
By sayonanda

91K 5.3K 1.6K

ー "you're like a hairband- you hold us together," seungcheol always has hairbands ready for his best friend... More

001. i think you're nice.
002. i had fun today.
003. you seem different.
004. you like him.
005. they're your feelings.
006. you're really cute.
007. i'm not jealous.
008. i've missed you.
009. maybe i do.
010. i'm really tired of it.
011. i'm here.
012. please get over him.
013. i shouldn't have kissed you.
014. i'm sorry.
015. tekken's great (so are you).
016. thanks for today.
017. there's no way.
018. are you over him?
019. i like you.
020. for you, anything.
021. today was fun.
022. you'll be okay.
023. i'll be okay.
025. how was the party for you?
026. thank you for existing
027. you're a strange kid.
028. don't cut your hair.
029. everything okay?
030. glad things worked out.
031. now was that so hard?
032: he still loves you.
not a real update ya girl is just annoyed
033: i'm glad we're hanging out again.
034: i'm happy, because of you.

024. this is fun.

1.8K 118 51
By sayonanda

Seungcheol didn't go home, instead he decided to sleep over at Jeonghan's house. The last thing he wanted was to see his mother. But now that it's morning and Seungcheol desperately needed to shower, he has no choice. He shook the body besides him and when he got no reply, he pressed their foreheads together.

"Jeonghan," the younger groans but doesn't move. Seungcheol sighs and wraps himself around Jeonghan.

"You're fucking weird, Seungcheol." Seungcheol smiles when he hears Jeonghan's tired voice. He pulls away from his boyfriend and looks down at him.

"Good morning, baby." Jeonghan groans at the pet name. Seungcheol strokes his hair back and repeats himself, "good morning, baby."

Jeonghan takes a deep breath, "good morning, babe." The older smiles and kisses the top of his head. He crawls out of the bed, making Jeonghan groan again. "You were so warm; why would you walk away?" He whines, rolling around.

"I have to go home," now Jeonghan sits up, the blanket wrapped around him. "Why?" Seungcheol puts on his shirt, "I need to shower?" Jeonghan huffs and throws himself back down.

"Oh yeah, Junhui texted me while you were sleeping. You wanna go to his place later?"

Jeonghan squints, "for why?"

"He's throwing a party."

"So he can kiss another guy and claim he's straight?"

"Maybe. I'll see you later." Seungcheol grabs the rest of his stuff, kisses Jeonghan and leaves.

Seungcheol finally gets home after about twenty minutes (because he went to eat at the nearest McDonalds and wanted to take his precious time). He opens the door and luckily, he doesn't spot neither of his parents. He shuts the door and runs upstairs as quietly as he can. When he's gotten into his room, he grabs whatever he needs and shoves them into a bag before dashing out his house again and next door to Mingyu's.

It takes a couple of knocks before someone actually opens the door.

"Oh, hey." It's Joshua.

"Um, can I shower here?"

"What's wrong with your house?"

"Everything; just let me shower."

"Alright, Mingyu has a shower in his room." Joshua shrugs and step aside. Seungcheol steps in and slips off his shoes. He runs upstairs into Mingyu's room with Joshua following behind.

"Hey, you're back! Do you wanna watch Shrek or-you're not Joshua." Mingyu blinks and Seungcheol smiles, quickly rushing to the bathroom.

"Why's Hyung here?"

"He said he needed to shower."


Seungcheol snorts as he takes off his clothes. Just as he turns on the water, he hears a Dream Works movie start. Probably Shrek, knowing Mingyu. When Seungcheol's done stripping, he slips into the shower. He quickly does what he needs to, rinse, scrub, brush, and rinse again. He steps out and dries himself up and puts everything back into his bag before he starts to dress himself. Seungcheol walks out the bathroom with a towel on his head, shorts, and a tank-top.

"Um, Jeonghan's not here. You don't need so show off." Mingyu comments, munching on the mangos Joshua cut up.

