Dragon Descendants.

By Cj_Writes04

1.9M 81.9K 10.3K

Highest: #1 in Action! Elena lives in a world where dragons are well-known to man kind and tamed by... More

Character Profiles
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
EXTRA - Happy Valentines
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen - First Battle Day
Chapter Twenty!! - BATTLE DAY 2
Chapter Twenty-One - ASH VS BAILEY (Day 3)
Chapter 22 - ELENA BATTLE! Day 4
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
--Chapter 30--
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter **40**
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Sequel? Notes. - YES!

Chapter 31

21.9K 1K 32
By Cj_Writes04

Nightfall came, and I laid on Ashton's bed while he took the couch. In my mind all I could think about was the morning, and how everything was going to change.

"Can't sleep?" I see the black figure of Ashton sit up on the couch,

"Not at all," He answers.

"Same, with everything...how can I sleep?"

He stands up and stretches for a second,

"While you're up, Can you get me some water," I request. With no answer he walks over to the kitchen. "It weird how... not even a year ago I was a normal girl, bored with life. And now I am at a dragon school, preparing for war.

"It is strange huh. I never expected to meet a girl at this school, and have her sleep in my bed." He says putting the cup down before opening the curtains "Not in a dirty way," He quickly adds as I laugh. The moon light floods onto his topless body, and then spills into the room.

He sits down on the bed as I sit up.


"Yeh?" He turns towards me,

"The truth is... I'm scared." I confess,

"Well we all have to get scared sometimes. Whether it is the dark, spiders, or a dragon war, everyone gets scared."

"Yeh... I know. But it just feels like a part of me is screaming... and no one will listen to me. I have been lied and deceived too many times."

"I'll listen."

"I know you do. It is nice to have someone that listens. I am just worried that if I am the one who has to send these dragons back... and if I fail the world will-"

"You will be able to. It's you,"

Suddenly the room begins to shake we both get up an look out the window. People scream, and then fire.

"They are here," Ashton rushes to his draws to get changes quickly,

"Get changed!" He yells, I quickly put a jacket over my top I am already wearing, and I put long pants on before Ashton storms out with a sword.

"Ashton!" I yell as he rushes out. I quickly slip my other boot on, grab my sword and then follow him.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we push through the crowds,

"We need to get with our squad, we need our dragons. They are here,"

"Who is here? Ashton, who?"

"Possessed dragons, and henchmen,"

We turn around the corner to see a dragon. Black covers the dragons veins, as we both draw our sword seniors jump out from behind us cutting the beast down.

"Elena, Ashton go!" I see that it is Zane and Robin. I try to stand my ground before Ashton grabs my arm and we both run down the hall towards our dragon.

"Aries!" I shout as Ashton and I push open the doors. I run into her stall to grab her.

"Aries!" I calm her down, "This is the real thing, you have to be brave. Understand.' I say staring right into her golden eyes. I saddle her up as I take her out to the courtyard, I stop to see my Aunt,

"Aunt Violet?" I question,

"Elena, we have to go." She says, Aries begins to jump at the presences of my Aunt... a female.

"What? I am going with Ash-" She grabs my hand and slightly cuts it open. "Hey!" I shout as I feel the pain my hand, she uses her thumb to take some of the blood and print it on her bottom lip. Aries immediately calms down.

"Elena! Ash!" Zane runs out of the building, "Who is this?"

"My aunt, what is going on?" I ask, as Ashton then joins me outside.

"Some of the dragons are closer then we thought." Zane explains, "Get on your Dragon," He orders.

"What are we going to do?" I ask as I sit on Aries, with my aunt on the back. As I sit a dragon bursts out of building. I am prepared to get off my dragon and fight,

"Go!" Zane yells,

"What?!" I question,

"Ashton follow me!"

I watch as Zane, Robin and Ashton begin to run off to help.

"I am coming to!" I yell,

"Go!" Ashton yells

"I am not leaving you here!" I tell him.

"I'll be fine,"

"So will I!"

"Aries, fly!" He ignores me as my dragon begins to fly off.

"Ashton!" I shout as I take to the sky.

"Elena, leave it. The school can handle it." She lectures,

"They should have let me help!"

"You won't have done anything."

"I am a student, I am as much of a warrior as any one of them are."

"No you are not!"

"Yes I am!"

"Stupid girl!" She shouts, "You are the key to winning this war. You die and everyone will. You are inexperienced, and weak, you will just get in the way! The dragons are attracted to anyone of dragon blood."

"So it is my fault..."

For the rest of the flight, we are completely silent, we land about 30 km from the school, in the forest where we set up camp, and I sulk, waiting...and waiting.

It will be dawn soon...


Short chapter, I know, but stay tuned for the next few chapters!

Lots of Love

<3 <3 <3

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