the hell happened?”

          See, I told you, “she noticed the bruise and was curious.”

          “Geez Casey.” She shook her head.

          Lunch hit, I told Erica to go on ahead to lunch, and I was going to the bathroom, but I took a sly turn and went to Mrs. Jones’s room.

          I knocked on the door, “Hi Casey, come in.” I walked in and she closed the door behind us. We both sat down in chairs facing each other.

          “You wanted to see me?” I wasn’t going to even try attitude, I just wanted to get out of here.

          “Casey, who hit you?” She apparently wanted to get right to the point too.

          No more lying, “Meredith…my mother.”

          “Your mom?”



          “She is a drunken bitch.”

          She shook her head, “Have you come to any solution?”

          “I stay somewhere different really any night, my boyfriends, my best friend’s anywhere. Maybe once in a while I stay home but, whatever.”

“There is no dad in the picture?”

          “He dumped us years okay to work in New York, he really just wanted to get away from her.”

          “Hmm, well you’re what 16? I don’t believe there is a law against legally emancipating yourself from her, however you would have to be on your own”

          “I guess, may I go now, I don’t really want to be here, sorry.” I got up and left without another word. I have officially gone out of my comfort zone and into a zone I did not want to be in.

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