"Shut up." Seungcheol drops his bag by Mingyu's bed and sits down on the floor. "Want a mango?" Mingyu pushes the plate towards him and Seungcheol takes one.

"Are you guys going to Junhui's party?"

"Yeah." Joshua replies. "Hey! You should dye your hair! I bought dye for Mingyu but he threatened to sit on me when I pulled it out. But now that you're hair, let's dye yours!" (a/n: hahahaha)

"I'll sit on you." Seungcheol squints.

"I'm okay with that. You're less likely to crush my bones."

"Hey!" Mingyu says, pouting. Joshua pinches his cheeks, "it's a joke, baby. But come on Cheol, don't be a party pooper!"

"Who the hell still says 'party pooper'?"

"I do. Now let's start crack-a-lackin!" Joshua stands from the bed and pulls Seungcheol into the bathroom. Mingyu only glances before going back to eating the mangos and singing along to All Star.

About three hours and many struggles later, Seungcheol's hair is finally a whole different color than it used to be. It felt weird, but Seungcheol had to admit he looked very, very, very good. He steps out the bathroom after blow drying his hair and Joshua claps, amazed at how nicely it turned out.

"It's not the exact shade I wanted it to be, but it'll do." The American smiles.

"That'll do donkey," Mingyu says, in English and in his best impression of Shrek. "That'll do."

"Shut up, Mingyu." Joshua groans. Mingyu just huffs and goes back to watching Shrek 2.

"Is Mingyu okay? What's with all the Shrek?" Joshua just shrugs. "Look Mingyu!" Said male turns to the other two. He gives Seungcheol a thumbs up and returns to the movie.

Seungcheol figures he shouldn't tell Jeonghan, not wanting to ruin the surprise for when they meet up. He goes back to where he was sitting before.

Just as 'I Need a Hero' starts to play, Seungcheol's phone rings, resulting in Mingyu almost tossing the plate at his head. But he controls himself and throws a pillow instead. Seungcheol would have ruined him if it wasn't Jeonghan calling.

"Hello." Seungcheol says. "Go talk in the damn bathroom!" Joshua groans and Seungcheol gets another pillow thrown at him. The oldest of the three comply and walks into the bathroom.

"Are you with Joshua?" Jeonghan asks.

"Yeah. I showered here in case my mom or dad was home. What's up?"

"I'm hungry."

"Did you eat?"

"Yeah but I want... cake."

"Get cake."

"That's too far!"

"Fine, I'll be there and I'm bringing Mingyu, Joshua, and Shrek."

"Fine by me," and with that Jeonghan hangs up.

Seungcheol steps out and changes into jeans and just slips on flannel before grabbing a hat. "Guys, we're going to Jeonghan's."

"Um, we," Joshua says, pointing between he and Mingyu, "didn't agree."

"I'm buying cake." Joshua scrambles off the bed, nearly falling off. Mingyu can't help but groan as he gets up from the bed as will. He ejects the movie and puts it back into his case.

"Bring the movie, Gyu." Seungcheol says once they're all ready to go. Mingyu just groans again and grabs it.

They walk to the nearest bakery and Seungcheol orders a red velvet cake and a cheesecake. He grabs a couple of drinks too before they leave.

Seungcheol couldn't help but feel like a third wheel while walking with a lovey dovey Mingyu and Joshua who'd boop each other's nose for no damn reason at all. Fortunately, it's not very long. So when they get to Jeonghan's house, Seungcheol can't help but feel happy to even look at him. He was glad he didn't have to third wheel anymore.

Everyone walks up to Jeonghan's room  and Seungcheol sets the cakes and drinks onto the table. And until Junhui calls them over, the four of them sit there in Jeonghan's room watching Shrek 3 and eating cake.

And after a long hour, Jeonghan finally notices Seungcheol's hair.

"Oh! You dyed your hair!"

Seungcheol really didn't want to ask.



i'm deading

wig: not found


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